Why Israel Belongs To The Jews

Steve Sailer writes: “Winners are successful at portraying themselves as deserving their property. The Bible, for example, goes to great lengths to honor Abraham. The reverence paid to him is seen as justifying his distant heirs’ possession of the Holy Land. Conversely, the wickedness of the Canaanites, as recounted in their enemy’s book, explains why they didn’t get to keep their possessions.”

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Anti-Immigration As Politics

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* And a popular alt-right argument says that, anti-immigration or anti-diversity views will always be frustrated in a democracy because … There is a majority constituted of (1) a minority of male deep cucks, plus (2) a majority of women (who mostly sub-consciously favour importing & encouraging more aggressive young males, very commonly ‘diverse’ ones)

It’s said that USA Trump 2016 was a unique one-off, because you had palpable alpha male candidate (very rare), against super-unpleasant corrupt female with male cuck entourage (worse than usual) … women were drawn to the alpha as well as men

It’s said this explains why anti-immigration etc tends to ‘peak’ around 40% of voters … whereas it is said that anti-immigration would win if women didn’t vote … and that voter profiles look like this

Male voter segments
1 – Oligarchs
2 – Cucks, oligarch fellow-travellers & opportunists
3 – Most males, who have a ‘rebel’ streak, & can be motivated to defeat the minority of 1+2 above

Female voters
1 – Overall tend to get along & go along with dominant oligarch policies
2 – When males around them are significantly cucked & gov-fostered feminist policies – alimony etc – are in place –
– (a) Women’s feminism etc will erupt but never satisfy the women, and
– (b) Women will be drawn to favour non-cucked young male arrivals / minorities – ‘welcome refugees’, & thus support the oligarch programme to import migrants / foster ‘diversity’, against indigenous rebel males … who will always seem ‘weak’ because they didn’t grab power

It is said that men are in fact more ‘shocked’ by migrant or minority crimes, rapes etc than women … women are biologically, sub-consciously drawn to having more young males around who will fight & compete, such men are more instinctively attractive to women, & now migrant / minority males have more of this secretly appealing aggressive image ‘women like the bad boys’

It is said that anti-immigration is basically a male interest … with women voting, anti-immigration cannot triumph, they say … It is said that women sub-consciously have little respect for men who do not seize power against the cucks-plus-women alliance … power-grabbing minorities or migrants are instinctively more attractive to them.

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Jews argue whether Zionism is racism — in the Forward!

Philip Weiss writes:

Charlottesville has been a depth charge. The Israeli right was loath to condemn the white nationalists at the fringe of Trump’s base, and this has sent a shock through the American Jewish community. There is open argument about Israel; and it’s not going to end.

The best news is that the Forward, America’s leading liberal Jewish publication, published a piece by Naomi Dann of Jewish Voice for Peace last week equating Zionism with racism. That’s revolutionary. Time was when that argument was made by Arabs at the United Nations and then stifled as supposed anti-Semitism. Now it’s in the Forward, from the mouth of a Jew!

Dann says that white nationalist Richard Spencer was right when he expressed common cause with Israel, saying it’s an ethnocracy that discriminates in favor of a privileged group.

Richard Spencer, whose racist views are rightfully abhorred by the majority of the Jewish community, is holding a mirror up to Zionism and the reflection isn’t pretty.

Looking at Israel today, we can see a state premised on the privileging of one group, and all too often perpetuating the erasure and displacement of another. We also see an obsession with demographics and the maintenance of an ethnic majority.

Jane Eisner, from Jewish Boston

It’s a marvel that this piece even ran. Forward editor Jane Eisner then responded angrily to Naomi Dann, denouncing her as a member of “the radical group Jewish Voice for Peace” spreading untruths about Israel. Ouch! Hat’s off to Eisner for allowing the debate to happen. Even if she says it’s all lies.

We work hard to reflect a range of American Jewish opinion, which is why the piece and reaction to it was published. The free flow of ideas is to be cherished. But when a Jew even hints at comparing Israel to Nazis, it must be denounced.

The argument that Zionism is akin to Nazism is not new, and it’s never been correct. Its related equation – that Zionism is racism – was codified by the United Nations when it passed Resolution 3379 in 1975. Though hardly Israel’s best friend, the international body later came to its senses and overwhelmingly rescinded the resolution in 1991.

Eisner is an ardent Zionist. She believes that ideology is necessary to Jewish survival and that the current Israeli government is undoing Zionism (not expressing it) with its discriminatory policies and the occupation and “denial of Palestinian sovereignty.”

That such policies are done in the name of Zionism is painful, a perversion of the Zionist ideal. It is something that all Jews must reckon with. But the imperfections of reality do not negate the underlying fact that Zionism is not inherently racist and can — and, in fact, does — exist side-by-side with democracy.

It’s great that the Forward is hosting this conversation, because people can argue openly about whether Zionism is necessary. That’s all I’ve asked for; I believe the answer (No it’s an anachronism) will change US Jewry and crumble the Israel lobby. Norman Finkelstein once mocked the idea that Americans could or should argue about Zionism because Zionism might as well be “the name of a hairspray” to Americans. Good joke; but he was always wrong about this. People can argue about any idea that’s important, once it’s identified. And this toothpaste is not going back in the tube.

Eisner clearly believes that Jews are unsafe in America, and that’s why we need Zionism:

For Dann to write that Spencer is “holding a mirror up to Zionism and the reflection isn’t pretty” is especially perilous in the current political climate. The intimidating display of Nazi slogans and symbols in Charlottesville, Virginia, legitimized by the shocking statements of President Trump, are a chilling reminder that even in America, Jews are at risk simply because we are Jews.

We need to “recognize our shared vulnerability” and “strengthen our sense of solidarity,” Eisner says. Back to the monolith! Palestinian vulnerability just gets passing mention.

Also addressing the idea of Jewish vulnerability are writers Ayelet Waldman and Michael Chabon. Last week they published an “open letter to our fellow Jews, in the U.S., Israel, and around the world” declaring that Trump is an anti-Semite who is endangering Jews and it’s time for all Jews to denounce him.

Now he’s coming after you. The question is: what are you going to do about it? If you don’t feel, or can’t show, any concern, pain or understanding for the persecution and demonization of others, at least show a little self-interest. At least show a little sechel. At the very least, show a little self-respect.

To Steven Mnuchin, Gary Cohn, and our other fellow Jews currently serving under this odious regime: We call upon you to resign; and to the President’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen: Fire your client.

To Sheldon Adelson and our other fellow Jews still engaged in making the repugnant calculation that a hater of Arabs must be a lover of Jews, or that money trumps hate, or that a million dollars’ worth of access can protect you from one boot heel at the door: Wise up.

“Boot heel at the door” is a Gestapo reference. In another traditional phrasing, the writers warn Trump’s Jewish family members Ivanka and Jared Kushner that if they don’t act, You’re dead to us.

To Jared Kushner: You have one minute to do whatever it takes to keep the history of your people from looking back on you as among its greatest traitors, and greatest fools; that minute is nearly past. To Ivanka Trump: Allow us to teach you an ancient and venerable phrase, long employed by Jewish parents and children to one another at such moments of family crisis: I’ll sit shiva for you. Try it out on your father; see how it goes.

Among all the bleak and violent truths that found confirmation or came slouching into view amid the torchlight of Charlottesville is this: Any Jew, anywhere, who does not act to oppose President Donald Trump and his administration acts in favor of anti-Semitism; any Jew who does not condemn the President, directly and by name, for his racism, white supremacism, intolerance and Jew hatred, condones all of those things.

Waldman and Chabon deserve a lot of respect because of their anti-occupation book Kingdom of Olives and Ashes, which contains anti- and non-Zionist voices. I disagree with them about the vulnerability of Jews in the United States. I don’t think history repeats itself; I think that chapter in the west is over and the belief in its endurance is atavistic. But I’m glad to have the debate; especially because that question is at the heart of Zionism.

Finally, here is Chemi Shalev in Haaretz, who is more in the Jane Eisner camp, warning that the Israeli right has shattered American Jewish solidarity with Israel by siding with the enemies of American Jews.

“Rash Embrace of Trump Accelerates the Jewish Schism” is the headline. Shalev says Netanyahu’s animosity toward “liberal, cosmopolitan, universalist Jews” is reminiscent of “the kind of anti-Jewish bile spouted by Jew-haters around the world, from David Duke to Viktor Orban.”

The delineation between the two opposing Jewish camps has never seemed clearer. On one side we have Netanyahu, many of his colleagues, the pro-settler lobby, an unfortunate proportion of Orthodox Jews, supporters of Jewish settlements, Obama-and/or Muslim-hating Israelis along with hyper-hawks and ultranationalists such as Sheldon Adelson. On the other side there are Israeli doves along with American Jewish liberals, Reform and Conservative Jews and other Trump-haters. And increasingly it seems that never the twain shall meet.

Israel’s willingness to embrace Trump above and beyond the call of duty is alienating large chunks of the American Jewish community. Those that supported Israel wholeheartedly are beginning to question themselves, those who had been harboring doubts all along have reached a guilty verdict and those who are sitting on the wall certainly won’t come down in Israel’s favor now or anytime in the future.

Emotions run high in times of conflict. When people fear for their country or for their wellbeing or for the safety of their love ones, there is scant room for moderation and nuance. In the era of Trump, the main question on the minds of his critics is the one Joshua asked when he met God’s emissary: Are you with us or with our enemies? By standing so firmly and so recklessly with Trump, Israel is telling American Jews exactly where it stands: With their enemy.

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The Alt-Left


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Steve Sailer: Washington Post Supports Howard U. Coeds Being Enraged at Skinny Blonde Beckys Wearing MAGA Hats on Their Safe Space Turf

This disturbance became public with a tweet from a black woman who spells her name in Hebrew.

Isn’t snatching and removing someone’s hat a crime? Isn’t it a form of assault? How would black women feel if someone came over and forcibly confiscated their weave?

Nidhi Prakash and two other journos write for Buzzfeed:

Two teenagers stirred up controversy at Howard University — a historically black college, or HBCU — on Saturday when they arrived at the campus wearing Make America Great Again paraphernalia, drawing a sharp response from the college’s students and prompting a Twitter thread from the university.

The high school students said Howard students approached them and criticized their Trump gear as they waited in line at the cafeteria — with one Howard student grabbing their hats and another saying “Fuck y’all.”

…The two white students, from Union City High School in Pennsylvania, told BuzzFeed News they were among a group of 30 teenagers on an organized trip to see sites in Washington, DC, where the college is based. They arrived at the campus around lunchtime, and headed for the cafeteria with their school chaperones.

Allie Vandee, 16, was one of the students wearing a MAGA hat and a Trump T-shirt. She complained about the incident on Twitter soon after leaving campus.

“We were not even through the front door to get through the cafeteria, and a man, a black man, walked, had walked through and took my friend Sarah’s hat right off her head,” Vandee said in a phone interview with BuzzFeed News.

I wonder if Nidhi Prakash has a dog in this fight?

Steve Sailer writes:

A tweet three days ago from a female student at historically black Howard University:

Screenshot 2017-08-22 20.15.46

And from the Washington Post today, a thinkpiece by a WaPo staffer:

The teenagers who wore MAGA hats to Howard aren’t martyrs for free speech
By Molly Roberts August 22 at 1:42 PM

Two teenage girls who wore “Make America Great Again” hats to Howard University last weekend are making a play to become the latest countrywide crusaders for free speech. Good luck with that.

The Pennsylvania high school students, who stopped by the historically black university for a bite to eat during a school trip to Washington, strolled into Howard’s campus dining hall Saturday decked out in pro-presidential apparel they had purchased the day before. It did not go over well.

“We were not even through the front door to get through the cafeteria, and a man, a black man, walked … through and took my friend Sarah’s hat right off her head,” one told Buzzfeed on Monday. Another man, she said, cursed at her. …

The Twitter account for Howard’s dining hall was more forthright: “We will take any action necessary to ensure that HU students feel safe& comfortable in our dining spaces. The group is no longer on campus.” …

As stifling to debate as the “safe space” argument can be at schools across the country, Howard is one of the few examples of the term at its purest and most persuasive. “Safety” as many students today use the word has little to do with physical harm and more to do with emotional discomfort. Safety at Howard, from its founding, has meant, well, safety.

… It was about the history of an institution that has always been a place where black students could say what they believed without fear of racist reprisal. On Saturday, that’s exactly what they did.

As many Howard students have already asked about their young visitors, what else did they expect?

Is this brouhaha really about the insensitivity of wearing Trump hats? Or is it about the insensitivity of wearing blonde hair that’s about 8 times longer than their shorts on the black coeds’ home turf?

For the term “Becky” see here.

Commenter Alec Leamas explains:

Some people are just Extra-Citizens with superior rights. Such as the right to snatch a hat from your head because they don’t like what it says.

Look Steve, our country has a long and sad history of white teenage girls killing black men in broad daylight. You need to get #woke.

And what does Molly Roberts look like? Like Becky with good hair:

Here are some definitions of Beckie and Becky on Urban Dictionary:

* beckie is probably the hottest name in the whole world. perfect for a hottie with gorgeous eyes. beckie’s have it all: looks, brains, boobs, you name it. a beckie will never let you down
MAN! She’s definately a ‘beckie.’

* hot white girls, or snobbish women
look at them beckys over there.
#beckies#beckys#white girls#dem girls#white hoes

* The name of the best girlfriend a guy could wish for. Kind, pretty, good looking and absolutely amazing. If you have a girlfriend like this, then you are extremely lucky.
Guy 1: You going out with that becky girl?
Guy 2: Yeah
Guy 1: You lucky bastard…

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Wait a minute, who was subject to racist reprisal? Oh well, at least four gorgeous White girls got vaccinated for jungle fever just before college.

* It wasn’t the MAGA hats and had nothing to do with Trump! All the black women on Twitter were outraged because these white girls (the ebonics term is “Beckies”) were getting a lot of attention from the black men. To paraphrase the great Colin Flaherty, “Don’t Make the Black Girls Angry!”

* For “yt’s,” there aren’t just sundown towns, there are plenty of places where one isn’t welcome any time of the day. I’ve had it several times, who else has been on the receiving end of assertive demands of “white boy go back to where you came from”?

They can be lucky they were girls. Had it been fellas who had tried to invade their safe space, the response might have been a little more assertive…

* I thought that Howard was founded to showcase black intellectual achievement in the nation’s capital as a rebuke to racial essentialists, with a student body especially burdened by the need to espouse beliefs concordant with reality in order to avoid racist reprisal against their fellow blacks in places not surrounded by the safety of the Federal government.

But thanks for blacksplaining reality to me. I guess Howard exists so black people can believe whatever the hell they want and have a “safe space” where they can physically intimidate anyone who might challenge those beliefs in any way.

* Those girls need a good rogering from a well endowed Black Man. They were trying to start something. I guarantee you they will be mothers of Children of Color in 5 years. I hope they are blackballed from employment until they apologize for their racism.

* Back in med school we had a lawyer come in and teach us about torts. He has us read a famous case in which a black man who was participating in (I think) a sales meeting at a hotel had a plate of food in his hands and a hotel employee snatched it from him.

The employee was successfully sued for assault (and possibly battery) even though he made no physical contact with the man. The violent snatching of something from someone’s hands was ruled assault.

* In his latest Podcast No. 93 with guest Douglas Murray (The Strange Death of Europe), the Jewish public intellectual Sam Harris said he had no idea what was meant by “The Jews will not replace us.” Evidently he wasn’t curious enough to google it.

* Surely the police for Howard University or Washington are issuing a statement any day about their arrest of the male Negro who assaulted (and what he did is, incontrovertibly, assault) these teenagers (possibly minors?) – or are the police in Washington recruiting officers from Rotherham now as part of an exchange programme?

Another point, though: where is Hell were the father, brother, or other male chaperone of these young ladies, and why in God’s name did he permit them to enter a cafeteria teeming with Negros unaccompanied. What vapid fools are they themselves to not know better?

Instinctively, I want to protect females of my race (its biochemically programmed into us all); intellectually, of course, I realise there is no stopping a determined suicide.

* Sailer for the most part seems to me to be taking a fairly distanced “wait-and-see” stance on Trump as President, which is smart given how unpredictable Trump is. On the current trajectory Trump is doing for HBD and immigration controls what Hitler did for eugenics or the Confederacy did for slavery. Historically extremists defending moderately extreme positions don’t usually succeed in making those positions more socially acceptable, they just make things much, much worse. Scott Adams is looking increasingly insane, don’t want to end up like that guy.

All these attempts to push the Overton window to the right seem to be backfiring badly and empowering even more lefty craziness. And the lefties do have the demographics and a lot of corporate clout behind them. The same way it took conservative Republicans to reach out to China (Nixon) or reach out to the Soviets (Reagan), it will probably require a moderate Democrat, ideally Asian, to speak sense on racial issues. But it may be too late.

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