How the alt-right became racist, Part 2: Long before Trump, white nationalists flocked to Ron Paul

From Salon:

Pretty much all of the top personalities at the Right Stuff, a neo-Nazi troll mecca, started off as conventional libertarians and Paul supporters, according to the site’s creator, an anonymous man who goes by the name “Mike Enoch.”

“We were all libertarians back in the day. I mean, everybody knows this,” he said on an alt-right podcast last month. After Paul’s second campaign failed, Enoch completely disengaged from politics, he added.

Paul was also the favorite of Paul Gottfried and Richard Spencer, the two men who created the term “alternative right” and formed the annual conference where old-school right-wing racists met and mentored young and disaffected conservative intellectuals.

The Texas congressman was also the preferred candidate of Jared Taylor and the readers of his white nationalist website American Renaissance.

That feeling of admiration was apparently mutual. In the 1990s, Paul in his famously racist newsletters repeatedly promoted Taylor as part of a “paleolibertarian” strategy designed to attract racist white people. (Paul subsequently denied writing them, however.) Later on, American Renaissance wrote a featured article stating that “the race-realist section of the blogosphere is one of the most enthusiastic sources of support for Mr. Paul” and praised his “good instincts on race,” despite the fact that the author believed that Paul was no longer interested in catering to overt racists, as he formerly had.

Paul had nonracist supporters as well who would later become alt-right figures. (The self-described neo-Nazi types refer to them as “alt-lite.”) Libertarian radio host Alex Jones of InfoWars, a man famous for his belief in “lizard people” and his elaborate 9/11 conspiracy theories, dislikes being identified with the alt-right. But he is an important figure in the movement’s history and a key link from Ron Paul to Donald Trump. Today Jones is known today as an ardent Trump supporter but his affection for Ron Paul and his son, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, was even greater while they were running their respective presidential campaigns.

In the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns, Ron Paul was also by far the preferred presidential candidate of the racist Politically Incorrect board known as /pol/ on 4chan. Throughout both of his unsuccessful runs, the forum served as a critical organizing portal and talent incubator for Ron Paul’s youthful, tech-savvy supporters to pull off fundraising and digital feats that many political observers incorrectly attributed to his official campaign staff.

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How the alt-right became racist, Part 1: A short history of hate

From Salon:

Although he rejects the alt-right label today, Gottfried affixed it to himself in the summer of 2008 when he teamed up with a 30-year-old editor named Richard Spencer to create a conference for right-wingers who regarded Dubya as a warmongering liberal who had betrayed conservatism and surrendered to leftist political correctness.

Gottfried delivered a speech that November to the first meeting of his H.L. Mencken Club titled “The Decline and Rise of the Alternative Right.” It focused on the conflict that occurred in the 1970s and ’80s when many hawkish Democrats had migrated to the Republican Party and began dominating its institutions. The neoconservatives, as they were eventually called, had made a mess of the GOP and America as a whole, Gottfried argued, but their right-wing opponents (he had earlier coined the term “paleoconservatives” in 1986 to describe them) were continually unable to do anything about it because they were so ideologically divided.

According to his address, Gottfried intended to do something to promote collaboration and unity against the common enemy. The alt-right was that something.

Spencer, who later went on to start a (now-defunct) webzine called Alternative Right, played a big part in conference organizing for the nascent group. He also gave addresses at subsequent Mencken Club meetings, but eventually the two men grew apart as Spencer developed more than an academic fascination with fascism and white separatism.

“Richard, I think, has gone on out on a limb to create a more extreme, racialist right,” Gottfried, 75, told Salon in a telephone interview last month. His preferred stance then (and now) was more about “anti-anti-racism” and opposing leftist political correctness, he said.

Another factor in their disaffection was an address that Spencer gave at the Mencken Club’s 2011 meeting, in which he heaped praise upon Madison Grant, an early 20th-century conservationist who was also an advocate of the bogus racial science known as eugenics.

Spencer’s speech was not well-received by the crowd. According to a contemporary account of the conference proceedings, at least one audience member walked out in protest.

“His speech was so embarrassing,” Gottfried said. “I thought it would be a kind of historical presentation but it turned out to be a harangue in favor of Indo-German America or something like this.”

(Despite the Mencken Club’s professed dedication to completely intellectual discussions, the recording of Spencer’s speech about Grant is nowhere to be found in the club’s audio library of speeches from that year’s proceedings.)

…Paradoxically, one ally Hunter had in this regard was Richard Spencer, Gottfried’s former junior partner who has now become synonymous with white supremacy. It was Spencer who gave a speech in Washington, after Trump’s election, in which claimed that only whites could preserve Western civilization. He ended with the English translation of “Sieg Heil,” the infamous phrase Nazis encouraged Germans to use in praise of Adolf Hitler.

In 2008, however, Spencer had not yet fully committed to white nationalism. At the time, he was editing Takimag, a libertarian blog and was under pressure to increase traffic. One strategy suggested by Taki Theodoracopulos, the site’s owner, was to begin publishing essays written by “white advocate” author Jared Taylor.

According to Hunter and Antle, who both wrote for the site at the time, Spencer opposed the idea, even though the site had published Taylor once before. Hunter specifically recalled discussing the matter with Spencer in New York after inviting him to attend a performance of his part-time rock band.

“I had that conversation with Spencer on the sidewalk outside the venue,” Hunter said by email. “He told me he would never run Taylor.” Antle recalled discussing the matter on the telephone with Spencer and said that Spencer discussed the matter with several other contributors as well, who were concerned about whether they would continue to write for the site if it published Taylor’s anti-black and anti-Hispanic articles.

Whether Taylor’s writings were a point of friction between Spencer and his boss, the poor traffic that Takimag attracted did bother Theodoracopulos. Shortly after Spencer was removed as editor in January of 2009, he founded his own independent webzine titled Alternative Right. That was subsequently shuttered after Spencer was hired by publishing heir William Regnery to run his overtly racist think tank, the National Policy Institute.

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Richard Spencer Swallows The Black Pill About Trump

Richard tweets:

* 1/ For the inauguration, Trump has chosen to feature the very worst aspects of American religious life.

2/ Trump will be blessed by a Rabbi from the Simon Wiesethal center and a Protestant snake-oil saleswoman peddling the “prosperity gospel.”

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Israel is not sending its best into Chief Rabbinate. “Former Chief Rabbi Of Israel Heading To Prison”

Who would have thought that you can just buy your conversion to Judaism?

NEWS: According to latest reports, a plea bargain agreement is being worked out by which former Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Yona Metzger will accept a prison term rather than take his chances in a trial. While there have been cabinet ministers, a former Prime Minister and even a former President, he will be the first former Chief Rabbi to be imprisoned R”L.

…He maintained a connection with Los Angeles Dayan Rabbi Gavriel Cohen and they had an arrangement by which Rabbi Cohen would probe the Jewishness of persons when required as well as working together with candidates for conversion, all for profit. Half of the sum received by Rabbi Cohen for a conversion was passed to Rabbi Metzger and received via a “Change” store in Bnei Brak. One case that has been documented by the prosecution dating back to 2011 deals with a Russian businessman who approached the Chief Rabbi, an immigrant from the former Soviet Union. He was seeking assistance in converting. Rabbi Metzger referred him to Rabbi Cohen to convert his son and daughter. Rabbi Cohen received $360,000, of which half went to Rabbi Metzger.

The second portion of the accusations against them according to the prosecution is that Metzger and Eisenstatt pocketed 30-40% of tzedaka funds they collected as their commission. In one case, a NIS 105,000 donation was made to the Beis HaTavshil soup kitchen NGO, an organization working to feed the hungry. The kickback that had to be given to Metzger by the NGO was 30%, without the knowledge of the donor.

The third component of the case has to do with receiving favors during his tenure from 2003-2013. Metzger reportedly pocketed handsome sums of money which he received in return for doing favors for others.

In one case, in July of 2010, Rabbi Metzger’s son was married. In a conversation prior to the wedding between Eisenstatt and two invited guests, it was agreed they would give the rabbi a gift for the honor of participating in the event to the tune of $500,000. This was given directly to Rabbi Metzger, in ten payments. The chilul Hashem continues in dealings with Yeshiva Aish Hatorah. The two allegedly raised money for the yeshiva, money which later when to the Beit Tzvi Shul in Tel Aviv where Metzger served as rav. One of the donations, NIS 28,000, was divided between Eisenstatt and Metzger without the yeshiva receiving anything.

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Did Netanyahu Just Announce Israel Is Spying on U.S.?

Steve Sailer writes:

The Israeli government appears to be declaring that it has been spying on the President of the United States. From Newsweek:

Ambassador Ron Dermer went one step further, asserting that Israel would share the intelligence it has with the incoming U.S. administration on how President Obama is directly responsible for the passing of the resolution.

An Israeli ambassador publicly proclaiming that Israel is collecting intelligence on any American president is simply astounding. …

Netanyahu, in his response [to Kerry’s speech], had to go on the offensive against the Obama administration one last time by saying:

“We have it on absolute, incontestable evidence that the United States organized, advanced and brought this resolution to the U.N.S.C. We will share this information with the incoming administration, some of it is sensitive, it’s all true.”

There’s nothing surprising about the news that Israel spies on the U.S. government. But the source of this news is pretty funny. In an era when pretty much everybody in America has learned the lesson Carl Cameron of Fox was taught back in 2001 when he did a four part series on Israeli spying in the U.S. that got quickly memory holed — Don’t mention the Israeli espionage — it’s amusing that it’s Bibi and Dermer who are bringing it up.

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