Who Is Ricky Vaughn?

Luke O’Brien writes:

There was no mistaking Ricky Vaughn’s influence. He had tens of thousands of followers, and his talent for blending far-right propaganda with conservative messages on Twitter made him a key disseminator of extremist views to Republican voters and a central figure in the “alt-right” white supremacist movement that attached itself to Trump’s coattails. The MIT Media Lab named him to its list of top 150 influencers on the election, based on news appearances and social media impact. He finished ahead of NBC News, Drudge Report and Stephen Colbert. Mainstream conservatives didn’t know they were retweeting an avowed racist and anti-Semite, but they liked what Ricky Vaughn had to say.

“He did this thing that people connected to organized white nationalism have not been able to do ― walk both sides of the extremist line in the sand,” said Keegan Hankes, a data intelligence expert at the Southern Poverty Law Center…

On Monday, white nationalist Republican candidate Paul Nehlen, who is running against House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin, grew upset about criticism directed at him ― and seemingly not disavowed by Ricky Vaughn ― as the alt-right fragments under the weight of infighting, lawsuits and anti-fascist opposition. Two main camps have emerged: the real-world extremists who want to continue holding rallies and mixing it up in the streets, and the “optics cucks” who think the best approach to the mainstream is to keep pushing alt-right ideas through better propaganda. Ricky Vaughn is in the latter camp. And he hasn’t been shy about it.

“I’m dividing the movement between effective people and dumb losers,” he wrote on Gab, a social media platform overrun by white supremacists.

Amid all this infighting, an angry Nehlen dropped Ricky Vaughn’s real name:

Douglass Mackey…

Mackey is from Waterbury, Vermont, a small town of around 5,000 people in the middle of the state. His father, Scott, a lobbyist who focuses on tax policy affecting wireless communications and the digital economy, was a former legislative aide to the late U.S. Sen. Jim Jeffords (R-Vt.). When contacted by email, Scott told HuffPost that “this is a very difficult time for our family and I don’t have any comment.”

His mother, Kathleen, whom HuffPost reached by phone, also declined to speak about her son. “I don’t have anything to say at this time,” she said.

Mackey’s education is easier to trace. He went to Harwood Union High School, then nearby Middlebury College, where he competed on the track and field team for one season, running mainly the 800-meter distance. He graduated in 2011 with an economics degree.

After college, he moved to Brooklyn, New York, and took a job as an economist at John Dunham & Associates, an economic consulting firm that uses data to help clients “respond to threats and opportunities in the policy arena.” When reached by phone on Wednesday, the president of the company, John Dunham, confirmed that Mackey had been an employee there from April 2012 to July 2016, when he was terminated for reasons that Dunham could not reveal under New York labor laws. (A month earlier, the @RapinBill Twitter account was registered.)

Mackey appears to have moved that year into a two-bedroom apartment on Lexington Avenue in the Carnegie Hill neighborhood on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. That was certainly his residence by the time he voted, as a Republican, in the 2016 election, according to New York voter registration information.

By then, his apparent alter ego Ricky Vaughn had become a mighty pusher of propaganda, teaming up with other far-right operatives, such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, to spread racist lies and dangerous conspiracy theories.

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Exposed: This racist alt-right leader used to be a pro-LGBT beauty blogger

From Babe.net:

One of the most anti-Semitic, racist members of the alt-right used to be a beauty blogger who made make-up tutorials, babe can reveal. Bre Faucheux – a pseudonym – is a rising star of the alt-right who regularly spews bile about Jews, white pride and the “dangers” of black people. She’s got thousands and thousands of viewers, and shares extremist conspiracy theories like the Jews secretly control the government or black people “should go back to Africa.”

So her racist fanbase might be surprised to know that Faucheux, whose real name is Brittany Nelson, used to be a pro-LGBT beauty blogger who used to post make-up tutorials under the handle of Tribal Faerie.

Babe uncovered her real name and past life as a YouTuber when we noticed she used the same photo on a Pinterest account under Faucheux’s name and a Twitter account for Tribal Faerie.

Today Faucheux posts videos like I Want Our Future Children to be Raised White and How White Identity Cured Her Depression, and publishes garbage on her blog about Islam and white pride – a category on her blog is called “white genocide,” and it has post after post about how minorities are apparently out to kill white people.

But until early 2016, back when she was a beauty YouTuber called Tribal Faerie, Nelson posted advice about make-up innocuous advice about make-up, Lush bath bombs, nail varnish, being vegan, and cosplaying as a werewolf.

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Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right?

Jews & the Alt Right (4-4-18)

Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right? (5-3-18)

Jewstreaming: Jews & The Right (6-18-18)

Jews & The Alt Right: Luke Ford Talks To Joshua Seidel (12-27-16)

The Jewish Question essay posted by Ryan Faulk (but not written by him).

I notice that by and large on the Alt Right, there is no appreciation of the good things in Judaism, just as with Jews, there’s rarely any appreciation of the Alt Right.

In general, Jews don’t see any darkness in the Jewish tradition just as Nazis don’t see any beauty there.

For the Alt Right, the obsession of Jews is to destroy whites, but Europeans are not the obsession of Jews. Jews are the obsession of Jews. Judaism is far deeper than promoting multiculturalism in the West.

Just as most Orthodox Jews won’t admit there’s anything good in Christianity or Hinduism, most Alt Righters won’t admit there’s anything good in Judaism.

Why does the AR keep saying Jews are good at arguing? 1). Pilpul (verbal aggression, humiliation and deception to put pressure on you). 2.) Scholarship. Jews are good at analysis, citing sources, public debate. At bottom, the AR accusation that Jews are good at arguing is an admittance that they have holes in their worldview that a smart Jew such as Nathan Cofnas will point out and destroy.

About 82 minutes in, I occupy a segment on the April 4 edition of the Daily Shoah with Mike Enoch. Like most of the Alt Right who knows my story, they can’t comprehend that a decent bloke like me would find anything attractive in Judaism. By contrast, intellectuals such as Kevin MacDonald and E. Michael Jones have no problem understanding why someone like me would be attracted to Judaism (the high quality of life, the emphasis on scholarship, the emotional intensity, the focus on achievement, etc).

* The Daily Shoah crowd like Frame Games Radio so much that they don’t believe he’s really Jewish.

Chaim Amalek writes: “I’ll bet that Bronstein (Trotsky) too, was good at academic writing. But in the end, it was that goy Stalin who won out. Academic rigor works mostly on other academics, provided that they are from a similar culture. Also, the phenomenon of social media debates strikes me as being about as fruitful as a masturbation contest. Meet in person — secretly if you must — just like the Socialists did over 100 years ago in Europe. Support one another economically and legally. Pick battles carefully – don’t smear feces over yourself (e.g., wearing KKK or nazi paraphernalia) and expect others to embrace you. Practice strategic crypsis, form alliances of convenience that go beyond purity of race or even ideology. And then wait for circumstances to favor your preparatory work.”


* I’ve continued watching. You’ve turned me further away from hateful tendencies. Thanks you Luke. Have listened to TRS for a couple of years, and worried about the darkness and lack of direction, though share a love with the fellas, but more with you on how they need to steer their desires for white independence.

All of us have faults, I suspect some influential Jews have acted very badly in regard to goys, but we must be pragmatic, and lead by example, and let God deal out the concomitant destiny.

Your advice to stay in one’s lane, to not speak on things I don’t know, has encouraged me to study and consider alternate opinions with greater consideration…. this has helped reduce a feeling of emptiness, and inspired wider learning and more consideration. Thanks for the education mate!

Have been hesitant to converse, coz I know you’re busy with things. I have a ton of respect for Mike Enoch, Sven, Striker, but I’m more on your side to be honest, from what I can gather by you semi Devils’ Advocate conversations. I guess I’m one of the 10% on your feed, open minded…despite the odd shit post. Look forward everyday to your streams mate.

* Dear Mr.Ford, I’m only bantzing you as in my mind you were, are and will always be a goy and a good one at that. Jewish society, its rules, division, drive, intelligence and down right audacity has long been a source of fascination to me. I honestly believe your primary goal is the truth but the Jewish guest you have just bought a microphone for has many goals and few of them I feel are concerned with the pursuit of truth. The Alt-Right is experiencing some adversity at present but we both know the outcome of this will ultimately result in its growth and renewed strength. You are riding the crest of a wave at present as no one can sustain uploads of such calibre indefinitely. Please do not misunderstand me, there will be other waves and I see you on the crest of many of them. Keep doing what you are doing Sir…

* I thought interfaith stuff was verboten in orthodox judaism? “They take god very seriously???” What? Doooovid thinks the Hare Krishnas worship the same god as the Jews? That is a little too woke.

* Oooosh with friends like these, what’s a goy to do? In a single livestream Doovid has interrupted you repeatedly, questioned your allegiance, almost doxed you whilst making observations that challenge reality. But fear not Mr. Ford, Doovid only wants to fill your bedroom with Hindu’s and some based chess playing schwartzas. I’m confused as I thought it was the Alt-Right that was currently in a state of turmoil?

* Doovid: I was not trying to dox Luke or change racial make ups of any neighborhoods, just questioning the fact of Luke’s claim that Jews prefer to live among Whites, and that even Luke’s neighborhood is ‘White’, as he said the night before that he only lived a few blocks away from the ‘blacks’, which makes sense with my understanding of urban planning. That usually the Jews live right on the border between the White and Black neighborhood, extending into both, but mostly the black part.
And that most Jewish neighborhoods are in highly multicultural areas that have all different types of people, and that we as Jews thrive best in multicultural areas. Maybe in that moment of argument I was questioning Luke’s Jewish allegiance when he talking on behalf of Jews saying we prefer whites, which in my understanding is false and heretical, we don’t rank goyim, and are intrinsically multicultural, Judaism is a global religion that thrives in among all peoples.
I personally would argue that multiculturalism is best for America, especially the cities, but have no intention of ‘filling your bedroom with snakes’, and yes I favor merit based immigration that would bring more Hindus to America, as statistically Hindus are good citizens, commit few crimes, and contribute to the economy.
These debates are important, and the Alt-Right coalition that got President Trump elected was multicultural, as I mentioned the huge role that Hindus and Indians played in President Trump’s election. Obviously whites are the biggest part of the Alt-Right, and if they want the movement to them self that will mean that people like me and Luke won’t be able to be members. But as I said than the Alt-Right will become a marginalized group and certainly won’t have President Trump who cast his lot with the Jews.

* The fact we’re not “flooded with support” is evidence that we are clearly doing something right. Race is indeed real and with that foundation in mind there will never be an open door to Jewry within the Alt-Right or whatever label it adopts in time. Your friend Doovid is clearly an intelligent guy but when he uses “we” and “us” in reference to a movement that unanimously understands the JQ, he must appreciate that he will forever be an outsider. Jews aren’t the only ones who like to “set their own stuff up” Mr.Ford…

* For the first time, I wondered if Luke Ford is really friendly towards us since he laid trap after trap for Tanstaafl, and Tan tripped every single trap. Saying every single person w/ even one drop of Jewish blood is a conscious and deadly enemy of all whites (including Tan’s own wife and children!) makes him look like a crazy person. It’s like saying the world’s stupidest white person is smarter than the world’s smartest black. We all know it’s false, and it makes you sound like a nut. I’m not a Shitlord. I don’t speak in ABSOLUTES. I speak in terms of THE MEAN. Jews and blacks are hostile, alien GROUPS, and policy must be based upon GROUP AVERAGES and not outliers. This is true, and it’s therefore easier to convince people of than the statements Tan made. I’d like to see how someone who is actually good at debating, like Strike or Mike, handle those same questions (hint, hint).

* Your lessons are good Luke, just saying, because most of the comments are negative, or shallow. I hope you keep it up, and continue to be a force of love an inclusion among disgruntled white nationalists.

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Michael Fumento Resides In A Columbian Prison

Susan Williams posts to FB: “This is my good friend Michael Fumento who visited me in New Zealand …the last time I spoke to him a couple days ago I told him not to do anything stupid….unfortunately things have taken a turn for the worst…..I have posted this as per advice from his brother … if his whereabouts in a Colombian prison is known by westerners perhaps he has a chance of getting out.”

Claire Berlinski posts: Anyone who knows Michael Fumento will be somehow unsurprised by the e-mail I received this morning from his friend Matt Kaufman. I’m reposting it at his request and looking for advice about what I might do that could genuinely be useful. Does anyone have a contact number for the Colombia desk at State? Mike asks that you *not* contact him directly unless you can help in a special way. Obviously, feel free to share widely. This is no doubt all true. (Lourdes Fernandez, sounds like a Spanish speaker might be useful. I’ll ask.)


Mike is in a cell at a police station in Colombia and at risk of being sent into their brutal prison system, possibly VERY quickly — and that’s a place where you can be killed, and the fate of a gringo is especially grim. Those of you who are social-media savvy need to publicize this.

There’s no time to tell the whole story, but he recently returned for what was supposed to be a brief trip to resolve old financial business from the years he lived there. One person has had him arrested, and made numerous accusations which Mike tells me a whole crowd of witnesses could easily refute — but likely won’t. The accuser is local and powerful/feared. Mike is just the gringo.

Mike is trying to reach a local lawyer, but attorneys (like Colombians in general in his experience) can be highly unreliable. This is a country where the law very often amounts to whatever someone in a position of power says it is. He’s alone in a dismal cell at, with no access to anything he owns — not even the things he has back at a hotel. He has no family or friends there. He’s going to court Tuesday (today, the day you read this), and doesn’t know whether it’s just a preliminary hearing or an actual trial. He doesn’t know the system.

It’s not certain whether the U.S. Embassy will help in the case of an arrest: I’ll try. My ability to help is very limited: I can’t speak Spanish, and the most I can do with people in Colombia is send emails to locals using an online translation program. My ability to communicate with Mike is very sporadic. He has only occasional access to his phone/email, which could be cut off at any time. When I spoke to him, it was from the police station’s number, which I had to call. I’m not exaggerating when I say that any time I hear from him might — for all I know — be the last time. For me, or for anyone. We’re in the realm of the unknown.

Mike’s best hope of not disappearing down a hole very quickly may be for people to know about him. He asks all of you who have Facebook to make people you know aware of this.

I will keep you posted as best I can.

Matt Kaufman
(Mike’s friend)

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Is Rabbi Menachem Weiss’s Arrest Just The Tip Of The Rabbinic Molestation Iceberg?

On March 26, 2018, an email circulated around the Los Angeles Orthodox community from “Torah Truth”:

Dear Leaders:

As many of you are aware, Menachem Weiss of Nessah Synagogue was
arrested and indicted over the weekend. He is being charged with two
counts of aggravated sexual assault of a minor boy, which New Jersey
specifically requires an allegation of rape through penetration.

As concerning as this particular allegation is, it has come to our
attention that this behavior is far from isolated. There likely are
other victims, including in Los Angeles, who are ashamed or afraid of
coming out.

Here is what we know and what we believe would be prudent at this time:

1) Weiss comes from a family of individuals that historically have
been involved in molestation issues.

2) His brother is a convicted child molester and many other family members have also been put under similar suspicion.

3) Weiss was fired by NJ Chabad for similar conduct and, at a minimum, Nessah should have conducted due diligence and contacted them.


5) There are various organizations out there that have been familiar
with Weiss’s actions, but they have been hampered in the past from
doing anything. Weiss’s reputation is well known in the Lubavitcher

6) Perhaps they should conduct due diligence and reach out to Jewish
Community Watch (JCW).

I wouldn’t speculate on such serious matters if the known facts weren’t so disturbing and pointing to a pattern. Here are some of my questions: Is R. Menachem Weiss’s case just the tip of a major abuse scandal involving his family and relatives? Was he a victim of bad behavior and did that predispose him to bad choices? Does he have siblings who were not just victims of molestation but perpetrators of bad behavior? Did their Orthodox Jewish community repeatedly look away from the abuse and enable it?

A source tells me: “I saw your video on Rabbi Weiss. I have a bit more insight [on rabbinic sex abuse]… Sexual abuse is considered a “rite of passage”… Rabbi [Menachem] Weiss suffered horrible abuse…. The worst abuser now lives in …[and he is still] abusing children…. This has been going on and on… One of his brothers is dead. He was so abused…”

“It goes on and on. It’s not just that family. Its what happens when you ask people to defy nature… A woman [has many] kids she didn’t care for and she beat them and no locks on doors so they would go into the rooms of the sisters and younger brothers and rape them and act like nothing happened…”

“It was reported in school in Miami Beach. They molested so many kids. They had dead beat self entitled abusive parents that would put them to work and take all the money. That included baby sitting. There is a lot more to the story than you know. It’s unreal that more people have not come forward. This is huge problem in the ortho community. Until you stop the abuse it will go on and on generation after generation. And the abuse never ended. Meanwhile the brothers are all on positions that involve young boys. The goal should be to end that.”

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