What Next For The Goy?

Chaim Amalek writes: What next, for Goy-America, once they fall short with Trump? Time for serious thinking and practical action, as only a Jew (I wish to be the Leon Trotsky of the alt-right) can conceive. For starters, the goy must learn how to boycott corporations that work against his interests, which these, days, are most of them. Big, popular, powerful corporations, like Disney, the NFL/NBA, and many others that keep the goy entertained and passive.
The goy must also elect wise men and women to high office who are smart enough to create ad hoc alliances with some-time foes when and where doing so advances goy interests. For example: alliances with the Left against corporate power in America, alliances with Muslims against Hollywood’s Hebrew Homosexuals, alliances with Hollywood’s Hebrew Homosexuals against the gay Jew-hating Muslim invaders, alliances with Black Men against Hispanic invaders, alliances with Hispanics against certain black groups, alliances with black Americans against Asian Americans (e.g. by supporting certain kinds of affirmative action programs), alliances with Asian Americans against those they regard as their racial inferiors (e.g. blacks), etc.
In other words, the goy must learn to think like what he has allowed himself to become in the land of his fathers: a minority group with special interests of his own. The goy must learn to think like a Jew. Is the goy up to that task? This Liberal Upper West Side Jew thinks not.

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WP: Why even Republicans think Clinton won the first debate

I thought Trump did fine and I expect him to keep rising in the polls.

All the Republicans the Post quotes have been strongly against Trump from the beginning of his presidential run, but the newspaper does not note this. They are hardly disinterested observers. They are invested in Trump losing.

Frank Luntz tweeted that Trump was winning the first half of the debate. Trump had a strong first 25 minutes. I thought Hillary tired about an hour in and became less articulate, though she finished strong. I thought Trump lost his discipline about 25 minutes in and missed many opportunities to score.

The experts have been wrong about Trump since last summer. I think they are wrong about him again today with their opinions on the debate. Average Americans will keep responding positively to Donald Trump.

WP: “Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton lacked stamina. But guess who wilted in the debate?”

I thought Trump was high energy the whole debate even though much of it was two against one (with the moderator, Lester Holt, challenging Trump much more aggressively than Clinton and delivering commentaries such as “the records shows otherwise”, etc,). Clinton wilted in the middle and then came back strong.

The Washington Post thinks otherwise:

THE BIG IDEA: The consensus that Donald Trump badly lost the first debate gelled overnight. Liberals predictably panned the GOP nominee’s performance on Long Island, but some of the harshest reviews are coming from conservative thought leaders who had been starting to come around.

— Instant reaction:

Republican pollster Frank Luntz conducted a focus group of undecided voters in Pennsylvania. Sixteen said Hillary Clinton won. Five picked Trump, per CBS News.

In a Florida focus group organized by CNN, 18 of 20 undecided voters picked Clinton as the winner.

Not one of 29 undecided voters in an Ohio focus group organized by Park Street Strategies thought Trump prevailed, while 11 picked Clinton and the rest said neither. By a two-to-one margin, the group thought Clinton had the better tone and, by a three-to-one margin, they thought she came across as more knowledgeable candidate on the issues.

A CNN/ORC flash poll found that 62 percent said the Democrat won, compared to 27 percent who picked Trump. That’s on par with 2012, when Mitt Romney was seen as the winner of the first debate.

In a separate instant-poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, 51 percent said Clinton won and 40 percent picked Trump.

Eight in 10 insiders in the key battleground states thought Clinton performed better, including 57 percent of Republicans, according to the Politico Caucus survey.

reporters during a gaggle. “Did you notice that? My mic was defective within the room. I wonder, was that on purpose?” There was no clear problem with his microphone during the debate, Jose DelReal notes.

Trump was supposed to stop by the Nassau County Republican Committee’s watch party on his way home. He skipped it. Clinton, meanwhile, celebrated with hundreds of supporters in Westbury.

And Rudy Giuliani, a top Trump surrogate, even suggested that Trump should skip the next two debates unless he gets concessions. “If I were Donald Trump I wouldn’t participate in another debate unless I was promised that the journalist would act like a journalist and not an incorrect, ignorant fact checker,” he said.
— It was a debate about Trump. Like the whole 2016 cycle, the GOP nominee sucked up all the oxygen. Facebook says eight in 10 posts about the debate focused on him. Twitter said 62 percent of debate-related tweets were about him.

— But Trump’s lack of preparation showed. There were too many missed opportunities to count.

“I’m not positive Hillary actually won the debate. But I’m sure Trump lost it. He choked,” writes Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol.

“Even if you are a Trump supporter, you have to think that he left a lot on the table,” writes GOP supper lobbyist Ed Rogers, a veteran of the Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses. “He didn’t see the openings and he didn’t swing at the softballs that came his way. He never used the word ‘change,’ he didn’t bore in on Hillary’s email scandal and he never got around to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s suspect integrity. Trump was inarticulate and rarely hit the bull’s eye.”

 “He was exciting but embarrassingly undisciplined,” writes New York Post conservative columnist John Podhoretz. “He began with his strongest argument — that the political class represented by her has failed us and it’s time to look to a successful dealmaker for leadership — and kept to it pretty well for the first 20 minutes. Then due to the vanity and laziness that led him to think he could wing the most important 95 minutes of his life, he lost the thread of his argument, he lost control of his temper and he lost the perspective necessary to correct these mistakes as he went. By the end … Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O’Donnell and about how he hasn’t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking.”

“After the first 20 minutes, it may have been the most lopsided debate I’ve ever seen — and not because Clinton was particularly effective. But you don’t need to be good when your opponent is bad,” writes National Review’s David French, who considered running for president as an independent. “Why didn’t he have a better answer ready for the birther nonsense? Has he still not done any homework on foreign policy? I felt like I was watching the political Titanic hit the iceberg, back up, and hit it again. Just for fun.”

The Fix’s Chris Cillizza notes in his piece on the night’s winners and losers that Trump never even mentioned the phrase basket of deplorables. “Trump was simply not prepared well enough for this debate,” says Cillizza. “His [birther answer] was like watching a car accident in slow motion.”

As Dana Milbank writes, “Trump ostentatiously avoided preparation — playing the proverbial high school slacker drinking beer behind the bleachers while the teacher’s pet was in the library. But Monday night was the revenge of the nerd.”

From the chief strategist of Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign:

From the chief strategist of John Kasich’s 2016 campaign:

Trump’s web site was not even ready for the deluge of traffic. It crashed.

— Trump got worse with each passing exchange. “In the early stages, Clinton and Trump seemed evenly matched, but the longer it went on, the more she was able to score against him,” writes Dan Balz, The Post’s chief correspondent.

Trump took the stage subdued, trying to show he’s serious, but he became peeved as he allowed Clinton’s attacks to get under his skin. “Within minutes of the opening bell, Clinton’s attacks forced domesticated Donald to go feral – he bellowed, interrupted her repeatedly, grunted, and toward the bedraggled end, became muted and pouty,” writes Politico’s Glenn Thrush.

“’I did not! I did not! I do not say that,’ he shouted as Clinton accused him of calling climate change a hoax, which he has said on numerous occasions,” Jenna Johnson recounts. “‘Facts!’ he yelled as Clinton began to question the accuracy of his assertions. ‘Wrong! Wrong!’ he said as Clinton stated that he initially supported the Iraq War, which he had. ‘Where did you find it? Oh really?’ Trump said as Clinton referred to a beauty pageant contestant who has accused Trump of calling her ‘Miss Housekeeping’ because she is Latina.”

“Trump needed to conceal his temper … and appear ready to be president. He didn’t,” writes conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin. “There were too many instances in which the real Donald showed through. Clinton wasn’t emotive, but she was cool and efficient in drawing blood.”

“If her goal was to get under Trump’s skin — you know, sniff out his weakness, and bait him into losing his temper — it worked,” adds conservative columnist Matt Lewis. “She got under that thin skin by talking about his inherited wealth and questionable status as a billionaire.”

— Trump played to his base. He did nothing to win over fresh converts or reassure recalcitrant Republicans. Sean Hannity’s audience is not who he needs to win over.

“Unpersuaded college educated white women didn’t come away from this debate — at least not in large numbers — feeling reassured by Trump,” conservative Jonah Goldberg writes in National Review.Clinton was narrowcasting at the voters she needs. Trump was broadcasting to the voters he already has. If you’re truly pro-Hillary or pro-Trump it doesn’t matter what you thought tonight. Your vote is baked in. But if you’re on the fence or thinking about not voting at all, your impression matters — a lot. And in this regard, I think Clinton was the winner.”

“Hillary was well-informed and unflappable; Trump got across his major themes but was probably too Trump to widen support,” National Review executive editor Rich Lowry concludes. “I thought Trump might save a weak substantive performance with some big moments, but he didn’t have any that cut his way.”

It is hard to imagine that there was a single moment in the debate that would have convinced a wavering college-educated woman in the Philadelphia or Cincinnati suburbs to vote for Trump,”  writes Roll Call columnist Walter Shapiro. “In fact, Trump seemed to be debating with the single-minded goal of turning his gender gap into a canyon. … In 1973, a trash-talking, over-age self-described ‘chauvinist pig’ named Bobby Riggs took on Billie Jean King in a tennis match in the Houston Astrodome that was billed as The Battle of the Sexes. King won in straight sets. History repeated itself Monday. … Clinton defeated Trump in straight sets.”

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The Debate Begins

Both candidates look dialed in.

* Trump needs a tissue.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Just by remaining on her feet for more than 90 minutes, Hillary Clinton won the debate with her freak-flag flying high. Since her Sept. 11th collapse in New York, her candidacy has been bleeding profusely. Tonight, she managed to apply a fresh bandage to her electoral prospects – – – she’s upright and fighting and back in the game! But if she disappears for several days, her physical resillency will once again become a matter of pressing concern. The palsy or Parkinson’s was evident in various facial ticks at about 9:50PM and became more aggressively pronounced between 10:15PM and 10:20PM. But for most of the debate, Trump was diffuse while Mrs. Clinton was focused.

Trump was the usual Trump – – – jumping all over the place and getting lost in the weeds. You’ve got to hand it to Hillary : she knows how to lie and go down with her ship of lies, if need be, without batting an eye. An average debater (Trump is sub-par by any measure) would have been able to easily expose her prevarications but Trump is all wrapped up in himself, as ever the blind egotist, sweating and sweating to get an irrelevant word in at all costs.

Mrs. Clinton, tonight, may not have managed to appear likable but at least she managed to appear tolerable. Trump’s incredulous glance kept darting in her direction the whole time. He seemed to be hoping for the physical collapse of his opponent but Hillary Clinton’s medical staff was in top form tonight. Whatever Frankenstein concoction Mrs. Clinton took in the hours before 9:00PM, it kept her going until 10:35PM! BRAVO, Hillary! Risen from the political dead and back from the flim-flam grave! Try not to stumble, though, before November 8th, otherwise you’ll find yourself falling right back in!

* They say the extended release version of Adderall lasts about four hours. But even with instant release, once you’re “in the zone” you can sometimes stay there long after the effects should have worn off- especially if you’re a tad (or more than a tad) hypomanic to begin with.

* The choice of a moderator was interesting. I’d not seen him before. A black AA hire is generally going to be a loyal Democrat. He was obviously anti-Trump, and did not hide it by going after Clinton in even a token fashion. This was the usual MSM we have come to know and resent.

Although Trump did win on trade and crime, it was a bit like a soccer game where the striker gets an open goal several times and can’t convert. When Hillary mentioned as part of a demonstration of her stamina, her ability to withstand congressional hearings for 12 hours, she was a sitting duck although that was practically an own goal on her behalf. It was as if Nixon or Clinton were to argue about their stamina to go through the impeachment process. Sometimes the lemons are so bad one should not even consider making lemonade. The openings were there to nail her on several occasions, and he didn’t.

Trump did nail her on other occasions. I agree that one of his most effective points was that she has been part of the government for a while now, with nothing but failure to show for it.

Overall I think Trump came out looking better. Hillary’s health is still questionable. Towards the end there was a moment where she came dangerously close to the “I should be 50 points ahead!” tone. And it’s always easy to criticize from the sidelines.

* That’s the media’s love hate relationship with populist politicians. On the one hand they hate Trump from an ideological point of view, but on the other hand they find him entertaining and newsworthy.

Your critics seem to forget that we live in a capitalist society where the media needs ratings to attract advertisers and make money. The MSM may be biased but it isn’t a government funded sociology department.

* I have no doubt this debate took a supreme effort from Hillary and her doctor. If she is as sick as some pointed out, this debate took a lot out of her and something she can’t recover from very rapidly.

Remember right after the DNC convention, Hillary and Veep were planning on touring the mid-west in a converted Greyhound bus. FoxNews even made a big show of it. It didn’t happen, she just vanished.

I just wonder if Hillary will do the same again. Or go to ground for about a week then show up for fund raisers and rigged TV shows for a 20 minute sit down.

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Playing By The Rules

A friend says: Guys like us would have done better by smoking a bit of weed and drinking more alcohol (or in my case, any).

There comes a time when a man must own up to what has not worked out for him e.g., abstinence, prudence, caution, obeying all the rules.

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Trump Vs Hillary Open Thread

I have listened to an hour of CNN commentary prior to the debate and not a word about the importance of her looking healthy.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Trump should say that ending illegal immigration and reducing legal immigration will put the interests of the American people ahead of the interests of foreigners. Trump should say that Hillary Clinton sides with foreigners instead of the American people.

Women voters know that mass immigration and illegal immigration swamps schools, overwhelms hospitals, lowers wages and destroys cultural cohesion. Women voters know that mass immigration allows the infiltration of radical Islamic terrorists. Women voters know that mass immigration brings crime, infectious diseases and multicultural mayhem.

Trump might say: “Hillary Clinton and the Democrats want to erase the US border. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats want to give amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegal alien invaders. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats will leave the United States vulnerable to radical Islamic terrorism. I will defend and protect the United States of America.”

* All through the 2015/2016 Election season I’ve kept thinking… where have I seen this movie before? It finally hit me. Donald Trump IS Daniel Larusso. His rise in 2016 is the story of The Karate Kid.

We meet the main character first. Trump grew up just outside Manhattan. So did Daniel-san. Both have a personality that rubs a lot of people the wrong way. First impressions are hard for them. Frankly, so are second impressions. And third impressions. They make lots of social mistakes. And when you’re new, and you show up with a different look, people make fun of you.

In the beginning, outsiders like Trump/Daniel have to go it alone. It looks like a very long road. You know what the movie is about but it seems so unlikely. President/karate champ? At the outset, it seems impossible. I mean, they have flirted with politics/karate a little in the past. But they have no formal training. In the beginning, Trump/Daniel-san see one tenuous possibility for a special connection. They want Elizabeth Shue/voters to fall for them.

Now, Shue/voters used to date Johnny. Who is, of course, Hillary Clinton. Johnny/Clinton is a mean looking blonde who knows everything there is to know about karate/politics. Doesn’t matter. Trump/Daniel-san have to pursue that which they love…

For showing interest in Shue/voters, Trump/Daniel draw fire. Not just from Johnny/Clinton, but from the whole Cobra Kai Dojo/Political Establishment. Which is overseen, obviously, by John Kreese/the mainstream media. Theoretically, everyone in the dojo/Establishment should have a shot at winning, but Kreese/media clearly favors Johnny/Clinton. It seems odd that Kreese/media is giving Johnny/Clinton all these advantages. Why? Is it necessary? Isn’t Johnny/Clinton the best? Hmmm…

It’s particularly crazy that Kreese/media lock in on, and malign some long-shot outsider like Daniel/Trump early on. Johnny/Clinton becomes obsessed with Daniel/Trump too. Huge mistake. Instead of focusing on their own work (messaging and policy/karate) they waste energy heaping scorn on their rival. Is it really necessary to swarm this new guy on bikes in skeleton costumes/ writing endless op-eds about everything he says? No. It’s insane. But that’s just the way with Daniel/Trump. They’re the main character of any story they’re in. They’re magnetic somehow. Still. Clinton/Johnny seem poised to crush Trump/Daniel.

But Trump/Daniel-san have an ace in the hole. They glean wisdom from a mentor who had been in the arena before. Mr. Miyagi… and Ann Coulter. Coulter, like Miyagi, is a loner. And basically a wizard at sparring even though you’d never know it to look at them. These mentors instill values, and offer tactical advice that seems crazy to other experts in the field of politics/karate.

It starts, in both cases, with the construction of a big beautiful barricade. Paint the fence. Build the wall. In both cases, it’s getting done for cheap.

All the seemingly unrelated skills Trump/Daniel acquire through hard work ultimately translate to politics/karate. Waxing cars, sanding floors… managing a real estate empire, becoming a reality TV star… It all adds up. When the fighting starts in earnest, they are way more prepared than their enemy thinks. Than anyone thinks.

The Republican Primaries. The All Valley Karate Tournament? Same difference. It’s just Trump/Daniel shocking the world by plowing everyone in sight. Who saw it coming? Jeb! and Kasich, Fiorina. So many vanquished foes writhing on the floor. Utterly shocked at their humiliating defeats. It had to be a fluke right? Nope.

Daniel/Trump change the game with unconventional moves nobody has ever seen before. There’s a lot less feignting and jabbing and dancing around than all the other challengers.

But Trump and Daniel are very human. They’re vulnerable. Especially to dirty tricks. It’s hard to win a tournament when the biggest powerbroker in the sport (Kreese/media) hate your guts. They try to knock Trump/Daniel out any way they can. Gold star dad! Sweep the leg! David Duke! Put him in a body bag!!!

Trump/Daniel look wounded. Honestly, how can they still even be standing up? But these guys (Trump/Daniel) are just relentless. They love Shue/voters. And they see Shue/voters are starting to love them back. And it gives them strength.

They get in the arena, stand tough, square up, and after a brief misdirect… kick Johnny/Clinton straight in the face. Clinton/Johnny are basically out on their feet. They wobble and hit the deck. And just like that… it’s over. That’s what is about to happen tonight.

By the way, in the sequel, Daniel/Trump, having defeated all challengers in the States, go rep their country abroad… And they defeat Asians at their own game. Watch out, China.

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