Category Archives: Alexander Technique

The Scandal-Free World Of Alexander Technique

Go ahead and Google “Alexander Technique.” Look for scandal. Look for debunkers. You won’t find much. I’m unaware of anyone who’s regretted his Alexander lessons from a certified teacher. I don’t know of anyone who’s gotten hurt from becoming aware … Continue reading

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Bored Alexander Technique Teachers

Perhaps the biggest secret of Alexander teachers is that many of them are bored out of their minds as they do their work. After the thousandth time you’ve told somebody to free his neck, to think up and to allow … Continue reading

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When My Computer’s Not Working, I Can’t Think About Anything Else

I’m easily shaken. This morning as I was reading Instapundit, my computer monitor stopped working. I couldn’t fix it in the 15 minutes I had before I left for school so during the three hours of my training this morning, … Continue reading

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Even University Professors Need Alexander Technique

Monica has known me since 2004. She says: “One of the biggest changes I’ve seen in you is an overall calmness. You seem more at peace. There’s a new kind of serenity. Previous to you [taking up the] Alexander Technique, … Continue reading

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Interview With Pasadena Alexander Technique Teacher Bill Plake

Bill Plake blogs about what led him to the Alexander Technique: All had been going well by this principle until I reached the age of about forty. I very gradually began to notice that my performing and practicing were becoming … Continue reading

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