Trying the Landmark Course

Amy Dresner writes: But by far the most off-putting thing to me was the marketing, the hard sell from the stage. The philosophy was interesting but the constant barrage of proselytizing under the guise of “enrollment” felt icky and violating…like somebody who invited you out to dinner and never stopped asking to borrow money.

In between hours of “witnessing” where people came up to the microphone and creepily beamed how well their calls to reconnect went, was again the push for us to sign up to do the next course. Notecards were handed out. I refused to put my name on it and handed it back empty. The next morning next to my name tag on the table was the same enrollment form but this time it had my name written on it. And again I heard the whole “don’t you wanna be even more free? Don’t you want to accomplish your dreams and make a difference? That’s what level two is about.” Who’s gonna say “No, no. I wanna stay a slave and small. Don’t take off my shackles.” Such a mind fuck but I saw right through it and it made me really angry, so angry that I was beginning not to be open to the philosophy part.

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Whither Trump?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Ingraham and Coulter continue to righteously bash Trump & family for the dishonest campaign. These two ladies cannot be bought off.

Ingraham has major contacts on white house staff and she reamed Kushner today and accused him of being a big leaker maybe the big leaker.

Drudge left the Coulter interview at the top of the page all day to send another frigging message to bubble boy Trump.

But the core problem remains: Trump did this all to himself by filling his govt with neocons and lib dems.

Apparently Trump is not getting the message as Roger Stone said today that every name on the real Comey replacement list is some version of nevertrumper… WTF.

* Trump is often silly at times, and certainly the least presidential of any president in my lifetime – he recently said in an interview that being president was much harder than he thought, and phrased it in his usual style – Wow! I didn’t know it was going to be this much work! Or something like that. But how do his failings so far stack up with the failings of the other presidents of my lifetime? Pretty minor by comparison.

Most of his “folly” is a function of presentation by the media. Obama’s weird and foolish mother-in-law lived in the White House for 8 years, and that resulted in how many SNL skits? Yeah, right. Obama’s weird and creepy African relatives lived in the US for years contrary to immigration law, partly because Obama bent the rules so they could stay. And that resulted in how many news investigations and front page headlines? Yeah, right.

* Let’s assume it is true(questionable to doubtful).
According to several bloggers including Gregg Jarrett, a lawyer from Fox News,
Comey had a duty to immediately inform DOJ of “real” obstruction of justice under 18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361.
Apparently, obstruction requires intent, not just “why don’t you go easy on Flynn, he resigned, he’s a good guy” man-to-man talk.
The investigation continues unabated.
We are witnessing a strong attempt at a coup d’etat.
If it is successful , the Deep State truly rules America.
If unsuccessful, some people need to go to jail.

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NPR: All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

NPR: Latin America is now the region that has the highest percentage of children born out of wedlock. In Colombia, 84 percent of all children are born to unmarried mothers. Argentina, Mexico, Chile and other countries throughout the region have similar numbers, with well over half of all children born outside wedlock.

In less than a generation in Argentina, the traditional definition of a family has given way to new interpretations. And it’s happening at all economic levels — educated, middle-class women are now among the many choosing to have kids alone or in an informal union.

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Steve Sailer: ‘Asian man’s 2014 memoir moaning about racist white girls not dating him forgot to mention his family kept a slave’

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* “Slave running. Slave mastering. Just another case of immigrants doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”

* You gotta admit that immigrants edging American-born blacks out of the slavery business is pretty funny. Is there nothing these Asians don’t excel at?

* He was the first son in a prominent family. To let him walk would disgrace the family.

This was in a country where upper-class women’s feet were deliberately crippled to serve as a status marker. Kind of like Ivy League brains today.

* “[My mother] cooperated when my siblings and I set out to change Lola’s TNT status. Ronald Reagan’s landmark immigration bill of 1986 made millions of illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty. It was a long process, but Lola became a citizen in October 1998 … ”

How touching! They assuaged their guilt and proved their true love and affection for their slave by getting her a passport just in time to dump her on the US taxpayer. We Americans will gladly support all your used-up, burned-out, destitute ex-slaves once you are finished with them!

I was unaware that “Reagan’s landmark immigration bill” included amnesty for slavemasters as well as illegal aliens, but I might have guessed.

* But then he says the rise of Jeremy Lin changed all that and now things are much better, bedroom wise, for those plucky slave holding Asians!

* A weird and creepy story. Of course, the author crafts his own role as complicit, yet somehow remorseful and even moral, using his culture and upbringing as an explanation of why things were the way they were. Southern whites don’t currently have that social advantage when describing slavery that existed in the South.

But slavery often was/is a much more complex relationship than the social “thinkers” of today want to make it. My guess is that as Africa moves towards it’s peak 4 billion population later this century, slavery within the continent will make a huge comeback. It wasn’t really outlawed in central Africa until about 15 years ago, and still happens frequently, though illegally…which illustrates the complexity. Among those who experience it, being sold into slavery might just be preferable to starving to death, and with 4 billion Africans, there’s gonna be a whole lot of starving to death.

I can just hear the open borders leftist do-gooders of 2087 now, arguing that we shouldn’t be so judgmental of the cultural traditions of the billion or so Africans who want to come to the US…traditions like serfdom and slavery. If it weren’t for the looming tragedy for what remains of the US by that time, the irony would be delicious.

* Every so often there are stories of Asian immigrants to America whose maids are held in near human bondage. Many sex workers in (US) Asian Massage Parlors are thought to be slaves. There have been many stories of wealthy Arabs who come to America with servants who are slaves in everything but name.

VS Naipaul in his 1971 Booker prize winner ‘In A free State” describes an Indian who is brought to DC as the servant of young Indian diplomat. He sleeps in the walk in closet of his master’s apartment. He cooks cleans and does assorted tasks for his master unpaid. In fact he is told that he owes the cost of the plane ticket that brought him to America. When he runs away to be a cook in an Indian restaurant his master tracks him down shocked and hurt that he could be so heartless as to escape.

It’s not just third worlder’s either.

In 19th Century and early 20th century Europe there was a custom wherein a wealthy family would take in a peasant girl to do light housework. By custom the girl would also be sexually available to the young men of the family so that they wouldn’t have to risk going to prostitutes.

* Surprisingly the comments at the Atlantic and elsewhere are critical of Tizon’s behavoir.

What’s surprising is that so many are praising a vile hypocrite for finally taking her to see what remained of her family when she was in her eighties, after a lifetime of condoning her enslavement. Celebrating him for being humane enough to feel kinda sad about the whole thing and for having some writing talent.

One funny one takes him to task for questioning his elderly slave about her sex life. Oh the patriarchy!

Hilarious. Especially in the context of his parents’ actions costing this woman a life of her own and an opportunity to have and raise her own children. And the probability that at least one of the men in his family who’d owned her abused her sexually as well. Not surprising that Tizon wouldn’t care about rubbing salt in the wound, though… His slave’s 2011 obituary reads like the work of a sociopath. The cultural excuse is irrelevant in his case. He said it himself, insisted on it throughout his hypocritical, hate-filled career – he and his siblings were Americans.

* Asian slavery is a benign form of slavery in which slaves become ersatz members of the family and household. The same is true in the continuing traditions of slavery in subSaharan Africa and Haiti … caring for those who cannot care for themselves as it were.

White slavery, on the other hand, was a thing apart. It was an especially vile form of slavery that exploited the slaves to a degree that motivated the Whites themselves to force a violent end to it in the 19th Century. Indeed, the plight of the White-owned slaves was so odious that it continues to justify special social and economic privileges and reparations for their descendants down to the sixth generation.

* This Alex Tizon piece is an example of a genre of PC humblebragging pioneered by the loathesome Belle Waring of Crooked Timber blog, who is always managing to work in ways of simultaneously boasting about her aristocratic South Carolina background while apologizing for being the descendant of slaveowners.

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WP: ‘Yale dean once championed cultural sensitivity. Then she called people ‘white trash’ on Yelp.’

Washington Post:

As the dean of Yale University’s Pierson College, June Chu is responsible for advising about 500 students and fostering “a familiar, comfortable living environment” in keeping with the university’s residential college system.

Chu’s biography states she has a PhD in social psychology and touts a long career in which she has “sought to help students not only succeed academically but to support their holistic academic experience and multifaceted identities.”

But the administrator’s seemingly supportive and culturally sensitive persona has been marred since Yale students came across her Yelp account. Images of Chu’s controversial Yelp reviews began circulating among Pierson students in recent months and were published by the Yale Daily News on Saturday.

The problem wasn’t so much what she said about the New Haven eateries and businesses she reviewed but rather her comments on the people who frequented them.

The posts, published over the course of the last few years, referred to customers as “white trash” and “low class folks” and to some employees as “barely educated morons.”

“If you are white trash, this is the perfect night out for you!” Chu wrote in a review about a Japanese restaurant, which she said lacked authenticity but was perfect for “those low class folks who believe this is a real night out.”

“Side note: employees are Chinese, not Japanese,” added Chu, who identifies in one review as Chinese American. In another restaurant review she said, “I guess if you were a white person who has no clue what mochi is, this would be fine for you.”

In a 2015 review, she called a movie cinema’s employees “barely educated morons trying to manage snack orders for the obese and also try to add $7 plus $7.”

…Others on Twitter pointed out an article Chu wrote for Inside Higher Ed regarding the importance of cultural sensitivity. One Twitter user said reading the article was “satisfyingly ironic.”

“When we advise students about their academic pathways, we must understand diverse students’ practical concerns as well as their distinct cultural value systems,” Chu wrote.

“Many studies continue to indicate differences between white American college students and those from ethnic minority groups,” Chu wrote. “Thus, when we as advisers only advocate following one’s passion, we should ask of ourselves if we are microaggressors, telling students that is the only right way to engage in education.”

Article from 2011:

A typical day for June Chu consists of waking up early in the morning to teach a spinning class at Pottruck Fitness Center, advising students on their majors and staying up late to answer their emails.

After seven years at Penn, Chu — the director of the Pan-Asian American Community House — will be leaving her post to become the assistant dean of Undergraduate Advising at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Context is everything. I imagine that lots of white Yalies have the same attitudes towards the same types of whites she is referring too – though if they posted similar comments online no one is going to bother to go poring through them.

Kind of imagine Ms. Chu is unlikeable on a personal level. Anyway.

What is interesting though, is that it would be entirely reasonable for Asians (the Korean/Japanese/Chinese we actually mean when we use this word) have similar attitudes towards whites as whites have to blacks.

Or maybe not. Whites are more prone to … bad behavior than Asians are, but it isn’t the same wide gulf you get between Sub-Saharan Blacks and everyone else.

And that, more than the IQ gap, is the crux of the whole thing. When whites go to hell, you get West Virginia. When blacks go to hell you get Detroit. Or Birmingham. Or Gary, Indiana.

Anyway, if I met an Asian who had a contemptuous attitude towards me due to the color of my skin… I’d be tickled pink (literally I guess). Masses of Chinese in suburbs across California with thinking the same way? Blase about it.

It’s when these Chinese get into positions of power, whether governmental, Wall Street or the like, where they might affect my present or my future that I start getting mad.

If it is any consolation I feel the same way about white Yalies.

I know my tribe. I have Assabiyah. Whether we are dumb as rocks, deserve nothing, it doesn’t matter. Whether Germanic nice whites from the Midwest or Mormons are in my tribe? Doesn’t matter. We are my tribe. And that is all that matters. The sentiments in Horatio At The Gate matter; The Bell Curve doesn’t.

I know the first law: It’s one for all, and all on one.

Now maybe it’s that Dunning-Kruger effect. But I sit by my keyboard and think of all kinds of interesting things and strategies. Maybe we aren’t so dumb when push comes to shove. Dunno.

HBD is well and good. Whatever. But if you don’t understand things at a basic level, like the fact that even the most stupid, illiterate moron in your tribe is worth more than the sum total of all educated elite college grads… then you understand nothing.

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