Dumb & Dumber II

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I get the impression Mr. Sailer was making that point obliquely. He also said some sweet and flattering things about how campus Jews made life better for us all. Lots of spoonfuls of sugar to help the medicine go down this time.

* How to win an argument in the 21st Century: Be so annoying and unpleasant that whomever you’re trying to argue with wants to stop interacting with you immediately and get as far away from you as possible

* I am a strong disbeliever in the Flynn effect. People are getting dumber. Whatever cultural genre you choose, no matter who it’s aimed get, it gets cleverer and cleverer as you go back in time.

Literature, magazine, news, tv, everything. Read a mass-market pulp fiction magazine from the 30s or watch one of the many 1950s tv shows on Youtube like What’s My Line if you don’t believe me. Not even talking about Victorian era mass market literature.

It’s not that they’re more correct, it’s that the ideas expressed are more complicated than what we’re used to. The audience was expected to follow along with longer trains of thought and keep more ideas in their minds simultaneously.

What happened? Steve is right, diversity makes everything suck.

Personally, I always know whether a piece was written by a white, black or jewish author without looking at the name.

For blacks, language is a struggle. The obvious panicky effort and the clumsiness of the result makes you tired. They just can’t do it.
For jews, language is like breathing. The effortlessness of the expert.
Whites are in between.

So maybe we’re not getting dumber but communicating on the level of the least literate is taking away our ability to talk about complicated ideas. And you know what messrs Sapir and Whorf say about that.

* In their defense, those who are not the uber-triggered 10% are really just terrified that what they might laugh at today might become grounds for banishment and public shaming tomorrow, so they hold back on the laughter until absolutely sure it is ok—and they aren’t the first ones laughing either. And I do mean that literally—look how quickly men in dresses went from laughable to being the Greatest Civil Rights Moment of our Time. It’s quite frightening to be out on that wire.

This is also why Leftists flock so hard toward the approved Leftist comedy vendors—Leftists are dying to laugh, but are restricted from doing it, so the approved comedy vendors promise to deliver jokes that will not get the audience banished and beaten. The Leftists are so laugh deprived that the 10,000th stale joke about R’s being dumb/white people being evil or dorky will make them laugh because they need to laugh, for crying out loud!

* I used to enjoy the verbal sparring and Socratic give-and-take with witty lefties. But I haven’t experienced any of that since graduate school in the 1990s.

There are many reasons for the dumbing-down of campuses. A major factor is money: colleges want every single live body with a pulse they can get, paying obscene tuition and fees, so that administrators can enrich themselves. It’s become a racket, plain and simple. I’ve actually had students who were borderline retarded… and numerous others with a fifth-grade reading and writing ability.

The other major reason for the enstupidation of the academy is not so much blacks and minorities, but females. Women have overtaken the campus, and they are, in my experience, quite unwilling to engage in real intellectual debate (where one party may be proven wrong) without taking it personally. Women in higher ed intellectualize and rationalize their emotions; they tend not to think objectively. Consequently, higher ed has institutionalized the herd mentality of the female (in contrast to the pack mentality of the male) in which the worst possible thing to be is a black sheep. It’s become a coffee klatch and a knitting circle. I once worked at a junior college in which neither my department chair nor my academic vice-president had academic doctorates. They were the first females to hold their positions, though, and they practically made a fetish out of that fact. (They threw me out. I’m not a genius, but I did write and defend an actual academic dissertation for my degree).

The feminization of higher ed has turned it into post-adolescent day care. At the community college where I work part time, some of the female faculty are having students make f-cking cut-and-paste collages as if it were fourth grade. I kid you not.

It’s depressing, really. I actually feel sorry for the handful of students who are actually bright and eager to learn. But they seem to be a very, very small minority.

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China & The End Of The Australian Dream

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The Chinese do not intend to assimilate into the Australian mainstream. They do not have the hostility towards white civilization of conquered peoples (Aboriginals, American blacks, South Asians) they are simply indifferent to how their bottom line affects society as a whole.

In addition to soaring property prices, few ethical boundaries in business and an ancient antipathy towards Southeast Asians the Chinese will bring drugs. Ice and heroin.

They will also bring human trafficking and a level of corruption that will make the days of the Italian and Greek mobs paying off some court in Melbourne look as transparent as a child’s game.

* Australia and NZ should take note of Philippines where a Chinese merchant community has run rampant over the laid-back Filipinos-they either have to leave the country or work for low wages.

Chinese-Filipinos are also responsible for the drug war, having realized that Meth and Heroin would be cheap vacations for Filipinos living in poverty.

They would, given the remotest possibility, repeat this pattern in Australia.

Simultaneously, Indians are entering Australia and their eventual competition with Chinese will result in a similar situation to that of Singapore.

Australia already struggled to integrate Mediterranean and Balkan immigrants whose kids would fuel the Melbourne crime wave of the 1990′s although eventually these people were more or less assimilated.

Chinese, arriving with capitol and an ancient networking systems, have a greater ability to withstand any economic pressure to integrate.

They won’t. What they will do is marginalize whites, whom they quietly regard as inferior.

* A quick glance at geography makes it clear that Australia’s future as a Western nation has always turned on borders closed to Asian immigration … with the closure enforced by military alliances with the Anglo-American Empire. Since colonization, to the north and west of Australia there are and always have been billions of Asians clamoring to get in on the material, social, and technological benefits of Western Civilization and its high-trust social order. Now, it appears that wealthy Chinese, as in Canada and the United States, are being given an opportunity to buy their way around borders to hide their ill-gotten wealth in real estate and other ventures in anticipation of the eventual end of the Chinese social experiment in predatory capitalism.

It’s sad … but it seems that the crack in Australia’s closed borders will only get wider until it results in, at the least, progressive Chinese control of the economy, and, at the worst, massive Asian immigration. But the worldwide, Western disposition for national suicide via immigration by alien cultures and religions is not unique to the Australians … cf. Western Europe, Canada, and the United States. RIP!

* 6 Jews and 3 Muslims in the Parliament .
Watch the number of Muslims grow.
Remember that there are many Labor politicians who have more constituents signed up for the Islamic State than signed up for the Australian Defence Force.
Labor is quickly moving away from supportting traditional white Christian families into being a party of identity politics.

* Organized Jewry in AUS (while perhaps not the majority of individual Jews) are most certainly in favor of non-European mass immigration, and official multiculturalism. This is why they were & are in the forefront of AUS Anti-’Hate Speech’ laws which prosecute criticisms or mockery of protected classes or the cultural practices of said classes (eg Africans, Asians, Muslims, Jews). It is also why they doxxed Pauline Hanson’s immigration-restrictionist One Nation membership, exposing the entire party membership in the late 90s. They want Australians Whites to become a minority in their own country. By their deeds ye shall know their agenda. They do not want freedom of speech, and they want mass nontraditional immigration, and the wrecking ball of multiculturalism to be sacrosanct.

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Will Exercise Save Your Wits?

Comments at James Thompson:

* Everyone should exercise, whether it be strength training or cardio. If you don’t exercise, you better start. Grip strength tests are also very important and show racial differences. Blacks have weaker grip even when they have more muscle mass. It’s due to muscle fiber typing. After controlling for confounds blacks have a weaker grip than Whites. Whites also live longer as well. This study is very interesting.

If you don’t strength train or do cardio, you better start if you like living.

* Lifting free weights makes me feel better in my skin, makes me look more muscular, makes me more self-confident (probably a result of increased T-levels), makes me also more disciplined (it takes some discipline to do all those workouts day in and day out, and somehow it transfers to things like my work in the office), makes me feel more energetic, and also more attractive to the ladies (I’m quite sure they smile at me more when I’m in better shape, for whichever reason), also increases libido, and of course it could all be lost if an injury holds me back (since September, so I lost muscle mass, self-confidence, discipline, etc., and the ladies seem to smile less, too). Oh, things like back pain (which I had before I started, and now is slowly creeping back) can also go and come, depending on whether I exercise or not. I cannot imagine that it didn’t have these effects on others.

* …exercise probably improves sleep duration and quality. Control for sleep and not much may be left for exercise. That said, 20 minutes plus of aerobic pushes my blood glucose down for hours.

I like the buzz of testosterone. Functional Fitness routines mean that I can bend over, get up off the floor, twist and turn with ease in daily situations. So it is not all cognitive improvement and longevity thank the Lord.

* Cognitive functioning may or may not be helped by exercise (although I think the variable is not how much one exercises so much as how willing one is to spend extended hours without exercising – the more hours, the more miserable one feels) but there are three other systems that seem to degenerate quickly when we are overly slothful and lazy – the digestive system (our digestive system likes activity), the joint and muscle system (our joint and muscle system likes activity), and the perception system (inactivity headaches – we all know them from having napped too long on a beautiful summer afternoon – are what I am thinking of with respect to the non-exerciser’s problems with perception of thought), and I believe there are similar impacts with respect to our perceptions of sight, hearing, touch (or, otherwise put, our ability to block out our awareness of background pain, to look at this in the negative way), taste, and smell. Not to mention general levels of energy.

* Scientific American: “The results were striking: a 15-point IQ advantage translated into a 21% greater chance of survival. For example, a person with an IQ of 115 was 21% more likely to be alive at age 76 than a person with an IQ of 100 (the average for the general population).”

* A higher IQ translates into a lot of things :
Higher Income
Increased accessibility to medical care and nutrition at higher standards; this can mean reduced rates of infection, reduced rates of bad operations, etc – especially comparing private vs public treatment in some areas of the world; it can mean avoiding PCBs or laden-heavy saturated diets of globules of LDL, unsanitary water, etc – unlikeliness to taking labourous jobs, factory jobs, etc
Making better usage of information to avoid risks
Taking advantage of information to improve one’s conditions
Better time-discounting ratio payoffs for activities in the long-term
Reduced susceptibility to false claims and increased ability to navigate around obstacles or ”fads”
Increased opportunities to increase cardiovascular health
Increased opportunities to afford sunscreen and healthcare products
Decreased likeliness of conformity.. less willingness to take cigarettes, or do ‘dares’

While exercise might not increase cognitive ability directly, it certainly has pertinent effects such as increasing VO2 Max, blood-oxygenation levels, flow of blood to the brain, glucose reserves, the nature of triglycerides and many other multi-variate factors that likely diminish the chance of anatomical structural damage and hence acceleration of disintegration of the body throuh destructive behaviours like banging one’s head on the wall through dementia

If I recall, there was a patent somewhere long ago for predicting IQ from neuroanatomical structure and absolute fitness of the structural properties of the brain seems to enable one’s intellectual capacities.

* The general relationship between intelligence and longevity breaks down in late 70s, when chance effects begin to be more prominent.

* Exercise will preserve your wits. Unless you develop Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, have a stroke, have a long-term history of diabetes (exercise may help prevent the underlying diabetic process) or any of a number of brain diseases. Any study that looks at cognitive functioning over a period of less than ten years is useless. Any study that is retrospective rather than prospective and controlled, is similarly useless.

The blaring headlines ala, “MEDITATION PREVENTS ALZHEIMER’S” are criminal malpractice. Read the study. Twelve patients followed over six months. Six meditated and six didn’t. Those who meditated could remember more words on a list they memorized than those who didn’t. Means zip.

Cognitive slippage is a function of age. Severe cognitive slippage and dementia is a function of disease (including repeated head trauma). No exercise regimen is going to prevent Alzheimer’s, a disease that, with certain forms of testing, can be detected twenty or more years before it manifests with the first symptoms.

* There are a different themes to this amusing topic.

First, not far from the surface is American puritanism. Our friends from the US have a deep ambivalence to pleasure (supposedly the pursuit of it is their main purpose in life) and are much happier if it comes only as the result of hard work.

Hence, the idea of suffering on a treadmill is deeply appealing to them.

Second, Americans are competitive, in certain, socially acceptable areas, and enjoy the one-upmanship that comes from gym activity.

Third, there is capitalist motive at play – exercise is big business as of course was the lazy lifestyle that makes it necessary.

Fourth, as with all things American, is the bogus science peddled by interested parties.

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NYT: “Australia’s Immoral Preference for Christian Refugees”

Steve Sailer: From the New York Times oped page:

Australia’s Immoral Preference for Christian Refugees

SYDNEY, Australia — Like many Western countries, Australia has agreed to resettle refugees from the wars in Syria and Iraq. Unlike other countries, Australia explicitly favors Christians, even though they are a minority of those seeking refuge. …

And here’s the big ending:

Before World War II, Australia resisted international pleas to grant refuge to more Jews. “As we have no real racial problem, we are not desirous of importing one by encouraging any scheme of large-scale foreign migration,” a government official said in 1938.

Australia should consider that history may judge it harshly for treating today’s Muslims as it did yesterday’s Jews.

A. Odysseus Patrick is a writer for The Australian Financial Review.

Not surprisingly the text string “Israel” doesn’t appear in this oped, even though Australia and Israel have rather similar refugee rules.

What’s not mentioned in between all that is that Israel has the mirror image policy to Australia’s. The Jewish State, despite being much more conveniently close to the source of Syrian refugees, indeed occupying the well-watered and relatively underpopulated Golan Heights, which are recognized by the UN as Syrian national territory, only allows in Jewish refugees.


* Australia’s policy of favoring Christian refugees is actually quite sensible and humanitarian; if you’re taking in people threatened by persecution (Christians or other minorities), it doesn’t make much sense to take in the persecutors (Sunni Muslims) as well.

* What’s the problem though if the same number of refugees are being resettled otherwise? It’s a preference to Christians, it doesn’t mean Muslims are excluded. Seems like he missed an opportunity to have fewer Muslims fresh from a sectarian civil war in his country and couldn’t abide it! It worked out sooooo well with the Lebanese Muslims.




I also love how he uses his middle name, Odysseus, instead of his actual name, Aaron.

* The way African refugees have been behaving in Melbourne lately is the latest reminder the old White Australia Policy was the best idea we ever got rid of.

* Strange that in this case the NYT admonishes Australia for wanting to help a minority group. I thought they were all in for minority immigrants.

* NYT: “Before WWII, Australia resisted . . . refuge to more Jews. ‘As we have no real racial problem, we are not desirous of importing one by encouraging any scheme of large-scale foreign migration,’ a government official said in 1938.”

NYT: “Australia should consider that history may judge it harshly for treating today’s Muslims as it did yesterday’s Jews.”

Reality already judges Australia harshly for reneging, importing the tribe that encourages large-scale foreign migration and social chaos of all sorts.

* White countries and Christian countries (Nigeria etc) are being transferred to non-whites and non-Christians.

This is official NWO/globalist policy.

The policy is zealously supported by Muslims, Jews, Bhuddists, Athiests, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians and guilt-tripped or deracinated Whites. This coalition is powerful enough to make it happen and so it is happening.

* I’ve seen several comparisons of the Syrian “refugee” problem to America’s refusal to accept the passengers of the S.S. St Louis, one of them in an Israeli paper. Of course absolutely none of them felt the “lessons” from that experience needed to apply to Israel. Funny how that works.

* Self-preservation seems adaptative. Minorities are parasites upon the process. They ultimately seek to destroy self-preservation of the host. The host that lacks an immune system sufficiently strong to resist parasitism by “minorities” will not survive long. The host will be consumed by the parasite. The parasite climbs up adaptative hills and the host retreats down toward adaptative dales. Self-preservation is lost and the whole world is lost to the parasites. Mankind is lost and civilization is lost. Without your people you will find you have nothing, nothing at all. In the end, you’ll find you have absolutely nothing without your people.

* Jews demand that African refugees in Isreal be sent to Australia instead.

* Israel obviates the need for other countries to welcome Jewish refugees in the event of a future persecution. That’s its main reason for existence.

* The great thing about relatively minor historical incidents like the SS St. Louis is they can be used as a stick to eternally beat the descendants of people living thousands of miles away from the killing fields of Eastern Europe. Ironically, the proud descendants of those who actually carried out the mass killings in eastern Ukraine are now given a pass.

* Australia should consider that history may judge it harshly for treating today’s Muslims as it did yesterday’s Jews.

Note to any influential Australians who happen to be reading this: No one in America will judge you harshly for this. No one here judges you harshly for any refugees you may have not let in during The Big One either.

Trust me on this one. We mostly judge you for things like AC/DC and Mad Max movies, so if you just keep doing stuff like that, you’ll always be A-OK in our book.

* Let the Hawaiians have Hawaii and let the Jews figure out how to get along with their neighbours wherever they’ve ended up. Let them figure out how to get along with the rest of us on their own dime and their own time. In other words, let them figure out how to get along with us, rather than demand we get along with them, no matter how insulting and hostile they happen to be.

* The Camp Of The Saints even had that scene where the boat reached Australia, and they just told them “Nope. Sorry. Not enough Vegemite to go around, I’m afraid.”

* The truth is that most Americans don’t even ever think about Australia. It’s just not on most Americans’ minds. If you ask them what they know about Australia, most of them reply with things like Mad Max, Crocodile Dundee, and Outback Steakhouse. Most Americans probably think Hugh Jackman and the assorted other Aussie actors in Hollywood are British.

* Let’s drop the refugees off in the middle of the outback. I’m sure they’ll figure it out, just like the aborigines did thousands of years ago.

* Time & again, Jewish pressure on western nations for mass immigration seems to be supported by 3 arguments, but only two are usually wielded for the masses. The other one is only revealed in moments when they let their guard down-
1) Western nations owe it to the higher God of Humanitarianism and the Demi-Gods of Diversity and Universal Altruism. (and if Julian Simon & Ben Wattenberg types want to chime in, they’ll throw in the ‘every sperm is sacred’ garnish, i.e. infinite population growth will save save the planet because of all the Somalian rocket scientists)
2) Western nations didn’t take in enough pre-WW2 refugees, particularly Jews, in the 1930s, so it is a needed act of collective atonement to now dissolve themselves & have open borders.
3) Western nations which are overly white & overly homogeneous are morally defective. Their homogeneity can lead them to become auto-fascists & overcome with genocidal mania because deep down, white Christians are filled with hate. However, if they become “diverse” their hatred can be held in check & fought by the minority population.

* To be fair, I think there’s a pretty significant proportion of the alt-right that isn’t hostile towards Israel so much as it is jealous of it.

They get to have a wall, and they get to preserve their own heritage, but for some reason, we don’t.

And I’m sure you agree that the Bill Kristols of the world don’t really help your cause much by being in favor of diversity in one place but not the other.

* About 70% of american Jews consistently vote for the Democratic Party, which is – effectively – now a party of open borders. That seems pretty statistically significant to me. Even among those Jews who vote Republican, they probably lean toward favoring immigration. To say nothing of the deep pockets that support immigration: George Soros, David Gelbaum Mark Zuckerberg, to name three. There are many others. Can you name a jewish billionaire who is an immigration restrictionist, and who donates heavily to that cause? Of course, most billionaires are of a globablist bent, but most of the ones I’m aware of who have made liberal immigration “their issue” are not gentiles.

* Read the comments on the NYT article. Probably every single one of the 50 highest rated comments defended Australia’s actions. The balance of opinion is shifting rapidly to our side and the open borders nuts are now on the defensive.

I have a German immigrant coworker. When Trump’s campaign started he was pretty vocal in his opposition, but up until a month or two before the election I would’ve danced around the topic a little bit (though not entirely), and definitely would not have felt that I can count on the support of any of my coworkers when the issue of immigration came up. Little by little many of our other colleagues have expressed opinions on the issue to the point where none of us is remotely worried about expressing our minds. It is now the open borders nuts in the office who are on the defensive.

My German colleague, of course, is one of those immigrants who thinks his status as an immigrant gives him the right to filibuster any native born American who expresses support for limits on immigration. Not long ago I cut him short by telling him that if I had moved to another country the last thing I would do is demand that they tear the door off its hinges to let in an unlimited number of my fellow countrymen. That shut him up rather quickly.

* The truth is that if you see yourself as a minority you probably won’t feel you have any reason to support a policy that keeps the racial majority in the majority.

The irony is that Jews aren’t really a minority. They are part of this country’s European racial majority, and it is nothing more than fanaticism that underlies their support for mass immigration. Jews have also managed to maintain their communities in spite of the massive inflow of immigration, which is something other whites have not been able to do.

* The entirety of the Muslim world seems rather laid-back in offering their distressed brothers sanctuary.

* The late Billy Hughes, Prime Minister of Australia said, “The Montefiores [who infiltrated the upper echelons of the church in England] have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?” (Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1919).

* So let’s look at Sweden that managed to stay out of the World Wars and remained safe haven that accepted ALL the Jews from the neighboring countries that managed to make it there.

It took almost no time at all for the “thankful” Jewish refugees to flood Swedish media, academia and politics with not only masss immigration advocacy but endless Holocaust guilt tripping and demands to dismantle Swedish tradition, history and identity in favor of the radical leftist agenda.

It may be true that not all Jews are involved in such advocacy but it’s also true that no Jew ever came out and even just expressed disapproval towards their co-ethnics who immediately adopted a deeply hostile stance towards the people that had granted them sanctuary.

* To be fair, animosity towards Israel and by extension Jews is really two pronged:
1. American foreign policy should put American interests first but instead AIPAC has outsized influence.

2. That we would also like an ethnostate or at least land wherein whites have legal protects that Jews enjoy in Israel. Yes, we are jealous.

Now, some prominent American Jews complain about Israeli border enforcement. But, I’ve yet to hear one acknowledge that Israeli interests drive US policy to detriment of actual Americans.

That would certainly improve the opinion of the alt-right toward American Jews. But I think we are a much smaller group than we realize and what we want may not matter.

* True, but no Chinaman (etc.) wants to admit that it was his own people/culture that made his native land so undesirable. Absolutely no one wants to admit this about their own people, least of all the people (e.g., Africans) for whom it is most emphatically true.

Jews don’t seem to have too much difficulty holding together a Jewish neighborhood if they want to. I’ve lived in a few cities that had Jewish quarters where most of the Jews seemed to settle.

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NYP: ‘Obama ex gushed about ‘all this f—ing’’

New York Post:

Before he was the 44th POTUS and Michelle’s husband, Barack Obama was a regular sex machine — so good that a gal pal wrote poems about their lovemaking, a new biography claims.

“B. That’s for you. F’s for all the ­f—ing that we do,” gushed Genevieve Cook, an Australian-born woman who hopped in the sack with the then-22-year-old Obama after their very first date in Manhattan.

“We went and talked in his bedroom. And then I spent the night. It all felt very inevitable,” Cook wrote in the diary, which was revealed in the biography, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.”

Obama had just graduated from Occidental College in LA and was working in Manhattan in 1983 when he met Cook, the well-traveled daughter of an Aussie spy and diplomat who was three years Obama’s senior.

“All this f—ing was so much more than lust,” the book quotes a passage from her diary, according to the Daily Mail. “Making love with Barack, so warm and flowing and soft but deep — relaxed and loving — opening up more.”

Their first night spent together came after they had dinner in his apartment on West 114th Street, according to Cook.

“The thing that connected us is that we both came from nowhere — we really didn’t belong,” she recalled. “Sexually he really wasn’t very imaginative but he was comfortable. He was no kind of shrinking ‘can’t handle it. This is invasive’ or ‘I’m timid’ in any way; he was quite earthy.”

During their relationship, the two enjoyed cocaine together, the book claims — though Obama was not that into it. “For every five lines that somebody did, he would have done half,” Cook said.

The book also details the live-in lover whose hand in marriage Obama asked for twice — and with whom he cheated on Michelle in the early days of their relationship…

Among the more shocking revelations, according to Garrow, was that Obama briefly considered pursuing a relationship with a much-admired professor at Occidental.

It was the winter of 1980, and Lawrence Goldyn, a Ph.D. and political science instructor, had “made a huge impact on Barry Obama,” Garrow writes, according to the Mail.

The professor — who was considered fun and engaging by the students in Obama’s class — was one of the first openly gay people that the future president ever met in his life, and their friendship “helped to educate me,” Obama once said, according to Garrow’s reporting.

Obama would later confide to a girlfriend that “he had thought about and considered gayness but ultimately decided that a same-sex relationship would be less challenging and demanding than developing one with the opposite sex,” Garrow writes.

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