When Gangs Killed Gay Men for Sport: Australia Reviews 88 Deaths

So how would these Australian gangs figure out who were the gay men to push off the cliffs? The New York Times article doesn’t describe the anonymous sex that must’ve been going on in these gay hangouts above the cliffs.

New York Times:

SYDNEY, Australia — On a December day in 1988, a teenager on a spearfishing expedition found a body at the bottom of one of the wild, honey-colored sandstone cliffs that line Sydney Harbor.
Naked, torn and battered by the rocks, the dead man was a promising American mathematician, Scott Johnson. His clothes were found at the top of the cliff in a neat pile with his digital watch, student ID and a $10 bill, folded in a small plastic sheath. There was no wallet, and no note.
The police concluded that Mr. Johnson, 27, had committed suicide, and a coroner agreed. Fatal leaps from the cliffs around Sydney into the fierce sea below were not uncommon, then or now.
But 28 years later, a new inquest into Mr. Johnson’s death has begun. His brother, a wealthy Boston tech entrepreneur, has pressed the Australian authorities for years to revisit the case, arguing that Mr. Johnson was murdered because he was gay and that the police failed to see it.
If so, it appears Mr. Johnson may not have been the only one.
During the 1980s and 1990s, the Australian authorities now say, gangs of teenagers in Sydney hunted gay men for sport, sometimes forcing them off the cliffs to their deaths. But the police, many of whom had a reputation for hostility toward gay men, often carried out perfunctory investigations that overlooked the possibility of homicide, former officials and police officers say.
Now the police in New South Wales, the state that includes Sydney, are reviewing the deaths of 88 men between 1976 and 2000 to determine whether they should be classified as anti-gay hate crimes.
About 30 of the cases remain unsolved, and the police have not said how many of the killings were tied to gangs. About a dozen victims were found dead at the bottom of cliffs or in the sea, the police say.
The review and the inquest into Mr. Johnson’s death are casting light on a shocking chapter of Sydney’s history, one that some say has yet to be fully revealed.
“We can now see that predators were attacking gay men,” said Ted Pickering, who was the police minister for New South Wales in the late 1980s. “And they were doing it with the almost-certain knowledge that the police would not have gone after them. That was the police culture of the day.”

Robert Oscar Lopez writes:

In Proverbs 7, Solomon embarks on an extended fable of a young man being sexually enticed by a “loose woman,” who stands as a counter-symbol against “Wisdom.”

In this chapter the Bible continues the personification of Wisdom as a woman, though this time, it is specified as a “sister”: “Say to wisdom, you are my sister, and call insight your intimate friend; to preserve you from the loose woman, from the adventuress with her smooth words” (7:4-5).

Often we have a habit in everyday speech of associating sexual experience with “knowledge” or even “wisdom,” such as when we say someone has a lot of carnal knowledge or someone’s got “wisdom beyond their years” because they started having sex at a young age.

Here, however, wisdom is cast as antithetical to sexual adventure. Yet the loose woman, lacking as she is in wisdom, does not present herself as unwise, as in transparently naive or stupid. Rather, she is wily and falsely wise, or disordered in her use of knowledge. Solomon says that he looked through the lattice of window to see “a young man without sense, passing along the street near the corner, taking the road to her house, in the twilight, in the evening, in the time of night and darkness” (7:7-9).

With this framework, we are set up to read the young man as someone who is largely to blame for his sexual ruin, because he is violating many of the ideas that have preceded in Proverbs 1-6. He has not the sense to understand that he cannot trust himself in vulnerable contexts. It is the fool who thinks he can wander close to a lusty woman’s home when it is dark outside. The temptation is too grave.

Yet much of the sexual fall results from the loose woman’s own carefully selected words. She misrepresents herself consciously because she is “dressed as a harlot, wily of heart” (7:10). After grabbing the boy and kissing him, she states, “I had to offer sacrifices and today I have paid my vows, so now I have come out to meet you, to seek you eagerly” (7:14-15). Why this line about the loose woman claiming that she has partaken dutifully in her vows and rites?

It would seem that Solomon includes the line about the loose woman’s ruse of holiness because he wants the vulnerable to understand that seducers often misrepresent themselves as pious, thereby taking their victims off guard. The woman appeals to the young man’s love of sensual pleasures and fineries, as she mentions her perfume and the Egyptian linen of her bed. Also, she mentions that her husband is away on business, having taken a bag of money with him.

The man cannot resist her talk and her ruses, so “all at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught.” (7:22-23).

For the ex-gay Christian the fable resonates even without the heterosexual dynamic of the older woman seducing a young, innocent man. The underlying problem of sexual vulnerability is that those with the intent to despoil others sexually have usually had a great deal of practice and often embark with a careful strategy. Only arrogance can lead someone to believe that they can stand alone, dancing with sin, without getting dirty.

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Jews Love Being Jewish, Blacks Love Being Black

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I think Steve has remarked before that blacks really like being black. And it seems true. Blacks really seem to enjoy being black. They’re obsessed with being black. This whole victim stuff lets blacks enjoy being black and nurse their obsession while holding the moral high ground and not come across as completely self-absorbed and gloating (even though that’s manifestly obvious to any non deluded individual) which normally detracts from one holding the moral high ground.

* Salma Hayek can have ALL my Pokemon Points anytime she wants.

* When considering Hayek’s carefully argued position on identity and privilege, two points really stand out.

* Hey Salma, come on over to my place and let’s get “intersectional” while listening to some Barry White, who’s both White and black.

* Mexico is not exactly well-known for color blind casting:

Mestizo actors conspicuously absent from commercial ads in Mexico

Light-skinned actors get the vast majority of roles in television commercials in Mexico, laying bare the racism that persists in this majority mestizo nation.

“Commercials for consumer products require an aspirational profile, and that is white with light eyes, medium height and between 25 and 45 years old. The international Latino type,” actor Rodrigo Franco, president of the National Interpreters Association, told EFE.

The 51-year-old Franco, who is 1.56 meters (5-foot-1) in height and has “typical Mexican” features, said he had faced repeated discrimination in the advertising and acting worlds.

He said that unfair treatment had included being asked by a director to furnish an acting degree at an audition for a part as a construction worker and being kicked off a set by a security guard who said he could not be part of the cast because of his appearance.

Options for the “native Mexican” are restricted to commercials on government programs, which make up just 5 percent of television ads, Franco said.

In August 2013, a casting call sparked outrage. Mexico’s flagship air carrier, Aeromexico, said it was looking for actors and actresses for one of its commercials but specified that it wanted “nobody dark-skinned.”

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Steve Sailer: Actual Muslim Protester Women Turn Out Not to be Shepard Fairey’s Orientalist Hijab Fantasy

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* From where I sit, far from commenting on the actual flag-desecrator’s pulchritude, our host is pointing out something important about the Official Left (TM) purveyors of anti-US/anti-nationalist images and discourse:

They aren’t representing and celebrating the Other.

They depict westernized features and fetish when representing melanistic women, and ask us to believe they are celebrating the Other. Because of some Edge they introduce into the image to distract us from their game.

For starters, the flag-desecrator in the photo/video has a near-unibrow, no cheekbones to speak of, chipmunk cheeks, gappy teeth, and rather coarse skin texture. She looks Mexican to me (and I just notice since typing that that there are signs in Spanish in the background). But she looks like a lot of the chubby Mexicano studenten I see around Pugetopolis who aspire to a sinecure in the Grievance Studies business.

By contrast, the fetishized flag-desecrator in the poster looks more like a supermodel than a chubby Wise Latina who picks the rotting strawberries (the supposed poster children for open borders).

It is important that the artist didn’t trust himself to represent, say, a dumpy or older or leathery Muslim or Hispanic woman, but instead a sultry young woman with highly westernized features and Gaze.

This image is about sexual fetish. Not politics, or national policies involving borders, or vetting immigrants, or anything else. Like nearly all advertising in the (((Age of Bernays))), this one is designed to tweak libido. That is a strategy for restructuring the reproductive or consumer or resource-use urges of those the advertiser is trying to influence.

Even the artist knows this. One of the standard bodice-heaves of 1980s academic postmodernism was how disgusting it was that artists represented women looking at the viewer–The Male Gaze it was called. It was considered a form of rape (seriously) by the more lefty elements.

How interesting, then, that the Left is now representing brown women with the same Male Gaze they used to revile in Renaissance painting. Except now the pleasure principle involves throwing open borders so that white men can have fetishes about/mate with brown women with approval/without guilt, because Trump fascist Hitler imperialist racist something something.

* In the movie The Godfather, there’s a scene where Don Corleone is giving Michael some advice about life. He says, “I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can afford to be careless, but not men.” It’s a great line and it was true for most of human existence. The role of males in society has always exposed them to the greater risk. That and male competition has often been for keeps. When the stakes are high the room for error is smaller so men have always had to be the less reckless of the sexes…We live in a soft age where women run most things so that means we live in a careless age as well. All sorts of silly and ridiculous things are indulged because the margin for error seems endless.

But the “margin for error” isn’t endless — it just seems so — women are extremely foolish and careless in these and other matters.

I posted before that women voted overwhelmingly for the Green candidate in the recent Austrian election — even though the Greens are the absolute worst on the migration issue — here is a link to the twitter page of Simone Peter — she is a leader of the Greens in Germany — take a look at her twitter page — is there even a hint that she cares about Germans?

* This fantasy about veiled women has been around for a while. I seem to recall that Mark Twain wrote about his infatuation with veiled Muslim women. That is, he felt that way until he actually visited the Middle East, as chronicled in his travel novels. As I recall, he wrote that the reality of Muslim women was so far from the fantasy, that he lauded Muslim men for their fortitude in actually marrying more than one.

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Torah Talk – Parasha Bo (Exodus 10:1–13:16)

* It’s really important to God to make a mockery of Egypt. Sounds racist. Moshe says to Pharoah, “Until when will you refuse to humble yourself before God?” Hardcore humiliation in response to the hardcore humiliation and genocide that Pharoah has mounted against the Jews.

* Dennis Prager says that the lesson of slavery is not that Egyptians or whites are bad, that’s a racist lesson. The lesson is that anyone who thinks in terms of race is repeating the errors of the past. Racism can afflict anybody who thinks in terms of race.

* The plagues demonstrate God’s supremacy over nature, and that God is intimately involved in the lives of men.

* Not all Egyptians hated Jews yet all Egyptians suffered terribly from God’s plagues. We tend to suffer and benefit collectively. I suspect that the Egyptians had the same range of attitudes towards Jews as Germans did in WWII.

* The main characters in Exodus seem like they are in the grip of forces greater than themselves. There doesn’t seem to be much free willing operating. If we were honest, I think we would admit that in much of our life, forces greater than ourselves are operating and our freedom is constrained to how we react.

* If Egypt had had a stricter immigration policy, it might not have had these problems with the Hebrews.

* Moses asks Pharoah to provide cows, lambs and goats (gods of Egypt) to sacrifice to the Jews’ God. Later, the Jews sacrifice lambs and post the blood on the lintel.

* Ex. 11:2. The Jews ask their Egyptian neighbors for gold and silver. Just reparations for slavery? Artscroll commentary on Ex. 11:2-3: “One would have expected the Egyptians to hate the Jews, blaming them for the suffering of the plagues, but the Torah tells us that this was not the case. The population bore no grudge; they said that the Jews had been righteous while they, the Egyptians, were the wicked ones.” I doubt it.

* Ex. 12:43: God says, “No apostate or stranger can eat the pesach offering. Only circumsized slaves can eat.” Torah is far more about boundaries protecting the gene pool than it is about inclusion and love. If you don’t eat and drink with non-Jews, you are less likely to have sex with them.

* When I was a goy reading Exodus, I concentrated on the stories. As a convert to Orthodox Judaism, I concentrate on the laws. As a goy, this story seemed primitive and tribal. As a Jew, this story tells me how the world works.

* Judaism is obsessed with history, with the Jewish heritage. Jews believe this world matters, that history matters, and that the human story should progress in a linear way. Judaism is the most this-world focused religion.

* Does study of history make people better? I don’t think so. The only thing that makes people better is increasing the quality of their bonds with others.

* Have Christians changed from the group that committed the Holocaust? Are American Christians better than European Christians because they have persecuted Jews less? Or are American Christians weaker in their Christianity? I see significant Protestant vs Catholic differences. Protestants believe in individual salvation and tend to see people as individuals. Catholics prefer corporate worldviews and create corporate states, which are less friendly to Jews.

* Haaretz: Adding Insult to Injury, Trump Flirts With Classic Holocaust Denial

* What is Holocaust denial?

* Jenna Jameson is Jewish?

* Hannah Arendt: The Origins of Totalitarianism. It seems like the Pharoah was far from totalitarian. The midwives felt free to disobey his orders and his advisors felt free to give him bad news and Moshe felt free to talk back to him.

* What White Supremacists Taught A Torah Scholar About Identity

* You would expect a faithful wife to open her doors to her husband and to slam them to everyone else. Similarly, I would expect a smart country to open its doors to those who will benefit it and to slam them to everyone else.

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Please keep calling us racists and misogynists

Dennis Prager writes:

It seems universally believed on the left that conservative opposition to Hillary Clinton was due to her being a woman. See Peter Beinart’s piece in The Atlantic titled “Fear of a Female President,” which says, “Hillary Clinton’s candidacy has provoked a wave of misogyny — one that may roil American life for years to come.”

See the open letter written by Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank to his distraught 12-year-old daughter: “To my daughter: You are going to be okay.”

This is how his column begins:

“As I watched the returns at Donald Trump’s celebration here Tuesday night, the hardest part was trying to reassure my seventh-grade daughter at home, via phone and text, that she would be okay. She had expected to be celebrating the election of the first female president, but instead, this man she had been reading and hearing horrible things about had won, and she feared her own world could come apart.”

As a loving father, he might want to reflect on whether his own overwrought views contributed to his daughter’s fearing that “her own world would come apart” if a woman weren’t elected president.

Milbank made sure to inform his readers that he was a Jew by reassuring his daughter that she will feel better when she receives all of her family’s love at her upcoming bat mitzvah.

Of course, the reduction of Republican votes to misogyny, racism, xenophobia, etc., was hardly unique to Jewish leftists. In The Washington Post on the day after the election, Jill Filipovic, a young feminist writer, explained Hillary Clinton’s loss this way:

“[It was] a clear statement of what so many of my countrymen (and the people who put Trump in power are mostly men) value: white male supremacy above all.”

And in The New York Times, Susan Chira, a senior correspondent and editor on gender issues, made up a rule: “We do know that voters disproportionately punish women who are seen as dishonest.”

For eight years, many on the left have described criticism of Barack Obama as racist. Similarly, leftists explain opposition to Hillary Clinton as an expression of misogyny and sexism. For the left, it is not possible that conservative opposition to either has been rooted in public policy and moral differences that have nothing to do with race or gender.

Then there is another hysterical charge on the Jewish left, that a President Trump will make anti-Semitism respectable. This, too, is old news. In 1980, Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King Jr., said, “I am scared that if Ronald Reagan gets into office, we are going to see more of the Ku Klux Klan and a resurgence of the Nazi Party.”

But the scare tactics apparently aren’t working as well as they once did. More and more Americans are catching on to the left’s crying wolf regarding racism, misogyny, sexism and all the other terms of opprobrium hurled at conservatives.

But leftists won’t stop, for two reasons: That’s all they have. And because they really do believe their libels about conservatives. Why wouldn’t they? It’s all they’ve ever read, heard or studied.

Incredibly, many Jews symbolically sat shivah at their synagogues last week. But for all the harm the left has done to universities, to Judaism, Jews, Israel, America and to Western civilization, they should have done teshuvah instead.

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