Tag Archives: radio show

Happy Blacks

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said after interviewing black Republican candidate for Congress, Tim Scott: “When you meet conservative blacks… And I’ll compare activist to activist. The humor, the happiness, the freedom. When a black rethinks things, and … Continue reading

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Don’t Enable The Unhappy

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager says: You out there who enable the chronically unhappy should feel awful because you are making your own lives miserable and you are enabling the miserable to stay miserable. Everybody does this. You … Continue reading

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How To Make Women Feel Safe So You Can Then Have Sex With Them

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, he spent an hour with relationship expert Alison Armstrong. Dennis: “I think it is easier for men to understand women.” “When you told me the pillow is messy and it’s yelling at you, I … Continue reading

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The Imam Of The Proposed Mosque Near Ground Zero

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talks about Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam of the proposed mosque: This phony imam. The more I know about him, the less I trust him. He is the cause of this whole problem. … Continue reading

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Is Dennis Prager High Maintenance?

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, he devoted the male-female hour to a discussion of high maintenance people. Dennis said he was not high maintenance. Ralph calls from Manhattan: “Dennis, I would think it would be impossible for you to … Continue reading

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