What Will It Take for the U.S. Jewish Establishment to Break Its Silence on Trump?

Benjy Cannon writes:

American Jews overwhelmingly oppose Donald Trump. From the 72% overall who view him unfavorably to the prominent Republicans Jews who have loudly criticized him, there’s a broad American Jewish consensus that he should not be president. So why won’t certain elements of the American Jewish establishment to break their disturbing silence on his candidacy?
It’s difficult for major, powerful Jewish organizations to take certain political stances, even if they have widespread support. As someone who spent time in college encouraging leaders in the American Jewish community to take a stronger stand for a two-state solution and against the occupation in my capacity as J Street U president, I can attest to that first hand.
Many American Jewish organizations stake their power on claiming to represent consensus positions in American Jewry. It’s no secret that on Israel, parts of the Jewish establishment are out of touch with the majority of American Jews. For years, umbrella Jewish organizations such as the Conference of Presidents have purported to represent American Jews while repeatedly refusing to take a stance on issues like settlements, which most American Jews oppose.
And yet, I’ve often met with communal leaders who understand how our community’s politics on Israel are changing, but their aversion to controversy has left them unable to tackle thorny issues such as settlement construction and Palestinian human rights. They fear donor pressure, charges of partisanship and headaches from longtime supporters. That fear makes adapting to rapidly shifting politics a struggle.
That same fear and paralysis might explain their silence on Trump. But it does not excuse it.
Many groups have done incredible work. The Anti-Defamation League, the Union for Reform Judaism and Bend the Arc have consistently challenged Trump’s racist and reckless invective. 28 American Jewish organizations signed a letter condemning racism and anti-Semitism in the 2016 campaign. But other groups – AIPAC,  the JFNA and the Conference of Presidents in particular – have remained absolutely silent.
That Trump has gotten this far should constitute a national emergency for all American Jewish organizations. Trump’s racist rhetoric and policy prescriptions threaten Muslims and Hispanic Americans, he lashes out at his critics with threats of violence and his frightening foreign policy would create a far more dangerous world.
These reasons alone should be enough for the American Jewish establishment to make every effort to stop him getting into the White House. But there are issues that speak even more directly to American Jews.
Trump directs much of his hatred toward migrants and refugees. As descendants of refugees ourselves, Jewish organizations, such as the Joint Distribution Committee – a partner of JFNA – have a proud history of welcoming the stranger and refugee resettlement.
Trump’s advisers and the GOP under him are moving away from a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a position at odds with the overwhelming majority of American Jews and the entire Jewish establishment.
Many of Trump’s vocal supporters are notorious anti-Semites. He waffled when asked to disavow David Duke – the former KKK grand wizard.  His Twitter account has re-tweeted neo-Nazis and a flagrantly anti-Semitic meme, juxtaposing Clinton, piles of money and a Star of David. There is nothing ambiguous about the vicious Jew-hatred that surrounds his campaign.
Growing up, I constantly heard that when racism of any kind gains traction, anti-Semitism is never far behind. For many of Trump’s supporters, it’s already here. Trump is the type of candidate who I assumed would have sent the entire organized American Jewish community into a tailspin.
Some groups have hidden behind their non-profit 501(c)(3) status, claiming it makes it impossible for them to speak out against Trump. That’s false. While they may not be able to endorse candidates they have every right to criticize Trump’s dangerous and outrageous statements and policy proposals. In fact, as JTA pointed out, there are some Jewish (c)(3)s who have loudly done so.
Take the American Jewish Committee (AJC), for example. They put out a strong statement in November criticizing Trump’s proposed-Muslim ban. In the months since, they have been silent, other than an op-ed from AJC Executive Director David Harris extolling the fact that both Trump and Hillary Clinton would be “firsts” for American Jews because they would bring Jewish families into the oval office.

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Trump Changed His Mind On German Leader Angela Merkel

Steve Sailer writes: “So, we see that Trump — what an idiot! — changed his opinion of Merkel when she changed her policy in late August 2015 and invited in her Million Muslim Mob.

“Here’s the transcript of Trump’s anti-Invade/Invite speech today.”


* He has said that he changed his mind on Merkel. I watch lots of Trump speeches & interviews on Conservative Treehouse and Trump recently made a point that he used to think Merkel was great but she has created a disaster with the refugees. But, of course anyone who changes their opinions in the face of overwhelming evidence is completely unfit for the presidency. We need a consistent blockhead like W, Hillary, or Obama.

* Trump has excellent instincts. I have learned from him, changed my views on a few issues. Birth right citizenship for one. That the US can have friendly relations with Russia. He was right to fault the migrants for not fighting for the homelands. Excellent that he speaks to the problems of young people in rural parts of the country. And of course trade with China.

* Critics called for Trump to ramp it down a few notches, and act “presidential.”
His latest speech took care of that. Brilliant. I might say “Reaganesque,” with a spoonful of Patton sauce.
CNN squawking heads have gone mad.
It’s kind of eerie. The fact that they’ve been in control, done so much damage for so long.

* Trump’s speech was his best yet. It’s a game changer. Amazing.

* It’s interesting to note you didn’t mention Hillary’s far more formidable challenges, which are:

1) Not having a seizure or stroke before the election.

2) Keeping Billy Joe’s sociopath mouth shut

3) Dealing with even more disastrous email reveals, and you KNOW they’re coming.

4) Billy’s rape victims coming alive and screaming at the press. Does Monica have some new information to add? Now’s the time to stick it to Hillary, and boy, she’ll want to. This is a gal who was labelled by Hillary as an unhinged stalker back in the day. Once in a lifetime payback opportunity for Monica. Either she’s got nothing, or she’s got something horrendously timed for Hillary.

5) Barely discussed so far, “Pedophile Island,” and Billy’s operative role there. Trump hasn’t delved into that yet, and he will. Hopefully at the debates.

6) Weiner. I can’t help but think there’s more stories about that sex addict that’s waiting in the wings. Remember if Hillary wins, Weiner will have White House access. Also, unfortunately named Weiner will provide ample blackmail opportunities thanks to his unmitigatable pervert ways. I believe that will be brought up in the debates also, in the interests of National Security.

7) Speaking against a major international policy you were once a proponent of is quite bizarre. If anyone is in danger of having the “loose-cannon” yolk around their neck going forward, it will be “American Merkel” and her delusional lame-duck, “International Mulatto” elf.

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Celebrity Big Brother’s raciest star Chloe Khan ‘started to convert to Islam in 2012 after marrying her convicted killer husband’

Women sure love dangerous men. Shocking that these men often end up killing them.

Islam attracts low-IQ types.

Daily Mail: Celebrity Big Brother star Chloe Khan studied to convert to Islam, it has been revealed.
The 25-year-old mother-of-one, who was evicted from the Channel 5 reality TV show last week, revealed to a follower on Facebook in 2012 that she was learning Arabic and eating halal food.
The Daily Star reports that she posted: ‘iv been studying islam for last 2 years and learning arabic ect n.iv only ever eaten halal all my life nt just since I gt marrid (sic)’.


And it was revealed that she also changed her name to Safia – an Islamic name meaning ‘pure’.

…It was reported earlier this week that Chloe’s estranged husband Mohammad Imran Khan is a convicted killer.
It has been claimed Khan was sentenced to four years imprisonment in 2013 after ‘killing a cyclist during an illegal street race’.
A 25-year-old man of the same name was jailed after killing Latvian Vitalijs Rozenbergs, 22, when he was struck by a blue Audi RS3 in Bradford.

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Oscar Morel Arrested For Murdering Imam, Yet Somehow Donald Trump Is To Blame

Non-Muslims don’t tend to like Muslims. Why? Because they have fundamental conflicts of interest. The growth of Islam in the West is always bad news for non-Muslims who want to preserve their first-world way of life.

Diversity and proximity always create conflict and tragedy.

How on earth is someone named “Oscar Morel” called a “Brooklyn man”?

If Muslims don’t feel safe in America, then perhaps they should move to a Muslim country. Few Americans will mourn their departure.


New York Times:

Two days after an imam and his assistant were gunned down after afternoon prayers in Queens, the police said late Monday that a man they had in custody had been charged in the killings.

The man, Oscar Morel of Brooklyn, 35, who was taken into custody late Sunday after the police connected him to a hit and run that occurred about a mile away from the fatal attack, faces two counts of second-degree murder and two counts of criminal possession of a weapon, the police said.

A police official said investigators had found what they believe was the murder weapon in the man’s home as well as clothes matching the description of what the gunman had been wearing during the shootings. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the gun was found inside a wall in his apartment, on Miller Avenue in the East New York neighborhood, in a cavity that had apparently been cut open and resealed.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* “I don’t feel safe anymore,” Mr. Hossain said.

Easy solution, go back to Pakistan/Arabia/wherever. Nobody will hate you for being a muslim there.

* Hilarious that a Muslim is rebuking us Americans with “I don’t feel safe anymore.”

* The MUSLIM community is on edge?!

Try having to go to work above the 10th floor at the new Freedom Tower, you delusional POS!

* Just a quick run-down of all the names appearing in the article: Rojas, Robbins, Remnick, Rashbaum, Morel, Hossain, Trump, Bin Laden, Goldstein.

* So that’s the face of the White Hispanic Oscar Morel who murdered 2 Muslim People Of Color. Now that law enforcement has captured him, that’s one less Islamophobic White supremacist terrorizing Queens, New York.

* Since the GOP decided to run the Sailer Strategy in 2016, I would have thought there would be a landslide (for Trump I mean, not Hillary). What happened? Maybe white people outside the South don’t vote like whites there? Seems like even white people in GA & NC aren’t voting like white people in the South. Or are there shy Trumpistas like shy Brexiteers? Is this the reverse Bradley effect? Please, I am dying to hear your thoughts.

* The execution is not quite what one would hope. If you read this blog regularly, you’ll know that while most people here are enthusiastic about the idea of Trump, we’re dismayed at the man himself.

Gotta hand it to the Dems, they knew better than to nominate Al Sharpton for our first black president.

* My guess is this shooting will go down the memory hole fast. They might try to blame Trump, but it could escalate and cause part of the democrat coalition to fight one another as the hispanics tell us the story of why this guy retaliated in the first place.

BTW, recall a month ago the black guy being shot by cops near Miami. The guy had his hands up, but a hispanic Barney Fife shot him in the leg. That should have been a genuine black lives matter moment. A legit, innocent black guy with his hands up getting popped by a cop. But because the cop was hispanic, the media and BLM dropped it like a hot potato.

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LAT: Infertile man accused of cutting off wife’s hands as punishment for not bearing him children

Los Angeles Times:

Mwende, of Machakos, 35 miles southeast of the capital, Nairobi, is the face of domestic violence in Kenya. Her husband has been charged in an alleged marital assault that shocked the nation. According to Mwende, her husband, Stephen Ngila, 35, attacked her with a machete, slashing her face and hacking off her hands, enraged because she hadn’t produced children in nearly five years of marriage.

“I saw him, and he told me: ‘Today is your last day,’” she says. “I never thought something like this would happen to me.”

Ngila is in police custody, awaiting trial over the attack. Members of his family told Kenyan media recently that Mwende was a woman of loose morals who may have been attacked by a business rival. They claim Ngila wasn’t at home when the attack happened.

Wearing a white hospital gown at Presbyterian Church of East Africa Kikuyu Hospital, Mwende, 27, weeps softly as she tells the story of how she fell in love with Ngila, married him in a white church wedding and watched as the relationship gradually went sour.

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