WSJ: The Theory Behind That Charlottesville Slogan ‘The Jews will not replace us,’ they chanted. What do they mean, ‘replace us’?

Oxford PhD student Nathan Cofnas responds to my inquiry: “Miller might be right–he probably is right–but this article standing alone is not very convincing. These half-baked refutations of MacDonald aren’t really helpful.”

Abraham Miller (retired political science professor) writes in the Wall Street Journal:

He further argues that Jews are genetically programmed to undermine Christian civilization. Intellectual movements such as multiculturalism and liberalism serve, in his view, to heighten Jewish advantage because a Christian majority mired in a multicultural society is less likely to foster anti-Semitism.

Which brings us to his explanation of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965. Mr. MacDonald claims that Jewish communal organizations led the effort to enact the law, which eliminated preferential quotas for Western European immigration and increased the total number of immigrants. That led to an increase in non-European immigration. In Mr. MacDonald’s view, the act started the “replacement” of white Christians by a more ethnically diverse population.

It is true that Jewish communal organizations are major supporters of multiculturalism. Then again, so are most mainstream churches, on both sides of the papal divide. Christian communal groups loudly extol their commitment to inclusion and diversity.

But Jewish leadership was neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for the passage of the 1965 immigration law. Rather, a liberalizing wave had already swept the West in the decades after World War II, bringing an end to colonialism and informing U.S. competition with the Soviet Union. In this context, America’s 1924 immigration law, which favored Western European immigration, had become an international embarrassment.

As early as 1952, President Harry Truman appointed a Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, whose report served as the foundation for the 1965 act. The report affirmed the country’s need for workers, but and it was highly critical of the foreign-policy problems caused by the then-current immigration policy. The report specifically cited Radio Moscow’s use of America’s exclusionary immigration policy to spread anti-Americanism in Asia, especially Korea.

The 1965 law’s chief sponsors were Sen. Philip Hart of Michigan and Rep. Emanuel Celler. Hart was Catholic; Celler had three Jewish grandparents and one Catholic one. Would Mr. MacDonald say Celler’s Jewish and Catholic genes were in conflict over immigration policy?

One of the most significant provisions of the act allowed chain migration, in which immigrants sponsor family members to come to America. Rep. Michael A. Feighan of Ohio, a conservative Democrat and Catholic, was responsible for this measure. He saw chain migration as promoting family values.

The bill passed overwhelmingly, with support from 85% of Republicans and 74% of Democrats. Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Catholic, was a major proponent and legislative orchestrator of the bill. President Lyndon Johnson, who belonged to the Disciples of Christ, signed the bill at the Statue of Liberty. Jewish support was not the key to its passage. The bill was widely popular—and more so with Republicans, even though most Jews, then as now, were Democrats.

From the WSJ comments:

* The multicultural theory makes no sense. How does bringing in millions of Muslim immigrants who are bigtime Jew-haters help the Jews advance their supposed master plan? Doesn’t seem to be working out too well for the Jews of France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, etc. Who are facing Pogrom levels of danger with the daily harassment, threats and assaults on their communities.

* Our 1924 law had become an “international embarrassment”? That is a good reason for change?

What is missing in the article is emphasis on the year of the new law’s passage: 1965. That was a year of massive righteousness about sins, real or imagined. Medicare and the Voting Rights Act were passed that year too, were they not? Chain migration from Mali was favored over the immigration of able Europeans. That was not rational policy; it was fanciful self-righteousness, perhaps even the birth of multiculti, with unforeseen but forseeable outcomes.

* Nicholas Wade, in his book Before the Dawn, advances a theory to the effect that the exclusion of European Jews from agriculture and most trades effectively confined them to economic activities that required highly expressed intellectual traits. This would have occurred over a short period (seven or eight centuries).

In defense of this idea, Wade points out that many of the dangerous genetic diseases that occur far more frequently among Ashkenazi Jews than among other populations also correspond closely with highly expressed intellectual traits. That fits the model of a hastily evolved response to a harsh environment.

* All this paranoia and suspicion about a religion that is rapidly assimilating and at the current rate will soon lose almost all distinction from the dominant, post-Christian culture.

* Not necessarily true. Orthodox Jews remain true to their faith and vehemently oppose miscegenation, which the Old Testament characterizes as a sin.

“Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with two kinds of seed; lest the fullness of the seed which thou hast sown be forfeited together with the increase of the vineyard.” -Deuteronomy 22:9.

* This is a strange opinion piece, given that the Charlottesville events were quite some time ago, and that the essay ends up talking about the 1965 Immigration Act for the most part.

I would interpret the slogan as follows: “the Democratic party, the MSM, the universities, and the entertainment industries are run by those, including a highly disproportionate percentage of Jewish people, who have a common, conscious agenda of reducing whites to a cultural and literal minority in the US”.

As for this – “It is true that Jewish communal organizations are major supporters of multiculturalism.” -, this does not seem to be the case in Israel, does it?

Kevin MacDonald vs Nathan Cofnas (3-29-23)

JQ Debate: Nathan Cofnas Critiques Kevin MacDonald (4-17-18)


Nathan Cofnas: Still No Evidence for a Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy (1-8-23)

Nathan Cofnas Interview March 20, 2018

JF Gariepy’s Review Of The Nathan Cofnas Critique

JF Gariepy’s Review Of The Nathan Cofnas Critique II

The Cofnas Critique Gets A Challenge From Historian J. Otto Pohl (2-16-19)

The Cofnas Critique Gets A Challenge From Historian J. Otto Pohl II

Oxford University’s Nathan Cofnas Critiques KMAC’s Culture Of Critique Book (3-10-18)

Posted in Alt Right, Jews, Kevin MacDonald | Comments Off on WSJ: The Theory Behind That Charlottesville Slogan ‘The Jews will not replace us,’ they chanted. What do they mean, ‘replace us’?

Paul Nehlen Doxxed Ricky Vaughn (Douglass Mackey) Yesterday

From 4Chan’s Pol:

* Paul Nehlen has gone from challenging Paul Ryan for a seat in congress to being a Gab-tier white nationalist mud slinger engaged in the doxing of his political opponents.

TRS realizing they created an idiot by feeding red pills to a boomer.

Let me say this again, as a spic, I have never felt more comfortable in my future in this country. Watching the leaders of “white consciousness,” self-destruct is both a privilege and a pleasure.

* Paul Nehlen and Cantwell have gone full fucking retard. They are constantly getting gaslit on the gab echo chamber. 50% of the people they are interacting with are probably fucking feds for fucks sake.

Nehlen has been fucking toast for a while now. The fucking retard was supposed to run for office and talk about white issues. Not go on tangents about Jews in the pornography industry. He is truly a fucking moron and deserves absolutely nothing.

* Paul Nehlen went insane lol, this guy was a successful businessman with a family and money and now he is a gab white nationalist doxxing people who are mean to him online.

* Nah this is a classic case of knowing a shit ton of facts but not knowing what to do with them. Cantwell was always bound to go full retard with WN just like he did with HHH libertarianism. His only chance was to be deliberately shielded from some of this knowledge.

Should have just pushed Italian style fascism on him instead.

* Nehlen has OD’d on red pills and went off the deep end.

He’s a liability now who can’t be trusted with personal information, time to cut the cord.

* No decent person is going to be involved openly in radical politics. They were all burned the moment they called themselves white nationalists. The people who will make the changes they want will have heard their message and lived their lives appropriately having nothing to do with the alt right or white nationalist ‘movements’.

* Ironically Weev, who is a complete psycho, is actually the most tempered and intelligent of the bunch.

These guys were given basically the keys to the store, and allowed to gain influence. Both of them completely self destructed themselves in a damaging way, because they couldn’t handle the redpill.

I’ve seen this lots of times before. When you meet someone and look them in the eye, you always think well of them. You don’t realize that this person might actually be someone completely psycho. I know liberals who’ve met black people in their personal life have this same trusting forwardness, they never inquire further to find out what this black guy is doing in his personal time (robbing shit, selling drugs….etc)

What the TRS guys did to Cantwell was amazing, you forcibly converted him. But then you just opened the door for him to set up shop in your house, which was a bad move. The fact that he swung his ideology so radically with so little prompting should be evidence to how easily manipulated and suggestible he is, a very weak personality type to go right along with his jawline.

Paul Nehlen, I mean I thought this guy had it down pretty well. But then he just went off the reservation. I guess he got too sucked into the bubble of the movement, and stopped considering how he looked to outsiders. Part of the blame as to lie with him, but I think part of it is Jazzhands and others not giving him the proper direction to cool his jets.

You don’t want these people representing what you’ve got. Just look at the discussions we have on /pol/ they are funny, complex and interesting, and rich with historical knowledge. This kind of rich discussion is what should be happening on the alt-right. Instead it’s devolving, being weighed down by all this other bullshit. Is the ethno-state really your only idea? Warski even got bored of it, and he’s our guy.

* Yeah they can still affect things but the chain of influence right now goes like this.

0) Edgy memes generated for decades
1) Radical alt right elements expose kikes & anti whites
2) The message is moderated by alt right elements who aren’t full retards
3) These talking points then get picked over by tradthots & Cernovich types
4) Someone main stream like Tucker or a Fox anchor makes some dog whistles
5) Normies look into shit and discover all the memes, stories, etc and spread that shit.

This is pretty much how the South Africa stuff went down. As long as everyone plays their role in the chain it works but you can’t have motherfuckers overstepping themselves.

* Yea, the idea that Ricky Vaughn is some kind of master influencer controlling TRS and TDS, is wignat retardation.

Enoch and Anglin are disassociating their enterprises from the wignats because they’re objectively liabilities, proven by cuck box, Cantwell talking to feds, and now this doxxing, not because of Ricky Vaughn

* The alt right’s strategy is pretty much Jewish. For the most part they just want to rally and “raise awareness”, but when it comes to getting actual work done, they expect the goyim to do it for them. All they care about is networking and talking. When someone actually does something to destroy our enemies they disavow, disavow, disavow. They throw them under the bus. They are fucking autistic as hell too, they siphon money away from people to support their stupid podcasts instead of building up money to acquire territory and build infrastructure.


* Never go full Gab.

* I’m not new to the movement but I’m new to forums, paying attention to names/leaders, etc.

Was it always this toxic under the surface from jump?

This is just…I mean I think a man can be forgiven for using gay words like disgusting, vile, and gasp hateful.

* No, it’s never been like this. Even at the worst of infighting.

Most of that got solved by mutual separation, and wifegate never had them chasing after literally everyone.

* When I joined this thing everyone came together, working class and all, and showered Millenial Woes with moral support, money, and spare bedrooms with no time table.

Now we’re doxing our friends.

I’m texting mom and asking her if I should quit my time in HATE. Will report back.

* I’m definitely an optics-cuck, but Nehlen is an example of how even great external presentation can be pointless when you become a tactless sperg who forgets how to convince normal people of our ideas.

* I guess when we summoned the beast of white identity we should’ve thought about what would happen when it made its way down the bell curve lol. Oops.

* This isn’t an optics issue anymore, it’s behavior/actions. Optics is quite a bit further down the list of priorities.

* The “dox yourself and fight in the streets” cucks turn to doxing those they perceive as not on their team.

I regret i had but one dox to give, borthers.

Hopefully they are as inept at this as they are at activism and recruitment.

* Doxing is unforgivable, this shouldn’t even have to be said.

But reading through the thread I do have to say that there are a lot of us here that are optics-cucks personally(I always have conducted myself in a way that Anglin and RV would approve of) that are still very uneasy with attacking white advocates because the fire spreads out of control quickly. It took 1.0 20 or 30 years to destroy itself with infighting, at this trajectory we are looking at 2-3 years. It is a terrible strawman to lump anyone pointing this out in with TWP or siege-posters.

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CBC: Israel PM freezes UN deal to send African migrants to Western countries


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he was putting on hold an agreement with the UN refugee agency to relocate thousands of African migrants to Western countries.

Hours after announcing the deal, which was opposed by right-wingers as it would give thousands of migrants the right to stay in the country, Netanyahu posted a message on his Facebook page saying he was putting it on hold until further review.

According to the agreement, about 16,000 of 37,000 African migrants who entered the country illegally would be relocated to Western nations while others would be allowed to stay in Israel.

Steve Sailer writes: “This is reminiscent of the crazy deal that Australia struck with Obama that Trump got stuck with: Australia, like Israel, has shown a lot of backbone in resisting illegal immigration. But when the New York Times and its powerful allies started a campaign against Australian citizens’ right of democratic self-determination, Australia’s prime minister came up with the clever plan of dumping its illegal aliens on America.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Our great ally Israel says “Bite the pillow, I’m going in dry!”

* This will be portrayed in the Israeli media as a victory for the open borders forces (supported by US Jews), who will be happy if none of those 16,000 refugees ever actually leave. Who’s going to force them – the UN?

* They have to understand this isn’t going to stop the flow into Israel. You make it to Israel and get a free trip to Canada, isn’t that better than staying in Israel for the overwhelming majority of these economic migrants?

* My understanding of the deal between Australia and the US is that Australia take more Central Americans in return than the boat people and the US is given the right to vet them however they want, theoretically being able to accept none if they so choose. Turnbull basically tried to tell the last part to Trump in their phone call.

* The whole thing is unseemly, but ultimately it is the fault of Canada and the like for being so cucked that they would accept the migrants.

This century will be the century of African hot potato. I just wish that the first world could work together so that no one would have to take any of them.

* This is actually a complete surrender of Israel, we are going to grant visas to tens of thousands of infiltrators (there are always more ready to come out of the woodwork than are mentioned in these announcements), the UN promise of taking 16000 off our hands is completely empty, they have no power and no desire to do anything of the sort. But I’m glad that at least in Nazi-land, we’ve got everyone sewn up.

* It’s people in the West wagging their fingers at Israel for planning to deport them to Africa. The plan was popular in Israel polling 60% plus. Protests in Israel while large consisted of Africans & the usual suspects in the academic class.

Canada already agreed to take 500 or so. If the West is going to butt into the affairs of sovereign nations then why shouldn’t they take them?

Maybe the West should just shut up and leave countries alone? Brilliant master stroke by Netanyahu just wondering why he didn’t go for broke and dump all of them in Canada the rest of them?

* Apparently there was a lot of haggling with the UN behind the scenes. At first they only agreed to take 1 out of every 5 migrants.

This is not an alt-right scenario of Jewish ZOG domination, but yet another instance of national sovereignty being compromised by the liberal globalist order. Netanyahu wanted to start deporting Africans to Africa today, not to become beholden to the UN for the next five years. His base will be pissed off.

* According to the Israeli government, the flow into the country has largely been stopped by their Sinai fence. Of course, the lure of asylum in a more welcoming country than Israel may cause more Africans to try for the border in the hopes that the Israelis will let them in rather than permit them to die in the desert. A move that encourages attempted border-hopping seems quite odd in light of Israel’s recent defense of the Gaza border.

* Israel did want to get a rid of them all, and send them back to Africa but the UN put a stop to that. Some UN refugee and resettlement agency put a lot of pressure on the African countries that were going to take the uncooperative ones in exchange for cash.

* This isn’t a Jewish plan. Israel had been deporting them back to Africa, and built a wall that successfully stopped more from coming in.

The UN, which hates Israel, tried to stop the African nations from cooperating. This “compromise” was hatched by various UN members that are anti Israel and the EU which is the biggest funder of Israel’s enemies in the West Bank and Gaza.

This is all explained in this article and with background information about Israel’s african migrants amply covered.

But the knee-jerk anti Semites are too lazy to bother reading this.

* Seems like a raw deal for Israel.

Instead of deporting all 32,000+ illegal Africans back to Africa, Israel has instead agreed to grant residency rights to 16,000+ while attempting to foist the other 16,000+ on other western nations.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his political allies I think would have much preferred to stick with the original plan of deporting all the illegal Africans back to Africa. I suspect that “human rights” agitation on the part of the usual suspects made that plan unworkable in the end, so Netanyahu went for what he must have thought was the second-best deal: ‘if a bunch of busy-bodies are going to try to make this Israel’s problem, the least I can do is make it their problem as well.’

But Netanyahu has his priorities right: First build the wall and cut off the flow of all new illegal immigrants. Then try to deport as many existing illegal immigrants as possible. Only last do you hold your nose and cut a bad compromise deal covering the last remaining group within your borders.

President Trump can learn from this: First build the wall. Then deport everyone you can get your hands on. Then, finally, cut some idiotic deal to cover the remaining DACA-types whom you haven’t managed to dislodge. In that order.

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Color Lines: Is the ‘Alt-Right’ on Its Last Leg?

Spencer Sunshine writes:

Influence is difficult to quantify. But it seems to me—someone who has been tracking White nationalism for more than a decade—that the alt-right has declined after Charlottesville. With the arrests, job and education losses and mainstream ostracism of often young participants, alt-right organizing projects have moved from celebratory to cautious. There have also been material consequences. In particular, numerous digital platforms suspended alt-right accounts. The top neo-Nazi alt-right website, the Daily Stormer, was driven to the edges of the Internet.

Richard Spencer, the alt-right’s poster boy for intellectualizing White supremacy, tried to turn the situation around with what he called a “Danger Zone Tour” of universities. Many of the early 2017 clashes were at universities, and the publicity fueled the alt-right. But Spencer’s tour was a bust. Last April, he successfully forced Alabama’s Auburn University to host him and hundreds of students attended. But by October 2017, his University of Florida in Gainesville talk was met with a one-two punch of clashes outside the school and heckling, Spencer stormed off the stage. After the talk, some of his followers were arrested for shooting at anti-racists. Spencer’s next appearance, at Michigan State University in March 2018, cemented his downward spiral. A lawyer that Spencer was working with, Kyle Bristow, resigned after media scrutiny. Clashes broke out outside of the venue, but only a handful of students actually attended the talk.

Matthew Heimbach, whose TWP provided security to Spencer at Michigan State, tried to get in on the collegiate speaking action in February. He gave a talk called “National Socialism or Death” at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville that was supposed to be the first in a tour, but the crowd was mostly non-student supporters and media.

Heimbach’s TWP had been a steady source of support for Spencer’s rallies. It was an unusual alliance—the two had had a falling out previously, and Heimbach was close to the older KKK and Nazi skinhead groups that Spencer has distanced himself from. But Heimbach led the only group White nationalist group that would consistently bring a couple dozen members out who would be willing to engage in fisticuffs. Groups that had fought alongside White nationalists during the clashes at the beginning of 2017, such as Gavin McInnes’s Proud Boys and right-wing paramilitary groups like the Oath Keepers, didn’t want to be seen with Spencer. And while Spencer was good at grabbing headlines, he didn’t show any talent as a political organizer. Identity Evropa, an alt-right group that adopted his preppy aesthetic, took a decidedly non-confrontational turn after Charlottesville. Spencer broke with them by forming his own group, Operation Homeland, which hasn’t gained any traction.

Shortly after Spencer’s disastrous Michigan appearance, Heimbach’s party disintegrated in a sex scandal. The married man was arrested on March 13 for battery, domestic battery committed in the presence of a child, strangulation and intimidation after he was caught having an affair with the wife of Matthew Parrott, his group’s spokesperson and web administrator. Parrott—who is also Heimbach’s father-in-law—resigned and said he was destroying the party’s website and membership records. While the TWP has not officially disbanded, it’s hard to imagine Heimbach making a comeback soon. Spencer is now left without reliable security.

These blows seem to have hit an already flagging alt-right hard. Spencer moaned to the media that “antifa is winning.” The alt-right’s ability to raise money has been greatly curtailed since most online donation-processing sites have shut them out. Only the small outlet MakerSupport continues to work with them.

Spencer and others are parties are the targets of a major lawsuit filed in the aftermath of Charlottesville. Arrests have piled up for alt-right activists. And their reputation for violence is mounting: the Southern Poverty Law Center claims that more than 100 people have been “killed or injured by alleged perpetrators influenced by the so-called ‘alt-right.’” The movement’s attacks on women’s participation—and accusations of abuse, including by Heimbach—have limited their recruitment possibilities.

Doxxing has isolated those who are not hardcore movement activists. While there was concern earlier in the year that Trump had re-normalized White nationalism to pre-Civil Rights Movement levels, the continued loss of employment and educational opportunies by people outed as White nationalists have shown this not to be true. In mid-March 2018, a Wells Fargo mortgage broker lost his job in Portland, Oregon, after an antifa group doxxed him. Uncommitted followers seem to be scared off at the possibility of losing their livelihood leaving only hardcore racist activists in the movement.

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What Would The Alt Right Look Like If It Were Run On Spiritual Principles?

What would the Alt Right look like if it was primarily a spiritual movement run on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions? It couldn’t be in worse shape than it is now.

When my computer isn’t working right, I shut it down and restart.

As the Alt Right collapses, I wonder if its supporters will undergo a similar process. Stop what they’re doing, pause, ponder and go in a new direction under new leadership.

What if the Alt Right operated by the spiritual principles of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions? Something like this?

1. We admitted we were powerless over demographics—that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Is there any benefit to believing that there is something greater than yourself in the universe? I think so.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

Or you could take direction from the people you meet on 4Chan.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Instead of taking the moral inventory of out-groups, how about we begin with ourselves? Not other people. Us.

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

What if we admitted our defects of character to another person? Would that help ground us in reality? Would members of the Alt Right be better off facing where they were selfish, self-seeking, dishonest, inconsideration and fearful?

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive Alt Righters, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Instead of posting provocative flyers and spamming and trolling and provoking and triggering, we instead worked on our own character and developed a superior way of life that attracts people to us rather than repels 98% of normies.

The 12 Traditions of Alt Right Anonymous:

1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon Alt Right unity.

Instead of inviting the New York Times to follow you around for six months while knowing that you have been lying about your service in Iraq (aka Eli Mosley), you instead asks what is best for the cause rather than seek to feed your own delusions of grandeur?

2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority–a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.

3. The only requirement for Alt Right Anonymous membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt.

4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other Alt Right groups.

5. Each group has but one primary purpose–to carry its message to the Alt Righter who still suffers.

6. An Alt Right Anonymous group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the Alt Right name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.

7. Every Alt Right group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

8. Alt Right Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

9. The Alt Right, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.

10. The Alt Right has no opinion on outside issues; hence the Alt Right name ought never be drawn into public controversy.

What if Alt Righters had the attitude that they should never be drawn into matters of public controversy? What if they went about their cause with humility and stayed in their lane?

11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.

I remember a lot of Alt Righters like Matt Heimbach, Matt Parrott and Eli Mosley whose delusions of grandeur did far more damage to their cause than these individuals could possibly repair.

12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

What if the Alt Right emphasized encouraging and understanding their enemies rather than making war on them? What if the Alt Right concentrated on providing support and comfort to those victimized by the current multiculti regime?

Kevin MacDonald vs Nathan Cofnas (3-29-23)

JQ Debate: Nathan Cofnas Critiques Kevin MacDonald (4-17-18)


Nathan Cofnas: Still No Evidence for a Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy (1-8-23)

Nathan Cofnas Interview March 20, 2018

JF Gariepy’s Review Of The Nathan Cofnas Critique

JF Gariepy’s Review Of The Nathan Cofnas Critique II

The Cofnas Critique Gets A Challenge From Historian J. Otto Pohl (2-16-19)

The Cofnas Critique Gets A Challenge From Historian J. Otto Pohl II

Oxford University’s Nathan Cofnas Critiques KMAC’s Culture Of Critique Book (3-10-18)

I was provoked to these crazy thoughts by looking at the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hate Watch, which links to all these stories about the Alt Right imploding, including this one:

From Splinternews:

([Kyle] Bristow, it seems, could dish it out—but could not take it. “Seems strange to me that you’d think I’d need to utilize the services of the Lügenpresse in order to educate the public about something,” he wrote in response to my request for a press pass, using a Nazi slur meaning ‘lying press.’ “You and your ilk have zero rights at FMI’s events, and you will have even less rights in the forthcoming ethno-state. What I mean by this is the worst thing imagineable, and what this is I will leave to your imagination.” A month later he resigned from FMI.)

Matt Parrott, before he discovered his wife’s alleged affair with Heimbach and quit the party, echoed the sentiment. “The antifa have actually pretty much succeeded in achieving what the progressive left cannot, which is fully and finally deplatforming the hard right. That’s no small victory,” he wrote a day after the MSU demonstration. “They demoralized and disabled the majority of the altright, driving most of them off of the streets and public square.”

In the weeks before he retired from the Alt Right in the most self-pitying pathetic way possible, Kyle Bristol was taunting journalists all over Twitter and threatening genocides. Then a little later, he was crying uncle. How did he make such a dramatic about face? Because the guy wasn’t grounded. One minute he’s threatening to unleash another Holocaust and the next minute he just wants to be left alone. He doesn’t live his life on spiritual principles. He’s not grounded in reality. Humility means living in reality. Humiliation means being caught living outside of reality. Kyle Bristow got humiliated.

Matt Heimbach, Matt Parrot and the Traditional Workers Party destroyed themselves by not living life according to spiritual principles. One minute Heimbach believes he’s America’s fuhrer and is getting soaked by “Hail Heimbach” adulation, and the next minute he’s up inside his father-in-law’s wife and then choking out his poppa and threatening his wife and getting arrested.

When Alt Righters such as Kyle Bristow threaten new holocausts, they are invigorating the opposition. Every act we take brings reaction. Bristow trolled and got destroyed in return. He was arrogant and then he was whipped. One type of behavior leads to the other.

When Richard Spencer announced his dream of a white ethnostate, he unleashed a powerful opposition that has swamped him. If instead Spencer had stayed humble and ambiguous and away from IRL (in real life) activity, the Alt Right would still be known as merry pranksters rather than Nazis.

When a movement is obsessed with optics, it means it does not like the reality of who it is. A movement debating optics means a movement denying reality.

I was just in the parking lot of a small shopping center where an old man (in a yarmulke, no fingers) with his wife in a Prius appeared frozen. An SUV behind them honked once. Then that driver got out, walked over to the old man and asked him if he needed help. What a different approach from the Alt Right’s trolling. The SUV driver didn’t keep honking, didn’t scream or curse at the old man, instead he offered to be of service. What if the Alt Right was primarily known as a group primarily interested in being of service?

I’ve never had a rabbi ask me how I believed about God. Judaism is a tribe. Rabbis look out for the best interests of the tribe. My rabbis wanted to know if I had a job, a good job, a nice place to live, health care, counseling, a match, friends, a comfortable place in the community. They looked out for my welfare.

What if the leaders of the Alt Right put first the welfare of their supporters?

During recessions, congregational rabbis have often spent most of their time findings jobs for their flock. What if Alt Right leaders such as Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor helped their supporters find good jobs?

When a Jew is out of a job or in trouble or struggling with his health, he’ll typically turn to his rabbi for help. Why can’t Alt Right leaders become rebbes to their followers? Everybody needs a rebbe, a 12-step sponsor, an action partner you check in with every day to discuss your plans for moving towards your vision, and an action group to check in with every month. As iron sharpens iron, so too one man sharpens another.

If the Alt Right were run by rabbis, they’d warn their members to not say or do anything likely to harm their relationships with their family, their friends, their community, their work and their education. Rabbis never send their congregants out as cannon fodder in the face of superior opposition. If you were likely to get beaten up at a rally, rabbis would never send you out there to get hurt. If any Jew was talking to his rabbi about taking a controversial public stand that would likely cost him his job, the rabbi would always tell him not to do it. If a Jew asked a rabbi about participating in a demonstration that would likely cost him his job and his family, the rabbi would tell him not to do it.

How do Jews react to would-be converts? They discourage them because they know the damage such a conversion will likely do to the convert’s relationships with his family and friends. Rabbis aren’t eager to break up families. In Judaism, almost anything is permissible if it will lead to shalom bayit (peace in the home) and almost anything is permitted if it will save a life. Living in peace and tranquility and prosperity is a premium value in Judaism and the thought of giving that away for political activism is crazy from a Jewish perspective.

The most common reaction I get from Jews to my conversion is what did it do to my family? Rabbis don’t want to destroy families, including non-Jewish families.

When Jesus encouraged people to leave behind their families to follow him, and to allow the dead to bury the dead, he was speaking outside of Judaism.

When Jews become increasingly religious, rabbis watch out for the person harming his relationships with friends, family and work. If a person is going in a downward spiral as he becomes more religious, rabbis will do all they can to stop it. If your growing Torah observance is not enhancing your life, you are doing something wrong. So too if your growing involvement in the Alt Right is causing a loss of family and friends and income, you’re doing it wrong. Taking the red pill should mean you make more money, not less, that you have better relations with your family, not worse, that you have more standing in your community, not less.

You should never drop more red pills on a person than they can handle just as rabbis would never encourage a person to go around proselytizing Judaism in a way that angers other people. The path of Torah is the path of shalom. Torah scholars are supposed to increase peace in the world. Alt Right scholars should be laying out paths for people to grow in their Alt Right identity as they lead increasingly prosperous lives.

If ingesting the red pill is destroying your life, you’re doing something wrong and you should stop, take stock and seek guidance from someone wiser and more successful than yourself (such as a person making more than $100,000 a year).

If protesting for Zionism will get you fired, no rabbi will endorse that protest. If protesting for Zionism gets you shunned by your family, friends and community, your rabbi will tell you not to do it. Relationships matter. You don’t blow them up for your new political cause.

Rabbis would never had sent the Alt Right on to the streets when they were no resources to look after these people after they got hurt. Knowing how bad many Alt Right supporters would look to the general public, rabbis would have kept them away from IRL (in real life) activism knowing that their deportment would cause far more harm to the movement than good.

One professional Jew would do more for the Alt Right than 100 skinheads.

It’s amazing that the Alt Right has no money. Any moderately sized synagogue brings in more money per annum than the entire Alt Right.

From a Jewish perspective, Christianity is idolatry. Yet you will not find a Jew going around saying that. It’s just not done. It’s not how Jews comport themselves. It would be suicidal to go around telling Christians that they were idolaters while residing in their lands. So why would the Alt Right use Nazi language such as “lugenpresse” and “Hail victory” (English for Seig Heil)? Surely the AR realized this would increase their enemy’s intensity 100 times. Did the AR really expect that these Nazi whistles would increase their own membership and its enthusiasm 150 times? Impossible. Instead, this Nazi larping attracted a bad crowd and discouraged decent people from joining its ranks.

When Europeans found out about some of the negative things about goyim in the Talmud, they were not happy and started burning volumes of Jewish text. How did Jews respond? By trolling? No way. They tried to reduce tension by saying that those negative statements about “akum” (idolaters) were directed at people in the ancient world and did not apply to Christians today. Of course, this was a deliberate deception and even though rabbis may publicly say such things, everyone who’s based in the Talmud knows that these texts on “akum” are still widely applied to Christians. But that’s Jews talking to Jews. Jews don’t talk this way to the wider world. Jews see no reason to make the wider world angrier at them.

Why does the Alt Right package its movement in a way to maximize opposition when it could package itself in a way to minimize opposition? If the Alt Right became a spiritual movement, who’s going to get upset at a spiritual movement? There’s no incentive to destroy a spiritual movement centered around love and service.

Since Trump’s election, every major decision by Alt Right leadership has been a disaster and the AR has been publicly shown to attract the same criminally-inclined, violence-prone marginal men that have stocked neo-nazis groups for 60 years. To normies, these guys look like losers. It didn’t have to be this way. The Alt Right could have packaged itself as a bunch of smart high-achievers with a good sense of humor and a love of their own people.

From my emails and Youtube comments:

* Hi Luke,

This is to let you know how much I’ve been enjoying your recent livestreams on the subject of the alt-right.

I was surprised to realise that the Luke Ford interviewing Enoch, Striker, etc, was the same LF whose pornography gossip column I used to read in the late 90s. I was even more surprised then to discover that LF had undergone a spiritual conversion and was an Orthodox Jew and Alexander practitioner. (Having listened to you for several hours now I realise your conversion was not in any way recent.)

Funnily enough, you were my first ever ‘red pill’ – as you were featured on a late-night show on Channel 4 in the UK called DisinfoNation. You may remember it. Alongside plenty of salacious material related to pornography, the show aired a lot of controversial material which would almost certainly no longer be deemed acceptable today. There was a lot of counter-cultural, conspiracy stuff… and I leaped down the rabbit hole with zeal. That journey ended, some 15 years later, with the alt-right – via David Icke, Mormonism, Osho Rajneesh and all manner of weirdness.

I have a great deal of empathy with the ambivalence you evince for your tradition. I too have always sought to deconstruct whichever community has welcomed me, with often disastrous results, and have suffered accordingly. Thinking back on it, I remember this was an issue for you even in your porn days. I read several message threads on your old gossip site from starlets and others in ‘the industry’ questioning whether LF was ‘pro-porn’ or ‘anti-porn’. Nobody could seem to work our your motivation even then, and I see the same thing happening today amongst the alt-right. I admit I at first thought you were giving ‘our guys’ rope to hang themselves with – after all, Enoch needs no great encouragement to run his mouth off – but I know now that this is not the case. You have a great gift for empathy, and as one with a similar gift, I know authenticity when I see it.

P.S I enjoyed the Vegas Tenold book a lot. Did you catch the cameo from Striker right at the end?

Vegas Tenold writes in his book, Everything You Love Will Burn: Inside the Rebirth of White Nationalism in America:

As soon as I got there Matthew Parrot told me I had to leave. “Nazi Joe is here, and he’d be fucking pissed we invited a journalist. He’s going to come up and start something. You guys better get out.” As menacing a name as it was, I soon found out that “Nazi Joe” was an alias the TWP used for Eric Striker, undoubtedly another alias. Striker was a short, skinny kid with a big head and cartoonish features who liked to rant against Jews on the website the Daily Stormer. He was about as daunting as a very small dog, but his animosity spread among the usually bookish TWP crowd and, in some way I couldn’t quite put my finger on, altered the tenor of my relationship with the group. Matthew wasn’t there, but Striker said he spoke for him when he said I could stay but “the kike had to go.” I was taken aback by the aggression. It felt more like a skinhead gathering than a TWP party.

* Greetings:

I was still watching that episode with TTWL on Jews, Christians, and The West. I got to the part where you describe the example of the Jewish father who was willing to rent a date for his awkward son to take to the prom.

Now that the prodigal Manik is back in the fold, allow me to do my best (affectionate) Manik impression.

MB: “So, Luke, I was watching one of your older videos. I didn’t know Jewish fathers would be willing to rent Jewish girls for their son to take to the prom. Its even more surprising that a Jewish father would rent her daughter out for a prom date. That’s so generious.”

LF: “No, that’s not what he meant. No self-respecting Jew would prostitute his own daughter in such a way. Every Jewish father would know that. No Jewish man would ever think someone would rent their daughter out as a ‘date.’ He was going to rent a shicksa for his son.”

MB: “…”

LF: “…”

MB: “So if I got this right, it’s okay to rent non-Jewish girls for ‘enjoying the world,’ but not okay to rent out Jewish girls for people to ‘enjoy the world’ *with*.”

LF: “That’s right.”

MB: “And you don’t see a Jewish double-standard there?”

LF: “Oh, I do, but you have to understand….”

MB: “Btw, I’ve always wanted to know. What does ‘shicksa’ mean?”

LF: “It’s just a Yiddish word for a non-Jewish woman.”

MB: “Yeah but what’s the origin, I mean, what’s the connotation.”

LF: “You actually don’t want to know.”

MB: “…”

LF: “…”

MB: “Okay.”

Me: Happy Easter.

If Judaism sees the purpose to be enjoyment of this life and this earth, then how come so much of Jewish tradition is focused on suffering? Both secular-modern and religious tradition seems to focus on suffering, not enjoyment.

From Youtube’s recommendations I came upon the video of you and TruthWillLive taking about Jews, Christians, and the West. I didn’t get my answer of why LA converted, but this came up.

Looking at it from the pov of an idolatrous Christian outsider who is actually Jewish-friendly despite no longer wanting you lot involved in anything having to do with intellectual and cultural pursuits that impact us idolaters,* Judaism does seem more worldly, but otoh it seems, behaviorally – believe demonstrated in action – that Jews were put on this Earth to kvetch.

*Except I also have a dichotomy on this because I would happily join arm-in-arm with Orthodox Jews like yourself to suppress the poz (peacefully, of course. If the Dragnet is watching my mails and hoovering everything up into its big data vacuum in Utah, the following is for them [I am sure LF already understands and agrees]: I do not for a second advocate the initiation of aggressive violence against anyone, only our right of self-defense against aggressors, mass rapists, pillagers, invaders, despoilers of civilization, people who openly, candidly say they want those related to me and who I love gone/eliminated, and any other force or element normally considered subject to just response to, proportionate to whatever is needed to prevent them from engaging in it ever again – “Never Again” is for me and mine, too; and I welcome self-defensive alliance with those like LF who also want to save their people from this rising tide of hostile actors).

* The AR need to, en mass, convert to orthodox Judaism. They can then create internet content to their heart’s content w/ no fear of censorship or de-platforming. Simple.
If you are in the UK, replace Orthodox Judaism w/ Islam. Same results, guaranteed.

* I have empathy for JF (I have not been physically promiscuous, it’s not that kind of empathy), and for Heartiste (who you mentioned), and indeed for the women. “They know not what they do.” Heartiste does, though (so my empathy is of a different sort). I read Heartiste fairly prolifically for a few years, and you can tell he’s a disillusioned romantic. He knows that these activities are not making things better. But he’s caught in the world we live in, not the world he’d rather have lived in. A great quote from Centennial comes to mind: “fish can decide which way to swim. But they cannot stop the river.”

Back to my main point: these things become mutually-reinforcing, socially-undermining processes. It’s a spiral. Was promiscuity a first cause? Or simply evidence of? I don’t know if it was the *first* cause of our social disorder or decay. But once unleashed (and it *was* unleashed) it is a contributory factor. My guess is there is a reason why we became susceptible to the bad (deliberately bad) intellectual seduction to engage in it. But once unleashed it moves the process along.

My mother and I have talked about this in other contexts, and in the contexts of what’s happening in the UK (and likely here): all of our girls have been “pre-groomed” before the “Grooming” (or PUA seduction) takes place. And it does not make things better. It has not made individuals or society better off. It has not made people happier (happiness is a poor metric anyhow; “Utilitarianism” is wrong. But that is a whole new topic so I won’t go into it). It’s made family life (the building block of a healthy society) less stable, and it’s made social relations less stable. It’s just bad. But people engage in it and also as a symptom of/result of other factors, too. (Though we, of course, are all also individually responsible for our conduct; so, that part said, my sympathetic empathy is severely tempered as well).

* I have a real problem with Kevin McDonald’s explanation for Jewish behavior. I understand he is an evolutionary biologist, but i don’t understand how you can argue a whole group of people engages in unethical behavior because of their “genes”. With E. Micheal Jones at least we have a cultural, theological and dare i say metaphysical explanation, which, whether true or not at least doesn’t imply that Jews are unethical and duplicitous by “nature”, but are so because of their culture and identity. This is the real Achilles heel of his entire argument, and it is also contradictory, because you cannot claim that Jewish behavior in unethical, only to imply ethics or morality do not exist, for that’s the logical conclusion of ascribing “evolutionary” causes to human behavior. And if Jews are unethical by nature, what solution can there be besides expulsion? And can we even make a moral case against them, if all they are doing is follow the dictates of their genetic programming, or what have you? How is this not purely deterministic thinking that does away with morality, free will and anything like that?

If Jews behave badly, they can only be brought to account if they can be made culpable of any bad behavior they engage in, which is to say that they DO have a choice to behave differently.

* “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” I think this quote sums up some of the more hyperbolic statements made by people on this stream including Luke and Hawley, the speaker in the video. I have a different theory for the current times we are in regarding the alt-right.

What we are witnessing right now is one era ending and a new one, one with far more turbulence and testing, beginning. The negative feeling that many are starting to get is not going to be ending soon, but they are eventually going to get stronger resistance to it until they will be nearly immune. The entire movement itself will become stronger and more immune to negativity it faces from the outside of it. That is because this will be a time of conflict, in-fighting, debating, scrutiny, shedding of dead weight, and overall, this will be the transition from a figurative adolescence into adulthood. This will be the rite of passage era, and it will be do or die.

The first era, when it was in a figurative boyhood, it was based on memes and humor, it was immature and carefree, somewhat nihilistic, not much introspection, and many ideologies were lumped under the alt-right umbrella, warmly welcomed for a time. There was a lack of criticism from one of those ideas towards the other and this was not only accepted but encouraged temporarily. The movement was almost entirely outward facing and founded on memes and humor, ‘triggering the normies’ was the name of the game, and there was even a temporary alliance with the more center-right groups and ideologies to get a President elected.

I think the first sign of this era ending was the TRS doxxing debacle. It was one of the first times that comes to memory where the alt-right had to do some introspection and it had to analyze itself. They had to decide what was acceptable, what was forgivable, who would stand on each side of the short-lived conflict, and what that meant for the potential for those two opposing views and how they wanted to approach the TRS situation to continue on together, if they could even consider themselves under the same umbrella. We then saw the same sort of situation happen during the alt-right’s “thotgate” and the inner debate on what the role of women should be going forward.

The days of ‘triggering the normies’ with memes are mostly over. It’ll always be a small part of it and will never just outright end completely, but it’s no longer effective in serving the current interests. I think we are in this situation right now where we have so many various ideas and approaches that are meant to deal with the problems that all parties involved agree need to be handled somehow. The acceptance of these factors we are facing in the world right now as “problems” for whites that need “solutions” – this is the only unifying adhesive that the label ‘alt-right’ can be created around.

Now it’s time for the alt-right to decide what it wants to be. What is the extent to which it will be able to find solutions that all parties identified as ‘alt-right’ can agree on and rally around? This is a question that will be causing a lot of debates and in-fighting within the movement itself in the coming months and years. It’ll face a lot of durability testing, specifically because of how these groups have learned to handle political conflict, turning these tactics in on each other will be messy.

If the alt-right can get through this, it comes out a man. It will go forward with a sense of solidarity and focus we have never seen from it before. Argumentation will be sharpened against groups and affiliations outside of the alt-right. It will come to mean something much less ambiguous. Those who will be considered alt-right will be much less hesitant and unsure of themselves. The fear to act, from the members who make up the movement, caused by the uncertainties that come with the ambiguous nature the alt-right was formed in, will eventually subside. The problems/solutions debated upon will have winning approaches emerge. The turbulence it will face will give those who brave the storm and come out the other side a seasoned perspective and an unshakable connection to the movement.

* I see a lack of resources as a huge limiting factor & I wonder why funding is so limited? Do you think the AR should make appeals to Gen-Xers & Boomers who were more aligned to the conservative, religious right of the 90’s? They have the money, but, seem unsure about supporting the atheistic/nihilistic elements present in the Alt-Right now. Is this something debated in the AR?

* A big reason why white people are in the position that we’re in is because other groups have taken advantage of our kindness and empathy. They view it as a weakness and as a consequence our lands are being invaded and we’re about to become extinct. We extended our hands out in friendship to the world and now the 3rd world is conquering us.

The biggest problem with the alt-right is that most white people have a heart. If whites were willing to do what is necessary to get the job done, like Jews, this would be over in a week. Morality, kindness, empathy, etc. these are things that have held back white people. Only the most ruthless and strong survive – that’s just the way it is. Other races win out because they’re willing to commit evil and evil is what gets ahead in today’s world.

And do you know how to make money in today’s world? Just tell people what they want to hear. Want to make love to an amazing woman? Just tell her what she wants to hear. Want that big job? Just tell the employer what he wants to hear. I was able to do this for a while with amazing results, but after a time, I felt empty and it bogged me down. In my nature I’m just too much of an honest person to pursue any serious wealth. Goodness, I’m finding it mentally draining just manipulating 50 people a day in my sales job to make ends meet, manipulating millions of “normies” isn’t something I can naturally do.

What the alt-right should learn from the Jews is that the majority of white people fail naturally at being evil. . . Yet our goodness is what kills us, we’re screwed.

* Defending our people isn’t evil, and in fact it is the highest moral good. Jews do what is good for the Jews and they see this as a good thing.
We must do the same.
Accepting our own demise is evil. Allowing our women to be raped is evil. Allowing the third world invasion is evil. Not standing up for our people is evil.

* The losing strategy was taking it off the internet in the same way and being serious about it.
Luke’s right that the real world activism should have been wholly positive, white bread, and passive.
The edgy humor when left alone to the internet helps redpill people Bigly. It’s the only taboo you aren’t allowed to touch socially and that is where comedy will eventually go. Leftists have usd humor to defang ever other tabooa nd push their narratives until they have more bugaboos than taboos.
It’s when people play NAZI for real instead of Larping to redpill that problems started to appear as established organizations and people with power could point to real life pictures of people and events alongside pictures of internet comments and create a plausible narrative of NAZI revival in the USA that Leftist loons would lap up with glee.

* My grandfather is a protestant pastor, my family extremely christian and have passed down hebrew names for generations, first born males all have the middle name Samuel. Coming into the alt-right was therefore difficult for me, my grandfather had no sons and as a theologian he is quite the philosemite and instilled that in me, I feel a deep understanding with Luke in that way having been raised to idolize a people and learn that they rarely have more than contempt for me and mine.

* Luke, I just watched your new 12 steps video and I like it. There are no real world leaders in the Alt-Right. Thought leaders yes, critics yes, and loads of media personalities, but no real leaders of men as of now. This is why nothing gets done and a lot of what you said was true. I’ve been watching your youtube videos for years.

If I may, I would suggest you check out this podcast recently that discussed this very subject. –> “REBEL YELL 311” . The boys host it.

Also, you really should listen to Musonius Rufus. It would be really cool if you could get him on your podcast and he is wicked smart. He is a Southern Alt-Right White Nationalist. Strangely enough while he recognizes the JQ, he shares a lot of your views about “Goy” responsibilty and has had Right-Wing Jews on his show many times before. This act and his unique more accepting views have gotten distance put between him and the other TRS personalities at various times over the years as the TRS guys have swung back in forth between the “wifegate” episode and the real world activism episodes.

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