Category Archives: Alexander Technique

I Rarely Looked Happy

Yesterday a friend told me that he noticed in my old interviews, videos and photos, prior to the Alexander Technique, I rarely smiled or looked happy. Alexander hasn’t cured my underlying depression, but it has thinned it.

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Teaching Alexander Technique To Video Jew

Luke Ford talks to Jay Firestone of the Jewish Journal about the Alexander Technique, and how sitting in chairs with back support weakens the back, leading to more desire for back support and a vicious cycle of dependence and weakness, … Continue reading

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Teaching Alexander Technique On Pico Blvd 90035

My Alexander Technique teaching website is Photos by Keyvan Sharouz.

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$100 Students Are Easier To Work With Than $25 Students

About six months ago, I was giving a friend $25 Alexander Technique lessons. He bargained me down to giving him half lessons for $12.50. And this guy was my most difficult student. He didn’t want to do many of the … Continue reading

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The Benefits Of Constructive Rest

“Amy Ward Brimmer, an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia and Newtown, Pennsylvania, talks with Robert Rickover about the power of constructive rest for releasing harmful tensions. Amy’s website: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: More … Continue reading

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