Did you know that the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 was drafted at Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism​ (@theRAC)?

ReformJudaism.org tweets: “Did you know that the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 was drafted at Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism​ (@theRAC)? Today, our commitment to modern-day #civilrights continues, strong as ever.”

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Do not judge by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Chaim Amalek comments: “The upshot of these statistics seems to be that if you have to choose, you are better off having lots of hispanic doing your construction and cleaning than African Americans. That seems to be how corporate America sees, which may be why they are all-in on massive immigration from various 3rd world lands. Plus, Hispanic workers (especially illegals), in addition to being more docile than AA workers, are willing to work for much less money and not as inclined to complain or form unions, too. A win-win for Western capitalism.”

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What Happens To White Girls At A Majority Non-White School?

Skogsra comments on yesterday’s video: When you mentioned white girls in schools with a large non-white population, I had this experience and it was a nightmare. It was probably my first red pill actually. I went from a completely White little Island in the northwest to a central Californian high school and it was awful. I was constantly being sexually harassed by black and Hispanic guys and the females despised me, bullied me and were insanely violent.
I was suddenly looked at as a genius though, so that was interesting.
I was so quiet and afraid and stayed so much to myself that the other students believed I was a german exchange student.
I had to drop out and go back home, I couldn’t do it. Before this I thought all people were the same.
But it wasn’t even just the guys in school. I would walk home, 15 years old, and have Hispanic men drive past me and yell suggestive things as they drove by.

Then I moved to the city, where I began to notice that the only men who ever harassed me were non-white, and it was constant. I felt like a rabbit surrounded by wolves every time I had to walk through the city.

This is why it shocks me that more women aren’t alt right. It should be very obvious to us what our fate will be if our numbers dwindle, safety won’t exist for us at all.
I’m actually more red pilled then all of the men in my life simply because of this kind of exposure. I’m not prejudice, I am postjudice.

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They’ll Explain When They’re Done

Don’t pay too much attention to which white nationalists (WNs) are for mass genocide and which are for expatriation and which are for incentives and separate homelands. They’ll explain when they’re done, when they’ve created their homogeneous white homelands and they’ve rid themselves of the Jews.

Some white nationalists such as Alex Linder are open and honest that they want to kill every Jew. You can tell Daily Stormer Andrew Anglin wants that. The subtext of his site is not hard to figure out. He wants to explicitly call for killing every Jew but his fellow WNs tell him to hold back on saying that for now but the subtext is clear and Jews will die as a result of his website. All these contrary positions among WNs on how to deal with the Jews are all just tactics and PR positions and polite musings. All WNs want the same ends — homogeneous white countries. They’ll explain afterwards when they’ve rid themselves of the Jews who they see as the true enemy.

Genocide is not the product of harsh language as much as it is the product of brutal conflicts of interest. If the majority is better off wiping out the minority, then the minority should not count on hanging around long. Moral scruples won’t constrain all peoples all the time from acting in their self-interest, because they do excessively constrain themselves from pursuing their self-interest, they’ll be conquered by another group with fewer scruples.

Hitler didn’t lost WWII because he genocided the Jews. That was irrelevant to Germany winning or losing. Germany was a relatively small country that could only win quickly (in both WWI and WWII).

As for WWI, Germany just barely lost, they couldn’t quite conquer France before the Americans arrived.

Japan’s genocides didn’t play a role in their success and failure in WWII. They were completely out-gunned from the start and they never had a chance to win.

The capacity for genocide is not unique to whites. All national grievances feed nationalism and all nationalisms contain the capacity for genocide, even when it is the “good guys” who are getting nationalistic.

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Looking Out At A Sea Of Poz

Manhattan Beach Pier, Jan 5, 2018.

Lewis Fein posts: “That art school should have admitted you.”

I’m the same age as my father at Glacier View.

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