Category Archives: Rabbis

Don’t Expect A Rabbi To Honor Your Request For Confidentiality

A rabbi, unlike a priest, has no binding religious law compelling him to confidentiality. I keep seeing people again and again confiding in rabbis, asking for confidentiality, only to have to it blow up in their faces when the rabbis … Continue reading

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May God save the children of Israel from their leaders

When NYPD Chief William Bratton leaves, and his policies are rolled back, and the crime and chaos begins like before, remember tonight, rabosai. Just like the chasidim, the neo-chasidim pay no heed to rational thinking or reality. Like the regular … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuel Kamenestky Opposes Vaccination

Marc B. Shapiro writes: There has recently been a lot of discussion about R. Shmuel Kamenetsky’s statements against vaccination, even against the polio vaccine(which he sees as a money-making scam). Understandably, there have been many negative comments about R. Kamenetsky, … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Has Its Own Barry Freundel

The Modern Orthodox rabbi arrested in Washington DC yesterday on charges of voyeurism has a long history of accusations reported to rabbinic organizations about his improper behavior with women, similar to Rabbi Abner Weiss in Westwood. Rabbi Weiss is still … Continue reading

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How Many Orthodox Pulpit Rabbis On The West Coast Earn More Than $500K A Year?

I am sure Rabbi Elazar Muskin at YICC and Rabbi Kalman Topp at Beth Jacob earn (or could earn) over $500,000 a year (counting all benefits and tax advantages and paid tuition for their children, unless the rabbis decline this … Continue reading

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