Employee Reviews At Jewish Federation Of Los Angeles


* I have been working at Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles full-time (More than 5 years)
Relatively stress free environment, fairly easy work when compared to for-profit businesses and agencies, low pressure. Decent work-life balance, very rarely asked to work overtime, never have to take work home with you. Great benefits for long term employees, lots of vacation days. Genuine and friendly coworkers, and overall you feel like you are contributing to a good cause.
However, when you peel back the curtain and find out more about how this organization really works from the top down, there is some serious ugly happening here. Everything said in other reviews is true – management staff is completely incompetent from the executives down through department administrators. No idea how to lead a team, how to inspire you to do your best, or how build trust between themselves and their workers. This becomes the only real cause of stress at your job, rather than the work itself.

Furthermore, management in every department shows a stunning lack of understanding of current technology, social trends, and business acumen. I mean barely able to check their email. The attitude however, remains father-knows-best, and people with no experience or knowledge will tell you exactly what to do, and how to do it.

This all results in a restrictive, blinded work environment that discourages critical thinking and creativity. You are expected to fall in line and follow orders to the letter, which is a poor way to operate for a non-profit with so much potential. There is no opportunity for job growth or promotion – there are people working here in the same position for over 35+ years. Unless you belong to the real inner clique, you will be seen as an outsider and kept in place by your superiors.
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Advice to Management
Send your management staff to leadership training, place higher levels of trust in your employees. If you hire someone for their knowledge and skills, listen to them when they come up with solutions for on the job problems. Stop telling your workers how to do the job you hired them to do, and encourage them to grow and thrive both at the office and in the community.

* I have been working at Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles full-time
Allows opportunities for professional development, offers exercise classes after work (at employee’s expense to be deducted from paycheck), has a small “gym” you can use, friendly staff and opporutnities to get to know people from other departments and those who work in different programs. Plenty of paid Jewish and national holidays off.
From what I can see, it’s difficult to get a promotion beyond a certain point if you’re not Jewish or “connected”. Not the best environment if you’re not actually interested in advancing Israel as a whole instead of focusing on the program you’re with. Upper management makes important decisions for each program without opening it up for discussion with people who actually run the program. High staff turnover.
Advice to Management
Decentralize a bit and allow people to take ownership of their programs. They know them best because they’re on the ground operating them every day. Maybe hold a “town hall” style meeting to allow people to speak openly and honestly.

* I worked at Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles full-time (More than 3 years)
You can literally do nothing all day and still look productive compared to other people there. Unlimited k cups is pretty useful as well to keep you awake in your dark cubicle. They block streaming video, but you can still kill your 8 union-mandated hours on Facebook and CNN.
There is a policy, a form, etc. for EVERYTHING at this place. HR sent out an email letting everyone know that “Federation Fun Day” was MANDATORY, and that if you didn’t come on time to the company picnic, you’d lose a vacation day. The entire organization is so compartmentalized and it is so top down. If you have any idea of moving above your role at the Federation, think again. Management is terrible and ineffective. There is SO much waste at the Federation. After working here I would never donate to it… I’ve even convinced a relative to take it out if her will. HR periodically forgets to deduct from employees’ pay checks for Union dues, health insurance, etc. and then slams the employee with a large bill after several months… Oh yeah, the HMO with a massive deductible is like $400-500/month.
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Advice to Management
Replace the c-level executives. The old-timers in the company are leaving along with the millennials because they remember a time when it wasn’t a bad place to work.

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Museum Of Tolerance Reviews

From Glassdoor:

* Pros
Most of the people you work with are very committed to promoting equality, tolerance, fairness, and social justice. Most of the museum staff are nice.
The museum is run by the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), which is a terrible organization. The leadership of SWC pays itself huge salaries (literally google “Overpaid Jewish Nonprofit” and the SWC CEO tops the list in the first article) while paying museum staff minimum wage with no benefits and no hope for raises or career development. Staff are treated horribly by upper management, both in interpersonal interactions and through sketchy business practices. They exploit the museum’s staff by relying on their commitment to one another and to the mission of the museum.

Moreover, SWC does NOT promote the equality and social justice that the museum stands for. Seriously, just google it. If you work here, you will be unhappy. I guarantee it.
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Advice to Management
Look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is acceptable.

* Pros
Opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Flexibility in schedule
Pay sucks, poor management, no benefits, minimal hours

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SPLC 2: The Search for More Money

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Paranoia Porn pays well. Parapornoia.

If porn industry turn gentiles into meat, parapornoia industry turns gentiles into monsters.

Paradoxically, the great reduction of real bigotry requires elaborate production of fantasy bigotry.

So, those rich Jewish donors are not clueless. They are not dupes who fear cossacks next door. Their real fear is that the decline of bigotry will ease ‘white guilt’ and make whites less invested in favoring minorities(esp Jews) for ‘protection’. So, whites must be made to believe that there is still a lot of white evil. So, ‘good whites’ must do their utmost to keep the Nazis and KKK at bay.
Also, blacks must be made to believe in KKK so that they will stick with Jews for protection.
Make whites go on seeing Jews as victims of KKK and Nazis lurking here, there, everywhere.
Especially because Jews and powerful, they fear that once whites lose ‘white guilt’, whites will notice that Jews got the Real power. So, just make whites keep on believing that White Supremacism is the great dark force in America. Make whites think of Jews as poor helpless victims. $PLC is publicity agent of this fabricated-paranoia. Of course, it’s hilarious if one thinks about it. An organization called ‘southern’ but funded by East Coast and West Coast Jews AND with ‘poverty’ in its title but worth more than 300 million. Casino Jack was small taters.

Sheldon Adelson and Netanyahu pull the same racket but on even a larger scale. IRAN WILL SOON HAVE NUKES AND WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP.

And Neocons are no better and far more dangerous. “Hussein is getting getting yellow cake from Betty Crocker to bake atomic cakes that will blow up the world. Something must be done!!”

And Hollywood gave us GET OUT!!!!!!! (which should be called ‘get out of here’). TV shows routinely feature magic negroes and loutish whites as villains.

Drama Queens all. It’s like Jewish Mother trying to guilt-bait the son.

These are all Jewish-mama’s-boys-network.

All throughout Jewish history, the four main emphases were on holy righteousness, pleasure of profit, tribal identity, and pride of wit/smarts.

In some cases, there were Jews with genuine merit as moralists(or spiritualists), businessmen, patriot-heroes(like David), or intellectuals(or scientists).

But lowlife Jews like Morris Dees(who lack any real depth or talent) only know the art of hustle. Though lacking substance, they have just enough knack and savvy to mix moralism, greed, leadership, and wit(just enough to pull off a racket). Belfort was shameless sleaze, as are Jews who run porn. But Dees mixes moralism with profit, like the Christian televangelists he surely learned from.

His basic nature? Just a con-artist and heister.

I think there is more pressure on Jews to make it cuz there are so many successful Jews. If you’re a ‘dumb polack’, you are just one of the many. But if you’re a zero-Jew, you seem esp like a loser compared to so many winner-Jews. It may partly explain why some Jews like Stephen Glass of New Republic lied so much. He was hungry for success that is seen as birthright of Jews. (And high rate of SAT cheating in South Korea may also owe to culture of pressure to succeed… or else you’re nothing).

So, Jews who are bright but not bright enough and don’t have the real talent to become rich or reputable turn to bullshi*, like Dees and Bernie Madoff(though Madoff had to have been smarter to pull his stunt) have done.
These Jews are smarter than goyim but not smart enough to be like Google guys, Spielberg, Bloomberg, and others with real talent. So, their shtick is pulling some BS. Saban has to be such Jew. He seems to have lucked out with Power Rangers of all things.
Some Jews pull the BS by giving crap to dumb goyim. Jerry Springer.
Some Jews make a pact with rich Jews to cook up schemes to control goyim. Dees is such guy. There is wink-wink understanding between him and his donors that his real job is to scaremonger to keep ‘white guilt’ racket going.
And neocons are paid by rich Jews to create some ‘new hitler’ around the world so that white goyim will go on rallying around Jews to ‘save’ them. Of late, Putin is the ‘new hitler’, and maybe Trump is ‘clone hitler’.

William Kristol is one of those guys… smarter than dumb goyim like Bush II and Dan Quayle but not smart enough to be really successful at anything. So, he serves the Power and gets a piece of the pie by scaremongering about some new ‘existential threat’. He’s feeling down because the Power turned to him to find some way to stop Trump. His great idea? Have David French enter the race.

But these parasitic Jews like Kristol and Dees wouldn’t be much with really successful Jews to leech off of.

What accounts for great Jewish success?

Some peoples are known for intelligence, some for tribalism, some for strong personality, some for aggression, some for trickery, some for integrity, some for work ethic.

Episcopalians have intelligence and work ethic but weak identity.
Sicilians have tribal identity but no integrity.
Gyspies have trickery but no work ethic and no intelligence.
Blacks got aggression but no integrity and intelligence.
Asians got intelligence and work ethic but weak personalities and no tribalism outside Asia.

Jews have the combination of intelligence, tribalism, personality, aggression, trickery, integrity (and righteousness), and work ethic.

Esp after the holocaust and great post-WWII success, Jews feel a need to be both righteous (and respected) and successful (and admired). But it’s tough to be very successful (even for smart people) and respected (since doing ‘good work’ is time-consuming and taxing).

This burden and desperation (and hypocrisy) were captured in CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS.

* The SPLC has specific policy goals. They use the accusations of racism and anti-Jewism to stifle debate on their preferred policy goals. It is also a money pot for the shysters who work there.

For instance, the SPLC pushes mass immigration in order to attack the European Christian ancestral core of the United States. Instead of admitting that nasty goal, they simply attack all attempts at immigration restrictionism as racism.

President Trump should make it clear that he will cease all contact with any corporate media outlets that use the SPLC as a source.

* There is nothing new about $P£¢’s gelt-grubbing formula.

But calling Morrie Dees a “likable knave” makes him sound more like an old eccentric zayde who pishes in the coal bin and giggles when somebody gets their hands wet…rather than the cold-hearted race-baiting sociopath his career and lifestyle suggest.

He also has had a deeply chilling effect on the progress of the study and development of population genetics and human evolution in the west.

We could have been to the HBD stars by now. Maybe even started getting to the bottom of, say, what ails blacks and what to do about it to liberate them humanely from the DNC’s plantation. Rather than further monetarizing it for the profits of the Deeses, Potoks, and Beiriches.

Instead, we’ve had to pile the money on Morrie’s mule cart.

One might suggest $P£¢ is even indirectly, if not directly, responsible for the deaths of people. Like that Berkeley Hills/Tilden Regional Park jogger a couple years ago–the old Teaching Tolerance guy who apparently was far too tolerant of the brutha who shot him dead.

I’d say Dees is one of the most toxic figures of the 20th century.

* Two big factors in turning people against the SPLC more recently were the Floyd Corkins shooting at the Family Research Council, which was inspired by them and adding Ben Carson to their extremists list for some of his comments on gay marriage. After that, mainstream Republicans became openly dismissive of the SPLC and pushed back against their attacks. People like [Brit] Hume finally figured out they could be the next ones in the line of fire.

* In a past life, my Jewish ex-gf used to speak fondly of the SPLC, much like she did the ADL (as in, “these are good people!”). She referred to both of them in expanded form, not acronyms. She had the sort of reverence and respect for them that an 80 year old might have had for Readers Digest, back about 30 years ago.

She was a big fan of hate crime legislation, and would bring up that gay guy who was dragged behind a truck. Because it was obviously legal to do that to gays, I guess it was totally admissible in court to say “Look your honor, I caught him blowing a dude in the bathroom, so I was forced to drag him behind my pickup until he expired.” “Ok, case dismissed!”

* I’ll admit that it can be interesting to browse the SPLC hatelist database. Obviously, the profiles they do are biased to no end, but it’s nice to have a wiki style encyclopedia of all the thought criminals, past and present, in one place. If nothing else, it serves as a good jumping off point for further reading.

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Who Killed Michael Hastings, Jorge Haider?

Steve Sailer wrote Nov. 5, 2013:

People who make themselves obnoxious to the Washington-Wall Street axis of power tend to get in trouble on sex charges (Spitzer, Assange, and Strauss-Kahn). So, when investigative reporter Michael Hastings, who had brought down the top general in Afghanistan, died last June in a car crash in nice part of Los Angeles, I actually left the house to visit the scene. 

In person, while still somewhat puzzling, it looked less suspicious than in pictures online. Brave guys, I guess, are often brave about bad driving, too. 

Interestingly, blogger Paleo Retiree of Uncouth Reflections (and formerly of 2Blowhards, the best arts and culture blog of the previous decade) had been a good friend of Hastings. Here he interviews brother Jonathan Hastings about the late Michael Hastings.

Comments today at Steve Sailer:

* Steve, it might be a good idea to bump some of your posts about Michael Hastings in light of today’s Wikileaks confirming that the CIA had access to hack the onboard computer systems of cars.

* Re the stuff about being able to take control of car systems remotely – anyone know what kind of engine/braking management system the late Jorg Haider’s car had when it went off the road? Not saying CIA did it, but it was very convenient. People like Haider with many political enemies shouldn’t be driving alone.

* Whatever you call it, Mark Felt’s actions were not driven by ideology but by the fact he was passed over for FBI head by Nixon.

So Nixon had to pay. Fortunately for Felt, he had a way of hitting back at Nixon. Nixon’s pre-election antics were enough to require him to step down.

The opposition to Trump, what form is it taking? Well, if it’s like the case of Mark Felt, we won’t know for decades.

It could be ideological or personal, but most important: does Trump have a weak point as Nixon did?

* I suspect it will eventually be confirmed that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (FISA) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The FISA court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October.

The media is ignoring the FISA request because it damages the story, if the Russians were working with Trump why did the courts reject the warrant to tap the lines of Trumps team members ? Lack of evidence suggests the Russia reports are not backed by any hard evidence…If the FBI was eventually granted the warrants to tap the phones it makes the Obama administration look sinister, wire tapping the campaign of the GOP candidate…which is much worse than anything Nixon did.

* A black man is arrested for making eight different bomb threats to Jewish organizations, and USDOJ charges him with one count…of harassing his ex-girlfriend.

I was hoping Jeff Sessions would be using a different playbook than the one Eric Holder used.

* US, from big Britain to big Italy.

From a nation built by people of trust to a nation divvied up by peoples of treason.

Given the growing diversity and competing interests, everything will be seen as ‘treasonous’ by some group. Wasps, Jews, blacks, browns, yellows, Muslims, and etc all have different visions of what American should be. That means one man’s patriotism is another man’s treachery or treason.

So, what was once considered Trust is now Treason. So, Trump’s nationalism and concern for working class is seen as ‘treason’ by some who even call for Deep State mafia-like coup or Military takeover. But to white patriots, globalists are the treasonous ones.
To white citizenists, illegal immigration is treason. To illegals and their supporters, secure borders is ‘treason’ against Statue of Liberty.

As common themes, bonds, and trust fall apart, the operative text of US will not be the Constitution of the Founders but Machiavelli’s THE PRINCE.

Each group will have to learn the Art of the Mafia.

* The security apparatus is a natural reaction to multiculturalism and the resultant political polarization. Large numbers of people in this country have no real ties of loyalty both to the state and their fellow citizens. Had the Democrats stolen the election, I had no intention of recognizing H. Clinton as the legitimate President. And I was quite prepared to do my own part to greatly increase the ethnoreligious tensions, via the instigation of a right-wing BDS movement.

Even an immigration moratorium of that length would not be enough. We need to deport a significant number of citizens-on-paper-only (subversives) from this country, or we need to explore a civil divorce of the states.

The CIA came into existence because the US and the UK could no longer rely in MI6 to carry out the work of global subversion by itself. The British were broke after WWII, we were not.

The people that make up the FBI aim to win criminal convictions, very by-the-book. They are not at all equipped to act as foreign subversives or as a secret police. That’s why we have both the CIA and the SPLC.

The USSR made this much easier to identify because all of this was centralized in the KGB, which remained organized using military ranks.

The allegation that Russia hacked the election results is prolefeed.

The actual allegations seem to be:

-Trump owes Russian banks a substantial sum
-Trump covered up his taxes for that reason
-Trump isn’t a billionaire
-Trump had a deal for debt forgiveness that involved recognizing Crimea
-Trump promised no retaliation in exchange for Russia hacking the DNC

As far as I know, there isn’t much evidence for any of these claims. Believing even one of them assumes that Putin is a reckless gambler who just pulled off the greatest upset in power politics since Louis XVI backed us in the Revolution. But yet he couldn’t cover his tracks from the NYT and WaPo.

It is much easier to cut through the Gordian knot to see the real agenda:

The permanent political class wants to overthrow Putin for the following reasons:

-Putin has resisted Cultural Marxism
-Putin obstructed the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood
-Putin supports Iran as a counterbalance to US hegemony
-Jewish tribal hate towards the Russian Orthodox

Tayip Erdogan is a far bigger threat to us than Putin.

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Jenna Jameson’s Shocking Alt-Right Transformation

Aurora Snow writes:

Jenna Jameson is once again the talk of the porn industry. An icon with close to 200 adult films under her belt, Jameson is still idolized by many women getting their start in the biz. But there will never be another Jenna. The former Queen of Porn has achieved more mainstream recognition than any female porn star, despite remarking at the 2008 AVN Awards, “I’ll never, ever, ever spread my legs again in this industry. Ever.” While shaming the adult industry is apparently forgivable, a series of alt-right social media tirades has forced even Jameson’s most ardent supporters in the XXX world to reexamine the woman who’s come to represent it.
Since the start of her conversion to the Jewish faith, a journey she embarked on in order to marry her shady Israeli jeweler/fiancé Lior Bitton, Jameson has adopted a fierce and public anti-Islam stance, ranting against Muslims online and clapping back at those in disagreement. She regularly shares stories and videos about the alleged havoc wreaked by adherents of Islam from dubious far-right sites like the pro-Trump agitprop outlet Breitbart and conspiracy theory forum Infowars, along with bigoted replies from her army of close to 700,000 Twitter followers.
Her XXX industry defenders, who would mostly like to remain nameless, point out that the terror of ISIS hits a bit close to home for Jameson, who is eight months pregnant with Bitton’s baby. She tweeted: “My husband is a morrocan Jew… his family was forced from morocco by the escalating violent Muslim climate there.”
But then there was the time Jameson made headlines for her apparent defense of the KKK. Jameson tweeted: “Do the klu klux klan follow a religion that orders the death of apostates? When was the last time we saw a klan member blow up infidels?”
Shortly after her alleged defense of the KKK, Jameson followed it up with another tweet clearly not in favor of the Klan, or Democrats: “Yes, and thank god they’ve been all but eradicated and forced into obscurity… no thanks to the democrats who created them.” (The KKK was affiliated with the Southern Democrats, but those people were mostly absorbed into the Republican Party following the implementation of Nixon and Goldwater’s “southern strategy.”)

Jameson claims it was all a misunderstanding in the service of defending her family. She explained to The Daily Beast, “Another Twitter follower compared ISIS to the KKK and I responded with facts. Saying I defend an organization that wants the death of all Jews is wrong. I am Jewish and so is my family.”

…Yet, some may wonder how it’s possible to respect Jameson’s public defense of Milo Yiannopoulos, an alt-right fellow traveler who was forced to resign in disgrace from his perch at Breitbart after video emerged of him defending hebephilia.
Jameson tells The Daily Beast that she does not condone Milo’s comments, but empathizes with him. “I think people were quick to judge and label him without realizing he was a victim of sexual abuse,” says Jameson. “Having been a victim myself, I know people can deal with the pain of victimization with callousness.”

The 42-year-old ex-porn star clearly appears happy to embrace the controversy of her alt-right views. She idolizes Ann Coulter (“I want to be her when I grow up”) and the illuminati-obsessed Paul Joseph Watson, has called Iran “a cancer,” regularly shares anti-Muslim scare stories, and even tweets anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about George Soros funding cabals of liberals (the irony is apparently lost on her). She even trolled Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who is a Muslim, into blocking her on Twitter—before declaring him “anti semetic” for doing so.

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