Where will Jews get their future leaders, future earners, future scientists and future Talmudic sages if this horrifying trend continues?

I don’t doubt many blacks find Jewish life exhausting. Many white converts do as well. Many white born Jews do as well, including FFBs (frum from birth aka Orthodox for life). The average Ashkenazi IQ is around 110, so unless you make or exceed that threshold, you’re going to have a hard time in Jewish life. Many Mizrahim, Sephardim and Ashkenazim with IQs over 100 (let alone those below that number) find Ashkenazi Jewish life exhausting. It’s a competitive way of life with a lot of demands.

From the Forward:

Black Jews Are Being Chased Out Of the Jewish Community By Racism. Here Are Their Stories.

Every person that I interviewed for this article spoke of being exhausted of existing in white Jewish spaces. They told me how that exhaustion greatly altered their participation in Jewish community and their own Jewish identities. They spoke of feeling drained, mentally scarred, and depressed when they leave synagogues.

People cannot thrive in communities that intrinsically sees them as outsiders. So they leave.

I, too, am struggling with anti-black racism in the Jewish community, struggling to stay part of a community that all too often I feel doesn’t want me. Many times, I’ve considered giving up. Conducting these interviews was in a way validating, showing me I wasn’t alone in my experiences or feelings.

Validating — and tragic.

One of the reasons I love black gospel music so much is that I can think of no holier sound that the voices of black folks rising in unison. And in having these interviews, I got the privilege of listening to a chorus of black voices telling me their stories about being Jewish in spaces that do not want or respect black people.

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From Stark Truth TV: When Podcaster Robert Stark’s dreams of greatness don’t seem to be coming true in Santa Barbara, he heads down to LA to meet the one (((moral leader))) who has all the answers: Luke Ford.

LINK: Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss their new documentary (((Supply))). When Podcaster Robert Stark’s dreams of greatness don’t seem to be coming true in Santa Barbara, he heads down to LA to meet the one moral leader who has all the answers: Luke Ford. Produced by Stark Truth TV.


The mocumentary theme and side story of Robert Stark’s quest for supply
The interviews with Luke Ford which focus primarily on psychological themes
Using creative output, politics, and online personas to achieve narcissistic supply
Narcissistic supply filling a void that is missing from healthy social bonds
Social status as a core human need
The feeling that you have unjustly been denied status and whether it is based in reality or a coping mechanism
Architecture in Beverly Hills and the contrast between aristocratic aesthetics and the faux liberal capitalist elites
How social status relates to politics
Maladaptive daydreaming and how it can be both destructive and a source for creative inspiration
An Afternoon With Robert Stark in Santa Barbara
Erotic energy as a force for creative pursuits and the importance of sex to both status and forming bonds
Luke’s play Eroticized Rage
The cinematographic and production process
Stark Truth TV as an offshoot of Apocalypse Culture exploring areas of “forbidden knowledge”

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Real Physical Ailments Vs My Girly Emo Crap

Historicity commented on my video below: “Yes, miserable. But due to physical ailments, not your girly emo crap.”

Guess what, mate? Physical ailments and girly emo crap emerge out of the same thing — the unity of our being. We are all physical, mental and emotional in one being (and I would also add spiritual, but that’s my faith statement, so I’ll leave it aside). There is nothing mental that occurs in our mind that does not also occur in our body and is not shaped by our emotions. There are no emotions that occur outside of your body and your mind. There is no living body that is not profoundly affected by its mental and emotional functioning.

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Robert Reich: ‘If Trump pardons Manafort and/or Cohen, we rise up.’


Kevin Michael Grace responds: “Don’t expect white male construction workers to rise up with you. Or whites or males or construction workers.”

* Patrick Chovanec: “The abduction and murder of a young woman is a crime, hopefully to be solved, prosecuted, and punished. It is not a political hobby horse to be either ridden or downplayed for votes.”

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* Daily Mail: I hope to marry the man I turned down 20 YEARS ago! KATE MULVEY reveals why she decided to rekindle with an old flame (Desert Sun (Update))

* UPDATE: Daily Telegraph: I spent my savings on an ‘elite’ matchmaking agency – only to meet an array of mediocre men

* Daily Mail: Lena Dunham shocks fans by posting three very revealing images of her nude body

* Daily Mail: Robin Wright, 52, shows off her toned physique in a blush pink bikini as she hugs and kisses husband Clement Giraudet during Spanish honeymoon

Posted in America, Dating, Hollywood | Comments Off on Robert Reich: ‘If Trump pardons Manafort and/or Cohen, we rise up.’

WP: Trump adviser Larry Kudlow hosted publisher of white nationalists at his home

MP3: https://soundcloud.com/luke-ford-666431593/everyone-is-a-white-nationalist

From the Washington Post:

The publisher of a website that serves as a platform for white nationalism was a guest last weekend at the home of President Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow.

Peter Brimelow attended the gathering, a birthday bash for Kudlow, one day after a White House speechwriter was dismissed in the wake of revelations that he had spoken alongside Brimelow on a 2016 panel.

Brimelow, 70, was once a well-connected figure in mainstream conservative circles, writing for Dow Jones and National Review. But over the past two decades, he has become a zealous promoter of white-identity politics on Vdare.com, the anti-immigration website that he founded in 1999.

While Brimelow has long personally rejected the label of “white nationalist,” he acknowledged to the Harvard Crimson in 2016 that his website does “certainly publish a few writers I would regard as ‘white nationalist’ in that they stand up for whites just as Zionists, black nationalists do for Jews, blacks, etc.”

Kudlow said Tuesday that Brimelow was a guest at his birthday party at his Connecticut home and has been someone he has known “forever,” going back to their work in financial journalism. Kudlow expressed regret when he was described details of Brimelow’s promotion of white nationalists on Vdare.com.

“If I had known this, we would never have invited him,” Kudlow said. “I’m disappointed and saddened to hear about it.”

…Brimelow’s website is named in honor of Virginia Dare, the first English child born in what is now the United States. Dare has become a symbol for white nationalists who are alarmed by immigration.

The British-born Brimelow has written that Dare, who was white, remains a reminder of the “very specific cultural origins of America at a time when mass nontraditional immigration is threatening to swamp it.”

Vdare.com frequently publishes stories that are popular with the alt-right. The alt-right, short for alternative right, is a small, far-right movement that supports white identity or a whites-only state. Adherents of the alt-right have been known to espouse racist, anti-Semitic and sexist points of view.

Many alt-right followers are young white men who have found common cause online and who promote traditional gender roles. Coined by activist Richard Spencer in an effort to avoid being labeled racist or white supremacist, the phrase was intended as an umbrella term that would cover disparate points of view, but the focus on a whites-only state appears to be a core principle.

* WP: Trump speechwriter fired amid scrutiny of appearance with white nationalists

* Daily Mail: Illegal immigrant, 24, charged with murdering Mollie Tibbetts after he admits chasing her down, ‘blacking out and attacking her’ then dumping her body in a corn field

* Facebook is rating the trustworthiness of its users on a scale from zero to 1

* Better Call Saul recap

* Occupation and ideology

* TV show The Shield

* The Ginkgo Model of Societal Crisis

* Steve Sailer and Dennis Dale on the #MeToo movement.

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