Steve Sailer: Brazile Dedicates Her Book to (Among Others) Seth Rich

Steve Sailer writes:

If Seth Rich struggled with his attackers and was alive and talking to the emergency responders, what did he say? All I’ve been able to read is that he was “confused” because he gave as his address his previous address.

A pretty obvious question is whether he was asked if his attackers were black or white? If he was attacked by blacks, then the mugging theory sounds plausible. If he were attacked by two white men, however …

The Washington DC police aren’t terribly forthcoming about the case. Supposedly they found security video showing the legs of two attackers but nobody has ever seen it.

Still, it shouldn’t be that hard to find the emergency responders and ask them what the dying man said.

I read a long article by his hometown Omaha newspaper. I found an answer to the question of what was he doing out on the streets so late: the house he shared had poor cellphone reception, so he did a lot of his phone calls from his favorite sports bar or while walking the streets. He left the sports bar where he was a popular regular at about 1:30 am and then carried on two long phone calls with his girlfriend. She was visiting her home in Michigan. He’d been offered a job with the Hillary campaign, but that would require him to move to Brooklyn while his girlfriend had a job in DC. So they were having a lot of long conversations about their Relationship. They had a couple of calls of over 1.5 hours over the next couple of hours.

The neighborhood where he was killed was in the northeast, a little west of the Capitol and a mile or two north of there. It’s about a mile or more east of the Rock Creek Park that was the traditional dividing line between white and black Washington. It’s pretty close to where Matt Yglesias was the victim of the Knockout Game in 2011. I imagine the neighborhood is getting pretty gentrified, although when I was more familiar with Washington in 2000-2007 it was pretty dubious.

In general, Seth Rich doesn’t sound like a complicated man of mystery. He seems like a pretty regular guy. If he were the victim of an attempted mugging, I can imagine him fighting back, and a robber pulling a gun.

Or consider the Yglesias Precedent: maybe this was never a robbery, just Polar Bear Hunting. Maybe the DC government tried to make the case keep a low profile because the cops/EMTs recognized it as a racial attack. Coming right after the Dallas and Baton Rouge BLM massacres, this wouldn’t be good for Hillary.

Another interesting angle is that Hillary was the one who injected Seth Rich’s name into the national debate by bringing him up a couple of days later as an example of the need for gun control.

The Seth Rich case in 2016 could be like the Matthew Yglesias Knock-Out Game case in 2011: a sizable youngish Jewish guy walking down the street at night gets attacked by two blacks. No robbery.

I think Rich was a few blocks west of where Yglesias was attacked and there had been five more years of gentrification, so there have been conflicting reports about what kind of neighborhood it was.

The only characterization I’ve seen in the press of what Seth Rich told the emergency responders was that he seemed “confused” and that he didn’t realize he’d been shot, which suggests he didn’t see a gun drawn on him. He gave his previous address rather than his current one (he was about 100 yards from his group townhouse).

Another possibility is that “confused” is the characterization of the ambulance workers because they couldn’t process what Rich was telling them. For example, if he’d said two well-dressed white men walked past him and suddenly he was face down on the sidewalk, the typical DC EMT might chalk that up to trauma talking.

Washington DC has a Shot Spotter system that records gunfire and directs the police to the location. Apparently the cops showed up almost immediately. Presumably, this would suggest that the gunman didn’t use a silencer like in movie assassinations.

I see that a liberal group that looked into the case suggested a serial killer, which suggests that the case is more complicated than we are supposed to believe.

I see six possibilities:

– Mugging gone wrong
– Assassination
– Knock-Out Game gone wrong
– Serial killer
– Personal enemy
– Random encounter with armed man

If the cops have video footage of the lower half of the killers, simple questions would be: what kind of shoes are they wearing: ghetto sneakers or handmade Italian black leather shoes? What kind of pants are they wearing: basketball shorts or wool suit trousers? If they are dressed in, say, power company overalls, I’d be concerned about a hit.

But the odds are that Seth Rich was murdered by the Democratic Base rather than the Democratic Elite.

The media in DC should make a big deal out of the Seth Rich case to get the message out that the cops can respond awfully quickly now that they have this Shot Spotter technology.


* I’ve thought sometimes about the strange existence of Donald Trump.

What strikes me as peculiar is that I can’t think of anyone else who came within a thousand miles of being the sort of candidate he was, with the populist appeal and the ability to pull it all off. Try to think of the next best candidate — who would that even be?

He certainly is, for better and worse, an American Original. I predict no President over the last century — including, I think, FDR and Reagan — will have as much written about his Presidency as Trump.

I am starting to see large and unexpected upsides even to his in-your-face tweeting, and the crazed response of his critics. He is never in the background. No one can ignore a single thing he says. Even if his critics lambaste every policy proposal he makes, he gets his message out there so that it can’t be ignored. He vindicates the saying that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. In the somnolent Presidency of Obama, virtually nothing ever got said and heard about immigration. Now we never stop hearing about it, and thinking about it. The public starts to think about details of immigration policy that entirely passed their notice before, such as the Diversity lottery and chain immigration.

This is how change happens. It’s pretty amazing that it would be someone as seemingly “incurious” as Trump who would make so many people think and maybe change their minds.

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Why Is Ronan Farrow Leading The Way In Exposing Hollywood Predators?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Ronan took his mother’s side in the divorce-and-Soon-Yi drama, and has stated that he remembers his mother warning him about Allen back when they were together, as well as warnings she gave that the children were not to be left alone with him. He’s also said point blank that Woody was, for all intents and purposes, Soon Yi’s father, no matter the legal reality at the time, and that the relationship is icky as a resuly.

He’s been pretty vocal about bashing Woody (his supposed father) and Soon Yi, except nobody bothers to quote him since Woody’s quite protected.

Ronan has also taken an even subtler personal route against Allen. The rumor goes that Frank Sinatra, not Woody, is Ronan’s true father. Ronan has played this up by coiffing his look to appear more like Ol’ Blue Eyes and not the nebbish Allen.

Anyway, Ronan probably dove into this trying to find dirt on Woody and ended up here.

* Sleaze Lisa Bloom took the cake. Her day job was as a high-profile lawyer, women’s rights advocate, defender of rape victims, etc. At night, however, she was a villainess working to betray rape victims to the King of the Rapists, Harvey Weinstein. Just read a whole piece about her and how she worked against McGowan, tried to insinuate herself into Farrow’s investigation and subvert it, etc. She might just be the sleaziest bitch of the last 20 years.

(((Polanski))), (((Epstein))), (((Weinstein))), (((Weiner))), (((the Nickelodeon guy (pending)))), (((the NPR guy))), (((Halperin))), (((Toback))), (((Wieseltier)))…I know I’m forgetting several. Talk about your echo chambers.

* I wonder about the mentality of agents who went through the whole training process of making it into Mossad, being imbued with the entire history about Mossad being a pillar of the protection of the Israeli state against its destruction by its many enemies, and yet ending up being people who do nothing except help a rapist and sexual harasser stalk his victims, and doing it for no other reason except that it’s a paying job.

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Phyllis Chesler writes:

Jung had a “thing” for Jewish girls. In 1910, Spielrein writes in her diary that “he [Jung] would love a black-complexioned Jewish girl,” and that as much as he wished to remain “close to his religion and culture,” he desired “liberation from his paternal responsibilities in an unbelieving Jewess.”

As Spielrein suspected and as Jung admitted to Freud, “The Jewess [has] popped up in another form, in the shape of my patient [Spielrein].” According to Sells, Jung had had a previous relationship with another Jewish woman. Spielrein intuited that she may be Jung’s “psycho-sexual replacement.”

Taking his eroticized anti-Semitism to a whole new level, Jung confronts Spielrein about why the Jews are marginalized: “… (the Jew) is the murderer of his own prophets, even of his Messiah.”

Here’s how Spielrein responds: “… You accuse us Jews, along with Freud, of viewing our deepest spiritual life as infantile wish fulfillment. To this, I must reply that there is hardly a nation so inclined to see mysticism and the promise of fate (faith?) in the world as the Jewish people.”

Freud relayed to Spielrein: “We are and remain Jews. The others will only exploit us and will never understand or appreciate us.”


Worn Down

I notice that many people with a poverty consciousness recoil from a prosperous job in favor of a lower-paying job because they believe the lower-paying job will be easier. The higher-paying job, they fear, will wear them down.

I think much of the time this is self-defeating. If you track your time, plan your time, and have the courage to live by your commitments, you’re not usually going to get worn down. Instead, you’ll feel energized by living out your vision. Plenty of people earn tons of money and look after their families and enjoy a prosperous life. How do they do it? They track their time, plan their time, and live according to their values.

Generally speaking, people in lower-paying jobs, I suspect, are treated with less respect by their employers than those in higher-paying jobs. We all tend to treat high-earners with more respect than low-earners.

* Bullying at work. I notice that about half the employees I know well feel that they are bullied at work. I suspect that this perception inevitably feeds back to unhappy childhoods. I don’t encounter happy people who feel they are bullied at work. Instead, everyone I know well who is bullied at work, is chronically depressed and has the same sort of problems with family and community. It seems like they are replicating unhelpful patterns from childhood and blaming them on their work place.

I think we all exert a force field and have a profound influence on how people treat us.

Also, I’ve never known anyone who’s filed a complaint at work who’s benefited by so doing. In most cases I know, this act leads to increased unhappiness and often termination of employment.

I have a history of idealizing and devaluing people (common trait of narcissists). I put certain people on a pedestal, and then resent what I’ve done and so I go out of my way to cut them down and consequently blow up the most important relationships in my life.

L. writes:

I know where you’re coming from. You sound like someone with insecurity issues. The whole Jewish thing seems to have appealed to you because of how highly accomplished they are on average and apparently you felt attracted to the idea of becoming like them, of being one of them. (I don’t buy FOR ONE SECOND that you ever really bought into their pseudo-theological mumble-jumble, by the way, and I’ve told u that before).

In my particular case, when I seriously considered converting to Orthodox Judaism in my twenties (gosh, I cringe just to think of that nowadays ?), I was absolutely aware of how powerful and successful those people were, but what animated me then was my search for a firmer identity than that which the generic, kosher, Christian, gentile, cuckservatism that I subscribed to back then could offer me. Like, I looked at modern England, Italy and France (some 700 years of history each), I looked at modern Germany (200 years of history only), I looked at Christianity (2000 of history) and when I compared them to Judaism I thought I saw a kind of identity much, much more solid and legitimate and real than them all.

But then I realised after some time that all the Jewish professors at the Hebrew department where I was taking courses at the university didn’t really give two shits to the religious dimension of Judaism. They all strongly identified as Zionist Jews but they were all secular and they seemed to be all leftwing. I though “what the fuck? How is this possible? I thought this was a religion but there seems to be something else at play here.”

Nowadays I identify as an Agnostic, pro-White non-white man. That’s who I am. If there’s indeed a transcendental reality out there, whatever its nature may be, it’s definitely not accurately described by any man-made religions and much less by the Semitic doctrines.

But anyways, if you still have all these emotional issues after all these years of having converted to Judaism, then maybe it didn’t really work out for you after all, if you still feel this kind of void in yourself.

I myself find great consolation and peace of mind in the astonishing European cultural and artistic accomplishments, specially literature. Shakespeare, Dante, Marcel Proust and Tolstoy (these particular 4 authors) are to me what the Torah seems to be to you.

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Reason is a Whore

Richard Spencer was on a podcast recently with James Allsup and Nick Fuentes.

Richard Spencer joins the panel to talk about the news of the week and the state of the alt-right, as well as Depeche Mode. The first hour focuses on the attack in Manhattan and how we should respond to it, Stefan Molyneux DEFOOing “the time for arguments,” the insane ad being run against Ed Gillespie, and why the alt-lite’s position is ultimately untenable and based around accepting the left’s paradigms.

Hour 2 begins with a look at South Africa, reflects on compassionate colonialism, and takes a look at how to solve the problems in Africa. Then, the guys talk about Charlottesville 3 months later, and have a much-needed conversation on the status and future of the alt-right.

Nick: “As Stefan Molyneux has famously said, the time for arguments may be over.”

“You hear some of these fellow whites, the vitriol against whites, these people have to be locked away. The William F. Buckley Forum isn’t going to cut it anymore.”

James: “Jeffrey Lord-Martin Luther King conservatism isn’t going to cut it anymore.”

Richard: “There was never a time for arguments. To say that we could at one time argue about something is to put those cart before the horse. Reason is a tool we use to justify what we want — emotionally, racially, spiritually. Reason is a means to an end. The idea that should dive into reason and surround ourselves with rationality and end up with what Molyneux calls universally preferable behavior is wrong. Existence is what matters. Life is what matters. Reason is a tool for us to legitimize our quest for life, our will to power.

“If you ever start falling into an argument that is going to reduce our ability to live, our power, our life, then you need to rethink reason.”

“When adopted pure rationality and he just pushed liberalism to its outermost limits, he fell into all of these horrible, life-denying positions. This is a man who was running a cult for divorcing your parents. If my daughter was not rational enough, you’ve got to go. I wish you could have pursued universally preferable behavior. Who does that? Only insane people do this. Because he is big-brained, he pursued logic to its end and you see where it leads you.”

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