A Politician’s Sex Life

I think the allegations against Roy Moore are true. I don’t think they reflect well on him. I don’t think they’re an abomination either. If I were in Alabama, I would still vote for Roy Moore.

I want politicians who will do the best for the country. How they conduct themselves in private is a secondary concern for me. On the other hand, a man will be loyal to the woman he’s having regular sex with, and so that will shed light on his priorities. Bill Clinton, caught out for cheating, gave Hillary Clinton free reign to develop a healthcare plan in his first term as a way of placating her.

I’m sure Roy Moore has a screw loose. I’m sure Trump does too. Those anti-social instincts could bring them down and bring us down. They also could allow Trump and company to do great things.

All of the women in the Washington Post article claim they were repulsed by what happened. That may well be true. I know that when I remember things from my past, how I feel about them largely depends upon the company I keep. To people who think that what I did was cool, I tend to feel it was cool. To people who think that what happened was horrible, I tend to think it was horrible.

As far as the age of consent is concerned, looking at the issue through a moral lens rather than an American legal lens, I remember that Judaism places the age of consent at age 13 for boys and 12.5 for girls.

Roy Moore’s actions are not remotely pedophilia. I don’t want laws changed to lower the age of consent to 12 or 13, but I see a dramatic moral difference between sex with the pre-pubescent and post-pubescent. Sexual behavior with the pre-pubescent is pedophilia and far more reprehensible than sex with the post-pubescent.

Joe* says:

It was common in European and American history for girls to marry at age 12-15…

Loretta Lynn the famous coal miner’s daughter country singer was a mother at 15, a grandmother at 30 and a great grandmother at 45. For all I know she is a great great grandmother at 60.

I don’t know how old any of the husbands (I am assuming they are not unwed mothers) were.

The most likely explanation for Judge Moore hanging out at malls and high school football games is that he did so out of insecurity and sexual inexperience. Most men won’t admit it and most women (Amy Alkon being a notable exception) won’t concede it, but woman (and girls) hold much of the power in the relationship when a man asks a woman out (or when a boy asks a girl out), when a boy initiates sexual foreplay (kissing, petting frottage etc). My suspicion is that Moore was afraid of rejection, afraid of appearing sexually incompetent (and what he did with the fourteen year old sort of confirms my suspicion on this point) and so it eased his concerns when he asked a younger and sexually inexperience girl out. He was less likely to be rejected. But Moore can’t say this, its politically incorrect to even suggest that even a fourteen year old girl hold sexual power over a 30 something district attorney, and so he denies it.

If Moore survives this and is actually elected it is because the voters of Alabama either (1) accept from Moore that it didn’t happen, (2) accept that it happened but it is no big deal or (3) accept that it happened but subscribe to my interpretation of what was motivating Moore to go after a teenager below the age of consent.

I remember a case before the Beit Din of America which Rabbi Michael Broyde lectured about (one Shabbos afternoon in 2008). Two best friends were 55yo. One stayed with the other for a Shabbat. During that Shabbat, the 55yo visitor had consensual sex with his friend’s 14yo daughter. The girl had no problem with what happened. She wanted everyone to ignore it. The father was furious when he found out and consulted his local Orthodox rabbi who advised him to gather his friends and to beat up his buddy, paying particular attention to the organ that sinned. That happened and the guy was left with serious injuries and sued the rabbi. The rabbi was visited by the police and the rabbi said he would be happy to go to court on the matter and no jury would convict him. I think the Beit Din ruled that the beaters should pay the injured party’s medical expenses.

The philosopher Will Durant was 28 when he met his future wife Ariel, who was 14 and his pupil. When she turned 15, they married.

John Derbyshire wrote May 15, 2006:

Some of the most vituperative emails I have ever got came in after I made an offhand remark, in one of my monthly NRO diaries, to the effect that very few of us are physically appealing after our salad days, which in the case of women I pegged at ages 15-20. While the storm was raging, biologist Razib Khan over at Gene Expression (forget philosophers, theologians, and even novelists: the only people with interesting things to say about human nature nowadays are the scientists) decided to look up some actual numbers. Reasoning that a rapist is inspired to his passion mainly by the physical attractiveness of his victim, Razib went for rape statistics.

He found a 1992 report (Rape in America: A Report to the Nation) from the National Victim Center showing the age distribution of female rape victims. Sixty percent of the women who reported having been raped were aged 17 or less, divided about equally between women aged 11 to 17 (32 percent) and those under eleven (29 percent). Only six percent were older than
29. When a woman gets past her mid twenties, in fact, her probability of being raped drops off like a continental
shelf. If you histogram the figures, you get a peak around ages 12-14 … which is precisely the age Lolita was at the time of her affair with Humbert Humbert. As Razib noted, my own "15-20" estimate was slightly off. An upper limit of 24 would be more reasonable. The lower limit really doesn’t bear thinking about. (I have a 13-year-old daughter.)

Behind such sad numbers, and in the works of literary geniuses like Vladimir Nabokov, does the reality of human nature lie. It is all too much for our prim, sissified, feminized, swooning, emoting, mealy-mouthed, litigation-whipped, "diversity"-terrorized, race-and-"gender"-panicked society. We shudder and turn away, or write an angry email. The America of 1958, with all its shortcomings, was saltier, wiser, closer to the flesh and the bone and the wet earth, less fearful of itself. (It was also, according to at least one scholarly study, happier.)

One of the first media sensations ever to impinge upon my consciousness was the visit to Britain by rock star Jerry Lee Lewis in May 1958, four months before
Lolita’s American debut. This was supposed to be a concert tour, but 22-year-old Jerry had brought his wife Myra along, and the British press got wind of the fact that Myra was only 13. This wasn’t an unusual thing in the South of that time; Jerry himself had first been wed at 15 (when he already had a drinking problem). Myra was
his third wife, and also his second cousin once removed. Back then country people grew up fast and close to their kin. Neither Jerry nor Myra could understand what the fuss was about. He: "I plumb married the girl, didn’t I?" She: "Back home you can marry at 10, if you can find a husband." (This was not true, even in the South, though Myra likely believed it. She also, according to the British press, believed in Santa Claus.) It didn’t help that Jerry’s new record was titled High School Confidential.

How long ago it seems! Nowadays our kids are financially dependent on us into their mid-twenties, and can’t
afford to leave home till they are 35. Marriage at 13? Good grief! And so, while Lolita met with a fair share of disapproval in 1958, and was denounced from many pulpits, I believe its reception would have been much more hostile if it appeared now. It would also have been differently politicized. Back then the complaints
came mostly from social conservatives, who I imagine would disapprove of Lolita just as strongly today. The Left, however, almost unanimously championed the book. Would they still do so? A woman! Who was also a child! Exploited by a man! And both of them from stifled, self-denying bourgeois backgrounds! Oh, that evil Patriarchy! It’s amazing how far this stuff has spread: There is a strong whiff of it in Azar Nafisi’s memoir Reading Lolita in Tehran (whose author went to college in the U.S.A.)

Here you see one of the paradoxes of our strange times. Our women dress like sluts; our kids are taught about buggery in elementary school; "wardrobe malfunctions" expose to prime-time TV viewers body parts customarily covered in public since "the lamented end of the Ancient World B.C." (Humbert); our colleges have coed bathrooms; songs about pimps rise to the top of the pop music charts; yet so far as anything to do with the actual reality of actual human nature is concerned, we are as prim and shockable as a bunch of Quaker schoolmarms. After forty years of lying to ourselves, we are now terrified of the truth. Which is an unhappy thing, because the truth is bearing down on us fast.

What would Vladimir Nabokov say if he could view our present scene? I think he would weep. Political Correctness was only embryonic in the mid-1950s, and Nabokov poked some gentle fun at it in Lolita:

 …according to the rules of those American ads where schoolchildren are pictured in a
subtle ratio of races, with one — only one, but as cute as they make them — chocolate-colored round-eyed little lad, almost in the very middle of the front row.

He would have been horrified to see how these silly but harmless and well-intentioned courtesies have swollen into a monstrous dreary tyranny, shutting off whole territories of speech and thought, acting as a sheet anchor to hold back our commercial and intellectual progress, corrupting our constitutional jurisprudence, turning unscrupulous mountebank attorneys into billionaires, and making art like Nabokov’s incomprehensible to millions who, had they been born a few decades earlier, would have gotten from it such unexpected, unimagined delight as I got among the birdsong and bowlines in the Sea Cadets’ hut at Northampton School for Boys 44 years ago.

That we are stupider, coarser, duller, lazier, narrower of mind, more fearful of strangeness, more abject, and more craven than the Americans of 1958 is bad enough. What really shows that our civilization is, and richly deserves to be, on its way out, is that we are less able to savor and love a surpassingly beautiful work of art like Lolita.

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I Was Never A Louis CK Fan

Yes, he was funny at times, but I always felt diminished after watching him. I always felt icky. So I stopped after a couple of hours of trying his show and never went back.

The New York Times reports:

Now, after years of unsubstantiated rumors about Louis C.K. masturbating in front of associates, women are coming forward to describe what they experienced. Even amid the current burst of sexual misconduct accusations against powerful men, the stories about Louis C.K. stand out because he has so few equals in comedy. In the years since the incidents the women describe, he has sold out Madison Square Garden eight times, created an Emmy-winning TV series, and accumulated the clout of a tastemaker and auteur, with the help of a manager who represents some of the biggest names in comedy. And Louis C.K. built a reputation as the unlikely conscience of the comedy scene, by making audiences laugh about hypocrisy — especially male hypocrisy.

Any man who is a feminist is off.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Masturbating in front of unwilling others would seem to fall under the rubric of what used to be called the fetish of exhibitionism. It’s a known kink.

One of the odd things today is how little one hears anymore about sexual fetishes — with the exception, I guess, of S/M.

Of course among the fetishes one used to hear about of course was transvestism. Now one never hears about it, I suppose because it violates the New Rule of Transgenderism.

But it used to be well understood that there were very distinct categories of fetish, which would often lead to criminal behavior, exhibitionists being one among them. The classic case was of a man who would dress up only in a trenchcoat, and expose himself. I can’t say I hear of such cases today.

Yet are there really no more exhibitionists, or ordinary transvestites, for example?

* Winston Mosely, the killer/raper/killer again of Kitty Genovese

Kitty Genovese Killer Winston Moseley Dies in Prison

“Searching the area, Moseley found Genovese bleeding and crying for help in a vestibule at the back of the building, out of view, and proceeded to stab her several more times, raped her, stole what cash she had on her, and left her in the hallway. Wounds to her hands showed that she tried to defend herself.”

In the memoir of Al Seedman, former NYC police chief, he recounts how Mosely described raping Genovese as she lay bleeding to death in the foyer. He (Mosely) describes having an orgasm, but not an erection. Granted, his taste in perversion is a little more hands-on than what seems to be the standard Hollywood Jewish approach, but I’d stack him up against the likes of Louis CK any day. He’s like the Babe Ruth of molestation, sweeping away the elaborate one run groping strategies of Weinstein et al with sheer brute force.

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Jews & Brains

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Jews are what you get when you have an ethnocentric tribe where about 12% are Mensa level or above in cognitive ability, compared to only about 2% of us Goyim. Overlaid with their ‘clubby’ cultural tradition and practices.

* Mensa membership qualifier is top 2% of the normal white cognitive bell curve, where the white mean IQ is 100 and the Ashkenazi mean is 112. Mensa is equivalent to an IQ of 130 and above. Standard Deviation=15.

* Since Judaism (except for a few branches) offers very little hope for an afterlife (or at least a happy one), a Jew becoming atheist is really just a Jew abandoning the rules of life and finding a new path for the here and now.

Christianity, however, is very afterlife directed, so a Jew who becomes Christian is ostensibly changing his orientation from the here and now to the hereafter.

* I don’t know where you got that idea. One of the most basic and fundamental tenets of Judaism is that we are in this world in order to prepare for an eternal, spiritual existence in the next, where we will be rewarded for how we lived while on this earth. This belief is an absolute sine qua non. To deny it is pure, unequivocal heresy. Any theology, movement or “branch” that says otherwise, no matter what it may call itself, cannot be considered Judaism.

* I get the sense the Coens are sympathetic to Christians, but tend to think true-believers are often hoodwinked by unscrupulous types who feign faith and then use it as a cover for inequity—in other words, a quite standard reading of many scandals in Christian history.

* I don’t hate Jews, but I believe that any time such a small number of people has the power that Jews do today, we should examine their efforts, desires and motives carefully, and we should and must criticize them when these goals seem destructive to others in the same way we should and must criticize any other group. We can and should criticize Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, we should criticize the governments of the US and the EU and anyone else. It seems to me some Jews feel that they are above outside critique. They must be shown that they are incorrect.

* As for the Coen brothers, they’re not converts they’re just smart guys sitting in back of class cracking on anything remotely sentimental or pompous. Larry David is another one. Every American ethnic group contributes to this subculture.

The thing that gentiles interested in figuring out what makes the Jews go must realize is that they see Jews who give them an unrealistic view of how Jews are. If I could tell you how many Jews I know hate Schindler’s List, who wince every time Elie Wiesel cranks up the soft, halting guilt-trip aphorisms, and realize how good we have it in America. Okay, so there are people who hate Jews, think whatever, they go f themselves. Who gives a spit about a swastika in a toilet stall?

Stephen Miller knows it, the Coen brothers know it, Larry David knows it, Spielberg knows it. America is the best thing we’ve ever been a part of. On the other side, Rob Reiner is Hollywood’s JPod, Maddow is a lesbian and has her own problems, Richard Blumenthal is a fantasist who thinks he fought in Vietnam. It takes all kinds.

Jews better figure it out quick which side to take as this country splits in two. The Palestinian flags in the crowd at the DNC should clue them in, not to mention what’s going on on campus. I think we’ll come around. Jews are fairly well represented in what I hope Steve will permit me to call the Citizenist Movement, with their Jewishness secondary to their American-ness.

Turns out ‘what’s good for the Jews’ is also what’s good for America. Imagine that.

* Their recent film Hail Caesar was one of the more sympathetic portrayals of Christian faith (and, specifically, Catholic faith) that I have seen in a movie in recent years.

* The Cohen Bros. are serious critics of Judaism in a lot of their movies, while at the same time revering American Christianity. You’re right about A Serious Man, if the main character had been a religious Christian of that time the support system would have been completely different for him and actually condemned the hussy wife and her lover.

The Cohen brothers keep a lot of their lives private so I would not be surprised if they had converted or fallen away from Judaism at some point in their lives and weren’t advertising that.

* Noticing Jewish control of much of the country and the acceptable anti white narratives can get someone fired and banished from mainstream media, social media, the internet (as the Daily Stormer shows), and even much of the conservative media (as Philip Giraldi found out).

Even worse, most conservatives and evangelicals refuse to acknowledge any of this no matter how glaringly obvious it may be and how much it hurts them.

Do whites simply have to get used to being submissive to their masters? Noticing what is so obviously going on just increasingly leads to frustration and alienation. Kind of goes against the reason for the founding of the country though. At this rate, we may well have stayed submissive to the king of England.

* Steve Sailer: “A desire to engage in inappropriate behavior is one of the main motivations for becoming a star. I remember Nick Lowe explaining his career motivations for becoming a rock star: What other job can you perform while high and still pull tons of birds?”

* White Gentiles need to start an antidefamation league of their own that calls for boycotts and firings. It could buy full page ads in newspapers and television commercial time at first, just to get known. It could call itself the Antiracism League or something disarming to the left just for fun.

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Messages From God

Sometimes I like to take the attitude that everything that happens to me is a message from God. When I hit a red light, I ask myself what is God telling me. Where do I need a red light in my life? When I hit a green light, I ask myself what is God telling me. Where do I need a green light in my life? When traffic is flowing, I ask myself where do I need to flow in my life. When traffic is bottled up, I ask myself what needs bottling in my life.

When I get yelled at, I ask what is God’s message in this interaction. When I get smiled at, I ask what is God’s message.

I find this fun and useful and it hones my intuition. When I am wondering about something, I ask God to increase my desire for it if it is His will. If it is not His will, I ask God to decrease my desire.

Intuitions are text messages from God (I learned in 12-Step programs).

Can there be anything useful in believing that the creator of the universe cares about my life? You bet. Can there be anything useful in believing there is no God? You bet. Then you can see life as a competition between various forms of life. Without faith, you can see this competition more clearly and you know there are no good guys and bad guys. With faith, you can divide between good and evil. Both perspectives have their uses. I employ both of them.

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Steve Sailer: Curb Your Self-Awareness

Steve Sailer writes:

Seinfeld co-creator Larry David did something during his Saturday Night Live monologue this weekend that is almost unknown in 21st-century America: He engaged in Jewish self-criticism in front of gentiles:

A lot of sexual harassment stuff in the news, and I couldn’t help but notice a very disturbing pattern emerging, which is that many of the predators, not all, but many of them are Jews….

I don’t like when Jews are in the headlines for notorious reasons. I want “Einstein Discovers the Theory of Relativity,” “Salk Cures Polio.” What I don’t want? “Weinstein Took It Out.”

Not surprisingly, David’s violation of the contemporary rule—Don’t joke about the Jews—was not well received.

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