Clinton’s eyes — a window into her health issues

A Texas doctor writes for The Hill: In 2014 Conan O’Brien did a spoof of Hillary Clinton’s interview with Diane Sawyer about her lack of lingering health issues following her 2012 concussion. In an obviously photoshopped version Clinton’s eyes are made to oscillate crazily.

It was a very funny piece. Now, it may not seem so funny.

Hillary Clinton exhibited abnormal eye movements during her recent speech in Philadelphia and they were not photoshopped.
Her eyes did not always move in the same direction at the same time. It appears that she has a problem with her left sixth cranial nerve. That nerve serves only one function and that is to make the lateral rectus muscle contract. That muscle turns the eye in the direction away from the midline.

It comes out of the base of the brain and runs along the floor of the skull, immediately beneath the brain before coursing upward to the eye. Dysfunction of that muscle causes the striking picture of the eyes not aiming in the same direction and causes the patient to suffer double vision.

Like all things medical, there is a long list of potential causes but in my opinion the most likely one, based on Clinton’s known medical history is an intermittent lateral rectus palsy caused by damage to or pressure on her sixth cranial nerve.

It is known that she suffered a traumatic brain injury in late 2012 when she fell and struck her head. What is also known is that she was diagnosed with a transverse sinus thrombosis — blood clot in the major vein at the base of the brain. Almost all patients with a transverse sinus thrombosis suffer swelling of the brain and increased intracranial pressure. Most have headaches, balance issues and visual disturbances — all of which Clinton was reported to have following that event.

Clinton’s physician reported that she was placed on Coumadin (a blood thinner) to dissolve the blood clot. Actually, that is incorrect, because Coumadin has no effect on an existing clot. It serves only to decrease the chance of further clotting occurring Clinton’s physician has also reported that on follow up exam, the clot had resolved. That is surprising since the majority of such clots do not dissolve. The way it was documented that the clot had resolved has not been reported.

If, as is statistically likely, Clinton’s transverse sinus is still blocked, she would still have increased pressure and swelling and decreased blood flow to her brain. That swelling would place pressure on the exposed portion of the sixth cranial nerve at the base of her brain, explaining the apparent lateral rectus palsy. And such a deficit can be partial and/or intermittent.

Additionally, when patients who have decreased intracranial blood flow becoming volume depleted (dehydrated) or have a drop in blood pressure loss of consciousness can occur. That could explain her witnessed collapse in New York City on 9/11.

One thing that is taught early in medical school is that a patient’s history, physical exam, signs and symptoms should usually lead to a single diagnosis.

Crudely put “when you itch, it is probably not lice and fleas but one or the other.” More professionally put, in most cases the patient’s symptoms can be explained by one unifying diagnosis, not a constellation of disparate ones. The admittedly speculative scenario I propose is an attempt to understand and rationally explain what is going on, based on known facts and the observable signs exhibited by Clinton.

Having previously written about this, I once again suggest that she undergo an independent neurologic exam and have proper studies to determine whether or not she still has a blood clot at the base of her brain, swelling of the brain, increased intracranial pressure and whether or not her 2012 traumatic brain injury was accompanied by a skull fracture with or without bleeding around or in the brain itself and if there are any residual areas of scarring of the brain.

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Run Them Down

Former South African soldier Peter Grant writes:

There are some important lessons to be learned. Firstly, a vehicle isn’t going to help when the streets are clogged. You can’t drive over dozens of protestors. If nothing else, their bodies will immobilize your vehicle, just as surely as if it became high-centered over a bump. What’s more, as soon as you’re forced to slow down or stop, you’re going to get dragged from your vehicle by angry rioters. That may not be survivable. Much rather use your vehicle to avoid getting into that mess in the first place . . . but you may not have a choice. You may turn a corner in a city center to find the mob coming to meet you, with no time or space to avoid them. If you’re on an interstate highway, the on- and off-ramps may be blocked by rioters and/or vehicles with nowhere to go, leaving you stranded with a mob coming towards you, looting every vehicle they pass. This is what I-85 looked like in Charlotte on Tuesday evening.

Rioters looted stalled trucks of their cargoes, taking what they wanted and torching the rest. Hundreds of vehicles backed up behind the scene of the crime. If yours was among them, what would you do? Many of those present abandoned their vehicles and fled on foot. That’s all well and good, if they had the space and time to do so . . . but what if they didn’t? What if the rioters swarmed their vehicle before they could get out? What if they, or a member of their party, had limited mobility and couldn’t escape and evade fast enough?

In such a situation, resistance may be your only option. Make sure you have a firearm handy, plus enough ammunition to defend yourself and your loved ones. That may be difficult. It’s an unpalatable, raw, brutal fact that you may not be able to offer enough resistance to save yourself in such a situation. If there are a couple of dozen rioters within feet of you, you probably can’t shoot fast enough to get them all. Distance is your friend. Even if you use a firearm successfully to defend yourself, whilst that may solve Problem One (immediate survival), it’s likely to land you neck-deep in Problem Two. The aftermath of such a riot is likely to see political and social leaders screaming for a scapegoat. If you shoot a few rioters, guess what? You’re probably it.

You’re just about certain to be arrested and charged with all sorts of crimes, even if all you were doing is trying to save your life and the lives of your loved ones. You may find it very difficult to defeat the charges in court, particularly if witnesses are scarce (or intimidated), and video footage of your activities (from nearby security cameras, hovering helicopters, etc.) is deliberately edited to portray your actions in the worst possible light. Think that won’t happen? You’re naive.

You need to have a plan, at the first sign of such troubles, to get away from the riots before they get out of control. Make arrangements with family and friends, have bug-out bags and vehicles and plans in place (including sufficient fuel to get out of trouble without having to stop at a gas station, because they’ll be magnets for looters). Don’t wait until it’s too late. Far better to get clear of potential trouble, then return if the trouble doesn’t materialize, rather than wait until you’re sure there’s trouble, but not leave yourself enough space and time to get away from it.

That’s likely to be difficult once riots become established. A standard police tactic is to isolate the violence, establishing a perimeter to prevent it spreading. Police will wait at that perimeter until they can see the unrest ebbing, then move inward once again to re-establish control. That works for them, and helps to minimize casualties caused by them (and the political fallout from such casualties) . . . but it won’t help you if you’re trapped inside that perimeter. The rioters will be all around you, and you won’t be able to avoid them. That’s not a good place to be. Get to the perimeter if at all possible, and seek police protection. If you can’t, you’ll have no alternative but to hunker down in place and ride out the storm.

If you suspect you may find yourself in that situation, your location should be prepared in advance to resist that sort of problem. Make sure rioters can’t easily break in and get at you. Use obstructions (plants, flower boxes, whatever) to make it difficult to approach windows; put stout burglar bars on windows and security gates on doors, and fortify them if possible with whatever’s available; have weapons handy, and make sure that all adults and older children know how to use them. Keep rioters outside, if possible at a distance, so they can’t get their hands on you or your weapons. If they do, your resistance is over, right there – and I don’t have to tell you what your loved ones are likely to go through under such circumstances.

That’s why the best possible solution is to get clear of the trouble and stay away from it until it’s died down.

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How Many Jewish Columnists Does The Washington Post Need To Call Trump Hitler?

I am surprised he did not invoke the Holocaust more incessantly.

Trump’s Hitlerian disregard for the truth

By Richard Cohen

I realize that the name Hitler has the distractive quality of pornography and so I cite it only with reluctance. Hitler, however, was not a fictional creation but a real man who was legally chosen to be Germany’s chancellor, and while Trump is neither an anti-Semite nor does he have designs on neighboring countries, he is Hitlerian in his thinking. He thinks the truth is what he says it is.

Soon after becoming chancellor, Hitler announced that the Jews had declared war on Germany. It was a preposterous statement because Jews were less than 1 percent of Germany’s population and had neither the numbers nor the power to make war on anything. In fact, in sheer preposterousness, it compares to Trump’s insistence that Barack Obama was not born in the United States — a position he tenaciously held even after Obama released his Hawaiian birth certificate.

At the time, people tried to make sense of Hitler’s statements by saying he was seeking a scapegoat and had settled on the Jews. Not so. From my readings, I know of no instance in which Hitler confided to an intimate that, of course, his statements about Jews were, as we might now say, over the top. In fact, he remained consistently deranged on the topic. He was not lying. For him, it was the truth.

Trump’s fixation on Obama’s birthplace is similar.

It’s great that WAPO has Jennifer Rubin, Dana Milbank, AND Richard Cohen. These oh-so-radically-different-just-happen-to-be-Jewish in that you would never guess way really cover the diverse national political opinions that exist at the DC shabbos table.

How many Jewish columnists does WAPO need to call Trump a fascist exactly?

I think some Jews really just want to be called out. Look at how many willingly, foolishly, still have those parenthesis around their name, signaling their tribalism.

Some tribal Jews have so convinced themselves of their ethnic superiority they don’t even take their ever-increasing enemies seriously.

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Twitter suspends Instapundit

Vox Day posts:

>If you go to the @instapundit account, this is what you see:

Account suspended
This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.

This is getting crazy. Twitter is blocking access to my blog, banning Milo, suspending Instapundit… it appears the thought police at Twitter are openly declaring war on the social media Right.

UPDATE: This was Twitter’s excuse:

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds responds:

Sorry, blocking the interstate is dangerous, and trapping people in their cars is a threat. Driving on is self-preservation, especially when we’ve had mobs destroying property and injuring and killing people. But if Twitter doesn’t like me, I’m happy to stop providing them with free content.

Was just on Hugh Hewitt talking about this. Since Twitter won’t let me respond to — or even see — my critics, let me expand here.

I’ve always been a supporter of free speech and peaceful protest. I fully support people protesting police actions, and I’ve been writing in support of greater accountability for police for years.

But riots aren’t peaceful protest. And blocking interstates and trapping people in their cars is not peaceful protest — it’s threatening and dangerous, especially against the background of people rioting, cops being injured, civilian-on-civilian shootings, and so on. I wouldn’t actually aim for people blocking the road, but I wouldn’t stop because I’d fear for my safety, as I think any reasonable person would.

“Run them down” perhaps didn’t capture this fully, but it’s Twitter, where character limits stand in the way of nuance.

Meanwhile, regarding Twitter: I don’t even know that this is why I was suspended, as I’ve heard nothing from Twitter at all. They tell users and investors that they don’t censor, but they seem awfully quick to suspend people on one side of the debate and, as people over at Twitchy note, awfully tolerant of outright threats on the other.

Twitter can do without me, as I can certainly do without Twitter.

UPDATE: Apparently Twitter has reconsidered and unsuspended Glenn. For now.

Meanwhile, GabTechNews warns that YouTube has gone the Reddit route, almost precisely as spelled out by QuQu of GGRevolt.

Grave news: Youtube has gone the Reddit moderation path.
Volunteer-staffed mass flagging, comment removal, all that.
The internet is becoming a very coddled place.
They call it YouTube Heroes.

I think, at this point, we are going to have to assume that it is only a matter of time before Blogger is similarly converged and prepare accordingly. I’ve always had several backups running, of course, so I doubt much of an interruption will be necessary, but if Blogger goes the way of Goodreads, Wikipedia, Facebook, and now Twitter and YouTube, check in at either Gab or Castalia House to find the new location.


* To put it from their viewpoint, the election is coming up and The Donald could actually win. Got to pull out all the stops.

* They already shut down Hikok45’s YouTube gun channel by ‘accident’ last year. It’s back up but it appears in the last 24hours that the reality of Trump actually winning has them shatting their pants.

Banning Instapundit? He’s about as subversive as Mister Rodgers.

* As others have said, it must be about Trump. They’ve generally been far more circumspect until now. From their perspective, he’s worse than Nixon, Reagan, and W combined. They’re so self-absorbed that they think these actions will actually help their cause.

* Trump is aware that this is war. Facebook, twitter, google (youtube) and reddit are all trying to sneakily sabotage his election. Trump doesn’t forget nor forgive. If elected he’ll antitrust their ass so hard they’ll never sit again.

* We need a YouTube alternative. I’ve been looking this morning. looked possible… then I read this on their community standards page:

“No hate speech

No videos that promote racism, bigotry, physical harm of any kind against any group or individual.”

Hate speech is an SJW term. Too bad.

YouTube makes some serious money for good content providers with large followings. A problem with convergence is that it’s really going to cost some folk their income.

How long until income from Amazon gets cut too?

Most of my antifragile planning has been based on creating revenue from a range of sources. Most of these, however, are still tied into these large platforms and switching off of them may allow dissemination of content but without the associated revenue.

It’s not looking good.

* These large charitable trusts go on for generations and tend to accumulate Social Justice Warriors in their leadership. Defining charity much more narrowly would be helpful. Also one might require they spend, say, ten percent or more of their funds annually. That would tend to drain them down.

Universities are hotbeds of left liberalism and they more or less control who becomes a journalist. That produces a press made up of hard left or liberal folk. I know the management has a say, but complicating this model, making it less automatic, would be helpful.

* Infowars has a video of a rapper in Charlotte spreading the false flag on social media that the guy who got shot had a book, not a gun, and was just sitting there waiting for his son. A couple videos went up on Twitter of guys in Charlotte also spreading that false flag on social media.

These guys are the ones violating the user terms. They are the ones actually inciting real violence, not Glen Reynolds.

The enemy is pretty cagey here. We’d do well to penetrate and map these disinformation campaigns.

* /pol/ is trying to make saying “google” instead of “nigger” a thing, such that people who type “google” will get lead to examples of nigs nigging, as well as to just trash the word “google”, in general.

* Regarding “funding” would someone please explain why would they ever run out of it? Not being expert at all the various fine points of how the racket works, and to what extent it is controlled by whom, there may well be unaccounted-for factors which render the points below off the mark in one way or another….

1. Money is nothing but zeros added to accounts by the counterfeiting cartel – used to create trillions of more phantom “money” via the derivatives rackets, etc., etc., etc.

2. Folks in the sanhedrin like (((Soros))) have access to a literally unlimited supply of such “money” which is accepted by most people – thanks in part to government decrees that it be accepted – as payment for hard assets and the like. For the few cranks who don’t accept it, they can come up with enough gold, etc. – or simply steal it outright or seize the assets they want by blackrobe decree. It’s not as if there is any rule of law to prevent this – just ask John Corzine’s customers.

3. As with the Slim-Duranty Times, Twitter, Faceberg, and the various converged entities can operate as long as the fake money is accepted as real and the debt-racketeering, derivative casinos and the like continue to spin along. “Cash” infusions can continue as long as those who call the shots need them to operate. Besides, most of these entities continue to make enough money in terms of cash flow that they’ll be propped up (or, more accurately, their propping up will be sold to institutional investors, etc. as prudent investing).

Yes it will eventually come crashing down – very hard. As VD himself noted quite a while ago, the (((Learned Elders of Wye))) already have an escape plan for when the Banana Empire finally folds. They’ll quietly slip away to China as the dindus, et al go for the final-solution for YT. Some YT might be awake enough to fight but most of those who don the uniforms of the Banana Empire remain in the pay of the enemy and will obey orders – until they wake up and stop doing so. Since (((Soros))) even owns the Roman Catholic Church, with High-Fellatin’ Franny as his shuffling, drooling step-n-fetchit dancing to every Klezmer rendition of YT must die, perhaps a better question to be asking would be what isn’t converged?

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Daniel Greenfield writes for Frontpage Mag:

Turks came to Germany as ‘guest workers’. They were supposed to provide some “necessary cheap labor” and then leave. But it didn’t work out that way.

And the topic has obvious implications for our own Gang of 8’s guest worker plan, which is going to lead to non-workers bankrupting the social welfare system even further.

Three million Turks live already in Germany already, while 2.5 million of them have German nationality, and the majority of them are conservative Muslims.

Very few Turks in Germany have a regular job; about 20%. The other 80% live on the so-called Hartz IV (state social benefits). 70% of their children have no GCSE; they left school before they finished their basic education.

According to the German state benefit system, every adult citizen who possesses the German nationality, unemployed and cannot find an appropriate job, is entitled to get monthly 482 € ($627). Additionally, parents get for each child under 18 years old, 200 € ($261), plus all their monthly expenditures in terms of rent, heating, power, health insurance, and public transport.

“Amazingly enough some Turks who live on the generous state benefits can afford to buy a house or an apartment and drive luxurious cars like Mercedes or BMW.” Says Klaus, a landlord whose tenants are a case in point.

That part is easy enough. Just like in the United States, you cash in by having a lot of kids. Bring over a whole bunch of family members, churn out some kids from polygamous marriages (the next frontier in marriage equality) and soon you’re bringing in 10 grand a month)

Kamal (46 years old) and his wife Shadia (42 years old) have ten children under 18 and live on Hartz IV (the German social benefit system). They have a monthly net income of about 3000 €. In addition, all their spending on rent, health care, transport, heating, etc. are paid by the state.

Kamal never worked or had a regular job, never finished school, and never learned a profession. Now he claims that he is “ill.” Klaus, the landlord of Kamal says, “The man is fit.” He even confessed to Klaus that he lies when he says he is ill. “He told me once, ‘Why should I work if I can live well without/'” Klaus quotes Kamal.

Kamal is obliged to regularly report his joblessness to the Federal Employment Office (Bundes Agentur für Arbeit) in his town. He does so when he is invited for a job interview. But he always alleges that he is “sick:” He allegedly has “unbearable pains in his back and joints.” Therefore, he cannot take any job. The only one who knows the truth about Kamal is his landlord Klaus.

Klaus and many other Germans are outraged about Kamal and his like. “It is us, taxpayers who have to finance odd buggers like Kamal. This makes me sick.” Klaus frowns at me.

On the other hand, Kamal’s neighbour, Dieter works for a mail company. For working 8 hours daily, he merely get 800 € ($1000) at the end of the month. From this salary he has got to pay his rent and the rest of his expenditure. Left for him is something around 400 € ($500).

This is much worse than Cyprus. And this will eventually break Germany’s back. Imagine millions of people living this way and reproducing at a much higher rate than the native population and the spending becomes completely unsustainable.

German citizens can enter Turkey with simply showing their personal identity card. Hence German Turks, particularly women, travel to Turkey and come back with a “leased” baby. They get the baby temporarily from relatives and claim at the German border that it is their baby who was recently born in Turkey.

Khaled, a Turk, told me that you can get “a false birth certificate” in Turkey for $10.

Back in Germany, the “new” baby is registered at the town hall administration, and the “mother of the baby” starts getting 200 € ($261) monthly.

And don’t kid yourself. This happens here too south of the border.

Nicole, a German school teacher told me once, when she asks her students what they want to become in the future, the majority of Turkish students say, “Hartz IV Empfänger” (state benefit receiver). When she asked one of her students, “Why is that?” The girl answered, “My parents live on Hartz IV and lead an easy life. They sleep longer in the morning, and always have got enough money.”

“The dream of having an Ottoman Empire is not dead among the Turks.” Says Jalal, a Kurdish freelance journalist living in Germany. He added, “The Turkish establishment believes that the Turks in Germany constitute a valuable spearhead for the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. What could not be accomplished by force in the 15th century might, many Turks believe, become a reality in the 21st century in Germany, the heart of Europe. Besides, don’t forget that demographically, while the German population growth is almost null, it is even contracting, the Turks in Germany have an annual birth rate of more than 5%. Therefore, demographers assume that by 2050 the majority of people living in Germany will be of Turkish descent.”