Category Archives: Alexander Technique

How Should You Walk The Mean Streets Of Pico-Robertson?

Leaving a Shabbat dinner the other night, I was advised by the hostess to watch out for muggers. Don’t let anybody sneak up behind me. There have been three Orthodox Jews mugged on Airdrome in the past month. I was … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Helps Musicians

From BodyLearning: Michael Parkinson, a bassoonist and Alexander Technique teacher in Vienna, Austria, talks to Robert Rickover about his own experiences with the Technique, and how it can help musicians. Michael writes: …[R]eplacing habitual patterns of movement with something more … Continue reading

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Why Should Children Study Alexander Technique?

“Gal Ben-or, an Alexander Technique teacher in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, talks with Robert Rickover about the usefulness of the Technique for children.” Gal: “The Alexander Technique teacher tries to teach his students how to use themselves properly.” Robert: “It’s … Continue reading

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I Want To Teach You Alexander Technique!

Learn to live with grace and ease! Let go of needless tension and bad habits. Take up your full space in the world! Let’s study Alexander Technique together! Check out my website I charge $100 for a 45-minute lesson. … Continue reading

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How the Alexander Technique can help Dancers

From BodyLearning: “Ariel Weiss, an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia, talks with Robert Rickover about the usefulness of the Alexander Technique for dancers. Ariel’s website: Robert teaches in Toronto and Nebraska: For more information about the Alexander Technique: … Continue reading

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