Manstein: Hitler’s Greatest General

A few excerpts from this 2011 biography by British general Mungo Melvin:

* Von Seekt 1922: ‘Poland’s existence is intolerable, incompatible with the survival of Germany. It must disappear, and it will disappear through its own internal weakness and through Russia’

Sounds like Israel’s attitude to a Palestinian state.

* He described the heterogeneous composition of the Czechoslovakian Army as a distinct weakness, noting that ‘units from the German, Hungarian and Slovakian minorities were hardly likely to fight for the state with any enthusiasm’.

* …Reichswehr policy of concentrating recruiting in rural areas in order to minimize undesirable socialist thinking creeping in…

* as a devout Christian he had a profound sense of human dignity, hence his complete disdain for much of what the Nazi thugs did on the streets. But as nationalist and patriot he was all for the strong and confident Reich that Hitler so seductively promised.

* Manstein had shown significant moral courage in opposing the Aryan Paragraph when the remainder of the Wehrmacht had remained silent.

* Hence, in Manstein’s view, a multi-ethnic Czechoslovakia did not deserve to survive as a nation state. He was not to predict that it divided amicably by means of a ‘velvet divorce’ nearly sixty years later into the separate Czech and Slovak Republics.

* In a nutshell, he summed up what Sichelschnitt was all about: seeking a strategic decision through a novel operational method that would play to German strengths and exploit the weaknesses of her enemies.

* In both world wars Germany sought operational solutions to its selfimposed strategic dilemma: how to win wars as quickly as possible before its opponents on two fronts recovered sufficiently to turn the scales. Although Manstein provided the original solution for the defeat of France, he was no grand strategist in the manner of his erstwhile mentor, Colonel General Beck, who had foreseen the possibility of eventual defeat if Hitler embroiled Germany in a world war.

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Taxi Driver

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The pimp character in Taxi Driver, that was ultimately played by Harvey Keitel, was originally (and in the screenplay) to be black. However, the studio thought the image of a black pimp with a white 13 year old prostitute was too incendiary and made Scorcese cast a white actor for the role.

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Theater Thursday: The Death Of Stalin (2017)


* Steve Sailer on The Death of Stalin. More.

* Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed

* Full text: Senator Fraser Anning’s maiden speech

* How Trump Radicalized ICE

* The Weekly Standard’s Ties To Fusion GPS

* Mike Enoch returns to Twitter.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Years ago it was an understood thing that Australians were the biggest “piss-takers” on 4chan. They have a reputation as pranksters, site founder Christopher Poole identified them as the one thing he hated most, and their entire IP range has been banned. In the recent political upheaval I have felt intense closeness to this strange tribe of desert-bound alcoholics, who do not give their loyalty easily, but post in vast numbers. In a Second Amendment thread it is as likely to be an Australian as an American who corrects fallacies and explains the reasoning of things like god-given rights and not having arms in a centralized armory. You would think Hillsdale College or the Rutherfird Society had branches down under.

* Fraser Anning seems like an unpretentious salt-of-the-earth kind of guy who just wants his country back. I doubt he thinks about Jewish history much and in any case I’ve heard plenty of people say “final solution” innocently and innocuously, with no intention to refer to the holocaust.

If I lived in Australia, I’d consider Anning’s less than exquisite sensitivity to linguistic nuance far less relevant for my safety and well-being, than his solid grasp of the meaning of Muslim immigration in the here and now.

From JTA:

Australian lawmaker calls for ‘final solution’ to Muslim immigration

SYDNEY (JTA) — In a speech some compared to Hitler’s rants against the Jews, an Australian parliamentarian proposed a ban on Muslim immigration to the island nation, calling it the “final solution” to the problem of the decline of its “predominately European identity.”

In his maiden speech Tuesday, Queensland Sen. Fraser Anning, the sole representative of the fringe Katter Australian Party, advocated a ban on Muslim and non-English speaking migrants and a return to the long-repudiated “White Australia” policy barring the entrance of non-white immigrants to the country.

“Diversity should be managed to remain compatible with social cohesion and national identity,” Anning said. “We as a nation are entitled to insist that those who are allowed to come here predominantly reflect the historic European-Christian composition of Australian society. While all Muslims are not terrorists, certainly all terrorists these days are Muslims, so why would anyone want to bring more of them here? The final solution to the immigration problem, of course, is a popular vote.”

In Parliament, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said that he and opposition leader Bill Shorten have always stood against racism, adding that “the days of the White Australia policy are long, long ago, and our success is founded on our commitment to a shared national identity committed to those political values which unite us all.”

* Democracy applied to immigration policy is literally Nazism, though.

* His idea of a “final solution” is a popular vote.

Has anybody noticed this is a little different from suggesting that the final solution is Auschwitz?

Or are we not allowed to see the difference, because words are magic?

We must have Conversations, as long as we don’t have Talks and Words.

* The specter of Hitler and the fate of the Six Million is fast losing its remonstrative power as a tool to frighten, shame, and pacify. Regarding Fraser Anning’s refusal (so far) to backpedal from “final solution”: A lot of contemporary spectators are wishfully misinterpreting teeth-baring warnings—from both the right and left—as mere LARPing. The Overton is redshifting in both directions.

* Our esteemed leaders in the West might be much more effective if all their public statements didn’t sound like Brezhnev-era Pravda editorials.

* “We stand together to say that we value the contribution of these residents, deeply appreciate the diversity of culture and experience they bring to our cities,” This cult of diversity is like the cult of communism. A giant lie, forced compliance, ceaseless exhortations, ridiculous pseudo-formal jargon meaning nothing, a declining standard of living, and everybody afraid to fight it. This won’t stop until we’re mad enough to spit in the faces of these commissars every single time and place they uncork their dogma. Soon I hope.

* Knowing what you must know, as a reader of this blog, about the extraordinarily high per capita rates of crime committed by people of African descent everywhere from Australia to Brazil to Europe to the U.S., what’s your best argument for why countries ought to welcome large numbers of African immigrants?

* A few observations from ground zero:

1. Mayors of municipalities in Australia have very little practical importance. Municipalities have no responsibilities for law enforcement, or education, or health care. Their key functions are zoning, garbage collection and road maintenance. In short, they barely register for the vast majority of citizens (property developers excepted), and local government elections are a snooze-fest.

2. The vast majority of Melburnians know that the mayors’ comments are bullshit. We have had a serious problem with African crime for a number of years now and nothing the “goodwhite” local pols say will change that view. Despite this the mayors’ positions are not in jeopardy because hardly anyone gives a toss about local government (see point 1).

3. Observable African crime is concentrated in a few (but highly visible) streams, which makes the overall crime stats look less scary than the reality. (It hardly needs pointing out to Steve’s readers that Africans aren’t a major concern for our fraud squads, for instance.) Their specialties include “home invasions” (charged as “aggravated burglary”) which usually involve a small group smashing its way into a suburban home and terrifying the occupants. A particular aim of these invasions is to force the residents to hand over car keys. Other favourites of our African brothers are violent robberies of jewellery stores and carjackings. Many (probably most) of these crimes are committed by under-18s who get slaps on the wrist by the Children’s Court and almost always are bailed pending trial. There aren’t a large number of these crimes, but they have a big psychological impact on the community.

4. Statistics of African crime are seriously understated as the only relevant criterion for which stats are collected is birthplace (stats are not collected for perps’ race) and nowadays many (probably most) of the African crims were born in Australia. So the Australian-born Africans’ crimes get counted as “Australian” rather than “African” in the published stats. Despite this, some crimes show Africans over-represented by a factor of around 100.

5. Another favoured crime of Africans in Melbourne is rowdy and destructive parties (not at their own homes but at AirBNB places rented using stolen credit cards). It pisses off (and scares) the neighbours (a few of whom get beaten up when they challenge the interlopers), results in serious damage to the properties, but seldom results in arrests (let alone convictions) for the offenders.

6. On that last point: A feature of African crime in Melbourne is the softly-softly attitude to it by the Victoria Police (law enforcement is a State government responsibility). It is an amusing feature of law enforcement in Victoria that more than once the cars of the riot squad have been smashed up by rowdy Africans, and yet the riot squad have a policy of avoiding making arrests in these situations. Note that these are well-protected and armed police with specialist training in dealing with violent mobs, not some hapless local beat cops.

7. In November we will have a State election and many Melburnians are itching to throw out the socialist Labor government that presides over this debacle. Yet the opinion polls still have the Labor Party as favourites to win the election, God help us.

* From Melbourne to Stockholm, the provinces of the American Empire ape the metropole and end up with American problems. America pumps out an endless stream of happy talk and lies in order to paper over its racial problems via Hollywood, its media and academia. Provinces in America’s empire then go ahead and believe it. Any politician or commentator who doesn’t go along with America’s magical thinking on race and immigration gets weeded out. The mass media Megaphone made sure of that. Lie about Detroit for 50 years and you get Little Detroits in Melbourne, Stockholm, Frankfurt, etc, etc.

* This reminds me of the NPR interview a couple of weeks ago with the guy who was leading the massive (20 person) Nazi rally in Washington. He mentioned that on average, Asians have a higher IQ than whites who have a higher IQ than blacks. The interviewer didn’t challenge him directly on this (because she couldn’t, since it is true) but instead asked him something like, “How does this help to unite us?”

The standard for journalism today is, is this story damaging or helpful to the CotF [Coalition of the Fringe]? If it is helpful – let’s say some rural legislator has used the words “final solution” because he wants a solution that is final but is too dumb to know that phrase is on the Index Prohibitorum, then you pound the hell out of it, even if the story is halfway around the world. If it is not helpful, say it involves “African gangs” terrorizing the citizens of that country, then crickets. Or as Iowahawk says, “Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow.”

We even have a name for such things. We call them “hatefacts”. A hatefact is something that is true but is wrong to bring up because it damages the CotF. Say you are a college educated white female – it’s no good to remind you that you are in danger of being raped and murdered by your brown and black brothers in the CotF. You should never do things like comparing the rate of black on white rape vs. white on black. It’s much better to displace your fear and anxiety on imaginary white rapists and sexual harassers.

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Unite The Right 2: Jason Kessler Interview

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Symptoms And Causes Of Failure & Success

Claire Khaw writes: Your problem is that you want to get married but having a YouTube channel like this is like a working porn actress going husband-hunting. My advice is to settle down and enjoy what is good about your life and bask in the praise and gratitude you do get for the service you offer to politics and rational debate. If you were married, the missus would stop you the way Brundlefly’s stops him from doing stuff. Maybe just accept you are not going to get married at your age because you are not loaded and accept what life has to offer, with gratitude. Once you resign yourself to this, a great weight will lift from your shoulders. Impossible longings are fundamentally self-destructive so concentrate on counting your blessings. We wouldn’t want you to be married and henpecked and stopped from doing your streams and almost any woman would stop you from doing this unless she completely agreed with you on politics and you are not going to get a woman like this in LA or the state of California or in the entire US of A who would marry you and whom you would want to marry.

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