Do You Ever Want To Hurt The One You Love?

A new girlfriend got upset for days after I said I wanted to hurt her a little bit (with her full consent and knowledge).

“Why would you want to hurt me?” she said days later with tears in her eyes.

“We all, at times, want to hurt the ones we love,” I said. “If you can’t acknowledge that, you’re not in touch with yourself. You can’t have a relationship without regularly wanting to hurt your partner. If you expect to have a boyfriend who never wants to hurt you, then you want a relationship with a robot. I’m an ethical guy. I’m telling you what I want, and I’m seeking your permission. You, at times, get so pissed at me that you punch me. You do that because you want to hurt me. The amount of suffering I want to inflict on you is considerably less than what a punch from you feels like.”

If a non-Jew never has negative feelings about Jews, never has any desire to hurt them or restrict their freedoms, he’s not being honest with himself, just as every Jew, at times, has negative feelings about non-Jews and at times wants to hurt them or restrict their freedoms.

If you are true to your religion, every other religion in the world seems at best weird, and at worst, evil.

This is why decrying “anti-Semitism” don’t grab my attention. In certain situations, negative feelings about Jews are likely to lead to the physical harming of Jews, but 999 times out of 1000, they are not going to lead to any harm of Jews. So what matters is clarity about genuine conflicts of interests between groups over scarce resources, and when the conflicts become severe enough, we need to face that there’s likely to be harm done.

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This Man Helped Build The Trump Meme Army — And Now He Wants To Reform It – Can the Peter Thiel associate behind the DeploraBall save the pro-Trump internet from itself?

Joseph Bernstein writes for Buzzfeed:

While Giesea certainly rejects some of the outright discrimination encouraged by parts of the alt-right — “I’m gay, why would I support a movement that wants to turn me into a lampshade?” he said — he also said his perspective “isn’t totally colorblind” and doesn’t ignore demographics, specifically that America is getting less white.

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Hate Crimes!

Rav Shmuly Yanklowitz writes:

Local friends, this is the 2nd hate crime perpetrated against our local Jewish community this Chanukah.

If you want to show leadership against acts of hate against the Jewish community & against any vulnerable population in our state, please join us at Arizona Jews for Justice. We must never be silent! — with ADL – Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center.

Lilian writes: “That square looking-thin pipe menorah is just asking for it. They need to invest in a nice Chabad-type of menorah that is sturdy and unable to bend in shape. The only reason the thugs are able to shape it into a swaztika is because it has those sharp corners. Then again, if they are unable to bend it, they would just do some other vandalism.”

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The Jewish Alternative: A New Manifesto

Ari Ben Canaan and the crew at publish:

1. We know that race is real.

We are unequivocally opposed to the misconception that race is a social construct. Not only is this confused doctrine conceptually unfounded and empirically disproven; its chief use is also to convince Whites to abandon their identity and ignore the hostility that is directed toward them by other races. It is, accordingly, both wrong and wrongful.

Rather, we believe that races are historical groups of people, each bound together by its own common genetic heritage, unique characteristics, and self-conception. Races stretch back into the past and forward into the future, uniting us together with the most ancient of our ancestors and the most far-off of our descendants. Whites and Jews both have the right to be proud of the achievements of their ancestors and to hold dear the prospects of their descendants, and it is only by recognizing the reality of their race that they can begin to do so.

2. We view Whites as the historical fellows of the Jewish people.

We are sensitive to the fact that the history of Jews in the West is fraught with pain. Jews and Whites, each maintaining their own identities while living in mutual competition, have learned to mistrust, fear, and even hate one another. The results of this natural antagonism on the part of both have been regrettable, as both the fall of Toledo and the chambers of Auschwitz attest.

However, we recognize that there is a more encouraging, oft-overlooked side of our historical relationship with Whites. After two millennia of cohabitation, we have absorbed significant elements of each others’ culture. We have both shared greatly in the pursuit of scientific and philosophical knowledge, the challenge of technological innovation, and the search for beauty in the arts – all of which are distinctive of European civilization. Violence against one another notwithstanding, Whites sheltered us in our exile, allowing us to preserve the dream of one day returning to our homeland: each time we were violently expelled, we were graciously invited once again.

For these reasons, our interest in the cause of White identity is more than simply academic, and goes beyond mere universalism about ethnic nationalism. We wish to see Whites thrive because we love their people, admire and share in their culture, and have a common historical and genetic inheritance. As we note below, we believe that the only solution to the Jewish question is separation. But we look forward to what we can achieve together once we live apart.

3. We oppose all efforts to weaken White identity in White homelands.


4. We seek the eventual end of the Jewish diaspora.


5. We support Jewish sovereignty over all the historic land of Israel.


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Why is Facebook showing me ads for Jared Taylor’s book White Identity?

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