Tag Archives: torah portion

The Secrets Of Making Converts To Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Gil student writes: Urim Publications recently published A Circle in the Square, a book that is a combination of a biography of R. Shlomo Riskin until his aliyah in 1983 and the story of the innovation that is Lincoln … Continue reading

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Torah Portion Noach IV

Full discussion here.

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I Want To Talk Torah With Black People

I’ve had my live cam chat for eight months now and not one black person has stopped by. That must stop! The first hot black chick to stop by my live cam gets a free rape kit with all the … Continue reading

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The World Is Not Black And White

Rabbi Ari Kahn writes about this week’s Torah portion: How appropriate that the symbol of God’s covenant with Noach, and through him with all of humanity, is the many-colored rainbow: The world is not black and white, it is multi-colored, … Continue reading

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Live Torah Talk With Monica & Helen

Click here to join the fun. My guests are Helen Jupiter — a freelance writer — and Monica, a professor of Jewish literature. The topic? The Torah portion Bereishit. From Wikipedia: Creation When God began creation, the earth was unformed … Continue reading

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