

* All these years it seemed Trump was just a flamboyant real estate developer and producer of beauty pageants. But now it’s apparent he’d been paying attention to all sorts of subjects all along. This comes as something of a surprise. He actually has a coherent world view unlike most others who offer disconnected homilies about this or that small issue. What did Romney stand for? Can anybody remember?

* For the Republican side, this election has never been about Trump, but the issues that only he had the guts and patriotism to raise. It is the Democrats who wanted this election to be about Trump the man, and they got what they wanted.

* Heck, things would be looking different if just the GOPe hadn’t actively tried to sabotage him.

Meanwhile, Ari Fleischer pens a column in Jeff Bezos’ blog announcing that he will not vote for Trump.

* It was a great ad – runs directly counter to the bleating narrative of the Left and NeverTrump Right that Trump is an authoritarian. That was just straight up meat and potatoes populism.

It would be very fitting if Michigan or Pennsylvania give Trump the victory. The rust belt will rise again!

* Ironically, the four minute selectively edited video from Michael Moore’s new documentary has gone a long way to help explaining a Trumpian coherent, big picture worldview.

In other words, I’ll be voting for Trump on Tuesday because Michael Moore endorsed him and persuaded me that I should vote for a person who’s not a Romney globalist, pro-Wall Street, pro-Invade and Invite the world, etc.

* I find it pretty astonishing that people are dismissing Trump’s chances in this election.

He’s down by only 2% in the national poll average at this point.

Any number of factors can put him over the top:

Generally, in a change election, voters break toward the challenger.

Turnout for Trump’s base may be distinctly higher than expected because of their far greater enthusiasm — and turnout for Hillary distinctly lower because of far lower enthusiasm than for, say, Obama.

There may well be a Shy Trump effect, as there was in Brexit (which accounted for at minimum a 4%, and perhaps up to 7%, discrepancy between the final poll averages and the electoral outcome.)

Any one of these factors could take Trump over the top, and in a perfect storm in which all played a role, could give him a dominant win.

Of course it may be that none of these things really affect the outcome, and that he loses.

But from my point of view, the factors that are now unknowable will be the decisive ones in this election. I can see no reason to assume his chances are worse — or better — than 50-50, given that we can’t know how they will work out. A 2% difference, given all the unknowables in this highly variable and unprecedented election seems negligible to me.

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Jews & Poetry

Steve Sailer writes: World War II poet Karl Shapiro wrote this poem about his one semester at the U. of Virginia in the 1930s:


To hurt the Negro and avoid the Jew
Is the curriculum. In mid-September
The entering boys, identified by hats,
Wander in a maze of mannered brick
Where boxwood and magnolia brood
And columns with imperious stance
Like rows of ante-bellum girls
Eye them, outlanders.

In whited cells, on lawns equipped for peace,
Under the arch, and lofty banister,
Equals shake hands, unequals blankly pass;
The exemplary weather whispers, “Quiet, quiet”
And visitors on tiptoe leave
For the raw North, the unfinished West,
As the young, detecting an advantage,
Practice a face.

Where, on their separate hill, the colleges,
Like manor houses of an older law,
Gaze down embankments on a land in fee,
The Deans, dry spinsters over family plate,
Ring out the English name like coin,
Humor the snob and lure the lout.
Within the precincts of this world
Poise is a club.

But on the neighboring range, misty and high,
The past is absolute: some luckless race
Dull with inbreeding and conformity
Wears out its heart, and comes barefoot and bad
For charity or jail. The scholar
Sanctions their obsolete disease;
The gentleman revolts with shame
At his ancestor.

And the true nobleman, once a democrat,
Sleeps on his private mountain. He was one
Whose thought was shapely and whose dream was broad;
This school he held his art and epitaph.
But now it takes from him his name,
Falls open like a dishonest look,
And shows us, rotted and endowed,
Its senile pleasure.

Karl Shapiro, “University” from Selected Poems (New York: Library of America, 2003).

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* He should’ve stopped after the first line – the rest was superfluous.

* I get the impression that Karl Shapiro didn’t get laid during his one semester at UVA.

In fairness, a lot of universities and colleges were like that in the old days; snooty and condescending and members of the DAR and all that. The democratizing of higher education came later, probably after WW2.

Shapiro’s poem is of a genre of outsider literature that I am tired of reading, to be honest. It sums up, in free verse, the text of a thousand blog posts by young Asians, African Americans, women, LGBT’s, etc. who are all trying to make a career for themselves by describing the ineffable pain they suffer by being different. There’s a certain navel gazing and self-pitying quality that I just can’t appreciate anymore.

I was raised — this is hardly unique — to believe that there was a Western Canon in culture, the arts, and philosophy, and if I wanted to be an educated member of society I had to be familiar with this. Some Ivy League colleges, e.g., Columbia, still promote the idea, that’s why you get minority students whining about reading the Iliad every year.

But one of the things I’ve noticed about the left in recent decades is not only do they not have that broad cultural education, they have no respect for such education, because, after all, that past was sexist, misogynist, racist, homophobic, you name it. They seem to have no conception of traditional high culture at all, but the most worrisome consequence is that they have no way of knowing that their specific attitudes as well as their grievances have been discussed before, usually by far more intelligent and insightful artists and writers.

I have no problem with outsiders. It’s not that uncommon a syndrome. And outsiders can frequently provide fresh and interesting insights. Unlike this poem.

* That is not a poem; it’s silly prose that makes little to no sense.

* I’m always amazed at how bad Jews are at Poetry. Great Novelists, screenwriters, and dramatists. But poetry seems to be a bridge too far.

I’m sure Shapiro disliked U of VA in 1939 cause of all the gang rape. You just have to read the poem more closely.

* This dude really needed a safe space.

* It seems a sub-category of the Jewish ethnic animus genre. They could just have a stamp that says “Jewish ethnic animus” or “Similar to Jewish ethnic animus” and we’d all save a lot of time.

* Some people like me went to college for the education. Others go because college is supposed to be their ladder into American’s upper class with all the money and power that implies. When these people meet a wall they can’t break through, thwarted ambition makes them rage like Karl Shapiro.

Frankly, a guy from a tightly knit in-group like Shapiro has no right to fume about another tightly knit in-group not letting him in. It also says something about a man whose greatest ambition in life is to gate-crash an in-group. He doesn’t want to accomplish something of material value in life, rather, he just wants to know the right people. It’s as if without their approval, he thinks he has no value at all. I see a person like this as being the bowing, scraping, beta male courtier always revolving with a ring of his prancing beta-ilk around a kingly WASP-type figure, and they’re ecstatic to be this guy’s servant. Sort of like Huma Abedin, actually.

* Shapiro grew up in Baltimore and, after leaving UVA, transferred to Johns Hopkins, so perhaps homesickness played a part in his sense of alienation/resentment. I don’t guess I have to add that people who go on to become poets tend to take the routine abrasions and disappointments of life VERY personally.

“Show me a poet, and I’ll show you a shit.”
–A.J. Liebling

* At least in Russian language, Jews are among the best poets: Mandelstam, Pasternak, Brodsky.

* Counter Points: Heinrich Heine, Paul Celan.

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The Marriage Gap

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Single, childless women are a danger to society. Some of the most hardline, butthurt SJWs are single white women. Single men aren’t great either, but their dysfunction is mostly inward and less likely to manifest as ideology.

Big, traditional families are more conservative, and single people tend to be more childish with immature views of the world. The way of the world. This is true for non-whites as well, except most express their racial conservatism by voting Democrat.

I believe the solution is to reform academia. College education has very negative impact on birth rates and family formation. If Trump gets in, he needs to defund/gut the colleges of humanities/social justice courses (many of which attract naive young women). Without them, there would either be fewer women in college, or fewer indoctrinated college women. And definitely fewer leftists.

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Where Trump Differs

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Trump seems to have gone all in on the Sailer strategy. And despite everything, he is still in this. Even if he loses, as long as it isn’t a landslide, I think it vindicates the theory. Someone who never talked about grabbing pussy on tape will run with it, and we will call that person president.

* The Sailer hypothesis ignores the obvious point John Deryshire makes often: sociologically and culturally speaking, there are no whites, there are goodwhites and badwhites. Everything you can do to max out the badwhite vote drives down your share of the goodwhite vote (some moderate goodwhites vote R over taxes and what not).

This whole election has also totally disproved another Sailer hypothesis, that the electoral map can be shaken up by changing the GOP’s policies. Reality: Trump will win the exact same states as McCain and Romney +/- 3.

What you are left with is “Sailerism by Default”, relying on the badwhite vote whilst making futile attempts to reach out to goodwhites and nonwhites, which is what, in one form of another, every GOP candidate, including Trump, has been doing for 20 years.

* Trump has grokked this distinction. He is maxing out badwhite turnout with his downscale MAGA message while stanching the loss of goodwhites by hammering on Hillary’s unique history of brazen public corruption. It just might work.

* Trump is running a different campaign where he defies the establishment ideas like amnesty which are deeply unpopular across both goodwhites and badwhites, as well as blacks, and even many of the Hispanics who’ve been here legally.

Have you ever seen any other Republican presidential candidate have a black homeless woman stumping for him who gets kicked around by angry Hispanics?

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Steve Sailer: So When Is the Hillary-crushing Leak Going to Go Through the Formality of Coming Into Existence?


* Also, what is with Steve being so smug in this post? I guess he doesn’t like Trump. Well la ti da. That fact combined with a love of the musical abomination known as Hamilton will finally earn him a big goose egg.

Was the last fifteen years of being an iconoclast leading to something, or was it just a niche way to present your nominally superior IQ?

* I love how “Pervert Anthony Weiner” sounds like an official title.

* Coming up with those names has been one of Trump’s strong points since before the primaries started. Crooked Hillary, Lying Ted, Low-Energy Jeb; they all stick really well.

I guess it should bother me that a primary strength of the guy I voted for is name-calling, but sound bites trump nuanced debate every time.

* Abramovic is a “famous” conceptual artist. That “spirit cooking” stuff was just some stupid conceptual “art”. John Podesta is an Italian-American guy who likes to cook Italian cuisine. This is really grasping at straws.

* I followed along with one of their Podesta leak dissections. 90% of the time the e-mails never actually said what they thought they said. They would think there were massive revelations to be found in negative Hillary articles the campaign was simply sharing among themselves. Sometimes they even missed the important ones the leftie journalists picked up.

Reddit should be wall-to-wall why globalism is bad, illegal immigration is going up, is bad for jobs, Americans, borders are practically wide open, Hillary is for war (#DraftOurDaughters was hilarious), etc., etc.

Everything Chris Matthews said recently.

But in the final stretch they’re chasing squirrels like a bunch of clowns. It’s almost like they’ve been suckered by a disinformation campaign. So what if it’s true? The election is days away and you’re probably converting people to Hillary with what is, at this stage, TruePundit InfoWars David Icke (Satanic pedo rings are an Icke fave) tier conspiracy theorizing.

* I’m suspecting that “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation” may go down as one of the great lines of the 21st century.

* I saw someone else describing the FBI Records account as “weaponizing the autism” of the chans and reddit to find the code that Podesta is describing and it seems like they might be right.

* We are being governed by a bunch of clowns who wouldn’t be competent enough to organize a church bake sale, yet they seriously regard themselves as philosopher kings. They habitually talk among themselves as if they are omnicompetent, superbly discerning technocrats, and yet their private communications reveal them to be nothing more than DMV clerks with Ivy League degrees.

I mean, I always suspected that this was the case, but the Wikileaks stuff just confirms it in depressing detail.

We are, as Noonan said, being patronized by our inferiors. These idiots display the egomania of Patton and MacArthur, yet their private communications show them to be searching for prop wash and blinker fluid while wondering which end of the rifle to point at the enemy.

That alone should be more than enough to piss people off.

* If she’s still on cumadin, the thyroid medication, AND drinking, she’s playing with fire. Sooner or later, it’s gonna kick her in the ass, like when she collapsed getting into that van.
Cumadin is tough stuff. It’s not like taking a vitamin. It messes with body and brain. Call it a deal with the devil. It’s better to take it, with all it’s long-term negative effects, than to die. It’ll take it’s physical and mental toll on her. You can count on it.

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