Tag Archives: rabbi

Which Married Orthodox Pulpit Rabbi In LA Likes To Have His Ladies Dress Up As Yavneh Girls?

At least he’s still connected to his Yiddishe neshama even while sunk in the pits of degradation. Some of our pulpit rabbis in Los Angeles are a handful. In case you are wondering, Yavneh Hebrew Academy goes up through eighth … Continue reading

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What Would A Rabbi Need To Do To Conquer Ramat Zion?

John emails: Hi Luke, I appreciated your revealing piece on Ramat Zion. A friend was thinking of applying to them (as a rabbinic candidate) through the Conservative movement, and your piece raised some red flags for me, given their treatment … Continue reading

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Why Do I Have My Live Cam On All The Time?

It is to stop myself from watching porn. Yeah, I’m a bit of a hound dog. I wish it wasn’t true, but Rabbi Union, as always, is right about me. I wish I could say I have my live cam … Continue reading

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The Tapes That Caused The Fall Of Rabbi Leib Tropper

From UOJ: The Rabbi Leib Tropper tapes – Tape 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlacLILZ5Kw The Rabbi Leib Tropper tapes – Tape 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVywvjQu_SA The Rabbi Leib Tropper tapes – Tape 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBg5pL2EGw4 The Rabbi Leib Tropper tapes – Tape 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfHOAszAVsw The Rabbi … Continue reading

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Connecting The Dots In The Rabbi Leib Tropper Story

When you look at Guma Aguiar’s (Israeli billionaire who’s suing Rabbi Leib Tropper) profile, you see that though born Jewish, he was raised Christian, and in Houston he sought out a Christian congregation but met Rabbi Tuvia Singer and became … Continue reading

Posted in Guma Aguiar, Personal, R. Elazar Muskin, R. Leib Tropper, R. YY Rubinstein, Sex, Shannon Orand | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Connecting The Dots In The Rabbi Leib Tropper Story