A Truce In The Battle For The Soul Of American White Nationalism?

Southern Poverty Law Center: Richard Spencer seems to have given up on putting a spin for reporters on what happened during the National Policy Institute conference last month, when his supporters responded to a toast by throwing stiff-arm Nazi salutes to the stage with cries of “Hail Trump!”

In the media maelstrom that followed, Spencer was quick to dismiss criticisms that his suit-and-tie class of racists had gone fall-on Nazi by claiming the salutes were simply a misunderstood expression of “exuberance and irony.” But it’s almost impossible to believe that now.

Last week, Spencer sat down for an interview with two leading extremists on the “Alt-Right”: Mike Enoch who runs TheRightStuff.biz blog and Andrew Anglin, whose website The Daily Stormer –– a site that has surpassed the popularity long held by Don Black’s Stormfront –– traffics in endlessly vile anti-Semitic memes and heralds President-elect Donald Trump as “Our Glorious Leader.” The interview was posted on Enoch’s blog under the title “Between Two Lampshades,” a crude reference to the post-World War II myth that the skin of victims of the Buchenwald concentration camp had been used to make lampshades.

Calling the interview the first meeting of the “The Triumvirate,” the conversation turns on discussing their hopes for a new America under Trump and the possibilities of an ethnostate that would halt illegal immigration and give way to an all-out assault on immigration from any non-European nation. (It’s worth noting that all three are in favor of eugenics and IQ tests to determine the suitability of people to be citizens.)

In clear terms, the interview was a public relations effort for the newly united front between Spencer, a trust fund beneficiary, Anglin, an internet troll known for bragging in a video leaked online about his “jailbait,” Filipino girlfriend, and an obscure New York blogger who frequently appears on Spencer’s podcast. But Spencer seems to be willing to forge an alliance with the very factions of the Alt-Right he has tried to distance himself from using his family’s wealth and his own educational pedigree.

In order to cast their movement as the sole alternative to the current political paradigm, and not a collection of reactionaries with selective historical literacy, the trio attempts to project itself as a collective of racially awakened activists tugging at the levers of power. They claim to endorse universal healthcare, nuclear energy and public transit as worthwhile public goods in a socialist society, while criticizing non-whites as “rent-seekers,” incapable of developing and maintaining civilization.

They justify this with some interesting mental gymnastics. Spencer claims blacks view civilization and culture as a “zero sum game.” This is in fact a projection of the core of the “Alt-Right” worldview, that any gains in the fields of social justice or race relations for non-whites represent a net loss for whites. While he stops short of Anglin’s calls for genocide, Spencer makes it clear that in his imagined ethnostate, non-Europeans and “others” would be removed with the express intent of returning America to its “Anglo-Protestant core.”

Anglin’s hatred of the Jews was once cast by Spencer-proxy Collin Liddell as “transmogrified fear,” an inversion of “Jewish Supremacy” that warped Anglin into a head-shaving, swastika-adorned internet troll. But in the “Triumvirate” interview, Spencer describes Anglin’s preoccupation with Jews as an acceptable reaction to a “tragic, parasitic relationship.” He and Enoch spend considerable time discussing their shared belief that Jews exist as a novel example of tribal evolution in global history.

Judging by the speaking time allotted to each, a clear hierarchy is at play. While dominating the interview, Spencer feigns humility and repeatedly references how prior conversations he had with Enoch helped him develop talking points for interviews. Enoch, who regularly syndicates Anglin’s content, speaks second-most, frequently attempting to bridge the gap between Spencer’s “thoughts” on the movement and Anglin’s meme-speak. But Anglin’s presence is curious.

It wasn’t long ago that Anglin declared “total war” on Spencer after Alternative Right, Spencer’s former blog, posted an article titled, “Andrew Anglin’s Inverted Ghetto.”

In the article, Liddell, described by Anglin as “Chief Servant of Richard Spencer,” lambasted “Anglin’s track record – using the crudest racist imagery and boldly associating his message with the most demonized members of the most demonized regime in the modern age (without even a hint of irony).” Liddell also asserted that Anglin is “a paid shill and agent provocateur, whose purpose is simply to infest and discredit White nationalism.”

That last statement obviously struck a nerve.

In the aftermath, Anglin dedicated considerable energy to denigrating Spencer’s craven attempts to position himself at the forefront the Alt-Right. How interesting, then, that since the interview, Anglin has gone to war for his newfound ally and summoned his followers to lead an attack against critics of Spencer in Whitefish, Mont., where Spencer lives part-time.

In response to community members being increasingly critical of Spencer’s mother for funding her son’s campaign of intolerance, Anglin posted a piece on Monday that detailed the names, occupations, contact information and pictures of those he sees as Spencer’s enemies.

How then did Spencer and Anglin come to bury the hatchet? Is it perhaps a moment of three racists willing to settle their beefs for the good of the movement? Or is it, as seems more likely, would-be “intellectuals” whose racist perspectives are shades of gray on the spectrum of racist thought finally agreeing to blend into one?

Despite maneuvering to anoint themselves as some Alt-Right collective, a brain trust, the fawning deference even racists give to Spencer makes apparent their divisions –– divisions in style, intelligence, substance and class. It is a marriage of convenience, one that Spencer seems willing to entertain even at the cost of his own steadily degrading image, one that Enoch is willing to engage in because it helps his relevance, and one that Anglin is energized to be a part of because it makes him seem smarter than he is.

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Birth Tourism: Nobody in Power Is Serious About It

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The United States is just not a serious country anymore. This shouldn’t even be a difficult issue–children born to foreign diplomats on U.S. “soil” are not American citizens, so why should children born to foreigners also on U.S. soil for the express purposes of gaming the system be automatic U.S. citizens? I’m reminded of the Tunisian terrorist who couldn’t be deported because Tunisia wouldn’t take him back (smart people, those Tunisians) but who couldn’t be detained because, well, as I remember it, he didn’t have any papers. The West is so tied up in legalisms it can no longer act to preserve its own existence. It’s almost like being a body that’s lost its ability to recognize disease organisms.

* Fascinating quotation from the article:

“For better or worse, Chinese mothers’ first impression of American life is often in places like Rowland Heights, a mostly-Asian sprawling suburb of homes and vast strip malls 25 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.”

‘For better or worse . . .’? Is the writer actually worry-editorializing that these gravid ladies might be finding their new host country insufficiently impressive and welcoming? Perhaps the US government should step in to address this horrible injustice by implementing a new program to build birth-tourist hotels in nicer places such as Santa Barbara and La Jolla. We should provide shuttle service from LAX also, of course.

* Deftly presented, it could be a huge political winner. Birth tourism, for one thing is very unpopular. For another thing, I sense that birthright citizenship to noncitizens has great potential to trigger in American women a strong competitive/protective instinct in favor of their own children and grandchildren and in opposition to outsider women trying to elbow into their nest. There’s also just the basic injustice of rewarding lawbreakers.

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Hate Facts

LINK: Here are about 700 hatefacts (politically incorrect but true statements) on Islam, race, gender relations, ethnocentrism, diversity, and more. These facts and other commentary were originally posted on the @LibrarianofHate twitter account. This is by far the largest listing of politically incorrect facts to date, but it’s only a small sampling of everything out there. After all this research, I don’t believe hatefacts are meaningful or convincing, since they only have value as part of a larger narrative that makes sense of the world, but perhaps someone will find this list worthwhile. If you find an error, typo, or just want to call me an evil nazi KKK member, you’re out of luck.

Table of Contents
Arabs and Islam
Muslim World
North America
Europe (General)
Interracial Children and Couples
Other Groups
Women and Sex Roles
Gays (and Lesbians)
The Validity of Race

Cousin marriage in the Arab world ranges from 8% in Morocco to 44% in Saudi Arabia. Source:

  • Arab Christians have lower rates of inbreeding than Arab Muslims. Source:
  • Inbreeding rates in Qatar, Yemen, the UAE, and other Muslim countries are increasing. Source:
  • 25% of Egyptians support suicide bombings. Source:
  • 36% of Muslims believe 9/11 was partially or wholly justified. Source:
  • Arab countries have the highest rates of inbreeding in the world. Source:
  • 30% of Iraqis marry their cousins. Source:
  • 62% of Palestinians support the use of suicide bombings. Source:
  • One in four Palestinians approves of attacks on US civilians in America. Source:
  • 87% of Egyptians agree with Al Qaeda’s goals. Source:
  • 78% of Egyptians support attacks on US soldiers in the Middle East. Source:
  • 35% of Palestinians have a favorable opinion of Al Qaeda. Source:
  • One in eight Muslims worldwide has a favorable view of al Qaeda. Source:
  • 1 in 3 Muslims favorably views Hamas, a terrorist organization. Source:
  • 1 in 9 Arabs has a positive view of ISIS. Source:
  • Muslim countries produce so few patents that their contributions worldwide are “invisible”. Source:
  • Muslim nations spend 1/7 as much of their GDP on R&D as the rest of the world. Source:
  • Every Muslim nation produces less scientific research than the world average. Source:
  • The average Muslim nation produces less than 1/10 as much scientific research as a non-Muslim nation. Source:
  • Between 3% and 30% of Turkish college students believe honor killings are normal. Source:
  • 1 in 3 Jordanian youth agree with honor killings. Source:
  • As many as 50% of rural Afghani men engage in pedophilia. Source:
  • 16% of Turks support suicide bombings. Source:
  • More than half of Moroccans approve of attacks on American soldiers. Source:
  • The majority of Pakistanis grieved over Osama Bin Laden’s death. Source:
  • 20% of Turks believe that the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists “got what they deserved” for insulting Islam. Source:
  • ISIS is supported by 11.5% of Arabs, or 42 million people. Source:
  • There is a “strong preference for first-cousin marriage in most Muslim countries”. Source:
  • 74% of North African and Middle Easterners are anti-Semitic. Source:
  • Half of all Muslims are inbred. Source:
  • Hundreds of millions of Muslims reject freedom of religion and freedom of expression. Source:
  • The four countries with the highest rates of child marriage are all majority Muslim. Source:
  • As many as 300 million Muslims may support ISIS. Source:
  • ISIS support with Muslims globally ranges, conservatively, between 20-30% – as many as 500 million people. Source:
  • Rape of infidel women is part of Islamic law and Islamic tradition. Source:

    North America
  • 62% of Canadian Muslims want Sharia law. Source:
  • More than 1 in 3 Canadian Muslims refuses to repudiate Al Qaeda. Source:
  • In 2008, 80% of Somali immigration to the United States was fraudulent. Source:
  • One in four young Muslims in America believes that terrorism is justified. Source:
  • One in twenty Muslim Americans favorably views Al-Qaeda. Source:
  • 8% of American Muslims believe that Al-Qaeda’s beliefs are Islamic and correct. Source:
  • 9% of Muslims in America believe that ISIS’s beliefs are Islamic and correct. Source:
  • 11% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia law must be imposed worldwide through Jihad. Source:
  • 33% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia law is greater than the Constitution. Source:
  • 29% of Muslim Americans believe that violence against those who insult Islam is acceptable. Source:
  • One in four American Muslims believe that violence against Americans is acceptable as part of Jihad. Source:
  • 16% of American Muslims defines Jihad as “violent holy war against unbelievers of Islam”. Source:
  • Immigration of Muslims to the West may increase terrorism and radicalization. Source:
  • Resettling refugees in the West is twelve times more expensive than caring for them in their own countries. Source:
  • Immigrants to the West have high rates of consanguinity (inbreeding). Source:
  • Immigration to Europe and North America has raised the amount of inbreeding in our countries. Source:
  • The more contact Americans have with Muslims, the more “Islamophobic” they are. Source:
  • Caring for one Middle Eastern refugee in America costs $64,370 over five years. Source:
  • 90% of Middle Eastern immigrants to the United States do not pay income tax and receive money from the government. Source:
  • 91.4% of refugees in America are on food stamps. Source:

    Europe (General)
  • 65% of European Muslims believe that Sharia law is more important than the law of their country. Source:
  • European Muslims are 7.5x more likely to be fundamentalists than Christians. Source:
  • 45% of European Muslims believe that Jews cannot be trusted. Source:
  • 60% of European Muslims are explicitly homophobic. This is not due to poverty or education. Source:
  • The children of Muslim immigrants in Europe claim to face more discrimination than their parents. Source:
  • Migrants to Europe are twice as likely to be unemployed as White Europeans. Source:
  • Migrants to Europe are twice as likely to drop out of school as White Europeans. Source:
  • One of best predictors of crime among migrants to Europe is the prevalence of Islam in their home country. Source:
  • Support for terrorism among Muslims in Europe is increasing with newer generations. Source:
  • 13% of Syrian ‘refugees’ support ISIS. Source:

    More than 20 percent of Muslim migrants entering Europe may have ties to
  • ISIS-linked groups. Source:
  • 75 to 80 percent of migrants entering Europe are military-age males in generally good health. Source:
  • “Two in every 100 Syrian migrants smuggled into Europe are ISIS-trained jihadists”. Source:
  • Non-White migrants in Europe account for one in three new HIV infections. Source:

  • There are few immigrants in German’s university-track high schools. Source:
  • Germany’s choice to accept migrants will cost at least 11 billion dollars. Source:
  • 30% of ‘Syrian’ immigrants to Germany are fraudulent. Source:
  • Only 1 in 10 Muslims migrants arriving in Germany is employable. Source:
  • One in eight Muslims in Germany believes that terrorism is justified. Source:
  • Germany will be a Muslim Turkish nation by 2050 if demographic trends continue. Source:
  • 3 million Turks came to Germany as “guest workers”, but 80% of them now live on welfare. Source:
  • Accepting a single refugee costs Germany $14,500 per year. Source:

    One in fifty Germans supports ISIS. Source: https://www.rt.com/news/181076-isis-islam-militans-france/
  • 80% of Muslim Turks in Germany are unemployed and live on welfare. Source:
  • 70% of the children of Turks in Germany lack the equivalent of a high school degree. Source:

  • 1 in 12 British schoolchildren is Muslim, and the Muslim population will increase for “many decades”. Source:
  • One in three British Muslims does not speak English. Source:
  • 55% of Pakistanis in the UK are married to their cousins. Source:
  • British Pakistanis make up 3% of the population but 33% of genetically diseased children due to inbreeding. Source:
  • All available studies find that non-European immigrants to Britain cost about $10 billion/year. Source:
  • British Muslims are twice as likely as British Christians to be unemployed. Source:
  • Britain will become a Muslim country by 2050 if demographic trends continue. Source:
  • At least 85 legally binding Sharia courts operate in Britain. Source:
  • 32% of Muslim university students in Britain believe that killing in the name of religion is acceptable. Source:
  • 28% of British Muslims would like for Britain to become a fundamentalist Islamic state. Source:
  • 68% of British Muslims support criminalizing criticism of Islam. Source:
  • 3 out of 4 British Muslims support criminalizing drawings of Mohammed. Source:
  • 9% of British Muslims define themselves as “hardcore Islamists”. Source:
  • Only 3% of British Muslims support free speech. Source:
  • 0/500 British Muslims believe that homosexuality is morally acceptable. Source:
  • One in sixteen young Muslims in Britain believe honor killings are acceptable. Source:
  • 18% of young Muslims in Britain believe honor violence is acceptable. Source:
  • Despite being less than 5% of the population, more than 20% of British prisoners are Muslim. Source:
  • Immigrants to Britain make up one fifth of rape and murder suspects. Source:
  • European migrants to the UK have improved public finances, while non-White immigration has cost money. Source:
  • 30% of Muslims in Britain do not identify as British. Source:
  • 4% of British Muslims live in free housing. Source:
  • More than 1 in 5 British Muslims claims to be disabled, higher than any other ethnic or religious group. Source:
  • 40% of British Muslims want Sharia law. Source:
  • 1 in 10 British Muslims supports honor killings. Source:
  • One in five British Muslims sympathize with the 7/7 terrorist attack. Source:
  • 17,000 honor crimes take place every year in Britain. Source:
  • The number of honor crimes committed in Britain doubles every year. Source:
  • 6% of Muslims in Britain are explicitly “disloyal” to Britain. Source:
  • 24% of Muslims in Britain believe that violence against those who publish images of Muhammad is justified. Source:
  • 45% of British Muslims believe that clerics preaching violence against the West are in line with mainstream Muslims. Source:
  • 7% of Muslims in Britain believe that Muslims should not have to obey British laws. Source:
  • As many as 1.5 million British Muslims may sympathize with ISIS. Source:
  • 21% of British Muslims believe that suicide attacks against the military can be justified. Source:
  • 16% of British Muslims would be indifferent if a family member joined Al-Qaeda. 2% would be proud. Source:
  • 7% of Muslims in Britain believe that suicide attacks in Britain can be justifiable. Source:
  • 5% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks by Muslims against Britain’s are justified. Source:
  • 18% of British Muslims think the Muslim community has done too much to integrate into British society. Source:
  • One in three young Muslims in Britain believes that terrorism is justified. Source:
  • 4% of British Muslims do not believe the Holocaust happened. Source:
  • Most British Muslims do not believe that Muslims should participate in Holocaust remembrance. Source:
  • 46% of British Muslims believe the Jews control the media and politics. Source:
  • 37% of British Muslims believe British Jews are “legitimate targets” in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Source:
  • 16% of British Muslims believe suicide bombings in Israel can be justified. Source:
  • 7% of British Muslims believe suicide bombings against civilians can be justified. Source:
  • 13% of Muslims in the UK believe attacks by Al-Qaeda on the United States as justified. Source:
  • 11% of British Muslims believe suicide bombings against the police can be justified. Source:
  • 9% of British Muslims believe suicide bombings against government workers can be justified. Source:
  • In the British city of Birmingham, only one in three students is White. Source:
  • 38% of British Muslims believe that foreign Muslims who incite hatred should be allowed to stay in the UK. Source:
  • 28% of British Muslims believe they bear little or no responsibility for rooting out religious extremism. Source:
  • 5% of British Muslims would not tell anyone if a fellow Muslim was planning a terror attack. Source:
  • 27% of Muslim students in the UK see a conflict between loyalty to the UK and loyalty to Muslims. Source:
  • 10% of Muslim students in the UK wouldn’t report a Muslim planning terrorism to the police. 10% more refuse to answer. Source:
  • In Britain, Muslims make up 21% of youth criminals. Immigrants all together make up 45%. Source:
  • In Britain, more Muslims join ISIS than join the British army. Source:
  • Caring for one refugee for one year costs Britain £24,000. Source:
  • 73% of Tuberculosis cases in Britain occur to people born outside the UK. Source:
  • 80% of Tuberculosis cases in London occur to people born outside of the UK. Source:
  • 7% of the British population backs ISIS. Source:
  • In the United Kingdom, there may be as many as 1 million victims of Muslim rapists. Source:

  • The income gap between native Swedes and immigrants to Sweden is growing. Source:
  • 25% of crime in Sweden was committed by immigrants, and 20% more was committed by children of immigrants. Source:
  • Sweden is the rape capital of the West, likely due to immigration. Source:
  • 85% of rapists in Sweden were non-Swedish immigrants. Source:
  • North African migrants to Sweden are 23 times more likely to rape than native Swedes. Source:
  • African migrants to Sweden are 16 times more likely to rape than ethnic Swedes. Source:
  • Iraqi migrants to Sweden are 2000% more likely to rape than native Swedes. Source:
  • 16% of Swedish girls are not allowed to determine who they will marry. Source:
  • In Sweden, immigration has increased income inequality. Source:
  • One in four Swedish women will be raped in her lifetime. Source:
  • Immigrants to Sweden make 60% of what native Swedes earn, and this number has barely changed in 25 years. Source:
  • Immigration to Sweden is a net cost even in the long run. Source:
  • Sweden is the least successful nation at integrating immigrants in the world. Source:
  • African and Middle Eastern immigrants to Sweden with university degrees are less literate than Swedes without degrees. Source:
  • 35% of immigrants to Sweden lack sufficient skills in both reading and math. Source:

  • Immigrants to Denmark are twice as likely as native Danes to commit violent crime. Source:
  • 64% of children born to Arabs in Copenhagen are not “functionally literate”. Source:
  • Immigration to Denmark has on net cost billions of dollars. Source:
  • Because of inbreeding, children of Muslim immigrants to Denmark are three times more likely to be intellectually disabled than native Danes. Source:
  • More than half of rapists in Denmark are immigrants. Source:
  • 77% of Muslims in Denmark believe that the Koran should be followed completely, an increase since 9 years ago. Source:
  • 40% of Muslims in Denmark believe Sharia should be part of the country’s laws. Source:
  • One in ten Muslims in Denmark supports the exclusive rule of Sharia law in the country. Source:
  • In Copenhagen, 84% of people accused of serious crimes are immigrants. Source:
  • In Copenhagen, 90% of people accused of serious crime are non-citizens. Source:
  • The lifetime cost of non-European immigrants to Denmark is 2.5 million Kronar, or $450,000. Source:
  • Half of convicted rapists in Denmark are Muslims. Source:

  • Muslim are only 12% of France’s population but make up 70% of France’s prisoners. Source:
  • In France, 70% of burglaries are committed by first or second generation immigrants. Source:
  • In France, more than 40% of young Muslims believe that terrorism is justified. Source:
  • In France, 96% of rejected asylum seekers remain in the country. Source:
  • One in five young French Muslims believes that terrorism is often or sometimes justified. Source:
  • 15% of French people back ISIS. Source:
  • 40% of French Muslims do not have French friends. Source:
  • There are 751 Muslim ghettos in France. Source:
  • In France, 93% of Muslims vote for socialism. Source:

  • Second generation African and Asian immigrants to Norway have lower incomes than their parents. Source:
  • Immigrants to Norway from Africa or Southeast Asia are 3x more likely to commit crime than native Norwegians. Source:
  • Somalis in Norway are 4.4 times more likely to rape than native Norwegians. Source:
  • African immigrants to Norway are 3 times more likely to rape than ethnic Norwegians. Source:
  • The descendants of African immigrants to Norway are 60% more likely than their parents to commit crimes. Source:
  • The children of Asian immigrants to Norway are 80% more likely than their parents to commit a crime. Source:
  • Non-White immigrants in Oslo committed every rape from 2006 to 2010. 80% of the victims were Norwegian women. Source:
  • Immigrants to Norway retire on ‘disability’ sooner than do ethnic Norwegians. Source:
  • Norway’s immigration population more than doubled, from 5% to 12%, in just 10 years. Source:
  • Asian and African immigrants to Norway have “significantly” lower rates of employment than ethnic Norwegians. Source:
  • Humanitarian migration to Norway is “dominated by groups with poor qualifications”. Source:
  • The lifetime cost of a non-European immigrant to Norway is 4.1 million Krone, or $660,000. Source:
  • Caring for one refugee in Norway costs $24,000 per year. Source:
  • In Oslo, one in ten women over the age of 15 has been raped by Muslims. Source:

  • 70% of Spain’s prisoners are Muslim, although Muslims are only 1.5% of the Spanish population.
  • 25% of Muslims in Spain believe that terrorism is justified. Source:
  • Spanish youth are more supportive of terrorism than their parents. Source:
  • Spain’s population of foreign-born people increased fivefold in 7 years. Source:

  • 16% of young Muslim men in Belgium believe that terrorism is acceptable. Source:
  • In Belgium, the inbreeding rate among Muslim immigrants is continuing to remain high. Source:

  • In Ireland, immigrants account for one quarter of child abuse cases. Source:
  • Race

    Race (General)
    Women and Sex Roles

    Thanks for reading. Take care.

    Hatefacts That Didn’t Make The Cut

    Posted by
    Here are some hatefacts that weren’t good enough for the

    Twitter account, mostly because I couldn’t verify the source or because I couldn’t fit them into 140 characters. They vary in quality and content, and not all may be accurate, so caveat emptor.

    Posted in Diversity | Comments Off on Hate Facts

    Key Moments From 2016

    Comments at Steve Sailer:

    * Walking into stores and wondering what country I live in. Seeing Muslims. Sending large sums of tax money to pay for a public school that is comprised almost entirely of non-English speakers. Not wanting to go to a mall or movie theater anymore because it feels like the third world. Having unpleasant interactions at almost every restaurant where the person behind the register barely speaks English. Understanding that Obama (a 1950′s third world style, anti-American) got elected because of a third world invasion. Realizing that we wouldn’t have a country anymore if the invasion wasn’t immediately halted. Realizing that bringing in any amount of Muslims was suicidal. I understood this one prior to 9/11 though. That took me in 2013/2014 to Jeff Sessions/Stephen Miller/Vdare/Steve Sailer. When Trump announced, I pretty much knew. He got better and better over time. I think he might just save America and Western Civilization. But it won’t be easy. Cheers to America possibly getting one more chance in 2017.

    And Steve – what can I say, the Sailer Strategy was correct. You were right. Very rare is it that a blogger has such an impact. Obvious that Ann Coulter took a lot from you. Coulter gave to Trump. Trump gave to us all. Kudos to you, Steve.

    * Steve Sailer: One development was the things that didn’t happen. Hillary ran on an implicit promise of Disarming Evil White Guys.

    She seemed to be betting on more Dylann Roofs and Sandy Hooks happening to help her out, but they largely didn’t.

    Instead she got Muslim and BLM terrorism.

    Some of that was just bad luck for her, some of it was her lack of critical thinking skills at deconstructing The Narrative in the corporate press so she wasn’t good at noticing patterns and trends.

    Some of it was that she (and her side) were encouraging dangerous trends like black rage and Muslim immigrant resentfulness.

    * The obvious long term trend is the internet and sites like Unz. Fifteen years ago, the Megaphone Holders still pretty much had a lock on public discourse. The internet existed, of course, but the credible outlets were still mostly controlled by the same people as in the offline world: the Megaphone Holders. Gradually over the last decade, the dissenters from the enforced Narrative grew to knew they weren’t alone and indeed, there might be many out there. The online discussion here and even in mainstream comments sections (before they were banned) sharpened and elaborated the dissenters’ awareness and allowed them to break the Sapir-Whorf box and state their dissent in ways that didn’t sound automatically wrong. By 2016, the Narrative was looking pretty threadbare.

    Trump deserves some personal credit. A breakthrough moment was when Macy’s threatened to boycott him over his immigration statements, and he didn’t cave! That had never happened before at that level. He was economically vulnerable and paid some financial price for sticking to his guns, but he did it, and that shattered a glass ceiling that had previously constrained discussion.

    Finally, there was a significant element of what for lack of a better word we call “luck” or “fate” or the “Hand of God”. When the Megaphone disputed that immigration was a problem, there were high profile nativ-o-cides by immigrants. When the Megaphone disputed that Muslims were a problem, Muslims got all Sudden Jihad Syndrome across former Christendom. When the Megaphone disputed that law and order could be an issue, BLM rioters and terrorists went on murder sprees. When Hillary insisted her health was great, she was wracked by coughing fits. Of course, the Megaphone Holders have been lying for a long time, but this year Hubris met Nemesis in particularly rapid and poignant ways.

    Of course, it also doesn’t hurt that the pillars of the Megaphone establishment–Hillary, Merkel, von Juncker–are all superannuated plonkers.

    * Earlier today my husband happened to mention that he thought Hillary’s basket of deplorables comment was a turning point in the election. And then, Trump’s reaction to it – with the Les Miserables image and music was impressive and inspired.

    * There is a global populist-nationalist trend, including in countries where immigration isn’t an issue. I think Modi is the most nationalist PM India has ever had. Abe seems like the most nationalist Japanese PM since WWII. Erdogan seems like the most populist-nationalist Turkish leader in living memory. Duterte in the Philippines is populism distilled. One way of looking at ISIS is as Sunni Arab nationalism. Religion is often tribalism by proxy, and Sunni Arabs are an ethnic group. The Koran is their flag, symbol, calling card and ancient tradition.

    * Seeing the DNC bring Michael Brown’s mother on stage and portrayed as some sort of heroine at their nominating convention should’ve be a real eye opener to a lot of people, but even the majority of staunch conservatives didn’t seem to notice or care.

    * Dear Mr. Sailer:

    Your achievements are widely noted. You are “Internet-famous.”

    Your exact genetic composition has been a matter for speculation. Some believe that you are one-quarter Jew, but no one (to my knowledge) has published physical proof that your genes are one-quarter Jewish.

    Let me be plain, Mr. Sailer.

    The Jews are the cause of our misfortunes.

    We are not allowed to say it.

    That merely reinforces our awareness of it.

    If you seek the trends, Mr. Sailer, seek the ways in which the Jews have immiserated the population.

    White people are stupid enough to be immiserated for a long, long time.

    But even white people eventually wake up and say: “Who caused this misfortune?”

    Likewise, white people eventually say: “Is it good for the whites?”

    * The voters in Dave Brat’s district sent an unmistakable early message; a virtual political earthquake. But the Republican Establishment continued as though nothing at all had happened.

    * Donald Trump flying around relentlessly from one well attended rally to another, was the new trend of the year. Towards the end he was hitting four-five rallies per day and mostly in the battleground states. This was the DJT version of retail politicking and won the election for him. Hillary was static while The Donald was kinetic.
    Can’t blame Hill too much, due to her ill health she was unable to campaign half as vigorously as The Donald. The Dems bet on the horse headed to the glue factory. The Donald is the strong horse and reluctant Republicans will join forces with him in 2017 and beyond. Why? Because everybody loves a winner.

    * A significant number of Jews (especially Israeli Jews) thinking that philosemitic civic nationalism might actually be preferable to the unlimited Merkel-style third-world invasion, especially when the invasion leads to tens of thousands of Germans marching through the streets in protest.

    * Nationalism is the major multi-century historical trend still going on. Why? Hard to say. There are just certain implacable zeitgeists in certain periods. Nationalism has been in the current zeitgeist since at least the French revolution, though I think you can trace it back further in Anglo history (and hence in its American offshoot). It is by definition democratic, hostile to elite excess, communitarian and language-dependent. When anything stands in the way of those trends, conflict will follow. It started in and was strongest in the West, but continues to spread over the world.

    * Multinational/multicultural empires get into conflict all the time. Indeed, for many of them, constant conflict is a way of life, not only externally but internally: you have to keep all those jostling nations/cultures in their place somehow.

    A properly nationalist nation can’t really expand faster than its own birth rate. You can’t have a bigger nation than there are nationals to populate it. But with a multi-ethnic empire, the sky is the limit. If any population can be part of your empire, there is nothing to stop your expansion but military defeat.

    Good borders make good neighbors. And with nationalism, a good border is available: where one ethnicity ends and the next one begins, where one language ends and the next one begins. With multi-ethnic empires, no border is ever really good because the ending of one ethnicity or language and the beginning of the next is not relevant to a multi-ethnic empire. Since there is no obvious reason for anyone to be either in or out of such an empire, violent expansion and/or violent repression of internal dissent is baked in.

    All of the biggest, most violent (both externally and internally) states have been multi-ethnic: the Soviet Union, the Mongol Hordes, the Ottoman Empire, even the anti-nationalist’s trump card–Nazi Germany–was really a multi-ethnic empire: the Third Reich. When it embarked on its brutal and megalomaniac Eastern conquests and associated mass civilian murders, the Nazi war machine was not only ethnic German but also had formations of Scandinavians, Dutch, Ukrainians, Russian, Vichy French, allies of Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, Finns, auxiliaries of Balts, Slavs, Croats, Slovenes and Arabs, and I’m probably forgetting some. So the favorite nationalist boogie man is really just another cautionary tale about excessive multicultural, multi-ethnic overreach.

    * Obama was made possible by Tiger Woods.
    Trump was made possible by Don Draper, Roger Sterling, Tywin Lannister, Tony Soprano.

    The arts began foreshadowing a sharp turn to the reactionary 10-20 years ago. Shockingly so … and consistently so. Most surprisingly, all the lefties were into it.

    My favorite reactionary is … Lena Dunham. “Girls” is “Sex and the City” 20 years later and completely gone to hell. She got it. She helped make Trump possible.

    * I view the elections as a series of tests administered to Trump and his followers. Trump had the most tests, and he passed them all. He didn’t apologize for offending Mexicans in that first speech, or John McCain, or Curiel, or the Khans.. He didn’t give in to the GOP elites in an effort to win their approval. He didn’t spend money on meaningless ads and polls. He came back after the Access Hollywood tape and debated Hillary to a draw. He never backed down.

    His followers had to show up and vote for him despite being told by everyone–and I mean, everyone–he’d lose.

    It was that simple. Everything else was glorious theater.

    * It was pretty much the launching of World War Trans that made me realize that the world had gone pretty insane. I wouldn’t have otherwise cared much, I wanted to be left alone.

    * The deleterious effects of unrestricted free trade and mass third-world immigration in the post Cold War period — neither of which were politically correct topics for honest public discussion — reached the breaking point (which was bound to happen sooner or later). The politics of distraction finally broke down.

    * 9/11.

    Hillary’s collapse on 9/11, that is. Followed by her people saying it was the heat, when everyone knew it was a very mild day. Then she comes out of Chelsea’s apartment and says she feels, “Great!”

    A cascade of lies from a candidate already truth-challenged.

    We didn’t find out about her collapse from the press, and might not have ever if not for the cameras everyone carries around now.

    The biggest story IMO is the collapse of establishment media credibility. They used to intimidate the public with their cleverness, but the newsrooms are full of SJW dingbats & low-paid Asians willing to write anything for a Prestige Job at the Times.

    * …the media and Obama administration reactions to the Trayvon Martin case did the most to show White millennial men that they are hated and lied to by the elites that rule them. When asked about their first red pill, many, many millennials say it was a Skittle.

    * A young woman known to me since birth, raised in a Whitopia county, schooled in a SJW factory where the greatest crime of all is to hate blacks, learns all Left-approved attitudes, beliefs, talking points … Now grown up very pretty, very fair, Nordic-looking, sought after by every male within eyeshot, goes to NYC to make her actress/model career, lives in Harlem(!), gets harassed by black guys every day, usually with sexual overtones (which I could have told her would happen) … Comes home and declares she hates blacks and doesn’t care if she is racist, plainly and unapologetically breaking the highest Commandment of her SJW Goodwhite milieu. Who is going to contradict her? No male. No less pretty female = no female. Many converts that day.

    * The Missouri Rule of Heterosexual Public Political Discourse is that the right-hand constraint of publicly espoused politics for the majority of males is the right-most position they have heard a desirable woman espouse. In other words, most men don’t want to appear further to the right than at least one woman they would want to be with.

    * Here’s a somewhat different list – the things that I wish were turning points, because they are extremely important markers of the state of the country and the world, but weren’t, because most people are not paying close enough attention:

    – Rolling Stone UVA hoax

    – College SJW brat incidents, e.g.students surrounding and yelling at the Yale woman’s husband, throwing tantrums at lectures, etc.

    – Mansplaining, white-splaining, ‘check your privilege’, etc.

    – The left-wing’s poster boy for the supposed scourge of unfair anti-Muslim discrimination turns out to join ISIS (to me this is probably the single most under-reported story of the past few years)

    – The video of ISIS roasting that Jordanian pilot alive in a cage

    – The video of a Syrian Civil War participant on some side slicing open the chest of his captive from another side and taking a raw bite of the heart

    – Realization of the African population bomb

    * Steve says something like ‘conservatism is the act of noticing.’ I think that over the past few years, many more people have been noticing the opinions of others who are not going along with the narrative. Because the lying and partisanship coming from mainstream media had gotten so obvious, many turned to online forums to voice their displeasure with the latest outrages. I don’t know how many readers reflexively view comments after reading an article online, but I know I do. There used to be a lot of places to comment–not so much anymore. Many lefty media outlets banned comments or linked them to a Facebook identity in order to control trolling and opinions they did not like. But the comment sections of the (not specifically conservative) places that remained– Yahoo News, Youtube, even Rolling Stone– have been lopsidedly packed with Red Pill commenters. Righty realtalkers vastly outnumber the lefty SJWs on these sites. Middle of the road people notice things like that. While the comment sections of the NYT and WashPost are still heavily Blue Pill, that;s probably because Red Pill people have largely given up reading those media (although obviously Steve still does).

    When conservative or even centrist minded people know they are not alone and their way of thinking is butressed by others of the same ilk, it creates a strength and a willingness to punch back and be vocal about their opinions. This can have a snowball effect. I don’t know if there is some outfit that sorts comments on news/opinion stories, but it would probably make a good business selling such info to companies if someone could figure out a way to automate it.

    * My list:

    -Violence, too much violence – whether it was BLM riots/shootings (Dallas and Charlotte stand out for me, maybe because I watched a lot of Periscopes of those events), riots/blocked freeways/property destruction outside of Trump’s rallies (Chicago/Phoenix/Orange County), or massacres at the hands of muslims in Paris and San Bernardino, and the left’s insistence that, at the root, it’s all white people’s fault.

    – The open anti-white hate in the media, that just grew and grew under Obama, that I was just supposed to tolerate as the new normal.

    – Clinton Emails and wikileaks – Comey letting Clinton skate, Bill’s meeting with Loretta on the tarmac just thrust home the point that there is one set of rules for the elite and another for the little people.

    – trannies in locker rooms and school bathrooms. I still don’t understand why Obama is so obsessed with trannies. It represented to me that the left felt free to shove their weirdness down our throats without debate and we were all supposed to put up with it. As a woman, the tranny rulings really pissed me off.

    – massive homelessness all over, rising crime all over – symptoms that the US is going in the wrong direction

    – my area (Orange County) becoming more and more muslim, particularly in the last 3 or so years.

    – I agree with Boomstick and others that Gamergate played a big role behind the scenes – it was the training for the election fight. The chans, via Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube, helped make Trump/the right cool to younger people, who get their information from the internet. The Trump campaign was definitely aware of their influence.

    – the fact that Trump doesn’t do PC and just seemed to have common sense positions about everything. It was so refreshing.

    * I would suggest that part of this year’s story is that the gatekeepers lost a ton of power that they had twenty years ago … and that this year it mattered for the outcome of the US presidential election. Could Trump have won without blogs/twitter/Breitbart/etc? I don’t know, but I suspect not.

    * The concept of a ‘cuckservative’ is pretty simple. It is an analogy to cuckoldry applied to conservative politics.

    Implicit in a marriage is a pact that spouses remain faithful to each other. To take the anthropological perspective, the husband is expected to provide for the wife and their children through his labor, and the wife is expected to provide children and care for them and the household. If the wife cuckolds the husband, the husband ends up spending a portion of his labor providing for children who are not his own.

    ‘Cuckservative’ is an analogy to this. Implicit in conservatism is the pact that conservative politicians/pundits/stakeholders will protect their constituents’ interest in exchange for votes, donations, and other forms of support. When conservative politicians/pundits/stakeholders support policies that divert their constituents’ assets to non-constituents, this is akin to an unfaithful wife using her husband’s income to raise a bastard child.

    For example, policies that cuckservatives have supported that arguably betray their constituents include: amnesty for illegal immigrants, wage-depressing legal immigration, affirmatively-furthering fair housing, unnecessary refugee resettlement, pro-democracy foreign adventurism, anti-police activism, ending the war on drugs, affirmative action (especially expansions to new categories), whole swathes of anti-discrimination laws, etc.

    What these all have in common is that they purportedly draw votes and support from people who don’t traditionally align with conservative causes, while simultaneously annoying (at best) the conservative base.

    The reason the cuckservative meme has become popular is because in recent years these cuckservative shenanigans have not resulted in increased support for conservative politics, and the base has lost its patience.

    I don’t think the meme itself changed many minds, but it does encapsulate conservatives’ frustration with their supposed representatives.

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    Blacks Being Racist

    Comment: The Bills recently played Cleveland and Robert Griffin III was the Browns’ starting QB. A Buffalo cornerback, Nickell Robey-Coleman made the following eye popping comment about RGIII: “He wasn’t just a regular African-American quarterback. I felt like, when he came into the league, he had the mental capacity as a Tom Brady-type guy. When you hear him talk, he’s so articulate, he’s very intelligent….” Nickell, which rhymes with Michelle, is an African-American. Try adding that quote to your CV and see how far you progress in any role that includes inter action with the press. The quote is from the Buffalo News, December 17, 2016 front page of the sports section. No retraction was printed as far as I know. Place this quote next to what Limbaugh said about Donovan McNabb that got Rush trashed as a racist.

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