Naomi Ragen Update

Here’s some background on the charges of plagiarism.

Novelist Michal Tal emails me:

I find that the Jewish world in America, notably Haddash, Wizo, and magazines, are in ignorance of what is happening here, in Israel and continue to praise Ragen for her plagiarized books, "The Saturday Wife " (a take off of Cassandra King’s "The Sunday Wife"’ Sotah, the "Sacrifice of Tamar", and the plagiarism of my book, her "best seller", "The Ghost of Hannah Mendes" (although mine is a sexier, more entertaining version).

I would like to offer two text-versus text comparisons that you can put out there. I would also appreciate a literary expert’s forensic view of this, if you could add the quote of one after they see it.

Please note that my main literary device was stolen and my novel "The Lion & the Cross," still sold as a used book for which I earn nothing, ironically, is on Amazon was 60% plagiarized.

My final hearings are in May, and afterwards Sarah Shapiro’s and Sudi Rosengartens’s. We still have had no reponse from Cassandra King. I still feel the world must know the truth. You will have to probably ignore the Hebrew but the English there is enough to select sections to copy to your blog and convince readers – especially the blonde pony tail and the love story!

I’m really amazed how there seems to be no connection on this issue between Israel (where it was in the paper constantly in 2007 and is about to be again) and no knowledge in the States.

I used to think she did this to me because she looked at the back cover wth the glamorous photo and thought, "I’m not letting a blonde write this book" but then I found out she plagiarizes everyone for everything.

My paternal granmother was really active in Haddasah and would turn in her grave seeing them praise Naomi Ragen repeatedlyor her fan page praising this huge plagiarism. By getting some of my truth out there, you are doing a mitzvah.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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