Forward: Jewish Outreach Group Ramps Up Conversions In Africa, Latin America

Why do we need converts to Judaism from shithole countries? They bring their problems with them into Judaism. They bring crime. They bring drugs. They’re rapists. Some, I guess, are good people.

From the Forward:

The international Jewish outreach group Kulanu is trumpeting their 2017 accomplishments, including organizing more than 150 Jewish conversions in Africa and Latin America.

“This year, Kulanu teams traveled to Nicaragua in July and Côte d’Ivoire in December to help people who had been preparing for years to convert to Judaism,” the New York-based group wrote in a Facebook post.

During a trip to Nicaragua, Kulanu members assisted 114 members of a community there convert to Judaism. In Côte d’Ivoire, 48 members of a community went through a group conversion.

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Forward: White Nationalists Just Loved Trump’s ‘Shithole’ Comment

I’m shocked.


President Trump may have come under fire for his comment referring to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” but for white nationalists, he struck just the right tone.

The Anti Defamation League collected some of the reactions in the far-right twittersphere, where Trump’s remarks were yet another reason to celebrate the president.

For alt-right leader Richard Spencer, Trump’s comments were a chance to make his own racist remarks about Haitian people. “It’s a potential beautiful and productive country,” he tweeted about Haiti. “The problem is its filled with shithole people.” He later twitted a photo waving a Norwegian flag with the hashtag #NordicLivesMatter.

Richard Anglin of the Daily Stormer called Trump’s comments “encouraging and refreshing,” and noted that they indicate that “Trump is more or less on the same page as us with regards to race and immigration.” He went on to rant about “shitty brown people who come to our country exclusively to parasite off of us.”

I’m shocked that a politician would tell the truth and then not back down.

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Forward: Paul Nehlen Calls On ‘Alt-Right’ Trolls To Fight ‘Jewish Media’

This is ridiculous and sad because the Jewish Media never fights anyone, never demeans anyone, rather, it always practices love and inclusion. Why would a goy want to fight the Jewish Media? We’re on your side. We only want what is best for the goyim.


Paul Nehlen, the political newcomer aiming to unseat Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in a Republican primary, has been capitalizing on the online culture wars and flirting with the hardcore white nationalist elements online in a bid for their support.

He even solicits the help of online trolls to go after his political adversaries — the “Jewish media.”

According to a new BuzzFeed report, Nehlen maintains a private Twitter direct message group where he solicits help from an army of Internet helpers. After facing criticism for tweeting about an anti-Semitic book about Jewish power, Nehlen appealed to the group to help him fight back against the “Jewish media” and the “goys attacking” him.

“There are a list of goys attacking me, and a separate list of Jews,” Nehlen messaged the group, according to screenshots from BuzzFeed News. “It’s pretty obviously coordinated,” Nehlen wrote, referring to remarks from conservative and pro-Trump personalities like Town Hall’s Kurt Schlichter and The Rebel’s John Cardillo who’d recently denounced Nehlen for his “alt-right” ties.

“Cardillo and others like him are working for Jewish media then there are the fake conservatives who happen to be jewish,” he wrote to the group telling members to target Schlichter. “Im going to decimate them all and y’[all are gonna help me.”

Group members responded and offered support with fist, thumbs up, and American flag emojis. “Yes we will,” one replied.

Accounts who Nehlen interacts with in this private group include Eli Mosley, the former head of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa.

Nehlen thinks Jews work together to further Jewish interests, which is patently absurd.

If the goyim discover they have group interests, oy vey, it’ll be another shoah.

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Did Trump Pay Porn Star $130K Just Before 2016 Election To Keep Her Quiet?

I’d say this money was well-spent by Trump and shows he has good sense.

I knew Stormy Daniels for about a decade and I never met a more intelligent and discrete porn star.

In 2006, Stormy uploaded this photograph to her MySpace account.

From Crazy Days in Nov. 2011: “Are we really surprised that Donald Trump cheats? The guy has been married a bunch and unlike me it is not because he has a mistress named bacon and best friends named Jose and Jack. Oh, and a strange cousin named Stoli who pops up now and then. The Donald as he likes to call himself has been in the blind item space before. But he does it so often it really is not worth mentioning. The only reason it is this time is because I think the woman he was sleeping with while he was pregnant is coming forward. That woman is none other than Stormy Daniels who has also shared some alone time with Charlie Sheen and probably Tiger Woods. Oh, I have an idea, lets play Match Game. YouTube it if you have no idea what I am talking about or go to GSN. Donald met her at a golf tournament and must have liked her__________ because he kept wanting to see her.”


A lawyer for President Trump reportedly arranged a six-figure payment to a former adult-film star to keep her from discussing a sexual encounter with Trump, according to a new report Friday.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Michael Cohen, an attorney for the Trump Organization at the time and now Trump’s personal lawyer, arranged for Stephanie Clifford, known in the industry as Stormy Daniels, to receive $130,000 as part of a nondisclosure agreement one month before the 2016 presidential election.

Clifford has privately told sources interviewed by the Journal that she and Trump had a consensual sexual encounter in 2006, the year after he and Melania Trump were married. Clifford was 27 years old at the time of the alleged encounter in Lake Tahoe.

A White House official declined to comment to the Journal about the payment, but said that the allegations of the interaction between Trump and Clifford were “old, recycled reports, which were published and strongly denied prior to the election.”
Cohen told the Journal in a statement that Trump “once again vehemently denies” the encounter, but did not comment on the alleged $130,00 payment.

“This is now the second time that you are raising outlandish allegations against my client,” Cohen said in the statement. “You have attempted to perpetuate this false narrative for over a year; a narrative that has been consistently denied by all parties since at least 2011.”

Cohen’s reference to previous allegations may include the Journal’s report in the days before the election that Clifford intended to appear on “Good Morning America” to discuss the alleged affair. She reportedly chose not to appear on the show at that time without explanation.


A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter…

Mr. Cohen worked at the Trump Organization from 2007 until after the election. As Mr. Trump took office, Mr. Cohen said he would work in private practice and act as Mr. Trump’s personal attorney. “I am the fix-it guy,” he said in an interview in January 2017 before Mr. Trump’s inauguration.

Ms. Clifford has appeared in about 150 adult films, and was considered among the industry’s biggest stars when the then-27-year-old met Mr. Trump at the American Century Championship in 2006, held at Edgewood Tahoe golf course in Nevada.

Another adult-film star, Jessica Drake, later alleged in an October 2016 news conference that Mr. Trump kissed her and two other women without permission in a hotel suite after the same 2006 golf event.

“I did not sign [a nondisclosure agreement], nor have I received any money for coming forward,” Ms. Drake said this week in an emailed statement. “I spoke out because it was the right thing to do.”

A White House official responded to questions about Ms. Drake by referring to a previous statement by the Trump campaign, which called her account “totally false and ridiculous.”

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Why do we want people from Haiti here?

Why are we having all these people from sh**hole countries come here?

NYT: “The comments were reminiscent of ones the president made last year in an Oval Office meeting with Cabinet officials and administration aides, where he complained about admitting Haitians to the country, complaining that they all had AIDS, as well as Nigerians, who he said would never go back to their “huts,” according to officials who heard the statements in person or were briefed on the remarks by people who did. The White House vehemently denied last month that Mr. Trump made those remarks.”

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