Category Archives: Education

Jewish Day Schools

Joe emails: Orthodox day schools cost a lot because they essentially have to pay two staffs. The secular staff that teaches the same hours as public school, in a somewhat less dangerous environment (jews wield a sixth sense, not a … Continue reading

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Why Do Jewish Day Schools Cost Three Times As Much As Roman Catholic Day Schools?

You can send your child to a Roman Catholic day school for $6,000 a year. If you want to send your child to YULA or Shalhevet and you have to pay full price, that will cost you about $20,000 a … Continue reading

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Your Conversion

John emails: I started reading your blog a few months ago when I was looking for "porn" and found your blog which is much more revealing and entertaining. I went thru your profile’s page and thought it was very informative. … Continue reading

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Track The Valedictorians

Jeff emails: "the idea is to write a series that tracks the valedictorians of both yula and shalhevet. to be fair you dont use their names just yula 200X or shalhevet 200X. start with 2004 bec those students should be … Continue reading

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Modern Orthodox Education aka How Men Can Control Their Sexual Urges

From Hirhurim: There is a fascinating special issue of Meorot (formerly The Edah Journal), guest edited by R. Nathaniel Helfgot and focusing on Modern Orthodox education (link). What follows are rough notes that are even less reliable than my normal … Continue reading

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