Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Change Your Posture, Change Your Life

I interviewed Alexander teacher and author Richard Brennan today. (His Robert Rickover interviews on posture..) Richard: “I wanted to be a doctor first, then a teacher.” “I couldn’t do the chemistry to become a doctor. I took a few years … Continue reading

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The Alexander Technique Teacher’s Code Of Conduct

When I converted to Orthodox Judaism, I affirmed that I would live up to its numerous demands. When I entered Alexander Technique teacher training, I was expected to live up to AMSAT’s code of conduct. The following part of the … Continue reading

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Pitching The Technique

I just finished my three years of teacher training last Friday, Dec 9. I’ve launched my practice at (if anyone wants to give me any feedback or advice). I’ve been pitching the Technique via personally addressed email to attorneys … Continue reading

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The Fierce Struggle For Purity

Today is the first day of Hanukkah, a minor eight-day Jewish holiday that gets a lot of press because it falls near the end of the Western calendar year and is thought of by the goyim as the Jews’ version … Continue reading

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I Sometimes Push Too Far

I’ve been getting into squats the last few weeks. I heard they were good for you. The other day while talking with a friend, I did a ton of squats. A little while later, my left knee started bothering me. … Continue reading

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