Greg Conte Resigns From Richard Spencer’s Operation (8-14-18)


8/10/18 update: Report: Richard Spencer Has Left Old Town Alexandria


Richard Spencer says August 29, 2018 on JF Gariepy’s show: “Greg Conte’s not the person spreading this rumor. The origin of this whole thing is a basic misunderstanding and Greg and my growing apart the past three months. It was very frustrating for me… I know exactly the people who started promoting this, the Irony Bros first and then Luke Ford… The people who were there including Mike Enoch, who was literally right there, have disabused these people.”

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The Telegraph: Sleep deprivation fuels loneliness because tired people are socially repellent

My biggest health problem is lack of sleep. I go to bed by 10pm most every night, get up around 5-6 am most every day, practice good sleep hygiene, I bought an air conditioner to keep my bedroom cool in summer, I use my CPAP most nights (at least for an hour or two until I get sick of it), I use the Fisher Wallace device when I first turn in, I use a mouth guard and a nasal expander to reduce my sleep apnea, I take a gram of magnesium about an hour before I turn in as a muscle relaxant, and yet most nights I struggle to sleep and most mornings I wake up tired. As a result of my fatigue, I lead a much more restricted life than I would like.

My father has great trouble with sleep but my brother and sister sleep soundly.

I agree with the sentiment that a good night’s sleep is the single easiest and most significant thing people can do for their health. Sometimes I will string together several good nights in a row. I can’t figure out why sometimes I sleep soundly but most nights I do not.

From the Daily Telegraph:

Sleep deprivation is fuelling the loneliness epidemic because overly-tired people are less sociable, a new study suggests.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that sleep-deprived people feel lonelier and less inclined to engage with others, avoiding close contact in much the same way as people with social anxiety.

The study also showed tired people can pass on their feelings of social isolation to others, almost as if loneliness itself is contagious.

“We humans are a social species. Yet sleep deprivation can turn us into social lepers,” said study senior author Matthew Walker, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, at UC Berkeley.

“The less sleep you get, the less you want to socially interact. In turn, other people perceive you as more socially repulsive, further increasing the grave social-isolation impact of sleep loss.

“That vicious cycle may be a significant contributing factor to the public health crisis that is loneliness.”

Steve Sailer writes:

…one of the most criminally understudied mental/physical wellbeing problems in the United States today is how the first semester away at college is often a disaster for freshmen, especially coeds. Tom Wolfe’s “I Am Charlotte Simmons” documents this downward spiral in excruciating detail, but universities haven’t been all that enthusiastic about studying this problem on their doorstep. (I believe UCLA is currently conducting a big multiyear study).

One often overlooked contributor is sleep dysfunction.

An Underappreciated Key to College Success: Sleep

Many college-bound students start out with dreadful sleep habits that are likely to get worse once the rigorous demands of courses and competing social and athletic activities kick in.

By Jane E. Brody
Aug. 13, 2018

Unfortunately, most of the advice in the article is intended for people with their own bedrooms, which is not most freshmen.

Advice more specific to college freshmen:

– Unless you are an intense morning person, don’t sign up for an 8 am class.

– Experiment to find the best earplugs. When you find the best type for you, buy several dozen pairs — a year’s supply — all at once.

– Consider an eye mask so your roommate turning on the light doesn’t wake you.

– If you get an opportunity for a dorm room single without a roommate, take it.

– Practice your “sleep arithmetic” before you’ll need it. A freshman once said to me: “I finally figured it out. When I have a 9 am class, if I go to bed at midnight, I can get 8 hours of sleep and still have an hour in the morning to get to class!”

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NYTIMES: A Year After Charlottesville, Disarray in the White Supremacist Movement

From the New York Times:

“Now, we are facing so much pushback that people are not in the mood to celebrate,” said Richard B. Spencer, the white nationalist and prominent alt-right figure, who declined to attend Sunday’s event. “And I’m not going to do something demoralizing.”

The coalition of old-school racist groups, neo-Confederates and Internet-savvy white identitarians that brought about last year’s rally has proved, in the months since, to be a disparate herd that cannot agree on a leader or a particular brand of intolerance. Mobilizing large numbers of white supremacists in public appears to be a challenge, even though nobody would ever say they have gone away. In fact, their discriminatory messages are now echoed by some politicians and commentators…

But in a sign of the fracturing of the alt-right, before, during and after the Sunday rally, hard-core racists and neo-Nazis, whom Mr. Kessler has publicly disavowed, took to social media to attack him and this weekend’s protest, which was billed as a second Unite the Right event. Many of those attacks took place on Gab, an online forum to which many on the alt-right migrated after they were kicked off Twitter.

The attacks came from both well-known members of the alt-right and from anonymous followers. Their argument, in essence, was that Mr. Kessler was not extreme enough.

One Gab poster, who identified himself as Sterben, said that Mr. Kessler should have been more welcoming to Nazis and other such groups “because there’s more of us and history is never on the side of the cowards.”

A week before the event in Washington, Andrew Anglin, who runs the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer, published an article titled, “Don’t Go to Unite the Right 2 — We Disavow.”

“We cannot win a battle on the streets,” Mr. Anglin wrote.

Instead, he counseled taking part in events like “Stormer Book Clubs,” where followers “can get together with other people who think like we do in real life.”

“We need to remain in the realm of the hip, cool, sexy, fun,” Mr. Anglin wrote. “We need to speak to the culture. We do not want the image of being a bunch of weird losers who march around” while “completely outnumbered and get mocked by the entire planet.”

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Coverage & Commentary On Unite The Right 2 (8-12-18)


Dennis Dale comments: “None of this is going to mean anything by this time next week, but it’s a win for Kessler. His critics were right–turnout was awful, but that didn’t turn out to be the disaster imagined, because the counter-protesters were so many and so manic. The story is a bunch of antifa starting fights with cops, harassing reporters and making general spectacles of themselves.
The low turnout and tepid speeches of Kessler et al only serve to make the lefty reaction look more paranoid.”

* NYTIMES: ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Lovely’: Trump Tweets Reflect Fixation on Women’s Appearances


* VDARE: Stephen Miller’s Uncle Raises Question: Should Jews Have Been Allowed To Immigrate?

* VICE: Of Course, ‘Mad Max’ Bernier Thinks More Diversity Is Bad

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Google Blocks JWed For Being ‘Exclusively Jewish’

JWed posts:

We need your help! Last summer, google blocked JWed ads in their display network because our ads said ‘Exclusively Jewish’. In a follow-up phone call, they advised us we need to remove the word ‘exclusively’ from not just our ads, but also from everywhere on our website!

We obviously did not comply because the whole reason for the existence of JWed is that we are Jewish-only and we promote Jewish marriage in order to reduce intermarriage. At the time, we spoke with some attorneys and decided against taking any action.

However, the situation with them just escalated in this past week, so it’s time for us to take action.

What Happened Next?

Last summer, advertising was not our top priority which is one reason why we chose not to fight Google at the time. However, in recent weeks, we have made plans to increase our advertising efforts to give you faces of more Jewish singles to choose from. Google Advertising remains one of the most effective ways to advertise so we looked for ways to work around their block. We determined we were willing to remove the word “exclusively” from our ads and landing page if we re-targeted our ads to people who we know already clicked on previous JWed ads (on Facebook,, etc). This was our audience after all so how could Google object?

Boy were we shocked with their response! Last year they said the problem was “exclusively” but this time, they told us on the phone that we must also remove the word “JEWISH” from our ads AND everywhere on our website. They said our dating site would only be acceptable to them if it was a plain vanilla dating site for ALL people.

Why Are They Doing This?

Clearly, the reason for their policy is that they believe any service which exclusively serves one religion or ethnicity is somehow discriminatory. However, the Jewish religion demands that Jews marry only other Jews. This makes Google’s actions religious discrimination. Google can claim we are also religiously discriminating but there is one large difference. CHOICE. Consumers have the option to use any number of THOUSANDS of dating sites – many of which are far larger than JWed. If JWed does not serve their needs, they may try another dating site. However, Google has a MONOPOLY. There are no other cost-effective choices, particularly in display ads and retargeting.

Aren’t They Violating Their Own Policy?

You will note in their rejection message above and in their own written policies, they say advertising to specific ethnicities or races is prohibited but nothing is said about religion. Does google really want a fight to decide if Judaism is a religion or an ethnicity? After all, ANYONE can convert to Judaism. Last we checked, that makes us a religion.

Aren’t Their Actions Clearly Illegal? How Can this Happen!

Religious discrimination, violation of their own policies, abuse of monopoly power… take your pick. There is plenty here which seems illegal but the government has done nothing about this. Google is powerful so action will not be taken unless we band together and take action.
What Will JWed Do About It?
Honestly, we don’t know yet. If we make too much noise, Google could retaliate. We rely on their company for many critical business services including search advertising for which we have not been banned from yet; but we believe the time has come to do something.

Our next step is to raise awareness of this issue, and network with people within the Jewish community and beyond who care about religious freedom. Will that lead to Google dropping their ban, will it lead to us suing Google? We don’t know yet how that will play out.

In the meantime we need allies.

How Can I Help JWed?

Today all we are asking is for one simple thing. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER and FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS.

We have revived our Twitter account and we plan to raise awareness of what has happened here. We need you to retweet our posts to influential organizations, politicians, and other individuals who you think can help.

Through these efforts, we hope to gain free legal representation, public relations services, and other advocates who can help us traverse the terrain ahead. Ultimately, we would be happy if our efforts placed public pressure on Google to change their policy and lift the ban against JWed.

WE BELIEVE THIS IS POSSIBLE WITH YOUR HELP. After all, does Google really want to be accused of HINDERING an organization dedicated to reducing intermarriage 70 years after the Nazis tried to wipe us off the face of the earth?

Let’s make sure this is a battle that Google cannot win.

See you on Twitter! –

Ben Rabizadeh,
Founder & President,

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