Rabbis fasting on Inauguration Day

Dennis Prager writes: The rabbi of a Conservative synagogue in Berkeley (and other left-wing rabbis, it turns out) fasted on Inauguration Day.

If it’s good for the left, it’s good for the Jews and it’s Jewish; if it’s bad for the left, it’s bad for the Jews and not Jewish.
As reported in The Jewish Press: “Conservative Rabbi Menachem Creditor, spiritual leader of Congregation Netivot Shalom in Berkeley, this week sent an email to his members on the eve of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, sharing with them that he was ‘deeply worried about this American moment, as a Jew, as a father, as an American, which is why I cannot abstain from thoughtful action today. … Some of us will fast on Friday, an interfaith moment of unity.”

Did any of these rabbis announce they were fasting when America backed the most devastating anti-Israel resolution in United Nations Security Council history? Or when Christian communities were wiped out by Islamists? Or any time Israelis have been murdered? Or after any of the other horrors taking place in the world today?

If they did, I could not find mention of it. Apparently, it was the inauguration of Donald Trump that moved these rabbis to publicly fast.

Such is the depth of identification with the left among many American Jews.

In order to understand the modern world, it is necessary to understand that the most dynamic religion of the last century has not been Christianity, nor Islam, and certainly not Judaism. It has been leftism. Leftism has not only become the ideology of the Western world’s intellectuals, academics and media, but it also has deeply influenced Judaism and Christianity — far more so than Judaism and Christianity have influenced the world during these hundred years.

For many mainstream Protestants and many Catholics, including the current pope, Christianity and leftism are essentially identical. Christianity for these Christians is leftism with a cross. And for many non-Orthodox Jews, Judaism is leftism with a yarmulke and tallit.

Think about it. The one Jewish state is threatened with extinction, its population threatened with another Holocaust, and many American rabbis are in a frenzy about the election of Donald Trump.

What we have here is the latest example of the left in yet another hysterical moment. Hysteria is to the left what oxygen is to life. Thus, mainstream newspapers and electronic media are filled with stories about the new fascist — even Hitlerian — regime.

On Inauguration Day, Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s “Hardball” actually said Trump was Hitlerian, and at the Women’s March on Washington, actress Ashley Judd actually spoke of gas chambers. Innumerable New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Washington Post writers have called Trump a fascist. This abuse of the words “fascist” and “Hitlerian” has prompted no outcry from American Jews or their institutions, even though all it does is trivialize Hitler and the Holocaust.

In their thorough identification with the left, rabbis and Jewish academics publicly appealed to Rabbi Marvin Hier not to give an invocation at President Trump’s inauguration. That he was the first rabbi invited to do so in more than 30 years meant nothing to these Jews. That he read the biblical passage reminding people not to forget Jerusalem likewise meant nothing to them. Why? Because Rabbi Hier, in their fevered view, was giving a Jewish blessing at the inauguration of a fascist.

Last week, a colleague of mine attended a bat mitzvah celebration at a major local Conservative synagogue. In his congratulatory remarks, the rabbi told the girl how proud she should be that her bat mitzvah and the women’s march took place on the same day. At least a dozen people, recognizing my colleague, went over to her to express their resentment at the rabbi for injecting his politics into this celebration and for assuming that all his congregants are on the left.

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Mexico First


* In other news, the NYT reported that the president of Mexico “reiterated his commitment to protect the interests of Mexico and the Mexican people.” The New York Times declined to condemn President Nieto’s “Mexico First” policy, and did not compare President Nieto to Hitler.

* Washington DC has a worst murder rate than Chicago! Why doesn’t Trump do something about it, right where he’s living

* All of which are in some shape or form linked in large part to black people.

1. Blacks generally take more from the system than contribute. Their low incomes don’t generate enough taxes. Since their communities are high crime the homes aren’t in demand so little comes in the way from their property taxes.

2. Their social dysfunction leads to higher policing, schooling & other municipal expenses. A good example of this is to compare the sizes of the police forces in Baltimore to Boston. Boston has fewer officers than Baltimore & cost Boston less.

3. Their voting styles lead to leaders who are often marginal & corrupt. They tend not to hold politicians accountable if they pander to their sense of victimhood. Often time corrupt black leaders will cry racism after beung charged & the community rallies around them.

* Just Google mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Detroit to see how the Detroit black community rallied around their corrupt mayor and his equally corrupt Congresswoman mother, who rallied the blacks by saying: “Don’t let them do yo boy this way” after he was indicted.

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Benjamin Netanyahu says he will build a fence around the whole of Israel to keep out ‘the wild beasts’

I hope America does this.

Israel takes it survival seriously. We could learn from her.

And there’s nothing wrong with declaring people who want to slaughter you “beasts.”

The Guardian:

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to build a 15ft fence to surround the whole of Israel, saying that the country must “protect itself from wild beasts”.

The Israeli Prime Minister appeared to use the extraordinary phrase – which has also been translated as “predators” – to describe both Palestinians and the people of neighbouring Arab states.

Mr Netanyahu was speaking during a tour of a newly-completed security fence along the border with Jordan near the southern Red Sea city of Eilat.

“In the end in Israel, as I see it, there will be a fence like this that surrounds the whole country,” he said.

“I’ll be told, ‘this is what you want, to protect the villa?’ The answer is yes. Will we surround all of the State of Israel with fences and barriers? The answer is yes,” he said.

“In the environment we live in, we need to protect ourselves from wild beasts.”

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Status Signalling

Comment: Most people, even most really smart and accomplished people, express ideas for social reasons that have little to do with the rightness or wrongness of the idea. Often, this is about using your expressed ideas as a badge of team membership; sometimes it’s tactical (a politician positioning himself to be hard to attack from the right, say). We are probably evolved at least as much to win these social battles as we are to correctly understand reality.

This works fine until people start using these expressed-for-social-reasons ideas to think about reality. Then, suddenly, their decision about whether to vaccinate their kids is determined by what TV hosts they like. (Think of it as evolution in action.). Or worse, the whole country’s decision about whether to invade Iraq or what kind of education reform to implement falls out of ideas being expressed to achieve social goals.

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NYT: Trump’s Baffling Threat to “Send in the Feds” to Chicago Is a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* “He meant locking up more black and brown folks,” said Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, addressing the City Council here on Wednesday morning. “Just like Republicans, just like right-wingers have always done.”

* Incarceration is a strategy that works; it is one of the few methods at their disposal; and Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, alleged political leader in Chicago, wants to take it off the table from the start ‘Because Racism, and the Wrong people are using it’.

* I’m trying to get this straight: it’s OK to send the Feds in provided they issue a report decrying your police department as racist thereby ensuring that said police will further withdraw from doing their jobs which results in more murders of black bodies by black bodies – which is what the Obama administration did, but it’s not OK to send in the Feds to actually try and prevent more murders of black bodies by black bodies because? ? ? ?

* The best thing you could do for Chicago, Baltimore, and St. Louis is institute an aggressive Stop, Question, & Frisk policy. I know that’s considered trampling on the rights of blacks and Hispanics by the New York Times, but it has to decide whether it wants to deal with the reality or pretend that you can govern a large NAM population under principles developed in the Anglo-Scottish Enlightenment and meant for a civilized people.

* I’m not sure there is really a problem to solve here. The residents of the ghettos where the vast majority of these murders take place seem to prefer the current situation to the Bad Old Days of stop & frisk/proactive policing. Carry on and let us know when you’d like to try something different.


* Why sterilize the women?

Much easier to identify violent juvenile and young males.

Get hardcore about handing out stiff sentences for young hoods and drug dealers.

Offer reversible chemical vasectomies as a condition of parole. See Risug/Vasalgel

Sperm bank enough semen if case of failure of vasectomy reversal.

No reversal if there is any recidivism.

If the offender has a clean record after ten years pay for vasectomy reversal and offer cash reward.

In case offender goes clean and vasectomy reversal fails pay out generous settlement.

As far as the minority women are concern offer them if they prove they can hold down a job and not have any bastards a shot a getting inseminated with the sperm of a relatively high IQ or successful black man with the government paying additional welfare benefits.

* The problem with violent young male offenders is only secondarily that they are excessively promiscuous and fecund. It is primarily the effect of testosterone on their other behaviour.

We neuter cats and dogs to make them more tractable. The objectionable behaviour curtailed by doing so includes fighting with other animals and marking what they regard as their territories, typically by micturating on its landmarks.

There are parallels to this to be observed in the activities of inner-city gangs. Graffiti replaces urine as a medium for delineating territory; guns and knives fulfill the functions of teeth and claws. The same remedy should be considered – let us introduce the Bloods and the Crips, MS-13 and Los Zetas, to Dr. Burdizzo’s behaviour-modification device.

* I thought Operation Head Start and Midnight Basketball were supposed to solve this sort of thing. What happened? We’re losing future scrabble champions and rocket scientists too quickly these days and it’s not even summer yet. Chicago’s unofficial anthem is Queen’s ‘Another One Bites the Dust’.

* I like rap albums that have “conscious” tracks about police brutality and the systematic oppression of the black community alongside tracks about selling narcotics, pimping and murder. Like you haven’t thought too hard about this have you fella.

* I think the societies\nations that embraces eugenics–or at least take it seriously–will be the winners. You can’t sustain an “everyone lives” nation, much less a welfare state, without some sort of eugenic policy to compensate for lifting the burden of nature. The anti-eugenics–Hitler!–crap that’s been pushed on the West, is one reason the West’s future looks so dire. We have zero societal discussion of the most critically important social policy.

* Just as Reagan used to leave the White House every night to sell crack, spread AIDS, and impregnate under age ghetto dwellers, so too Trump flies to Chicago every night to do drive by shootings against groups of innocent teens and youths.

* When attempting to control feral animals, it is the females you have to remove from the breeding cycle. Miss one male and he can still breed all the females in the pack/herd/ghetto.

That is why many states require you to fill a doe tag or two before you can take a trophy buck. Culling the does reduces the population in the long run. Culling males just culls males.

* It should be mandatory that anyone receiving welfare is sterilized for as long as they receive benefits. We should not have to pay extra for it, and anyone receiving welfare should have to work or attend school even if it is a government job breaking rocks or painting project houses. Welfare should not be generational nor free. People who are unwilling to work or better themselves should get nothing.

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