Category Archives: Barack Obama

Free Nobel Peace Prize With Oil Change

Stephen Steinlight sends this along:

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Dennis Prager’s Nightmare

On his radio show Monday, Dennis Prager said: “I have a nightmare for this country — anything that physically harmed this president. It is my nightmare. I can not think of a single worse thing, short of a nuclear terrorist … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Couple Not On Guest List Attended State Dinner Tuesday at White House

The Washington Post reports: A couple of aspiring reality-TV stars from Northern Virginia appear to have crashed the White House’s state dinner Tuesday night, penetrating layers of security with no invitation to mingle with the likes of Vice President Biden … Continue reading

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Will The United States Survive Barack Obama?

I see that Barack Obama bowed to the dictator of China. That makes me feel proud. Dennis Prager said on his radio show today: "The sense of worry that many Americans have right now about the United States is the … Continue reading

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Black America’s Attachment To Barack Obama

Dennis Prager did his radio show today from Zambia. He notes that a new poll shows that only 19% of Americans believe Obama that healthcare reform won’t add to the federal budget deficit. "The man is so far left that … Continue reading

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