‘This Is Not Who We Are!’

Steve Sailer writes: From the Steve Harvey radio show:

HILLARY CLINTON: “Maybe I can, by speaking directly to white people, say, ‘Look, this is not who we are.’ We have to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias.”


* She’s not helping with the perception that she is Obama Term Three. Next she will be saying: ‘Let me be clear.

* Just as Trump’s comments about stop and frisk were aimed solely at white voters and not outreach to blacks who will never vote for him anyway, these comments are aimed at blacks and white beta men/women who feel pleasure at the prospect of a national racial shaming session, and who will always vote for vote for the leftmost candidate in a general election. Trump is hoping for high white turnout and Hillary is hoping the shadow of Obama’s coalition will show up.’

* The sad thing is that Hillary’s absolutely in the mainstream of elite conservative thought here.

David Cameron speaking to the Tory Conference, 2015 – “Opportunity doesn’t mean much to a black person constantly stopped and searched by the police because of the colour of their skin.”

His successor, Theresa May, on taking over as PM – “If you’re black, you’re treated more harshly by the criminal justice system than if you’re white.”

* May’s job before she became PM was to be in charge of the English police -they are run by the national government there- and she had a reputation for implementing the policies that the police wanted to be implemented.

On the other comments, African-Americans bloc vote, usually the Donk gets somewhat over 80% of them, and in the last presidential election Obama got 93%, as has been repeated endlessly on this site, because he is thought to be Black and the Republicans didn’t exactly put up the greatest candidate they could have. With a generic GOP and a generic Donk candidate, the GOP gets 10% to 20% of this vote which translates into another 1% nationally. Trump, by actually asking African-Americans to vote for him and having policy positions that will benefit them, may shave off another 10%, another 1% nationally. Of course, the problem is White voters who will automatically line up against whatever they perceive to be the party or candidate more favorable to Blacks. I think we are mainly dealing with whites in the Deep South, but there are some suburban voters who fall into this category and Trump really does need those.

* We just want them to leave us alone. Before jet travel, they were consigned to their own particular hell-holes and had to wallow in their own filth. Now they want to come over here and pollute our cultural environment. They won’t feel at home till corpses of dead relatives and animals are floating down our rivers, our tap water is undrinkable and open sewage runs down the middle of the streets.

* Maybe she can also speak to the black cops who have been shooting black perps. Tell them, “next time a brother points a gun at you, let him shoot you. Let him get at least one round off before you return fire. Once he has shot you, not even his family can complain anymore (nor will they get a big settlement). It might not even be a gun, just a convincing replica, or maybe it’s just a book that LOOKS like a gun to you. It’s the right thing to do – this IS who we are. Chances are it will hit your vest anyway. Should it happen to hit you in the head, I assure you that your family will be well taken care of, and you as well should you become permanently disabled. We might even name some side street or playground in your memory (I can’t promise you this, but I will do my best.) This will make white ladies feel better and cut down on destructive riots. Thank you.”

* You didn’t see Trump’s visit to the black church yesterday. The evangelical blacks, the deep south types, as well as the inner city victims, are giving him a hearing. He’ll get serious votes from that.

Trump will never get the “talented tenth” whose careers (current or hoped for) depend on riding the racial issue, shaming, etc. They know he’s deadly toxic to them and their hatred is palpable. But that’s not even most blacks.

* A good term to search Google news is ‘aspiring rapper’. They always appear to get in trouble or get killed just as they are turning their life around.

* Christopher Hart in the Daily Mail getting his iSteve on:

If you’re Amal Clooney, you might be flying between your various, luxuriously appointed homes. Your villa on Lake Como — oh sorry, two villas. (Perhaps she and George like to have separate bathrooms). Your mansion in Berkshire. Your beachside place in Mexico. And, of course, the pad in Los Angeles.

Although George and Amal have repeatedly talked about the need for the West to take in more refugees, it is not known yet just how many Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans or Eritreans they have personally welcomed into any of their lovely houses.

The greatest blessing of all in being a celeb, it seems, is that suddenly you are knowledgeable about everything, or at least you think you are. The most intractable international problems — which have baffled the greatest statesmen — become magically clear to you.

For Mrs Clooney, this means that the West should take in apparently unlimited numbers of refugees and asylum seekers, and then the terrible problems of Syria will be solved. She also has great faith that the UN can and should sort out that murderous bedlam, if only she demands it firmly enough. Why do our celebrity luvvies continue to have such faith in the UN? Perhaps because like them, it’s international, unaccountable, very generously funded and a little bit useless.

Amal Clooney is far from being the only culprit. Plenty of others, with zero obvious expertise in the area, have presumed to lecture us on how we must accept more refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, even jihadis — without ever troubling to explain how these very different groups might be distinguished.

* Zerohedge has a picture of a naked white man on all fours who was apparently assaulted during the Charlotte riots last night. These are not protesters, these are rioters and thugs. White Democrats in Pennsylvania need to be asking themselves if this is what they had in mind for Obama’s third and fourth terms, if this is the future they want for their children when resistance is futile.

If I may speak directly to Hillary, is that white man on all fours who we are?

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How to be a MacArthur Genius

Steve Sailer writes: The MacArthur Genius grants were announced and they’re the usual weird collection of legitimate nice white lady scientists, such as microbe researcher Diane Newman of Caltech, and hilariously shameless race hustlers, such as Genius T. Coates last year and this year, Claudia Rankine, a poetry professor at Pomona College, who won for her collection of microaggressions she and her friends say they have suffered. From the Wikipedia article on her award-winning 2014 book Citizen: An American Lyric:

The book consists of seven chapters interspersed with images and artworks. The first chapter details microagressions that have occurred to Rankine and her friends. The second chapter discusses the YouTube character Hennessy Youngman created by Jayson Musson, and discusses racial incidents in the life of Serena Williams and her public image. The third chapter features more microagressions and the nature of racist language. In the fourth chapter Rankine writes of the transition of sighs into aches, the nature of language, memory, and watching tennis matches in silence. Chapter five is a complex poem on self-identity, interspersed with more microagressions. Chapter six is a series of scripts for “situation videos” created in collaboration with John Lucas on Hurricane Katrina, the shootings of Trayvon Martin and James Craig Anderson, the Jena Six, the 2011 England riots in the wake of the death of Mark Duggan, Stop-and-frisk, Zinedine Zidane’s headbutt of Marco Materazzi in the 2006 FIFA World Cup Final, and the verbal error during Barack Obama’s first inauguration as President of the United States. The seventh chapter ends with “Making Room”, a script for a “public fiction” about finding a seat on the subway, and a list of African-American men involved in recent police shooting incidents that concludes with the phrase “because white men can’t police their imagination black men are dying”. The seventh chapter is a complex meditation on race, the body, language and various incidents in the life of the author.

… These factors, subtly and metaphorically penned in the first paragraph grants these citizens a means to press forward against the subtle microaggressions, which, metaphorically speaking, is a wake for them in the very wake of the book. … The first chapter immediately transfers the reader into a black persona who is quickly becoming invisible by the harassment of microaggressions. The necessity of tolerance ascribed by blacks, that is, in these occurrences even are subjected to children in grade school. Still consistent with second person perspective use of you, the short narration is of a child: “You”, who experiences a microaggression by first a student who is copying her work throughout the school year, and secondly, from Sister Evelyn, who never acknowledges the blatant incidences. “…… The microaggression described here is that, you are unworthy of a genuine acknowledgment of gratitude.

Chapter 3[edit]
This chapter, similar to Chapter 1, is composed of events in the form of micro-aggressions. … This form of micro-aggression reference is common throughout Citizen. …

Rankine refers to her own personal micro-aggressions and others of importance in real world situations that might have seemed flagrant. … Then continues to describe more moments of micro-aggressions. … ‘Did he just say that?’ ‘Did I just hear what I think I heard?’” (Believermag). These questions refer to responses made by Rankine throughout Citizen after instances of microaggressions. The way in which both the black body and the heads hold a history of racism and question instances of microaggressions supports Rankine’s purpose of relating the history of slavery and racism to the present form of racism in the form of microaggressions. …

2014 National Book Critics Circle Award (Poetry) winner[11][12]
2014 National Book Critics Circle Award (Criticism) finalist[11]
2014 California Book Awards Poetry Finalist[13]
2015 PEN Center USA Poetry Award[14]
2015 New York Times Bestseller[15]
2015 Los Angeles Times Book Prize in Poetry[16]
2015 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work in Poetry[17]


* Apparently there is now an African American set-aside for MacArthur awards. It appears that the criteria for winning is is similar to that for Acadamy Awards, i.e., “Never go full retard.”

In the case of the MacArthurs, full retard would be, ““Burnin’ down shit ain’t going to help nothin’! Y’all burnin’ down shit we need in our community. Take that shit to the suburbs. Burn that shit down! We need our shit! We need our weaves. [Pause] I don’t wear it. But we need it.”

The winning approach would be the one followed by Genius T. Coates and Claudia Rankine. Just retarded enough for black studies.

* THEONION: “ALBANY, NY—According to friends, the $500,000, five-year, no-strings-attached MacArthur Fellowship awarded to Jim Yong Kim earlier this month went right up the 43-year-old scientist’s nose. “Kim’s efforts to eradicate drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis in Russian prisons and Peruvian ghettos amazed everyone—as did his appetite for top-grade cocaine,” Marisa Amir said Monday. “As soon as that first check arrived, Kim was on the phone with his dealer, and two hours later, he was in a hot tub full of strippers.” His first installment of money gone, the scientist then returned to the task of developing a whole-cell cholera toxin recombinant B subunit vaccine.”

* I’m considering writing a book about all the microagressions committed by black people. Remember when urban black males walked around with giant boom-boxes on their shoulders blasting rap? Thanks for sharing, yo.

Wonder if I’ll get a MacArthur grant?

* What will Rankine decide to wear for a Halloween costume?

* The amount of cant in the MacArthur winner descriptions deserves its own award.

I particularly enjoyed this one:

Joyce J. Scott

Jewelry Maker and Sculptor repositioning beadwork into a potent platform for commentary on social and political injustices.

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I Love This Jerusalem Post Article On Trump & The Jews

Trump seems to see Jews accurately.

“Abe, it’s antisemitism. All my members will be Jewish.”

“Donald – that’s antisemitism,” Foxman said. “You don’t know who your members will be.”

If that is antisemitism, then antisemitism is hardly a fearful thing.

“To say that only Jews will be members meant that only Jews have money – it was stereotypic,” Foxman recalled in a recent interview. “For him, it may have been an assessment of business opportunities. He’s a shrewd businessman.”

Stereotypes are usually true.

His relationship with the Jewish community offers exceptional insight into the tolerance of a man whose unpredictable presidential campaign has been defined, by many, as one of the most culturally and racially divisive in modern American political history.

Healthy tolerance means tolerating those who are likely to be useful to your group. Unhealthy tolerance means tolerating those who will likely be bad for your group.

Trump seems to have something of an affirmative prejudice toward Jews.

How terrible!

They believe he considers Jews a group of rich, smart, successful and generally powerful deal makers…

That’s particularly true of Ashkenazi Jews with their average IQ in the 110-120 range.

“In some ways, Donald Trump and his relationship with the Jews is the latest chapter in a very long history of ambivalence and dichotomous relations,” Jonathan Sarna, author of American Judaism: A History, said in an interview. “The line between philosemitism and antisemitism is often a difficult one – the line is thin. It’s not bright red. Often you can find within the same person both tendencies, and Trump is a study in that.”

You could say the exact things about Jews’ relationships with gentiles. “In some ways, Jonathan Sarna and his relationship with gentiles is the latest chapter in a very long history of ambivalence and dichotomous relations. The line between pro-gentilism and anti-gentilism is often a difficult one — the line is thin. It’s not bright red. Often you can find within the same Jew both tendencies, and Sarna is a study in that.”

What two groups that live with each and compete with each other don’t have long histories of ambivalence and dichotomous relations?

The process for securing an apartment wasn’t hard for her Jewish family. “We met the requirements,” she said.

Fred Trump wanted to rent to Jews on Long Island. That was a sound business decision. If he had rented to more blacks and Puerto Ricans, he would likely have made less money.

Jewish tenants were his preference.

That’s smart. How many people get rich and prosperous and lead happy peaceful lives renting primarily to blacks? What majority black cities or countries would you like to live in? I can’t think of any.

Trump Management believes that Jewish tenants are the best tenants.” Another agent was instructed to rent only to “Jews and executives” and to disregard the applications of blacks.

Commonsense. How many Uber drivers want to pick up young black men? How many homeowners want to take in blacks via AirBNB?

And whatever prejudice Fred may have maintained against “colored” people, he demonstrated a consistent willingness to work with and befriend Jews beyond simply renting to them.

Different groups have different gifts.

Donald’s older brother, Freddy Trump Jr., joined a Jewish fraternity at Lehigh University in 1960, claiming to at least some pledgees that his father was part of the tribe…

When Jews are in power, it makes sense to claim to be Jewish.

Sarna said that Christian European immigrants to New York during this time were often torn between what they had in common with their Jewish European brethren, and what appeared to set them apart.

Jewish-European immigrants to New York during this time were often torn between what they had in common with their gentile European brethren, and what appeared to set them apart.

“Ambivalence is the right word,” said Sarna. “On the one hand, lots of German Americans had lots of Jewish friends in this period. And yet they were always different as Jews, and they knew that they were different – and at crucial moments, the two really came to be at loggerheads.”

Ambivalence is the right word. On the one hand, lots of Jewish Americans had lots of gentile friends in this period. And yet they were always different as goyim, and they knew that they were different – and at crucial moments, the two really came to be at loggerheads.

…Donald’s father as a “reserved, well-dressed executive” who came from a “different time” when discrimination was acceptable business practice.

Success and safety in life and in business depend upon discrimination.

“He surrounds himself oddly enough with Jewish personnel, both then and now: his real estate lawyer is Jewish, his house counsel is Jewish, his controller is Jewish, his chief of staff, chief financial officer, executive vice president, his first executive vice president – I was his litigator for 15 years,” Jay Goldberg, who worked for Trump from 1990 to 2005, said in an interview.

I suspect Trump tries to choose people are best suited for the job, and these jobs in New York are more likely to be filled with Jews than Puerto Ricans.

“When we talk about the Jewish community and I really think about it, I can’t think of one Christian person on his senior staff,” said Goldberg, who will vote for Trump in November. “It’s amazing to me. It’s almost prejudice in favor of Jewish people.”

Trump does not seem terribly Christian. He uses Christianity like he uses Jews.

“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money,” Trump said, according to the 1991 biography. “I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

I don’t think many businesses will flourish using blacks to track their money as opposed to Jews.

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Trump Uses Jews To His Advantage

LINK: A ‘Jerusalem Post’ special report explores differing perspectives on the Republican presidential nominee’s decades-long relationship with the Jewish community.


…both supporters and detractors of the Republican nominee agreed on one critical revelation: Trump seems to have something of an affirmative prejudice toward Jews.

NEW YORK: Near the end of his debt-ridden ownership of the Plaza Hotel, Donald Trump summoned Abe Foxman to breakfast at its iconic Palm Court. The real estate tycoon had a bone to pick with the Anti-Defamation League.

Foxman, then ADL’s national director, sat waiting for half an hour at the owner’s usual corner table. Trump finally walked in blustering, hand outstretched.

“Mr. Foxman,” he began, “Trump never apologizes.”

Foxman’s colleague, Art Teitelbaum, had recently criticized Trump for his tactics in Palm Beach – a city long marred by discrimination – battling the city council over turning his estate at Mar-a-Lago into a private social club. Trump was accusing the Florida township of antisemitism, claiming that it was opposed to his efforts because his club was going to welcome members of all races and creeds, including Jews and African-Americans.

The ADL’s leadership had seen this phenomenon up close: Teitelbaum and Foxman were in the trenches fighting discrimination in Palm Beach already back in 1964. There was still antisemitism there three decades later, and they expected discrimination to persist. “But that has nothing to do with Trump’s plans to build at Mar-a-Lago,” Teitelbaum told members of the press at the time, suggesting Trump was using Jews as a negotiating ploy.

“Who the f**k is this guy, Teitelbaum?” Trump asked Foxman, according to a version of the 1994 conversation as recalled by the ADL leader. “Abe, it’s antisemitism. All my members will be Jewish.”

“Donald – that’s antisemitism,” Foxman said. “You don’t know who your members will be.”

Trump appeared shocked, and privately backed off his use of the term at Foxman’s explicit request. But Trump apparently did not understand the problem. In his mind, the caste of Jews was complimentary – if still a caste nonetheless.

“To say that only Jews will be members meant that only Jews have money – it was stereotypic,” Foxman recalled in a recent interview. “For him, it may have been an assessment of business opportunities. He’s a shrewd businessman.”…

“In some ways, Donald Trump and his relationship with the Jews is the latest chapter in a very long history of ambivalence and dichotomous relations,” Jonathan Sarna, author of American Judaism: A History, said in an interview. “The line between philosemitism and antisemitism is often a difficult one – the line is thin. It’s not bright red. Often you can find within the same person both tendencies, and Trump is a study in that.”

…“He surrounds himself oddly enough with Jewish personnel, both then and now: his real estate lawyer is Jewish, his house counsel is Jewish, his controller is Jewish, his chief of staff, chief financial officer, executive vice president, his first executive vice president – I was his litigator for 15 years,” Jay Goldberg, who worked for Trump from 1990 to 2005, said in an interview.

Goldberg navigated Trump through both of his divorces in the 1990s with Ivana Zelníková and Marla Maples. Aware of Fred’s past, Goldberg warned against holding deeds of the father against the son: “No attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood,” he said, quoting the Constitution.

“When we talk about the Jewish community and I really think about it, I can’t think of one Christian person on his senior staff,” said Goldberg, who will vote for Trump in November. “It’s amazing to me. It’s almost prejudice in favor of Jewish people.”

…“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money,” Trump said, according to the 1991 biography. “I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

…Schwartz would often hear Trump talk about Jews – a group that he quintessentially characterized as shrewd accountants and lawyers, the writer said.

“The way I would describe his perception of Jews is that he thinks of them in very simple and very stereotypical terms,” Schwartz said in an interview. “My feeling was, ‘I figured out how to use Jews to my advantage.’”

…“Donald is clearly not an antisemite – he’s just neutral,” said a former senior Trump Organization employee, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the topic. “He’s not a supporter of the community. If it’s to his advantage, then it works for him.”

…“I don’t really use the term white nationalism, but I do want to preserve my heritage – just like Jews do,” said David Duke, a prominent white power activist, offering an explanation of why his worldview attracts him to the Trump campaign. “And I think deep down inside, Donald Trump knows where his roots are. He’s concerned about the general heritage of this country. The fact that some of his family is intermarried doesn’t really change that.”

…Toward the end of an hour-long interview, Duke put himself in Trump’s shoes to comport his perspective with the candidate’s lifelong relationship with the Jewish community.

“ ‘I’m going to be quiet,’” Duke surmised of Trump’s thinking, “’I’m going to gain as much power as I can, and when the time comes, I’m going to do what I can for my people. ‘”

But to cast Jews in positive Trumpian terms – smart, shrewd, deal maker – still amounts to degradation equivalent to the sexist act of calling a woman a 10, said Maurice Samuels, director of Yale University’s Program for the Study of Antisemitism.

“Affirmative prejudice is a good term, and I prefer it to philosemitism,” said Samuels in an interview. “As soon as you begin viewing Jews as a group, either positively or negatively, you’re veering into very problematic territory. It’s a process of ‘othering’ and separating that usually doesn’t end well for Jews.”

…“Part of the problem with Donald Trump is that he seems to stereotype different groups – Muslims, Hispanics, blacks and Jews,” Sarna concluded. “He seems not even to understand that in the era in which we live, that’s precisely what we’re trying to move away from: Group stereotypes and definitions.”

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96% Of Jewish Presidential Money Going To Hillary, 4% To Trump

From 538:

In recent years, Republicans have made inroads into the overwhelmingly Democratic constituency of American Jews. But this year, Republican Jews — or Jewish donors to the Republican party, at least — are abandoning their party’s nominee at a stunningly high rate.

In 2012, 71 percent of the $240 million that Jewish donors gave to the two major-party nominees went to President Obama’s re-election campaign; 29 percent went to Mitt Romney’s campaign, according to our analysis of campaign contributors, which used a predictive model to estimate which donors are Jewish based on their names and other characteristics. This ratio of support mirrors how Jewish voters cast their ballots in 2012.

So far in 2016, of all the money given to major-party candidates by donors who appear to be Jewish, 96 percent has gone to Hillary Clinton and just 4 percent has gone to Donald Trump…

It is possible that the abandonment is about policy — as discussed above, there are policy-oriented reasons why some Jews are not fond of Trump. But policy is not the only factor at work here. This is probably also about culture and social identification. If Jews perceive that the kinds of people who support Republicans are not like themselves, then they will update their identification with the party. To be willing to donate to and affiliate themselves with a party, a person needs to look at the other people supporting that party and think, “Those are my people.” For Jews, Trump-aligned Republicans appear to be very much not their people.

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