The Jewish Origins Of The Anti-Fascist Group ‘Hope Not Hate’

Hope Not Hate comes out of the group Searchlight, founded by Jewish communists in Britain.

Geoffrey Alderman writes:

Searchlight will be known to some of you as a well-researched and professionally produced magazine specialising in exposés of racism, fascism and antisemitism.

Next month, it will be hosting a one-day conference advertised as the curtain-raiser for its 50th anniversary celebrations planned for next year. Searchlight was not established with a specifically Jewish agenda. But its foundations were certainly built upon Jewish roots.

It was launched on the initiative, in part, of a group of left-wing Jewish adherents of the Labour movement — pre-eminently the late Reg Freeson, a child of the Norwood Orphanage who was elected MP for East Willesden in 1964; the late Maurice Ludmer, an active communist who was prominent in the foundation of the Anti-Nazi League, and — above all — the indefatigable Gerry Gable, who started out as Searchlight’s research director but who has been editing the publication for well over 30 years.

Freeson was a prominent member of Poale Zion, the Jewish Labour organisation whose affiliation to the British Labour Party (1920) was to be an important catalyst assisting in the conversion of Labour to an overtly Zionist stance in the early decades of the last century. Gable, too, was once a card-carrying communist but broke with the CP on the issue of its opposition to Zionism.

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New York – Orthodox Rabbi To Lead NYC’s Annual Muslim Day Parade

“FILE – Imam Muhammad Shamsi Ali, left, of the Islamic Cultural Center of New York, and Rabbi Marc Schneier, the president of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and founding rabbi of The New York Synagogue, greet each other after a payer service at the center in New York, Thursday, May 21, 2009. AP”


Rabbi Marc Schneier, the president and founder of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding will serve as honorary grand marshal of the parade, which will take place on Sunday.
Schneier was chosen in recognition of his pioneering work in the field of Muslim-Jewish relations in the United States and around the world, according to organizers.
It is the first time in the parade’s 32-year history that a Jewish leader has been chosen to lead the Muslim Day Parade. This year’s parade is dedicated to the plight of the Rohingya, a mostly Muslim people facing violence in Myanmar.
“This year’s parade is more important than ever before due to the climate we live in. Racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, bigotry and hate are on the rise in our country,” Imam Shamsi Ali, president of the Muslim Foundation of America and parade organizer, said in a statement.
Of Schneier, Ali said: “Having pioneered the field of Muslim-Jewish relations over a decade ago, he has demonstrated his dedication and devotion to the American Muslim community.”
The annual Muslim Day Parade is organized by the Muslim Foundation of America in order to bring together Muslims of various ethnic backgrounds to share their cultures and traditions and to express themselves as an integral part of New York City.

Rabbi Marc Scheier has had five divorces, which is not the norm for rabbis.

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Alex Jones: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Affirmative Action 2017

Steve Sailer writes:

Consider an SAT score of 700, which is common for students at strong private universities such as USC or NYU. On the SAT exam in 2016, for instance, I estimate that only about 645 blacks in the country scored 700 or higher on the math portion, compared with 40,000 whites and an incredible 43,000 Asians.

On the reading section of the SAT, about 809 blacks reached the 700s versus 36,000 whites and 17,000 Asians.

At the Harvard-Stanford level of a 750 SAT score, whites outnumber blacks about 72 to 1 on reading and 107 to 1 on math.

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‘Foreign entities give millions to groups aiding infiltrators in Israel’

From Israel Hayom:

Between 2012 and 2017, European governments and U.N. agencies gave a total of $13 million in aid to Israeli organizations helping illegal aliens, a new report by the right-wing organization Im Tirtzu revealed Sunday.

As Europe deals with the worst wave of immigration ever known to the continent, EU-affiliated institutes rank first with the most aid given to these organizations, which over the past four years came to $4.7 million, followed by U.N.-affiliated institutions, which donated $2.8 million, the report said.

Germany donated the largest sum for a European country with $1.9 million, followed by Norway ($1.3 million), Sweden ($600,000), Switzerland ($490,000), England ($260,000) and the Netherlands ($120,000).

Foundations whose affiliation is split between Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark and the Netherlands donated $580,000, while the U.S. gave $180,000 and Thailand donated $26,000. As such, the report reveals that since 2008, the left-wing New Israel Fund also funded organizations supporting illegal migrants to the tune of $12.5 million.

Im Tirtzu’s reports investigated various petitions filed with the High Court of Justice by the Israeli aid groups, discovering clear efforts to circumvent the various solutions suggested by authorities, thereby hurting both the population of migrants who are in Israel illegally as well as residents of the neighborhoods in south Tel Aviv, who are struggling to deal with the phenomenon.

“It seems that donor countries and organizations have three hidden goals,” the Im Tirtzu report claimed. “First, attempting to obtain citizenship for thousands of infiltrators; second, changing the Jewish-majority demographic, therefore changing the Jewish and democratic character of the country; and third, striving to label Israel as a racist country.”

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