I Believe In The Jewish Question

And I believe in the Black Question and Muslim Question and a Latino Question and the Asian Question and that question is — is the majority better off hosting the strangers in their midst?

For example, why would Jews want Arabs in the Jewish state of Israel? Why would Muslims want non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia?

Every group, every individual, should ask themselves if they are a blessing to those around them. If you live a life of love and service to others, then you know you are a blessing. If you don’t know, then you’re not likely a gift to others.

Jews asking themselves the Jewish Question — are the non-Jews better off having us around — is a good thing. It wonderfully focuses the mind.

Accurate criticism is good for groups. It helps them to behave better.

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Jewish Humor: What the Best Jewish Jokes Say About the Jews


From Kirkus Reviews: “Rabbi Telushkin (An Eye for an Eye, 1991), rooted in the tradition of reverence for past learning, has gathered lots of hoary jokes and aged wisecracks, together with a few more recent japes, that make Jews laugh. To coreligionists, they’ll seem like old friends; to others, the gags and their elucidation may be more in the nature of revelation. Another book of ethnic gags? Hold the cry of “gevalt!” because Telushkin has an unstated agenda. True to his calling, he uses the funny stuff to instruct. In this collection (in which some bits are, naturally, funnier than others), everything stands for something else–but all of it carries explanations. The exegesis of the jokes becomes a little primer on a religion and a way of life mystifying to strangers and sometimes just as puzzling to nominal adherents. It’s a truism that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle applies to humor–observing and analyzing it alters it. That effect can be seen here as Telushkin trots out Jackie Mason and Sigmund Freud, as well as Leo Rosten and a host of Unknown Comics for a higher purpose. The tales of the wise rabbis, the fabled fools of Chelm, the anti-Semites, the schnorrers, and the big shots all serve to illustrate his lessons. Was the shtetl a forerunner of Catskills on Broadway? Why are comedians so often Jewish? Why are Jews so often comedians? Why ask questions? Just listen to the rabbi and his jokes. Fine, funny fare for Jew and non-Jew alike.”

Israel Shahak writes:

Not only is humor very rare in Hebrew literature before the 19th century (and is only found during few periods, in countries where the Jewish upper class was relatively free from the rabbinical yoke, such as Italy between the 14th and 17th centuries or Muslim Spain) but humor and jokes are strictly forbidden by the Jewish religion – except, significantly, jokes against other religions.

Satire against rabbis and leaders of the community was never internalized by Judaism, not even to a small extent, as it was in Latin Christianity. There were no Jewish comedies, just as there were no comedies in Sparta, and for a similar reason. [8] Or take the love of learning. Except for a purely religious learning, which was itself in a debased and degenerate state, the Jews of Europe (and to a somewhat lesser extent also of the Arab countries) were dominated, before about 1780, by a supreme contempt and hate for all learning (excluding the Talmud and Jewish mysticism).

Large parts of the Old Testament, all nonliturgical Hebrew poetry, most books on Jewish philosophy were not read and their very names were often anathematized. Study of all languages was strictly forbidden, as was the study of mathematics and science. Geography, [9] history – even Jewish history – were completely unknown. The critical sense, which is supposedly so characteristic of Jews, was totally absent, and nothing was so forbidden, feared and therefore persecuted as the most modest innovation or the most innocent criticism.

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Back To Blood

Steve Sailer wrote in 2013:

An example of broader, more long-lasting ethnic animus is the fascinating story of “Amalek: The Perpetual Enemy of the Jewish People(to quote the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson).

The Amalekites were dwellers in the Sinai who attacked the vulnerable Hebrews during the Exodus. This earned them undying enmity, with later leaders such as Samuel, Saul, and David waging wars of extermination upon these unfortunates. In all, the Amalekites are mentioned in nine separate books of the Old Testament.

Yet the Amalekites were so hard to kill off completely that one survivor pops up centuries later in the Book of Esther as the bad guy Haman, the prime minister of Persia. (Some things never change.) Fortunately, Haman, his ten sons, and 75,000 followers were slaughtered in the counter-pogrom celebrated annually at Purim.

But all that smiting of the Amalekites wasn’t enough. To this day, three of the 613 commandments attested to by Orthodox Jews are:

• To remember the treacheries of the Amalekites.

• To never forget the perfidies of the Amalekites.

• To wipe out the descendants of the Amalekites.

Granted, the Amalekites may have had a very different point of view on these events. But their history hasn’t come down to us. Therefore, nobody cares.

If you want your version of history to be remembered better than that of the Amalekites, you have to recount it over and over again. And it sure doesn’t hurt to suppress dissident accounts.

…For example, in this era of Chaitian ancestral onus, how often is the Jewish role in the slave states recalled?

The first Jewish governor was David Emanuel in 1801 in Georgia. The first Jewish senator was David Levy Yulee in 1845 in Florida. The second was Judah P. Benjamin in 1853 in Louisiana. Benjamin later filled three top cabinet posts in the Confederacy (Secretary of War, Secretary of State, and Attorney General). Lehman Brothers, the Wall Street firm whose bankruptcy in September 2008 set off the Great Financial Crisis, started in the 1850s as a cotton broker in Montgomery, Alabama.

For some reason, this pattern doesn’t come up much.

Yet Jewish participation in American slave economies was not out of character. There was much money to be made off of slavery in the New World, and ethnic Jewish businessmen (whether religious, covert, or irreligious but endogamous) had played an important commercial role for centuries, especially in establishing Brazil‘s slave-powered sugar industry. Paul Johnson wrote in A History of the Jews:

Jews and marranos were particularly active in settling Brazil; the first governor-general, Thomas de Souza, sent out in 1549, was certainly of Jewish origin. They owned most of the sugar plantations.

Far more than cotton, much less tobacco, sugar was the great killer of slaves. (Recall Jim’s fear in Huckleberry Finn of being sold down the river to Louisiana.) With the sugar industry’s constant demand for new slaves to replace those worked to death, it was the main driver of the transatlantic slave trade.

Even post-Civil War immigrant Jews from Eastern Europe were not free of any role in the economic suffering of American blacks. In a famous 1895 speech, Booker T. Washington pleaded with white industrialists to “Cast down your bucket where you are”—in other words, to hire black American citizens. But they were elbowed aside by the vast influx of Ellis Island immigrants.

In Britain the chief impresario of imperialism was Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, a master showman who excited the British over painting the map red.

The ensuing Scramble for Africa proved relatively profitless. A major exception was South Africa with its immense deposits of diamonds and gold. By the 1890s, half of the biggest mining companies in Johannesburg were Jewish-owned. According to Johnson:

But Jews had always been involved in precious stones (especially diamonds) and bullion, and they played a notable part both in the South African deep-level mines and in the financial system which raised the capital to sink them. Such men as Alfred Beit, Barney Barnato, Louis Cohen, Lionel Phillips, Julius Wehrner, Solly Joel, Adolf Goertz, George Albu and Abe Bailey turned South Africa into the world’s largest and richest mining economy.

In 1917 South African Ernest Oppenheimer founded the Anglo-American company and soon took over the fabulous De Beers diamond monopoly. The mining interests did oppose apartheid, seeing it as a Boer union conspiracy to raise miners’ wages.


* Wiping out Amalek applies only to the enemy nations of the Jewish people who threaten the Jews with annihilation. An example of such genocidal enemies would be the German people during WWII (not anymore, obviously) and many Muslim nations today (judging by the statements of their leaders and imams on TV). It doesn’t apply to petty conspiracy-theorizing Jew-hating individuals like Sailer, Buchanan, et al., or small groups thereof.

In the Old Testament the wiping out of Amalek appears both as a positive commandment and as a promise that God makes to the Jewish people, so it can be interpreted either as something that the Jewish People should do, or as something that will happen even if the Jewish people do not take any action.

That Sailer, Buchanan and their ilk choose to focus on the “Jewish Problem” more than on the 800-lb Islamization-of-the-West gorilla in the living room is unfortunate. That their writings attempt to link indirectly ignorant, liberal, Democrat proclivities of many Jewish-Americans with their Jewish ancestry or the Jewish faith is downright misleading and hypocritical. Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews as a group are staunchly paleo-conservative.

Either way, an examination of history will reveal that Jew-hatred on a national scale is a curse in and of itself. Nations preoccupied with hating their Jews have been too busy with that endeavor to care for the interests of their citizens. It is not Jews who now gang-rape Scandinavian women and threaten the West with subjugation and the imposition of sharia law.

In the post-Biblical period, when did Jews commit or attempt to commit genocide against any people?! Christians and Muslims on the other hand… Israel has nuclear weapons but never used them. Arab Muslims don’t have them, yet, but already issue genocidal threats against Israel of using them once obtained. If Buchanan is not a Jew-hater, who is. Sailer’s Jew-hatred is a side gig, he seems to be obsessed more with IQ and genetics, but since Jews statistically have on average high IQ’s, he can’t disparage them in terms of IQ, so he resorts to the “global Jewish cabal” conspiracy theories of manipulating and weakening the high-IQ indigent White Western societies while at the same time empowering their darker enemies by liberal brainwashing via academia and the media, legal intimidation and supporting immigration from the Third World, thereby increasing crime, displacing indigent White workers and, worst (as far as Sailer is concerned), lowering the collective IQ of Western societies. Buchanan, Sailer, and clearly you, Sir, view Jews as the Trojan Horse, the root cause of all Western social and economic ills, the main force that holds indigent Westerners back from dealing with their problems (e.g., combating degeneracy and immorality, deporting all their belligerent Third World welfare colonists, asserting nationalism and rejecting membership in the EU and U.N., etc.). And when Enoch Powell’s horrific civil war vision of his “Rivers of Blood” speech materializes due to current European inaction, you will blame the Jews all the more earnestly. It is what it is.

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Washington Post: “This Year, We Are All Esther in America’s Own Purim Story”

Steve Sailer writes:

From the Washington Post:

This year, we are all Esther in America’s own Purim story

By Danya Ruttenberg February 26 at 6:00 AM

Danya Ruttenberg is rabbi-in-residence at Avodah and author of “Nurture the Wow: Finding Spirituality in the Frustration, Boredom, Tears, Poop, Desperation, Wonder, and Radical Amazement of Parenting.”

How can I finish Pinker’s book when I realize that Nurture the Wow is out there unread?

The deadline President Trump has set for the passage of legislation to adjust the status of hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children by their parents is March 5, just days after Jews worldwide celebrate the festival of Purim. During Purim, which begins Wednesday night, we read the Book of Esther, which tells the story of a vain, corrupt leader willing to sell out a vulnerable people for his own convenience — and invites us to consider the obligations of those not targeted to those who are.

In the story, we meet Ahasuerus, king of Persia — who may or may not be modeled after Xerxes I. He was quick to anger, easily bribed, and fond of displaying the “vast riches of his kingdom and the splendid glory of his majesty.”

His top adviser is a vicious despot named Haman.

Haman, the bad guy, was prime minister of Persia, so some things never change. Also, Haman was an Amalekite, so other things never change either.

When Mordechai, a Jew, refuses to bow down to Haman, the aide decides to “do away with all the Jews” in the kingdom as revenge. …

For this to happen so close to Purim is evocative for anyone who knows the story of the holiday; the book of Esther, at least, has a happy ending. Ahasuerus’s second wife, Esther, was a closeted Jew. As Haman’s plot came to light, Mordechai visited her to persuade her to lobby on behalf of her people. …

We, all of us documented American citizens, are Esther right now. … And yes, many other Americans came without paperwork — tired, poor, yearning to breathe free. For those of us who are secure in our citizenship status now, this is our time to speak out. Who knows but that we have not come to our position for such a time as this? …

Esther was willing to step up and even act “contrary to the law” on behalf of her people. And at the end of the Purim story, the Jews were saved. As part of this happy resolution, Esther sent a dispatch throughout the land with words of truth and peace.

And what about us? How will we intercede to change the lots that have been cast?

The rabbi lady, however, left out of the Purim story the details of the happy ending. From the King James Bible:

5 Thus the Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction, and did what they would unto those that hated them.

6 And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men. …

12 And the king said unto Esther the queen, The Jews have slain and destroyed five hundred men in Shushan the palace, and the ten sons of Haman; what have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces? now what is thy petition? and it shall be granted thee: or what is thy request further? and it shall be done.

13 Then said Esther, If it please the king, let it be granted to the Jews which are in Shushan to do to morrow also according unto this day’s decree, and let Haman’s ten sons be hanged upon the gallows.

14 And the king commanded it so to be done: and the decree was given at Shushan; and they hanged Haman’s ten sons.

15 For the Jews that were in Shushan gathered themselves together on the fourteenth day also of the month Adar, and slew three hundred men at Shushan; but on the prey they laid not their hand.

16 But the other Jews that were in the king’s provinces gathered themselves together, and stood for their lives, and had rest from their enemies, and slew of their foes seventy and five thousand …

So, what we are we up to by now in the Purim story, about 75,810 dead bodies?

And that’s why Senator Booker (D-NJ) and Rabbi Boteach (R-Clown Suit) celebrate Purim:


* I would suggest a different analogy. The dreamers are still the Jews in Persia, but Trump is Xerxes’ son Cyrus, and just as Cyrus let the Jews return home to the Land of Israel, so verily shalt Trump return the dreamers to their homelands where they may flourish in their own way.

* America is not a Jewish nation, nor any type of theocracy, so is not bound by the Book of Esther. Perhaps Rabbi So-and-so should take her little lecture to the one country in the world that is a Jewish nation and tell them how it obliges them to admit massive numbers of immigrants into their country.

* Ancient Jewish writers had a habit of wildly inflating numbers (the Talmud’s even worse at this), so even if these massacres happened, the numbers of dead were in all likelihood much smaller.

But still, it’s the fact that these incidents are deemed worthy of celebration that is the problem. Where is the moral outrage, the denunciation, the lamenting of man’s inhumanity to man? None that I can see. Instead we’re told that these goys were nasty to Jews, so therefore Jews were justified in massacring them.

What would Jews think if Europeans decided that, you know what, Jewish influence really has been instrumental in the policies that are wrecking our countries, we’re going to start celebrating the Holocaust? It’s not very nice, is it. Well what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Even if goys historically haven’t always behaved humanely towards Jews, celebrating the slaughter of these goys is just a bit much, you know.

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Quantifying Anti-Semitism

MP3 MP3 part two

Anatoly Karlin writes:

Are you an anti-Semite? Wonder no longer! Take the poll here: https://darussophile.polldaddy.com/s/are-you-anti-semite-adl

Am I an anti-Semite? The SPLC and RationalWiki both seem to think so. But there are also those who believe I am a hasbara shill, or even Jewish myself. Either way, I don’t appear to be a particularly enthusiastic philo/anti-Semitic propagandist – of the 1,200+ posts to date at my Unz.com archive, only about 15 are actually mainly about Jews (and I hope this will be the last one for some time).

Fortunately, the ADL has attempted to make at least a minimal attempt at quantification. You qualify as an anti-Semite if you answer Probably True to six or more of the following questions:

  1. Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]
  2. Jews have too much power in the business world
  3. Jews have too much power in international financial markets
  4. Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
  5. Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind
  6. Jews have too much control over global affairs
  7. Jews have too much control over the United States government
  8. Jews think they are better than other people
  9. Jews have too much control over the global media
  10. Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars
  11. People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave

In this post I will try to systemically answer each of these statements, but before I finalize my excommunication from ZOG, there’s a couple of caveats that I wish to make.

First, many of these combine an observation – often a statistically correct one – with a normative judgment. Of course Jews have many more billionaires and elite journalists per capita than any other major ethnicity. Is this good or bad – or even more ambiguously, “too much”? Difficult to say. For a committed blank slatist, the answer should be “Probably True”. Hence, the “anti-Semitism” of the more honest and consistent Leftists. Then again, knowledge of race differences in IQ, and the correlation of IQ with economic success, explains most if not all of the residual. But even though it annuls many of the more extreme anti-Semitic arguments, this form of argumentation is itself racist – and ironically, it was overwhelmingly Jews, e.g. Franz Boas, Leon Kamin, Gould, Lewontin, etc. – to a degree disproportionate even to their IQ advantage – who developed the modern blank slatism that tabooed such perspectives (although I have mixed opinions about his work, I think Kevin McDonald demonstrates this pretty conclusively). In other words, it was the Jews themselves who torpedoed the single most succinct and powerful argument against anti-Semitism; hence, also, the “anti-racist” IQ denialism amongst some of the more overt anti-Semites. Very amusing and ironic.

Second, these are also all negative stereotypes and perceptions. There are many things one may admire in Jewry. For instance, it is pretty much impossible for any educated person not to hold a considerable degree of appreciation for Jewish cultural and scientific accomplishments. As a “Russian alt-right, white nationalist anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist”, I will also admit to a no lesser degree of appreciation for the Jews’ verbal IQ-powered political acumen – simultaneously running a nationalist regime in Israel that is the envy of the Alt Right and exerting an inordinate degree of influence over US foreign policy via the Lobby, while somehow managing to maintain a reputation for erudite, tolerant, progressivism. Although normies will consider this as more of a negative stereotype. Oops. There go the paradoxes, again.

But this does go to show how fluid the boundaries are. For instance, the South Koreans are highly anti-Semitic by the ADL’s schema, but it’s a sort of anti-Semitism through philo-Semitism: “The idea of emulating Jews in order to get ahead in the world has gotten other people’s backs up as well. On the blog +972, Mairav Zonszein wrote: “I can’t blame the South Koreans for being interested, and it is indeed a compliment of sorts—but it brings up a point that I have written about before: the fetishization of Jews, whereby singling Jews out for greatness is the same as discriminating against them or stereotyping them.”

Conversely, just as there is much to like and praise, there is also much to dislike and criticize in all peoples. On the pages of this blog I have made fun of the Amerimutt, the Britbong, the Eternal Kraut, Sweden Yes, and the Butthurt Belt of Europe. I have called for kebab removal and named the Mongoloids soulless drones. Paradoxically, I am also one of the most hardcore Russophobes out there; anyone who has read me long enough has probably figured out that I consider my own people to be no better than White Negroes. Probably the only ethnicity I haven’t called subhuman scum at some time or other are Gypsies – and only because it is so self-evident in their case. So bear this in mind before consigning me to the ranks of hardcore anti-Semites – I actually hate all ethnicities, to some extent. Except the Czechs.


* But in the end accepting the definition of “anti-whateverism” put forward by the identity lobby for “whatevers” is always a mug’s game. The only response to the pernicious crap put around by the likes of the ADL is to say that either their broad definition of antisemitism is correct, in which case anti-Semitism self-evidently is just a legitimate and widely held political position of no particular demerit, or anti-Semitism is as noxious as they claim in which case it doesn’t mean what they claim it means – it means actually hating jews just for being jews (and almost nobody is actually an anti-Semite).

They want to have it both ways, for obvious reasons, and they should never be allowed to. The same, mutatis mutandis, applies to all the politically correct smear terms used in this mendacious way by self-serving minority identity lobbies – racist, homophobe, islamophobe etc.

* The issue of jewish influence on US foreign policy cannot honestly be addressed without taking account of the protestant Christian factor, which hugely leverages jewish political power on issues related to Israel (and therefore the whole of the ME and often surrounding areas – see Israeli/US involvement in eg Georgia).

* No matter how much you try to nuance yourself, they will always go after you. Look at Jared Taylor. Has avoided the JQ surgically throughout his life. He has still been harassed by essentially Jewish organisations like the $PLC throughout his life to the point he now has to host AmRen conferences in the parks of Tennessee.

Ultimately the problem for white Christians is that so many of them are conflict-averse and prone to always seek common ground. You rarely see this reciprocated. You see this in the recent Polish-Israel spat as well. Polish media is desperate to seek common ground whereas the Israelis are just shouting obscenities.

As for Russia and the Jews, Steve Sailer still wrote the best primer on what actually happened in the 1990s and how Jewish oligarchs were being helped by their tribal kin inside the Clinton administration.

* I was loosely thinking of how some European countries collaborated to a greater or lesser extent with the Nazis when implementing the Holocaust.

So, Danes, Greeks went out of their way to protect their Jews; the French were somewhere in the middle; Poles and Ukrainians were at the more indifferent end.

However, describing it as “helped” is clearly overdoing, so thanks to szopen for catching that.

* The Blue Police clearly did participate in rounding the Jews up. Arguably they were compelled to serve the Germans, being threatened with the death penalty if they failed to take up service in fall 1939. The Polish government in exile accepted it, because they agreed that Poland did need some kind of law enforcement under German occupation, even if it meant carrying out German orders like rounding up Jews. The Blue Police I think mostly just joined the resistance in 1944, and throughout they were in contact with them. Their appointed commander asked the local Home Army commanders if he should accept, and they told him yes. It was a difficult job. I think a case can be made that the Poles and Ukrainians participating in the holocaust were not much different from the Jews participating in the same, like Jewish Council or Jewish Police members. They participated to avoid near certain death.

* I think part of the problem in measuring Jewish influence is that it is not just direct but also indirect.

Ex. A gentile race-traitor advocates for the importation of ‘Syrians’ and eradication of ‘White privilege’, it gets counted as gentile suicidal behaviour. But what if the race-traitor only developed those due to being exposed to Jewish-influenced media or education system?

In Europe, particularly Western Europe, it is common to adopt deleterious American social and political doctrines. Does the fault lies with the gentile Americans who pushed these doctrines onto Europeans, or with the Jews who warped the American psyche?*

This way even a drop of Jewish influence can cause pernicious ripples that spread very far with tragic consequences.

* Jews at the gulag were less than their share of the general population, at least that’s what I found at the appendix in Oleg Khlevniuk’s book. (He gives data by ethnicity.) They were underrepresented among the victims of collectivization and the manufactured famines. They were probably not harder hit than others during the great terror. The only time they were targeted for mass killings was during the doctors’ plot and anti-Zionist campaigns, when a few hundred of them were killed. But it’s peanuts compared to other mass killings.*

I don’t know about lishentsi, but in a regime killing several millions you cannot seriously argue for a minority being harder hit than others, unless they had proportionally more of them killed or at least imprisoned. That is clearly not the case with Jews in the USSR.

*Ironically it appears that Stalin’s power was already on the wane and he couldn’t get his (now largely Russian, supposedly anti-Semitic) security services to just start a mass execution campaign on false charges. The security services were dragging their feet and argued that there was no evidence (!), as if that had mattered anytime before. They knew the fate of the previous eager executioners like Yezhov and weren’t keen on getting their rewards.

* The standard argument against that is there isn’t much of an anti-Jewish tradition in China or India, and that obsessive hostility towards Jews has been mostly a phenomenon in Christian, and to a lesser degree in Islamic societies…Christians and Muslims must find the continued refusal of Jews to acknowledge that their religion is obsolete offensive, whereas Jews must regard Christianity and Islam as some sort of bizarre cultural appropriation. The mutual hostility isn’t surprising.
So the “Jews have been kicked out everywhere” argument by itself probably isn’t that persuasive unless one can demonstrate it also applies to non-Christian/non-Islamic societies.

* I think Raul Hilberg mentioned that after 1945, when the question of accepting European refugees came up, Jewish representatives were arguing for accepting predominantly Jewish refugees in light of the horrors just visited upon them, but the ethnic German lobby (apparently such a thing existed), consisting of impeccably anti-German (during the war) and anti-Nazi politicians, argued that there was a need to accept German refugees as well, because of the starvation in Germany and because of the ethnic cleansing of Germans from large territories formerly inhabited by Germans, like the Sudeten or East Prussia. They even argued it would be racist to exclude them merely on account of their ethnicity. Raul Hilberg, who clearly disapproved of this argument, wrote that many such ethnic Germans from these areas were actually perpetrators of the holocaust, so that the compromise eventually accepted by the Jewish organizations meant that the price of accepting Jewish refugees was also accepting many of the perpetrators as well.

* Jews have a disproportionate influence relative to population size, but it is still not a very big influence in the world of 8 billion. There are 16 million Jews in the world – and probably their influence is more than triple their population. In countries like Russia, obviously this disproportionate influence goes much higher.

But in the great scheme of things, this influence is small compared to any of the larger nationalities, which can be seen at the UN voting sessions, where Israel does even far worse than a large country like Russia does.

As for antisemitism – generally it relies on using Jews as a ‘Theory of Everything’. It seems to have a kind of theological structure, and becomes quite ridiculous in its theory of media – denying agency to consumers of products. So because the conspiracy theorist found capitalist families who 100 years had Jewish origin, like the Bonnier Group – then Jews are suddenly responsible for contemporary Swedish liberalism. There’s an issue of supply and demand here, and newspaper circulation numbers in a market reflect very much the popularity of the product there, just like music and fashion brands do.

Within the liberal milieu, liberal newspaper will sell out, and likewise within a conservative one, conservative newspaper will be far more popular (as you can see in Israel).

In Israel, the oldest newspaper is this left-wing paper called Haaretz (partly owned by a German, ex-Nazi publisher, M. DuMont Schauberg). They have in Israel various conspiracy theories about the paper – but the reality is that people just don’t read it because it doesn’t match their intrinsic views (where much of the population think like rednecks), and this is reflected in circulation numbers. On the other hand, if liberalism was more popular there, then Haaretz would be a best seller in that market, like the NYT is in a liberal milieu like New York.

* Hungary has long been accused of complicity in the holocaust. Not entirely without justification, unfortunately, but of course the mitigating circumstances are never taken into account. The Hungarian police and gendarmerie did round up the Jews, but only after the Germans did occupy the country and replaced its government and the upper echelons of the civil service and police command. Until then, the Hungarian government steadfastly refused to hand over the Jews to the Germans.

* It’s always refreshing to hear conversations from before political correctness and the power of minority lobbies muzzled free discussion and forced everyone to speak in codes, pretend to believe in dogmas and not to believe in taboo truths, and use politically correct euphemisms instead of speaking honestly.

* Mediterranean people are good at business. Rivers are probably too choke pointed or feudalistic compared to a small sea.

You can find impressive works of art in many places. But nobody has ever had art like Europe. Not in classical times. Not during the Renaissance or really afterward. It is also seems stylistic influences radiated out of Europe to the Middle East and China and not so much the other way around.

Of course, Northern Europe also had its Renaissance, but perhaps that is due to the North Sea. Perhaps a big flaw in the theory would be Jews and North Africans don’t seem to be particularly good visual artists. Maybe, it is cultural but not genetic. A lot of art had religious themes. Prohibition for North Africans. Possibly less of a market for Jews, even though many old testament themes, it would be kind of unholy to employ a Jew in a church.

* As far as Jewish ethnocentrism goes- it’s the cornerstone of their religion & identity (which has been formed from, roughly, 700 BC to 100 AD). It is not a reaction, but the very essence of self- definition of that ethno-religious group & culture. Judaism is an imaginative refurbishing of other Near Eastern religions; it does not possess its own mythology. Normative Judaism- unlike Kabbalah- is a Platonized religion in many respects similar to early Confucianism: life’s fulfillment is achieved through learning, study & mostly mental work- and not piety, nor supernatural yearnings. Early Judaism, as recorded in the Pentateuch, had not possessed that idea. Somewhere around 100-300 A.D. Jews adopted Plato’s ethic of self-cultivation through intellectual work & produced a vast literature of almost completely dated & sterile Behemoth nitpicking trivialities (Talmud, Responsa, ..).

As for accomplishment: now, Jews, this old & talented ethno-religious group is in the great creative period of their existence, which lasts as yet ca. 150 years. Many other groups or peoples have had such periods- Italians, say, 1300-1600; English up and down, but let’s take a look at 1550-1750 period. During this time, the English had produced: Tallis, Byrd, Purcell- composers, Boyle (Irish extraction)- father of chemistry, Shakespeare, Milton, Donne, …-literature, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley-philosophy, Gilbert- discovered magnetism, Harvey- physiology, blood circulation, Newton- the greatest scientist ever, Halley- astronomy, Cavendish- physics & chemistry, discovered hydrogen, ..

So, just in this 200 years span the English had created enormously more than Jews in past 200 years. And- what does this have to do with IQ & other stuff ? Nothing.

Periods of creativity & influence come & go.

Jews last for ca. 3000 yrs; English, French & Germans for ca. 1000 (even less, as definitely crystallized groups). Germans are recognizable for ca. 700 years; English, in more or less current shape for 600-700 years.

Almost all historical figures, from ancient Greece & Rome to Goethe and Voltaire, had castigated Jews as vulgar, unoriginal, barbaric, sneaky, cunning but without nobility of spirit; essentially not creative & parasitic. Not some Christian fanatics, but enlightened spirits. Until 1933. the only philo-Semitic creative persons were, as I recall, George Eliot and James Joyce. All others (Marx, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Wittgenstein, Wagner, Voltaire, Proust, Henry James, Nietzsche (a complex question), Chesterton, ..) were, to say the least, not very sympathetic towards Jews. Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the greatest 20th C philosophers-partly of Jewish extraction- complained about what he (wrongly) perceived as his creative sterility as having something to do with Jewishness: “Amongs Jews, “genius” is found only in the holy man. Even the greatest of Jewish thinkers is no more than talented. (Myself, for instance). I think there is some truth to the idea I only think reproductively. I don’t think I have ever invented a single line of thinking. I have always taken one from someone else ..”
Now, that’s too harsh, but has an element of truth.

In more recent times: enormously influential & erudite Marx was a sort of Talmudist (he was not technically Jewish, but..), reworking other people’s ideas (Ricardo, Hegel, Hess, Guizot, …) into one big clunky synthesis; Freud was a mixture of Janet, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Shakespeare; Einstein’s SR was almost completely done in works of Lorentz, Poincare and others, and his GR was actually devised parallel with Hilbert; Feynman’s graph approach was invented by Dirac (Feynman said so himself).

I don’t want to denigrate Jewish creativity in past 150 years in various fields, just- it could flourish only in the broader context of Gentile creativity & frequently- not always- after it. Jews’ creative accomplishments last some 150 years & are, mostly, the result of complete assimilation into host cultures, with characteristic traits of these cultures.

Even in past 100-150 years, it was Gentiles -with a few exceptions like Einstein- who produced most enduring science, technology & culture in all fields (Diesel, Edison, Ziolkowski and Goddard, Loggie Baird, Joyce and Proust, Picasso and Stravinsky, Planck, Heisenberg, Dirac and Schrodinger, Morgan and Watson, Darwin and Ronald Fisher,…). I admire very much Kafka, Mahler, Marvin Minsky, Otto Lilienthal, Salman Waksman, John Von Neumann, Hermann Broch, Karl Landsteiner, …(I included converts)- but evidently their accomplishment was & is a spin-off of German Enlightenment.

As for supposed numerical disparity: Jews were, prior to WW2, comparable to other peoples (20 M Jews; 45 M British; 65 M Germans, ..); in past 500 -1000 years enormous “Gentile” energies went to warfare & various blood lettings (100 yrs war; 30 yrs war- 60% of Germans perished; conquest of Americas & the Orient; Napoleonic wars; WW1 and WW2,.. ). At the same time, British had the energy to:
a) begin Industrial revolution
b) wage wars against Napoleon
c) make discoveries in mathematics, chemistry, physics (Hamilton, Young, Davy,..)
d) begin sweeping social reforms

Now, that’s something.

* Chinese philo-Semitism and lack of Jewish antipathy to China is very easy to explain.

Firstly, lack of Jews in China. Mostly, by reason of geography. But partly due to natural Chinese cohesiveness. When the Boxer Rebellion happened there were <20,000 foreigners in the whole of China, and they were a motley mix of seven or eight nationalities, including many racially similar Japanese. Europe being made of small nations always had a certain level of cosmopolitanism, not true historically for the Chinese. Foreigners while present were always few. Far easterners have a Confucian mindset. Much more difficult to subvert, because they think of the good of society. Not easy prey for victimhood narratives. Historically extremely xenophobic to the point of burning their own ships and any foreign sailors who set foot on their land.

Meanwhile, lack of Jewish antipathy to China is also explained by there having been so few Jews in China. The dominant cultural narrative of European Jews has always been extreme Europhobia. There isn’t room for anything else. And it is easy to see this in the way so many European Jews are foolishly embracing Islam.

* Back in January, PBS (American public television) aired a documentary called the “The Saint and the Sultan” about the Crusades. I was shocked at it because it was very thinly veiled, Anti-Christian and anti-European propaganda.

It was low-brow stuff. Cheap video reenactments. Very little informational content. Few words in the script. It was pure vehicle. Positive about Jews and Muslims. Almost all negative about Euros. It would show a Crusader swinging a sword, and the narrator would say “Lizard hindbrain”. It was nakedly built around that one phrase, which was repeated.

It was obvious it was designed for one purpose only: to try to disarm any resistance to the ethnic transformation of Europe. Surprisingly (to me, at least) it was not funded by a Jew, even though it was positive about Jews, but by a wealthy Muslim foundation. They know who their allies are though, like in Spain.

I put it down mostly as agenda though, impersonal. The Polish Holocaust video though is just dripping with naked malice. I think it is rather awe-inspiring that someone could feel that way toward Poland. And be hot-headed long enough to produce the video. It would not surprise me in the least, if they next made a video about Ireland.

* Jews are not really devils, just a people under really unique circumstances, with probable partial genetic adaptations.

* A few interesting facts:

1. Having been expelled from much of Western Europe, by 1550 about 90% of the world’s Ashkenazi Jews lived in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. At the same time they were effectively barred from Russia;

2. Throughout much of Poland’s history the Jews constituted 5-10% of the
population. It was about 10% in the 1920s-’30s, or about 3.5 million.
The percentages varied during the interwar period as hundreds of thousands
of Jews escaped from Russia in the 1920s. 10% in the U.S. would mean
about 32 million Jews instead of today’s 5-6 million. Imagine the United
States with 32 million Jews! Except for France, in much of Western
Europe the Jewish percentage is typically 0.1-0.3%.

3. The American expression “Russian Jews” seems to imply that the
millions of Jews who emigrated from the Russian Empire to the U.S.
came from Moscow, SPB, Saratov or Omsk. Of course, that’s nonsense.
They came mostly from the Pale of Settlement (i.e., roughly the eastern
part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) to which they were
confined, i.e., from today’s Lithuania, Belarus, and Western Ukraine.
Relatively few came from Congress Poland. The Jews thrived in 19th
century Poland, and didn’t want to leave. Under the arenda system
the Polish Jews were overrepresented in the entertainment and vice
industries, and in the distribution of alcoholic beverages at inns and
bordellos. Many of Israel’s Prime Ministers came from the former
Pol-Lith Commonwealth starting with Ben-Gurion who was born north
of Warsaw and Netanyahu whose father was born in Warsaw and his
surname was Milejkowski. Netanyahu should use his real name –

4. Russia, like China, India, and the U.S., is not a country. It’s still
an empire. It likes its huge territory. Therefore it’s compelled to pay
the price in terms of multiculturalism and lack of unity. All empires
are unstable due to extreme diversity, and need strong-man rule
to maintain fragile equilibrium. The U.S., for example, is very likely
to fall apart in the coming decades unless it (and it already is an oligarchy)
turns to autocratic rule.

5. There were some problems with the huge Jewish population
in 19th century Poland. As most of them were Orthodox and ultra-
Orthodox, they had enormous birthrates. As mentioned, they were
overrepresented in the vice industries. This scandalized not only
the Polish Christians but also their Jewish brethren. For example,
there were periodic raids on the Jewish-run bordellos in Warsaw
around 1905 BY RELIGIOUS JEWS, but to no avail. The Jews could
not police their own. That undermined their reputation. Harvey
Weinstein almost sounds like a character from 19th-century Jewish

6. Until World War I, the Polish Jews often refused to learn Polish.
For example, Isaac Bashevis Singer who was born and raised in Poland,
mostly in Warsaw, barely spoke Polish and wrote his books in Yiddish.
But you’ve got to give him credit: in his memoirs he wrote how intensely
happy he was growing up in Poland as a Jew. To many, unlike Russia and
Ukraine, Poland around 1900 was still Paradisus Iudaeorum (Jewish Paradise).

7. Then came WW I. Unfortunately, many prominent Jews were vehemently
opposed to Poland regaining independence after 123 years. They even argued
against it at the Peace Conference in Versailles. Nevertheless, while the Jews
were escaping from the Russian Empire to the U.S. by the million, the Polish
Jews were so happy in Poland that relatively few came to the U.S. Many even
participated in the wars of Polish independence under Gen. Pilsudski. That’s how
Poland, other than the U.S., ended up with the world’s largest number of Jews
in the 1920s. Of course, Jews historically have preferred multiethnic empires
to nations.

8. World War II – unfortunately 150,000 Jews fought in Hitler’s army. How many
Poles were killed or wounded by the German Jews is not known at this point.
Perhaps it’ll never be known. During the interwar period, a number of Polish
Jews, just like their cousins in New York, were Communist sympathizers. This
made them suspect in Polish eyes because they seemed to want to bring Communism
from the Soviet Union to Poland.

9. After WW II, the Polish fears were substantiated, the Soviets imposed Communism
in Poland, putting Polish Jews in prominent government and industrial
positions. They lived a very privileged life while the Christian population
starved. The Jews were also overrepresented among the secret police and torture
apparatus. Many patriotic Poles (incl. priests) were tortured and executed, their
children were kidnapped and executed. This is a painful chapter in Poland’s
history that still needs a lot of research. But none of that endeared the Jews to
the Polish population. Poland was indeed Jewish paradise for many centuries,
but then the Jews’ leftist tendencies and what today is referred to as Cultural Marxism
undermined good relations between the Jews and the Christians in Poland. As
the Nobel laureate Czesław Miłosz wrote in his autobiography, the Polish behavior,
unlike the Russian and Ukrainian behavior, and even more so German behavior,
has typically been characterized by “moral restraint.” For example, murder rates
in Poland have been much lower than in Russia, Ukraine, or the U.S. There were
mass shootings in Germany in 2002 and 2009 where German teenagers killed
15-16 school children. I could not imagine this happening in Poland.

* What knowing goyim notice and dislike is that too many of their (((fellow white people))) combine progressive, pro-minority agendas with aggressive support of Israel across virtually all countries where they have a substantial demographic presence.

* I’ve never met a Jew who uses the word goyim or any variation thereof and I’ve never met a Jew who makes jokes at the expense of non-Jews vis a vis Jews themselves.

As for your observation that if an SJW supports Israel, 9/10 they are Jewish. This is basically true. Of course this could easily be seen, not as an inexcusable hypocrisy, but as a relative compliment of those Jews.

The pressure to conform to SJW norms is immense in Western capitals. Jews are under constant pressure to do so too. Pretty much any refusal to go along with the cult is a story of bravery and love, at least in my mind! Just as going along with the mutually reinforcing self-esteem boosting delusions and participating in every 2 minute hate session is a story of (understandable) cowardice.

The fact that what probably amounts to a substantial minority of Jewish SJWs buck the trend for Israel’s sake may be annoying to non-SJWs. After all, why can’t they just show the moral fortitude to not be SJWs? But then at least they are able to buck it in some way, and for a higher level virtue like loyalty, while the vast majority of SJWs show absolutely none of the character required to escape the SJW solipsistic trap.

Those Jewish SJWs may be mediocre at best in quality of character but the other SJWs are utterly abject.

I learned the word ‘goy’ from the alt right. When I first read it I had absolutely no idea what it meant and had never heard nor seen it previously. It was entirely alien to me.

I’ve never heard an anti-gentile joke either.

Yet, I have heard many Jews say anti-Jewish jokes. Then again, I am English so moderate self-deprecation is traditional social behaviour.

I assume that were I to meet those two ex-Soviet Jews I would, against my better self, internally label them as yokels. That type of self-congratulatory humour only works if the real joke in on you for acting the chauvinist simpleton. Perhaps they were doing that? Perhaps they’re just a bit basic…

* Jews in Poland had never assimilated at rates comparable to Russia (I won’t even mention Germany). Apart from Julian Tuwim & Bruno Schulz, there are no significant Jewish Polish literary figures. The same goes for other spheres, although there are exceptions (mathematician Kuratowski).

* I’m convinced that if it hadn’t been for (1) German antisemitism amply
demonstrated during the medieval expulsions and the mass killings of Jews
and Poles during WW II (adding antipolonism to the list of German sins),
and (2) Soviet Communism imposed on Poland, Poland would still have
the world’s highest percentage of Jews, not 2% as in the U.S., but perhaps
5-6%, i.e., a couple of million Jews would still be living in Poland to this day.
True, many would have left for Israel and USA, but millions would be left.
A 19th century visitor to Poland said that the Polish are the only people in
the world whose bonhomie is so high that it’s capable of dissolving Jewish

* When intelligent people like K. MacDonald speaks about Jewish influence on Sweden, I am astonished suspect some mental disorder. Yes, I know MacD is a professor in psychology and I know that it was the Frankfort School that first floated the idea that antisemitism is a mental problem. Only a few hundred Jews live in Sweden, they are mostly first and second generation and not rich, and live in fear of Muslim and local violence. They have zero influence on Swedish public life or politics. Regarding the Bonnier family, I do not know by what criterion they can be considered Jews, since no Bonnier has much Jewish blood at all and none practices Judaism or know what it may be. On the other hand, there is real, ongoing, open and public Jewish effort to influence Sweden, and that is Israel trying to moderate Sweden extreme anti-Israeli position. Israel is unhappy with the Swedish government support of the Palestinian extremists and the Swedish boycott of some Israeli products, artists , etc. It goes without saying that Israeli – Jewish – efforts are failing miserably. If Jews had a hundredth of the influence and power the antisemites like MacD attribute to us, Sweden would be our best friend and supporter in the United Nations.

* I grew up in a largely Jewish area. Not to be Pauline Kael here, but of the majority of Jews I’ve known personally, or with one degree of separation, I have a hard believing that they were of the same tribe as the über-successful tribe members controlling finance, media, politics. A lot of the ones I’ve known were working low-end jobs and constantly hustling or they were under-performers and always kvetching. I’ve even known some Jews who had science and law degrees who worked as antique dealers or liquor store clerks and who never had a pot to piss in and would always have big ideas about how to start a new soft drink or some other far-fetched idea. One Jewish family friend was a Ph.D. nuclear physicist and retired professor who had worked on the Manhattan Project. My mom was friends with his wife (also a scientist). They lived a very modest life, drove an old Datsun shitcan, and had a crappy house in need of constant repair. They had financial problems later in the life and my mom had to help them as much as she could. For every Michael Bloomberg you have 99 not-so-successful Jews. I know this is all anecdotal but as Nassim Taleb says, anecdotes are more salient than statistics.

* I have heard the word “goyish” used by some of my Jewish acquaintances. It was used in a joking, fairly benign way, among and referring to themselves. However, both favor anti white policies. One clearly has an historical grudge, which I find quite bizarre, for a variety of reasons, the least not being that he is atheistic and only half a Jew.

Imagine a half Irishman/half Englishman who hated England and wanted to ethnically transform it. It’s impossible. Many full Irishmen enjoy the old songs and a good social ribbing against the English, but have no real ill will. The most radical only want Ireland to be reunited. They don’t want to ethnically transform England. But, then again, they have roots.

BTW, HuffPost ran a headline “Goy, Bye” a while back before pulling it. There was a clear subtext about immigration trends. I have only known one Jew who ever made a critical comment about immigration. He was not what I would call a metropolitan, but grew up distantly from the main urban ring.

* Slezkine, in his book, The Jewish Century: “The Jews, who were not numerous among the -nonelite victims, were underrepresented in the Great Terror as a whole. In 1937-38 about 1 percent of all Soviet Jews were arrested for political crimes, as compared to 16 percent of all Poles and 30 percent of all Latvians. By early 1939, the proportion of Jews in the Gulag was about 15.7 percent lower than their share of the total Soviet population.”

You have to assume that (at least during the period of the Great Purge/Terror) Jews were perceived by the regime as being more loyal than the Soviet norm. Maybe understandable given the geo-political context preceding the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

* I grew up with a Jewish friend and we were all reasonably close, but around his teens, he began to get increasingly impressive accomplishments: we all wrote, but he would get published; some of us were getting getting to student associations, he became an intern at a major MSM outlet; and by the time we were poking around for careers, he already was set to be a journalist.

I asked how he managed those things and he always shrugged and said “nepotism.”

Mind you, he was smart and capable(and perhaps self-deprecating), but it did seem that there’s a strong network that helps too, and this goes beyond even the typical socioeconomic privilege that all of us had growing up. It reminds me a bit of Chinese guanxi, but much more effective and efficient, with a focus on media and messaging rather than doctors and engineering.

One more.

When my parents were in business, we were primarily supplied by a Jewish businessman. For some reason, our shipments kept having “extra” goods in them, which we decided to report and send back. Mysteriously afterward, the terms of business would improve.

In retrospect, its possible that he considered that Chinese businessmen were generally dishonest and greedy, and therefore set out business/social traps like that in order to weed out individuals who are not worth doing business with. In that fashion, it would seem that he and perhaps many other Jews come from a culture uniquely well equipped with living and dealing with low-trust.

Incidentally, I think this is the first time I’ve ever written about the “JQ.” I suppose that cherry had to be burst eventually.

* Firstly, “Jews” as an entity of one sort or another have existed for a very, very long time, as one can see from the fact that the first entry on the list dates back 2,500+ years ago. For much of this time, there has not been an independent Jewish state with a monopoly on violence within its borders, and Jews have been residents of polities where a different ethny could wield overwhelming military force. That means that there have simply been a lot of opportunities to expel “Jews” from countries relative to, say, Carthaginians or Germans. (And as a corollary, one could no doubt produce a long list of many countries where Jews resided peacefully for long periods of time, simply because Jews have existed for thousands of years and across many countries.)

Secondly, there’s a galling inconsistency in terms of victim-blaming by many white nationalists. When Jewish people, as an ethnic and religious minority, are disliked/expelled by a majority—well that just goes to show how uniquely terrible Jews are, they wouldn’t be disliked if they didn’t deserve it, etc. (“oy vey, why do they persecute us so?”)

But when, say, whites in South Africa are hated and persecuted by the black majority, the same white nationalists don’t conclude “oh, the hatred the blacks have must be because Afrikaners are especially terrible people—why else would they be hated?” And the same is true for many other cases: the Algerian hatred of the Pied-Noirs, the Amerindian hatred of white settlers, the Chinese hatred of European Christian missionaries, and so on—does this mean that white Christians must just be unusually terrible, horrible people? Or from a religious standpoint, does the persecution at various points of Christians and the suppression of their faith by pagans and Muslims show that Christians must have just deserved to be hated for their terrible behavior?

And the same principle is hopefully clear, if less emotionally salient, to white nationalists in cases not involving whites: does anyone look at the expulsion of Indians from Uganda in 1972 and conclude that it must have been the Indians’ fault, and Idi Amin must have had good reasons to do so? Does anyone look at the crimes committed against the Yazidis in Iraq today and say “well, I’m sure ISIS must have a good reason for hating them, they probably deserve it.” ?

In a world where Jews were 90% of the population of a continent and Christians a small stateless minority on it, no doubt Jewish intellectuals would reflectively stroke their beards and conclude that the plight of Christian minorities in so many countries simply goes to show that Christians are especially terrible people whose bad behavior justifies their ill treatment.

* Jew’s higher wealth than average is explained very simply. Higher IQ has not only a direct effect but it also means they grow up in a higher IQ culture and the IQ of your culture matters more for your success than your own – there’s likely a bunch of geniuses in Eastern Congo, none will achieve anything. This, combined with living in major world cities, is more than explanation enough.

Jewish progressivism is merely a function of class and location. Jews are disproportionately represented in Western urban elites. Western urban elites are disproportionately progressive. Did anyone in Washington DC vote for Trump?

Israel has many problems. Its behaviour can often be seen as problematic. At least in comparison to the majority of countries West and North of it. Nonetheless compared to the majority of countries East and South of it, Israel is positively angelic. This is not hard to notice.

* A brief review of MacDonald’s evo-psych books on Jewish identity & history:

Jews are ethnic religious tribalists who had, many of them, lived in Europe for most than 2000 years. Somewhere during the Nero’s rule, they constituted ca 10% of Roman Empire, i.e. 5-6 million people. Have they had an opportunity for natural growth, there would have been ca. 250-400 million of them now. But, most of them assimilated, vanished into greater Pagan & then Christian communities. So much for stubborn insistence of religious-ethnic pride.

There is no “group evolutionary strategy”, only if it stands for something trivial: any ethnic-national group wants to exist ad infinitum & prosper. This applies to every single human community.
As for Jews being particularly ethno-centric, this may be the truth in comparison with some other groups, but they didn’t differ from Zoroastrian Iranians or Hindu Brahmins; there is no way to empirically verify whether their ethnocentrism is rooted in ancient religious texts older than 1500 years (Babylonian Talmud, 250-600 AD) or something else. No causal connection can be made & all this is bogus.

With regard to MacDonald’s thesis that Jews are culturally-generically predisposed to domination in host societies, this is an easily refutable canard: they lived harmoniously, peacefully & productively during Parthian, Zoroastrian, Abbasid empires, Cordoba caliphate, Ottoman Empire…as well as in the 17th-18th C Netherlands or 18th C Prussia. They tried (and to a larger degree succeeded) to assimilate into British & German Empires, from the beginning to the end.

MacDonald’s theses are very simple & cannot pass the test of any rational & empirical investigation.

Jews are, according to him, essentially, due to a compound of genes, history, religious ideology,… eternal enemy of “white race”. Not real. They lived among Europeans for almost 2 millennia & had virtually always been at the history’s receiving end. After their Enlightenment at the end of the 18th C, they avidly secularized themselves & were literally hungry for the riches of high European culture (arts, sciences, technology, ..), trying to assimilate as fast as they could. No “evolutionary group strategy” here, not anything that would preserve them as an alien dominant cultural-biological ethnicity..

Jews are far from a monolith existing in MacDonald fantasy. It is true they, those of them who still possess Jewish identity, try to help their co-religionists if they are in trouble (which is a perfectly normal behavior). But, their primary loyalty is to their host societies, which can be seen from German Jewish behavior during WW1, when their military deaths were higher than their percentage in the population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judenz%C3%A4hlung French Jews fought for France, British for Britain etc.

According to MacDonald, Jews are basically destructive to a host society, like a group of pathogen bacteria swarming & sucking life out their host-victim. They’re, actually, not unlike a cancer. Another example of dehumanization & antisemitic nonsense. What about good they’ve done to their host societies, in culture, wealth, inventions, development of commerce, journalism, agriculture, arts,..

Persistent MacDonald’s myth is about their extraordinarily high levels of endogamous practice. In reality, Catholic and Protestants didn’t mix much until the 20th C, and Jews (not converts) have been in mixed marriages with German Christians at the rate of 40%, during 1933 (Hitler’s rise to power); now, more than 60% of Jews outmarry and more than 80-90% of them do so in Russia. Where is this MacDonald’s grand “evolutionary strategy”?

Then, he is tendentious. MacDonald presents Spanish conversos/Marranos from 15th and 16th C as ethnically-racially homogeneous group. A part of them must have stayed that way- it is perfectly natural that forcibly converted people (who had already possessed their written culture & rituals) will adopt chameleon-like behavior. So did Moriscos, forcibly converted Muslim Arabs. So, it’s not about specific Jewish traits; it is about religious violence & natural resistance of people who had found themselves on the receiving end of pressure for religious conformity. MacDonald implies that many, perhaps most Marranos succeeded in surviving Inquisition in next 2-3 centuries. True, some Marranos have succeeded to retain their identity & emigrate later to the Netherlands or Ottoman empire, but most of them vanished into broader Iberian societies.

Conspicuously, MacDonald has glossed over the fact that most Jewish Germans in the 19th C had been assimilated with high percentage of intermarriage. Marranos in 16th C did-at least a part of them-tried to retain their separate identity. Not so in early 19th C Germany, where many Jews had voluntarily been baptized & completely assimilated into German society-no Jewish separatism & tribal behavior. No “Jewish Christian” secret societies, clannish behavior, endogamous marriages…
Mendelssohn family simply disappeared among other Germans.

How so if they’re eternally alien ethnic group? Where I can see that famous survival strategy? This “strategy”, it seems, leads only to obliteration of a separate national identity.

Or, after all, Einstein (whose descendants are not Jews) was right: If it were not for antisemitism, Jews would have dispersed like leaves in the wind.

* I’m saying that people have family and friends and family friends. I’m saying that networking is important too. I’m just not fetishizing the Jewish aspect. There’s no conspiracy or secret code or plot or plan. The direction of causation is not from ethnicity to network but from individual and family links, which naturally have some correlation with ethnicity, to network.

Western Jews are, bar the ultra-orthodox, just as sadly atomised as other Western elites. The progressivism is not some facade or hypocrisy. It is entirely heartfelt just as it is also entirely ludicrous. My Rabbi comes across as a parody of a parody of a parody of a parody of a progressive, and in a room with only other Jews. Explicit ethnic networking is akin to being ‘literally Hitler’ in that context.

* 21st century Israel is unnaturally tolerant – too tolerant for its own good. The level of tolerance for enemies in the country is insane. Where there is a parliament, full of government paid politicians (with very high government salaries), calling for the country’s destruction during the middle of parliament session.

However, you cannot compare a 21st century Jewish country, with a Christian country of a different historical time period, in order to draw some eternal lessons. A medieval Jewish country, would likely not have behaved differently to a medieval Christian or Muslim country – likewise a 19th century and 20th century one. The current high toleration level is a product of the historical period.

In Israel’s case, it will also have to change or be a moderation in this liberalism in the future, if the country will not fracture (at some point the Arab minority will have to either become more loyal, at least to the extent of recognizing its existence and not agitating national destruction, or there will be civil war – which is already occurring on a lower level similar to in Dagestan today).

* The far-right groups get imprisoned, and the Shin Bet spends a lot of its time monitoring them (to the extent that their failure in predicting the early part of the Second Intifada was blamed on how many resources they spent on monitoring the domestic far-right). In case of some unpleasant Nazi-style groups like Lehava – who now will get imprisoned even for waving their flag on the streets. I can not say I exactly feel sorry for them, as these groups really are unpleasant, even if they do vent a genuine anger of the population at the situation.

The ruling or elite attitude in Israel is one of suicidal tolerance. That is not to say, one or other side (Arabs or Jews) don’t have a legitimate historical claim to the land, or that one is right and the other is wrong. A fair case can be made for both sides in the conflict.

But who has historical claim is rather irrelevant. It is a country situated in between low-level war between two groups (Jews vs Arabs), in which one group (Jews) has a portion of the enemy group (Arabs) inside the territory it commands (Israel), and the culture shock you will experience is from the insane level of tolerance for the enemy within that territory – having them giving weekly speeches about destroying the country inside the parliament, while receiving a very large government salary.

I don’t think this has historical precedent, and what allows it is a genuine hardcore of liberalism in the European Jewish population within Israel, where you will see tolerance for the enemy worshiped as an almost religious value, and protected by self-appointing Supreme Court (which is the center-case of the Jewish liberalism movement there, aside from the media and the leadership of the army who are extremely liberal as well in domestic politics).

How this situation compares to some topic on Western European countries? It doesn’t as it’s not an analogous situation. Where in Europe is a situation like this? Perhaps in the former Yugoslavia. The point is not to make a comparison to the West. But just to say that there is a hardcore level of liberalism in Israel, which is a real culture-shock to me.

Any ethnonationalist that idealizes Israel, will be extremely disappointed by the reality of the country if they would visit. There are certainly policy proposals (like fence building) which can be taken as very sensible, but then more than enough others- lack of parliamentary sovereignty, ultimate rule by a self-selecting liberal Supreme Court, and a post-nationalist media – which would only delight the strongest liberals.

If you walk in South Tel Aviv (I don’t recommend it), it is already as populated by illegal immigration as any of the worst parts in London or Paris. It feels like you are in Sudan for the whole area. It was already very backward and poor before they came though, but it used to be populated the Arab Jews and now it is endless blocks of African illegal immigrants (both Muslim – women in hijab – and Christian from Eritrea). I personally also saw a group of Central Asian Muslim (I guess illegal) immigrants there.

(When I walked through there, I actually feel sorry for the African illegal immigrants and kind of identify with them. They are certainly not enemies of the country, and many of them are not criminals, but working legitimately. I took some interesting photos last week of these people. But on a rational basis the situation is bad. You think that you are in Sudan. Guys are pissing in the streets and it has a feeling of chaos.)

On the other hand, the government is promising to deport illegal immigrants and has built a fence which has successfully stopped the flow.

And then finally, you have the Supreme Court, which has spent years trying to block any repatriation of illegal immigrants, and with media applause.

^ So you have the complicated reality which probably I have over-simplified. An extreme liberalism at the top (Supreme Court), and the elites (media). But also at the same time enough ‘red-neck’ thinking people in the general population (living mainly in the periphery of the country, and with core support from Middle Eastern Jews, national religious and Russian-speakers – all the ‘rabble’ of the country) who want to deport illegal immigrants.

* There are a lot of contradictions like this. Often cited the Nazi style marriage. For example, I would not be able to marry a Jewish – or Muslim or Christian – woman in Israel, even if I settled there for permanently, as only religious marriage is possible – only existing between people who have Jewish maternal grandparents, or between people who belong to Muslim or Christian communities. On the face of it, it seems like a Nazi style restriction (although it is typical in the region – the same thing is in Lebanon). But then you have to reconcile fact that in Israel you see more interracial couples than anywhere I’ve seen in the world. They are engaging in a mass interracial marriage project, with white guys and brown girls, and vice versa all over the place. The kind of traditional skin-based racism is undoubtedly one of the lowest in the world (the average groups of friends walking in the street are multi-racial).

These kind of contradictions can go on and on, and which makes it quite exotic (from distance I am somewhat horrified of Israel, but once I get off the plane I am fascinated and an undeniable fan of it).

* *January 2003, The New York Sun’s David Twersky reported:

According to Mr. Kohr, AIPAC’s successes over the past year also include guaranteeing Israel’s annual aid package and “quietly” lobbying Congress to approve the use of force in Iraq.”

*And that’s not the only instance in which AIPAC’s support of the Iraq War has been reported.
In April 2003, Nathan Guttman reported for Haaretz:
AIPAC is wont to support whatever is good for Israel, and so long as Israel supports the war, so too do the thousands of the AIPAC lobbyists who convened in the American capital.

*That same April, The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reported that AIPAC’s Steve Rosen, serving as a panel moderator during the group’s annual conference, exclaimed, “God willing, we’re going to have a great victory in Iraq.”

*Jeffrey Goldberg, writing in The New Yorker in 2005, reported that AIPAC “lobbied Congress in favor of the Iraq war, but Iraq has not been one of its chief concerns.”

*In 2007, then-Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), told Tikkun Magazine that AIPAC has pushed [the Iraq war] from the beginning. I don’t think they represent the mainstream of American Jewish thinking at all, but because they are so well organized, and their members are extraordinarily powerful—most of them are quite wealthy—they have been able to exert power.”

* It’s a shtetl in Poland in the eighteenth century. There’s a storm and the snow is driving. Old Abraham Moskowitz is dying, and he knows the end is coming soon. So he says to his son “Fetch a priest, before it’s too late”. His wife says “Surely you mean the rabbi, dear?”. Abe says “No, I said a priest and I meant a priest! Now go!”; the son leaves. The wife says “Abraham, are you going to abandon the faith of your fathers? How can you do this?” The man says: “What are you, crazy? You want the rabbi should miss his dinner and come out in this snow?”

* I always chuckle when I hear the American Jews referred to as either the
German or the Russian Jews. This is another attempt at a Jewish reinvention
of history. They want to be associated with large countries like Germany or
Russia, when in fact the vast majority came here from the former territories
of the Polish-Lithuanian Comonwealth but to be associated with eastern Poland,
Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania is to admit a lowly origin, and we mustn’t have that.
But just looking at the oafish, boorish, and heavy-handed behavior by people
like Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken shows the lowly origins of most
American Jews. Aristocratic people don’t behave like that.

I think Russian bloggers like The Saker, and less so Karlin, are naive about the
United States. They don’t understand why there is so much hatred toward Russia
in the NY Times, and the mainstream media in general. The hatred is almost
comical. Someone should write a learned treatise on various types of Jewish
bigotry (antigentilism). The bigotry is very specific. It’s directed primarily
against the Slavs, mostly the Russians and the Polish, i.e., it takes the form
of Russophobia and antipolonism.

The simplest way to demonstrate Jewish bigotry is to look at how
the Hollywood Jews portray the Slavs on television. A couple of examples:

– Read the book “Hollywood’s War With Poland (1939-1945)” (2010) by
Biskupski. At the time when Poland was fighting for its survival and
America was on its side, Hollywood never missed a chance to portray Poland
in a negative light;

– Television Show “All in the Family” (1971-79) has a major character Michael
Stivic (aka Meathead), (of course, portrayed by a Jewish actor Reiner) who
is basically the butt of jokes in the show. This was at the time when the Polish
jokes, often written by Jewish bigots, were at their peak. Stivic is a Polish
Catholic in the show;

– Television Show “The Big Bang Theory” (2007- ) has a major character
Bernadette Rostenkowski, again portrayed by a Jewish actress Rauch.
Bernadette is a Polish American. She may be well educated but is about as
unpleasant a character as one can get, even by TV standards.

– Since the 1990s there have been constant portrayals of the Russian mafia on
U.S. television. They’ve become safe go-to villains. Of course, the Americans
who cannot even distinguish Russians from Ukrainians, would never assume
that the most over-represented group in the “Russian” mafia are the Jews. At
the same time, while Israel is one of the world’s biggest centers of criminal
activity and human trafficking, I don’t recall shows portraying Israeli Mafia

To summarize, just like there is a flight from white, the vast majority of
the American Jews are in a psychological flight from their lowly origins
in Slavic Europe, lest someone think they might be part Slavonic, even
part Polish. You mean our Germanic names like Weinstein
or Lauer can no longer protect us? Quelle horreur!

* In your account you’re forgetting that 50% of the U.S.
Jews are not college educated. In 1900 in New York City
most of the prostitutes were Jewish. Jewish men were
overrepresented in organized crime until the 1950s.
They have advanced socially since then but still I’ve
known some Jewish roofers, etc. And the Orthodox and
Ultra-Orthodox in the U.S. are poorly educated, and
often on welfare.

* I wonder what percentage of the world’s Jews could
be described as antigentilist. Somebody should develop
a test for that. So on one hand, we have antisemitism,
and on the other we have antigentilism. Have we made
any progress? We are all simply tribal, and that’s perfectly
normal. History of the last 300 years demonstrates that
we haven’t advanced much beyond the level of smart chimps
– we are territorial, status-seeking, and tribal just like chimps.
Jews behave like smart chimps as much as anybody else.
Studies have shown that they are in fact the most ethnocentric
group in America.

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