Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager: ‘Mitt Romney Is As Unflappable As Barack Obama’

Over the past week, Dennis Prager has come to embrace Mitt Romney and to accept that he’ll be the Republican nominee. Dennis has not endorsed anyone. On his show today, Dennis said: “In the last year, I’ve come to respect … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Theology And Values

Theology does not matter much. Many Christians believe I am going to hell because I left Christianity, rejected Jesus Christ, and converted to Orthodox Judaism. Yet these very Christians treat me and other Jews beautifully. They support Israel. You can … Continue reading

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When Your Ideology Makes You Mean

Dennis Prager writes: Only a fool believes that all those with whom he differs are bad people. Moreover, just about all of us live the reality — often within our own family — of knowing good and loving people with … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Democrats Need To Appeal To The Middle?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Republicans have to nominate somebody who will appeal to the middle but Democrats don’t. You never hear that among the Democrats — who’s going to appeal to the independent and the center? … Continue reading

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Doing Something Rude To Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow is the most visible representative of organized religion in America today. And there’s something about good people such as Tim (if you love God or goodness, you gotta love Tim Tebow) that makes bad people hate on them. … Continue reading

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