What Can You Say On Youtube?

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Torah vs Mein Kampf III

Listen here. More. More.

My notes upon rereading Mein Kampf:

* Torah vs Mein Kampf means a clash between the Bio-centric and the theo-centric. Torah is God-centered. Judaism is God-centered.

* Hitler argued himself hoarse with jews. Torah does not enjoin jews to argue w non-jews.

* I discuss things for hours with all people if i don’t take the cheap out of making faith statements and instead discuss the world through evolutionary biology and conflicts of interest. If I were to sit here making faith statements, most people couldn’t relate.

* Mein Kampf is written by particular DNA for particular DNA.

* From a Christian or Jewish or Anglo or Russian or slavic perspective, this book is evil.

* When you make people uncomfortable or offended, you are hurting them.

* Hitler hated Viennese papers praising France

* Is a Jew in a caftan a German?

* As a SDA growing up, I was SDA first beyond any national identity. SDA developed as an anti-American ideology. Anti-Australian.

* “Jews stood out as a different people from Germans.”

* The Jewish Viennese press as anti-German nationalism.

* DNA isn’t everything. I think Hitler would agree that an aryan who converts to Islam or Judaism is no longer aryan. that’s the WN POV.

* Accused German industrialist in Babylon Berlin: “You are part of a democratic aberration.”

* “I hardly ever see German clergy looking out for German interests over those of other nations…while Czech clergy are subjective about their nation.”

* The public is mostly stupid and has a short memory.

* “Priests should be paladins to sublime souls.”

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Youtube Bans Baked Alaska For Three Months, Removes His Anglin Vs Sargon Debate For ‘Hate Speech’


Baked Alaska posts on GAB.ai Saturday:

YouTube has banned me from live-streaming for 3 months….. for HATE SPEECH…. from the Anglin vs. Sargon debate…. I don’t know how I’m supposed to function in this world anymore they just ban me from everything I’m not breaking any rules, simply putting out good conversations and content.

List of tech companies that have banned me:

YouTube (3 month, “hate speech”)

Twitter (Lifetime IP & Hardware Ban, no explanation, no appeal)

Periscope (Lifetime, no explanation, no appeal)

GoFundMe (Lifetime, no explanation)

Patreon (Lifetime, “hate speech”, no appeal)

PayPal (Lifetime, no explanation, no appeal)

Amazon (Book removed, no appeal)

Youtube’s move was prompted by this Media Matters post from February 13:

Despite powerful advertisers growing increasingly concerned about the “toxic content” on Facebook and Google that is getting monetized by their ads, Google’s video platform YouTube is still showing ads before a five-hour video (initially live streamed) that features racial slurs and apologism for Adolf Hitler.

On February 10, Tim Gionet — known on the internet as Baked Alaska — hosted a “debate” on his YouTube channel featuring “alt-right” personalities and white nationalists. Gionet’s guests were The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin, Red Elephants’ Vincent James, “alt-right” sympathizer Andy Warski, far-right troll Nick Fuentes, and Carl Benjamin — who uses the name Sargon of Akkad online and doesn’t shy away from dropping the N-word during live broadcasts.

Baked Alaska’s extremism has already gotten him permanently booted off Twitter. Now, he is using his YouTube platform to give a voice to “alt-right” figures like Paul Nehlen who recently appeared on his channel to defend his anti-Semitic views. And YouTube is helping Baked Alaska profit from this hateful rhetoric as is evident by the ads on his latest video.

During live streaming, Baked Alaska also used “YouTube Super Chat” (a pay-to-be-noticed feature), which lets audiences pay for their messages to stand out in the live chat; the streamer can then choose to make those messages visible on screen. The feature allowed Baked Alaska to earn money from viewers paying to highlight their pro-Hitler statements and offensive references to Holocaust gas chambers. He also read some of those comments aloud during the show. As Right Wing Watch’s Jared Holt explained, these debates on YouTube are becoming a profitable tool for the “alt-right”:

Alt-right YouTube personalities are happily using the debates to make money via the streams’ “Super Chats” and to expand their reach among young audiences.

During the “debate,” Gionet teased an upcoming live stream session that would feature white nationalist and altright.com founder Richard Spencer and “new-right” proponent Mike Tokes. Though YouTube has attempted to cut off monetary incentives for content creators who engage in extremism on their videos, Baked Alaska’s channel is an example that the platform’s efforts still have a long way to go.

From my live Youtube chat:

Keith Champ​Destiny and the liberalist strike again…..

Anonymous​On the edge to getting our own platforms

Patrick Jensen​Lets talk judaism. Alt right is a dead cause.

Edwin Boyette​I had a conservation/interview with Zeiger with the Daily Stormer today, it will be curious to see if I get banned for just talking to someone

K. Christensen​Zeiger is great

Keith Champ​In the end its good, people need to move to GAB and other platforms, this forces them

Edwin Boyette​@K. Christensen he’s definitely sharp and intellectual

Patrick Jensen​No, but i am also antiporn

K. Christensen​no fap is the way to go

Degenerate Scumbag​It amazes me that ADL etc don’t see that every act of censorship only serves as a demonstration of Jewish power, and brings the JQ further into the light.

K. Christensen​Zeiger is writer @ Daily stormer

K. Christensen​also has apodcast

Wild Graf​Luke, you’re basically competing for prime time w/ other alt-right shows (like Warski Live). I’m sure you know.

Wild Graf​Anglin will never.

Wild Graf​Never Ever.

K. Christensen​If the alt right is wrong about one thing it’s that they claim it’s exclusively the jews. It’s not all jews, but I sympathize with their hatred of jews

Anonymous​Warski’s talking about autism tonight

Wild Graf​@Anonymous Yes, it proves he’s Autistic! :=)

Anonymous​I want autism superpower of pattern recognition

Terrance Hightower​get Baked on

Terrance Hightower​i think i have autism now 🙁

Alexander Solzhenitsyn​Sargon is on the show to tout autism.

Wild Graf​@Alexander Solzhenitsyn That’s why I’m here! :- )

K. Christensen​taking the red pill comes with a side of autism

resurrectionjose​Greetings y’all.

Wild Graf​@K. Christensen Yup!

Alexander Solzhenitsyn​Why would they shoah Baked and not Warski?

Degenerate Scumbag​@K. Christensen Funny cause it’s true.

Terrance Hightower​because it’s ANGLIN

Terrance Hightower​Jew world order enemy no 1

vi hu​where´s sammy boy?

K. Christensen​subbed to you edwin

resurrectionjose​This channel is such a joke!!!

Bjorn O​My native tunge is not English.. Is Autism the opposite to altruism?

resurrectionjose​Oops, I meant not Luke’s channel but You Tube.

Degenerate Scumbag​@Bjorn O No, it’s a brain condition.

Wild Graf​@Bjorn O Ha Ha!

Anonymous​Warski regularly gets #4 streaming on yt. Shekels. Says he’s “verified”.

hiehavoc​i’d say it was because of ANGLIN and the 30% on the superchats.

Terrance Hightower​Baked is verified too

Luke Ford​if anyone can get word to baked, would love to have him on now

Luke Ford​or any time

resurrectionjose​@hiehavoc — I brought that up once on a previous live stream here on Luke’s channel.

Wild Graf​@Anonymous Warski is smart enough to not directly address JQ.

The Hidden Hand​I will try to contact him right now on Gab

resurrectionjose​I’m under the impression that even the powers that be here on You Tube know the old expression: “Money talks, bullshit walks.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn​Nah…they don’t care about money. They care about ideology.

resurrectionjose​But I’m also under the impression that You Tube gets it bread buttered in other ways, and it’s in no need of monetary compensation from the likes of Baked, Andy, and others.

cochranj24​Baked, Southern Dingo, and Infowars channels all got strikes today. Another platform shoah is starting

Alexander Solzhenitsyn​Shut it down!

E. Vee​so, i don’t mind that he’s not an intellectual in terms of his public persona, i care that his lack of intelligence hurts the movement.

The Hidden Hand​?Yes there were 2 different Dodge Challengers. One had a stripe and a sunroof, the other did not

lone musician​wtf…?

resurrectionjose​@E. Vee — Is that so? And you don’t think the likes of Mr. Taylor, Mr. MacDonald, et al. are indirectly heaping much derision towards the ‘Alt-Right’ from MSM???

GLAHN​i can’t believe they DELETED the damn vid

Sarah Love​Vee is obviously perfect

Gerard Perry​I actually think the Milo/Allum Bokhari piece on the alt right was fair.

50 Shades of Lamp​we need six gorillion videos

Terrance Hightower​I bet Kronos has a full copy

Sarah Love​I wish I would have downloaded it

Asadian Belifont​I guarantee you Sargon went to YT and got it banned.

E. Vee​You don’t even know what mistakes I’m talking about, lol

Terrance Hightower​contact Kronos

Sarah Love​Maybe I’ll download all the others now

c thornton​KRONOS

laststand​only 6 gorzillion?

Anonymous​Anglin’s goys will have a copy

Andybaby​hi all

Sarah Love​Yea. Kronos had to of downloaded it to edit

paulczar​@e.vee do you agree that baked Alaska is a targeted individual? By that I mean, the powers that be have his name and won’t leave him alone. They won’t let him earn money or have a online platform

resurrectionjose​@E. Vee — Then enlighten us ol’ Great One! The floor is all yours…………

wakeupy0um0r0ns​weev talked about this on race ghost DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING

Greg Girardin​yup @Terrance Hightower, presumably he downloads everything to make his clips.

Gerard Perry​David Brock is, was, and will-unless God intervenes-be a sleaze.

c thornton​the warski stream is nothing but CALL BAKED

Judes Nudes​this is from orwells 1984, did it happen the way you remember it, or the way we tell you to remember it.

Aeschylus Jones​Baked has a voice that people need to hear..kind of the regular guy perspective….not everybody needs to be Greg Johnson

E. Vee​paulczar absolutely.

Thomas From Norway​The video may be gone but Sargins epic “oh I didn’t come here to debate” will live on

Terrance Hightower​that’s what i heard him say he downloads everything

Gerard Perry​He was a right wing sleaze merchant, now he’s one for Hillary and corporate Dems.

E. Vee​on that point, i support him completely.

paulczar​Even if you had a copy of the video and you tried to have hundreds of people upload it, YouTube can simply content ID it and block the video from even being uploaded in the first place

Privada Machina​But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

The Hidden Hand​@BakedAlaska, dude I want to help you with producing content. Your skills at marketing are legendary

resurrectionjose​@Aeschylus Jones — Thank you!

Fehnrir Hansa​The liberalists did it

AmericanRebel​It makes no sense that Warski streams are still on but Baked is banned. He is obviously is being targeted

E. Vee​Aeschylus Jones no, we have “everymen” already, who don’t embaress the alt right publicly. I already explained the public persona thing.

Thomas From Norway​Andy “Zyklon beat” warski was beatboxing with an autist earlier

paulczar​In a world that made sense, baked Alaska would be able to sue the shit out of these people, or be left alone from the beginning

Sarah Love​BLOCKED ALASKA! lol best new name

resurrectionjose​@Luke Ford — I’m probably going overboard and/or sounding like an alarmist, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if You Tube starts sniffing around your channel over this interview.

Judes Nudes​the truth is not subjective, they can’t force us to forget what happened, they can’t tell us what to think



Gerard Perry​That wouldn’t surprise me.

wakeupy0um0r0ns​he’s in cal8 should join jarred Taylor’s lawsuit or file his own


AmericanRebel​Download this stream when it is fully uploaded.


Based Deplorable​This goes back to Ancient Greece

wakeupy0um0r0ns​talk about the hit on your cat

c thornton​glad someone got a kick out of blocked alaska

gjjd​I am really missing out by not seeing Sargon vs. Anglin. What intellectual heavyweights. /sarc

resurrectionjose​Even putting aside the possible Jerry Springer-like stuff, the whole notion behind ‘Bloodsports’ has given the ‘Alt-Right’ a good shot in the arm.

Asadian Belifont​While I do love the bloodsports debates, it’s not exactly family friendly lol

Shadows and Dust​NO MORE TREASON

c thornton​# BLOCKED ALASKA

Anonymous​HAIL BAKED!!!

paulczar​These tactics by YouTube (who now partner with the ADL) help fuel what they call “anti Semitic”

c thornton​best of luck friend

Aeschylus Jones​James and Baked….great idea

Thomas From Norway​It was hardly Frost/Nixon


Anonymous​We’re spreading, Baked.

AmericanRebel​God bless Baked

Judes Nudes​if the alt right is nazis, then two plus two makes five, so says the ministry of love

resurrectionjose​@Baked Alaska – I’m pretty sure you saw it already, but you might have to change your name to ‘Blocked Alaska.’ ?

c thornton​need a new sight for u guys to use

paulczar​God bless you baked

Aeschylus Jones​Baked…keep up the great work you’re doing


ARYA DHARMA​Who is James?

Anonymous​Your subs jumped after Nehlen, Southern

50 Shades of Lamp​(((cohencidence)))

Fehnrir Hansa​привет друг другу роботы

c thornton​Thanks for having Baked on Luke. Have a good night sir

E. Vee​Mike Enoch is actually a perfect example of someone who has blue-collar appeal, can convey things on a down to earth level, but can also bat in the big leagues and spar intellectually with the best

Sam Ludwig​Luke Ford! Oy Vey!

Fehnrir Hansa​oy gevalt

50 Shades of Lamp​Rabbi Media

ϟϟ Gulags_4_You ϟϟ​gas the who?

Anonymous​gas the juice

Sam Ludwig​juice

resurrectionjose​@E. Vee — Good point in regards to Mike Enoch. But Baked Alaska is NOT Mike Enoch — or anyone else for that matter — and vice-versa. In short, everyone has their own persona and we like them for it

Jack Wilson​lol

Sam Ludwig​juice, toast and eggs

Sarah Love​Enoch is my favorite because he isn’t a dry talking head like most of em

E. Vee​jose, that’s not the issue here. it’s not his personality or persona that i take issue with.

Anonymous​Hitler said “Glass of JUICE”!

gjjd​a 29 year old should know how to watch his mouth


ϟϟ Gulags_4_You ϟϟ​give them baby redpills

Sam Ludwig​Glass of Juice!

resurrectionjose​@E. Vee — Even taking into consideration the different personalities and dispositions, and even your own preferences, the bottom line is that you’re comparing apples and oranges.

Judes Nudes​hitler was justified, the soviet union invaded poland at the same time he did, it was a race between the two, why did we side with the brits and the jews?

Sam Ludwig​Race more now! Glass of juice!

Apple Fritter​Hitler’s Victory – A Final Appeal for Peace and Sanity, July 19th, 1940


DavyBoy007​Germany invaded Poland before the Soviets did

E. Vee​jose, once again, you’re misunderstanding. I’ll give you an example:

Sam Ludwig​The rain sounds lovely

Judes Nudes​not true davy

Aeschylus Jones​Even though many people put down alex jones and gavin Mcinnes…they are an intregal part of the red pill ladder

DavyBoy007​Germany invaded several days prior

resurrectionjose​@E. Vee — I said it way before you got on here. Take Spencer. He’s not exactly the sharpest blade in the knife rack, but he is able to cut through bread and stone and that’s good enough for me.

Judes Nudes​the soviets were taking over their society

Anonymous​Rain sounds perfect

Anonymous​Southern got one strike today

Sam Ludwig​Baked is not happy I’m sure


gjjd​@resurrectionjose you think Richard Spencer is not that smart? Have you seen his academic credentials?

Aeschylus Jones​Cant wait to see Lauren’s doc on South Africa

resurrectionjose​@E. Vee — Heck, I’ll even throw in Nick J. Fuentes. As quickly as I subbed to him back in January I unsubbed. But that “kid” has lately been impressing me despite not caring him for much.

DavyBoy007​Richard Spencer = M.A. in Goyishe Kopfism

Aeschylus Jones​These days guts are more important than intellect

resurrectionjose​@gjjd — I will further elaborate. I like Spencer and have actually come to his defense on Tree Of Logic’s channel back in Nov./Dec. and she banned me for it. I have more to say….

Apple Fritter​hitler had both, we should emulate

Judes Nudes​richard spencer is awesome

E. Vee​once again youre not understanding lol. Baked Alaska used his platform to have a gun control debate, as you probably saw. as we know, Baked is anti gun control, like most of us in the alt right… and

E. Vee​in his infinite stupidity, he chose Joe Biggs to represent our side of the argument, and pitted him against Destiny, who is a formidable debater. Joe Biggs was crushed.

DavyBoy007​Richard Spencer should be invited to play Haman on Wednesday eve

resurrectionjose​@gjjd — I’m not knocking the man’s intelligence and/or credentials, but speaking for myself he could be “flowery” in his delivery and not exactly my cup of tea at times.

Anonymous​History Reviewed dot com is run by an Afrikaaner

Shadows and Dust​When You Can’t win the Debate…Silence..Violence..Lie..Indoctrination..and Import Millions of Voters

E. Vee​It’s constant blundors like these that make Baked a liability

Apple Fritter​formidable debater? you mean talmudic

Tom Anderson​my man jeff ?

Judes Nudes​are you serious? destiny couldn’t crush anything

resurrectionjose​@gjjd – To add further, what I mean by “flowery” is not his latent effeminate manner which many folks take him to task over, but the way he comes across when he speaks philosophically.

Shadows and Dust​Australian Youtuber Suit Yourself was Banned

E. Vee​Destiny crushed him for 30 solid minutes, anyone denying that is delusional.. Thank god other people jumped in, (4 on 1), in a last-ditch attempt to mop up this mess

ARYA DHARMA​Halsey vs David Duke will get Warski banned.

DavyBoy007​”White” is made up of many dozens of nationalities

Debi Daly​hello luke ford, do you remember me?

Shadows and Dust​Sanctuary Cities=Treason. open borders=Treason

E. Vee​I despise Destiny myself, but the truth is the truth. Biggs looked like a fool for most of it.

Apple Fritter​your the one calling everyone else delusional


resurrectionjose​@gjjd — Surely I can’t be the only one who notices the same thing. Here, too, different strokes for different folks. But overall I like Spencer and will defend him no matter what. TOL be damned!!!!

Judes Nudes​destiny had no argument, it was just constant ignorance

E. Vee​jose, read my comments. i covered this already

E. Vee​and provided examples

Tom Anderson​tell us about the talmud

Based Deplorable​Despite us outnumbering them six to one.

DavyBoy007​And there are Xtian community centres

gjjd​@resurrectionjose​ the good think about Richard Spencer’s delivery is that what he says sticks. I find him kinda gay, but he is far more powerful than anyone else I’ve seen.

resurrectionjose​@E. Vee — There’s only so much I can read at the same time. I need to scroll up and/or make a copy of this live chat to read at my own pace later on.

Based Deplorable​@Tom Anderson — he talked about Talmud yesterday, if you want to check it out.

Anonymous​The Bolsheviks will march into Warski Live studio and arrest David Duke and Mark Collett on livestream


E. Vee​gotcha jose. make sure to do so, though, because I want to make my points clear to you.

Aeschylus Jones​Luke is an open book…he is not a hypocrit

Shadows and Dust​Partnership For A New American Economy.. Murdoch. Bloomsburg putting 3rd worlders in Suburbia

paulczar​@e.vee I kind of get the impression from you that you think baked almost deserved to be banned in a way for his own stupidity? Am I wrong the think this?

E. Vee​you’re wrong, lol. weird assumption

Anonymous​Luke is an interesting man indeed.

resurrectionjose​@gjjd — Good point and observation. Whether it’s a gift or it can be described in some other way, the man has a way of making his statements stick to the wall like molasses. ?

Apple Fritter​christ is boiling in seamen and detritus. rabbis are cleared to mutilate children

The Westerner​@lukeford wassup my dude

Shadows and Dust​And GOD directed Nehemiah to Build the Wall

paulczar​@e.vee okay, sorry. I only saw a few comments of yours earlier and it kinda made it seem like that. But yeah, I thought it was a weird opinion to have, so I’m glad to hear I was wrk g in thinking that

Smug Level: Zen Master​Why would you willingly convert to Judaism?

E. Vee​no problem, paulczar. unfortunately my opinions are nuanced, and youtube chats arent good for nuanced discussion

resurrectionjose​@Luke Ford — I hope to God you have already copied & pasted this live chat from early on!!! I normally do so from the get-go, but somehow forgot to do within the first hour. ?

Judes Nudes​lol i had a jewish friend that told me he wasn’t white. Why does that matter? What is white? Its not clear and it doesn’t matter really.

paulczar​@e.vee yeah I understand

DavyBoy007​I recently had to self-identify myself based on alleged race. I checked off “other” and put in “Jewish”.

Aeschylus Jones​Are these jews who push anti-western ideas part of the pharisee class Luke?

Apple Fritter​the goyim are more inferior to the tribe than humans to animals

Apple Fritter​Judes Nudes is being talmudic

Tom Anderson​Pilpul

Shadows and Dust​Colin Flaherty…Suit Yourself… Dr. of Common Sense have been kicked off YouTube

gjjd​lol there is no “push for multiculturalism” gene. This guy doesn’t have the intelligence to speak about science

resurrectionjose​@Aeschylus Jones — I’ll let Luke speak on his own behalf, but I’ll stick my out here and say ‘Yes.’

DavyBoy007​Jews have no desire to import large numbers of anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist Islamics

Shadows and Dust​SWEDEN..Swedish liberal Media is mostly run by Jews

Anonymous​Somebody make a yt RIP gravestone meme for censorship

Zed Dez​Jews ran the slave trade in the US.

Apple Fritter​but are rather incessant for us to

Judes Nudes​davyboy has been wrong several times tonight

Degenerate Scumbag​It’s hard to believe it’s a defensive instinct, when so many prominent Jews have openly acknowledged it will lead to the end of white people, and are actually celebrating it.

Tom Anderson​Jews can always just hop

DavyBoy007​Judes has no cure for his Goyishe kopf

ARYA DHARMA​A few thousand years isn’t enough time to evolve a genetic mutation for multiculturalism. It goes back much further. Something developed during hunter gatherer

resurrectionjose​@Luke Ford — Are you sure about that??? I do know prominent Jews up here in the North (e.g., Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel) have gone and defended civil rights and MLK in particular back in the days.

Tom Anderson​on a flight to Tel Aviv if things start to go bad

Judes Nudes​european americans unite, fight fire with fire

Smug Level: Zen Master​Around Jews, never snooze

DavyBoy007​Ron Blomberg – former Jewish baseball player from the US South

Apple Fritter​Luke should play som Mr. Bond for us

resurrectionjose​@The Southern Dingo — I heard you sometime last year on ‘The American Nationalist’ during a particular live stream, and like what I heard.

Anonymous​Luke – how do you explain Barbara Spectre’s end of Europe comment “jews are at the centre of this”?

K. Christensen​Dingo has the best podcast on yt

Tom Anderson​Sandy Koufax greatest pitcher of all time

K. Christensen​its /comfy/

Apple Fritter​we are, we are also seeking vengeance

DavyBoy007​African immigrants have murdered two Jews named Halimi in France

Shadows and Dust​Simply put. Jews are a Disproportionate amount of those Supporting open borders

Tom Anderson​The problem is that even bringing up Jewish or Israeli influence gets one immediately branded an anti semite

resurrectionjose​@Tom Anderson — Interesting you bring up Sandy Koufax. I believe he was Jewish if I’m not mistaken.

Debi Daly​HI LUKE DO YOU REMEMBER ME? re: Moxie?

Luke Ford​hi debi

Debi Daly​hi

Anonymous​Whites took a wrong turn it’s true. We will learn from this near death experience.

Debi Daly​so good to see you

Degenerate Scumbag​@Shadows and Dust And the good goyim politicians that go along with it are often heavily funded by Jews.

Apple Fritter​who is the gain on the anti white message being propagated?

DavyBoy007​How about those anti-Zio politicians in Europe who adore jihadism and Arab supremacist ideology

resurrectionjose​@Luke Ford — Once again, I don’t want to go overboard or sound alarmist but I suggest you watch your back in the coming days with You Tube. You’re Orthodox so they might back off, but who knows.

Anonymous​Globalists, liberal left egalitarian utopians. And juice.

ARYA DHARMA​I predict warski ban after David Duke.

K. Christensen​Is david duke going on his show?

Aeschylus Jones​I believe the elite jews align themselves with the ordinary jew to further their cause….The elite jews not only mind fook goys but also the ordinary jew

ARYA DHARMA​David Duke vs Halsey on Thursday

Tom Anderson​Warski will definitely get shoah’d after David Duke

resurrectionjose​”It’s hard to discipline male sexuality.” Tell me about it! :::whistles:::

Shadows and Dust​@Degenerate lots oLit’s of blame to go aroundf blame to go around

W A K E​@notshadowbannedyet Is Joe here?


K. Christensen​duke will destroy that freak

Degenerate Scumbag​@Aeschylus Jones That’s half the purpose of the Holocaust myth.

Tom Anderson​only in a diverse area Luke Ford

Judes Nudes​i can resist

resurrectionjose​ Prefers Caucasian women 99.9% of the time, but damn me if I don’t think at times of non-Caucasian babes.

Apple Fritter​good prediction, sealing the building pressure will backfire hopefully

sho shana​not too late Mr Luke

Gerard Perry​Luke made his way around the Pacific Rim.

Tom Anderson​dysgenic

Apple Fritter​was it an interracial smut film luke?

Shadows and Dust​Current Republicans are continuing Obamas plan.. Homeowners are NOT allowed to stop Welfare/Section 8 housing from being built in their neighborhood

sho shana​I would only date Jews but admire white

Aeschylus Jones​The ordinary jew needs to fight back against the elite jew to free himself from the stigma that is put upon him….because the regular jew will once again get the blame for the elite jews doings

Shadows and Dust​BORDERS…IMMIGRATION…little else matters 4 now

DavyBoy007​It was never in my mind to marry a shikse.. not for a moment

gjjd​all peoples are subject to suffering brought about by their leaders. Think about all the goys pulled into wars their governments felt were necessary, but were not.

resurrectionjose​@Aeschylus Jones — Great comment! I was thinking something along those lines the other day. I’m not into Jew-bashing — BUT — I kid you not when I say my blood boils at what elite Jews do!

ARYA DHARMA​I think we should differentiate between a Jew and a Zionist or an international Jew

Zed Dez​What people who choose to have interracial children don’t comprehend are the health consequences. It does NOT make them stronger, it makes them weaker, and more susceptible, as well as no donors.

ARYA DHARMA​Regression to the mean

Shadows and Dust​GOD Told Nehemiah to Build The Wall

Judes Nudes​we shouldnt call them jews at all, we should find out what their names are and use them exclusively so when can bring them to trial

Gerard Perry​lol. True.

DavyBoy007​Should differentiate between a Gentile and a behema.. if possible

Gerard Perry​The wall

Apple Fritter​#notall you mean?

Shadows and Dust​Most Blacks Will Vote to stop illegal immigration

Tom Anderson​what a mess in the truest sense of the word

resurrectionjose​@Luke Ford — Judging from he said it seems his wife is a Trad. wife (re: Ephesians 5:22-32). Not the only part in the N.T. mentioning “household codes” but the main on.e

Tom Anderson​most blacks don’t vote

Gerard Perry​I forget the percentages, but I think close to 40% of black voters voted in favor of Prop 187. Maybe more.

Gerard Perry​Correction: half of black voters, 25% of hispanic voters cast ballots in favor of 187

Zed Dez​187?

Tom Anderson​Proposition 187

Shadows and Dust​Press 1…if you all think Sanctuary Cities are Treasonous

Anonymous​No. 1488

Gerard Perry​Prop. 187. Pete Wilson’s initiative in California.

Zed Dez​Not American.

Anonymous​Trump should pull ICE out of Cali and let it get smelly

Tom Anderson​No White Guilt was the best guest @The Southern Dingo

resurrectionjose​(((Sanctuary cities)))

Zed Dez​Yeah, but I would like to know what prop 187 is if you don’t mind. I can look it up, but if you could encapsulate it.

DavyBoy007​Timmy had to go light his havdalah candle

E. Vee​greg johnson

Gerard Perry​A rearguard action against invasion. It put Wilson, and a lot of Republicans, over.

E. Vee​you had greg johnson on

Sam Ludwig​Kessler is a UVA grad, def not a dummy

Apple Fritter​no white guilt was here?

Bill z​Doomgaurd is a meat stick, ask him about The American Nationalist he’s a great guy

ARYA DHARMA​Mike Enoch was on here

Anonymous​No White Guilt is a powerful man.

Tom Anderson​No White Guilt was on Southern Dingo’s podcast

Gerard Perry​It restricted public benefits, re: illegal aliens.

Apple Fritter​oh, listened to that already, good show

Gerard Perry​Illegal immigrants couldn’t access any sort of public social services-if it had been implemented, which it wasn’t.

resurrectionjose​@Luke Ford – Heh, good question. I remember he was on ‘The American Nationalist’ live stream and thought C’ville was a good thing despite many other naysayers.

Gerard Perry​It effectively banned sanctuary cities.

Gerard Perry​Prevented illegal immigrant children from attending public schools.

DavyBoy007​Tape the mouths of chazirim.

Gerard Perry​Making false identity documents was a felony.

Degenerate Scumbag​Whites had to start organising sometime, and the anti-whites were always going to play the same tricks. If it hadn’t been Charlottesville, it would be still to come somewhere else.

Gerard Perry​It was based.

Shadows and Dust​Milwaukee Riots…….Mainsleaze Media.. said the Sister of Dead Thug was calling 4 ✌. showed a video of Miss Smith calling 4 ✌.. full video shows her Saying Burn Down the Suburbs

Judes Nudes​buy a universal remote and turn tvs in public places off of CNN

ARYA DHARMA​Nick the Knife

Gerard Perry​Thelton Henderson, a single, Carter-appointed judge, enjoined Prop 187.

Zed Dez​@Gerard Perry Oh, that’s the core of 187. Thanks.

Tom Anderson​?????

TexasorBusted​Nick the Knife is undefeated…

Gerard Perry​Gray Davis dropped California’s lawsuit, and that was that.

Gerard Perry​No problem, Zed.

ARYA DHARMA​Nick is only 19

Gerard Perry​This guy sounds like Hank Hill.

resurrectionjose​@Luke Ford — :::LOL::: Those of us who are not Millennials don’t seem to like Nick J. Fuentes — BUT – after that Halsey debate he won a number of us over.

Tom Anderson​there’s a real problem in the united states with judicial supremacy

Colin Colenso​?

Zed Dez​@Gerard Perry LOL you’re so right!

Bill z​Matt Fortney and Hunter Wallace need to neck themselves

Gerard Perry​A soft-spoken Hank Hill.

Judes Nudes​move them to gab you fools

ARYA DHARMA​True – I didn’t like Nick at first.

Zed Dez​We’re not asking.

Bill z​Do them on GAB!!!!!

Colin Colenso​Nick Fuentes just persicoped about getting assaulted at CPAC

DavyBoy007​Nick the little pisher

resurrectionjose​GAB or Bit Chute is the way to go, but their reach is not as extensive.

Shadows and Dust​If You Support Strong Borders..Limited/No immigration.. Welfare Reform/stoppage.. and LAW enforcement.. that’s all that Matters 4 now

ARYA DHARMA​Warski will be shut down after David Duke.

Zed Dez​So, right Luke. I can’t watch anything else/

Apple Fritter​has Jan Lamprecht on here before?

Anonymous​Not One Step Back!

Tom Anderson​big brain nibbas

Judes Nudes​if all these youtubers took the first 5 minutes of their videos and put it on youtube, and the rest on gab, the audience will follow

sho shana​well fox is trash Luke is truth

Zed Dez​@Anonymous Not one.

Bill z​Weev is the ultimate channel and website killer

resurrectionjose​Where You Tube, ironically enough, has something in its favor is that these ‘Bloodsport’ debates have a much wider reach to normies and the like.

ARYA DHARMA​I hate watching TV, but bloodsports is addicting

DavyBoy007​Americans seem to be easily impressed

Tom Anderson​?????

Bill z​It came from Pewde pie

Shadows and Dust​VICTORY

Anonymous​Thanks Luke! Thanks Dingo! Hail Victory!

Apple Fritter​gtfo

Tom Anderson​Luke Ford ?

resurrectionjose​’Hail Southern Dingo … Hail Our People! … Hail Victory! :::raises mug with German beer::: ?

DavyBoy007​Such chachamim on your show

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WP: ‘I don’t know how you got this way’: A neo-Nazi’s family wonders if they can get him back

Washington Post:

What Kam was doing, and what he wasn’t, had come to dominate so much in their lives. He was two years out of high school now, and he didn’t have a job, or a car, or a place of his own, or much money beyond what his mother gave him — nothing at all to occupy his time except a computer that had carried him to the most extreme parts of the Internet, and to beliefs that no one in his family could understand. In the year since the 2016 presidential election, Kam had gone from supporting white supremacists, to joining a neo-Nazi group, to shouting “white lives matter” at a rally, to standing beside Richard Spencer outside the White House, to increasingly tense conversations with his mother and grandmother, both of whom were beginning to fear that what they had once thought was just a phase was quickly becoming his life.

How did this happen?

Where did these ideas come from?

Could he still be saved?

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Israel’s Population Explosion

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Israel is the second-most densely populated country in the developed world and has the highest per capita rate of population growth.

* Israel successfully socially engineered higher Jewish birth rates and ignored bitter opposition. If Europe has the political willpower, they can do exactly the same thing. It takes more than a simple family tax cut, with genuine deep motivation, you can raise birth rates.

* Like everywhere else, Israel is doomed in the long run. Not at the moment. The overcrowding of Israel is not something new. Young Israelis, like everyone else, have to decide whether to try to hack it where they grew up in Israel or try their luck elsewhere. Just think of it as a sociological petri dish. Historically it seems to be a garrison state with a limited shelf-life of perhaps 150-300 years. Like Sparta’s centuries long domination in ancient Greece.

* OT: speaking of Jews and their children, CNN’s “Town Hall”/two minutes hate against guns tonight had some interesting moments. Money shot: Marco Rubio got ambushed out of the gate by a supposed bereaved father, Fred Guttenberg, who lost his daughter in the shooting. You really have to see the video to get it, but this guy is smiling, mugging, and wiggling his eyebrows while he has Rubio tied up in knots. I assume maybe he didn’t know how the image would play on camera, but he didn’t do very well keeping the grieving father act up.

* An iStevey article about where the blame lays for the Florida school shooting:


Apparently the Broward County school district and the Obama admin were concerned about the disparate impact of various zero tolerance policies, so they worked hard to make sure that kids who committed serious crimes were protected from the police and consequences.

This policy kept Travon Martin out of jail and the recent shooter’s past violent behavior away from the eyes of the police.

* Madison high schools are erupting in chaos. Three high schools in one day, Monday, February 19, over the noon hour.



Worth reading all of this to get a taste of how Kafkaesque modern reporting is. This story is not reported in the major media, but even the right-wing bloggers are afraid to mention race. You have to dig deep into the comments to get an idea of what is happening.

This blogger (ex-reporter and ex-local politician) has to contact the cops himself to get information:




In reading through this stuff I stumbled across something else that baffles me. Exactly what is special education? I had thought that it was for, uh, retarded students. But so much written on it seems to make it seem like that is not what it really is now.

* I believe (not completely sure) that many to most kids in ‘Special Ed’ these days are there because they are behavioral problems. It is an administrative way of getting badly behaved kids out of the classroom–instead of just saying they are jerks they are given a ‘diagnosis’; in my town one common one is “ED” for “Emotionally Disturbed.” Then they get put in special ed where 1.) they don’t bother the other students, and 2.) their test scores don’t count towards the school’s average on various reporting measures.

It’s a win for the regular teachers and students because they don’t have to put up with these kids anymore, and a win for the school administrators because their test scores go up; however it is a loss for the taxpayer as once a child is in special ed they have all sorts of legal protections which result in lots of expensive paperwork, extra teacher attention, etc. Also a loss for truly retarded kids, for example down’s syndrome, fragile X, etc.; because now they end up stuck in class with dimwitted psychopaths, and the resources normally dedicated to them are diluted. However I think they usually try to separate these groups.

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