From the Sentinel:

The Traditionalist Workers Party, a white nationalist group, came to an end in March as Poolesville native and founder Matthew Heimbach allegedly choked his father-in-law and group co-founder David Parrott to the point of losing consciousness in an Indiana trailer park.

He is due in court to face charges in September, but the charges against him kept him from attending the “Unite The Right 2” rally in Washington, D.C. this weekend.

Heimbach, considered one of America’s leading white nationalists, believed in creating a pure white ethnostate, and blamed the Jews for the Crucifixion of Christ. He first gained notoriety for founding a white student union at Towson in 2012, and for assaulting a protester at a Trump rally in 2016.

In a prior interview, Heimbach described his ideology as being “100-percent socialist, 100-percent nationalist,” and said Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini helped inspire his move to white nationalism. His organization made an appearance at the Charlottesville rally last year, the same rally in which 32-year-old Heather Heyer died when a car, allegedly driven by 21-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. of Ohio, plowed into a crowd of counterprotesters.

Both Parrott and Heimbach retreated from public life after the choking incident.

“I’m not a position to be politically active; I have failed at my goals,” said David Parrott. “I’m not in the position to be a political voice anymore. I’ve been humiliated and disgraced and am now retreating to my private life.”

Heimbach said he would not attend Sunday’s “Unite the Right 2” Rally, in Washington D.C., but had no comment when asked if he is still involved in the white nationalist movement.

The Traditionalist Workers Party had been one of the better known white nationalists groups to come out of the alt-right movement.

The Traditionalist Workers Party collapsed after Matthew Heimbach apparently had an extramarital affair with his mother-in-law, Jessica Parrott. He is accused of choking her husband, David Parrott, when Parrott allegedly confronted Heimbach about the affair. The organization’s website, Twitter and Facebook accounts have been taken down. The only remnant of the group led by the man the Southern Poverty Law Center once compared to David Duke is a website for the Tennessee chapter of the movement.

A member of the Tennessee branch said they are no longer affiliated with Heimbach, and that the blog is only active for “posterity’s sake.” The group said that former members are not involved with anything associated with Jordan Kessler, the organizer of the Unite the Right Rally.

According to police reports, Matthew Heimbach had been having an affair with David Parrott’s wife, Jessica, which she broke off. Heimbach’s wife, Brooke Heimbach, and Jessica Parrott planned to set up the hate group leader, and see if he would attempt to sleep with her after they said the threemonth affair was over. Matthew Heimbach then apparently tried to sleep with her, and David Parrott, who was watching the encounter, confronted Heimbach, which led to the choking incident that left David Parrott unconscious.

When David Parrott awoke, his wife told Matthew Heimbach that they needed to find Brooke Heimbach, because she had a recording of the incident on her phone.

Matthew Heimbach then assaulted his wife, David Parrott’s stepdaughter, when police came to arrest him. He attacked his wife in front of his two young sons, ages one and three. All the parties involved in the case had their occupation listed as “White Nationalist” on the police report.

Brooke Heimbach filed a petition for dissolution of marriage in April, according to the Orange County Circuit Court in Indiana. A GoFundMe donation page, titled “Help Brooke and the Boys start over,” raised $4,639. David Parrott filed a petition of dissolution of his marriage that same month. Matthew Heimbach’s jury trial for one count of domestic battery committed in the presence of a child less than 16 years old and one count of battery is scheduled for Sept. 20.

According to court documents, David Parrott took down the party’s website on March 13, the same day the police report in Matthew Heimbach’s assault case was filed, and claimed to have “scrubbed” the information on the party’s membership. The same day he announced on Gab, a social media site frequented by members of the alt-right, that he had quit the party. The Virginia District Court for the Western District of Virginia prohibited him from deleting any additional information, due to his involvement in Charlottesville. Besides being a co-founder, Parrott functioned as TWP’s director and chief information officer.



00:00 I discuss JF Gariepy on Alt Hyp’s video about Richard Spencer
18:00 Colin Liddell joins us
40:00 Colin Lidell on Richard Spencer
1:04:00 Matt Forney joins
1:48:00 Matt P, Robert Stark discuss their new documentary, (((Supply)))
2:05:00 Milo discussed
2:15:00 Does Hollywood have a pedophilia problem?

* From Affirmative Right:

Affirmative Right Chief Editor Colin Liddell comments on the deplatforming of Alex Jones and other non-Leftists by Big Tech. He draws a parallel between America today and Britain in the 1980s, when the Left’s decisive defeat at the hands of Margaret Thatcher in 1979, saw it displaced from political power. It fought back by seizing control of institutions or weaponising its existing soft control of institutions.

Something similar is now underway in America with Big Tech being increasingly weaponised by the Left, raising the possibility of a Rightist response. Only strong anti-trust measures can prevent a “Cold Civil War” that could split society into ideologically disparate institutions and corporate structures.

* Dennis Dale on Asia Argento & the #MeToo movement.

* 100 minutes in: Matt P. and Robert Stark discuss their new documentary:

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SPLC’s Heidi Beirich: A Character Assassin Under the Banner of ‘Peace, Respect, and Understanding’

From Center for Immigration Studies:

Before Heidi Beirich began working at the Southern Poverty Law Center in 1999, she was a left-wing ideologue preparing for a career in the academy. She was a graduate of UC Berkeley and had earned a doctorate in political science from Purdue, where she pursued her interest in the maladies of “white nationalism and neo-fascism”. She was steeped in the ideology of postmodernism, which regards the history of Western Civilization — especially in the United States — as an endlessly dreary tale of oppression in the service of white supremacy. As Beirich told ABC News, “I think sometimes Americans forget that this country was founded on white supremacy.”

Those of us who are now alarmed at the extremism of the SPLC should not forget that it once did heroic work against the Ku Klux Klan, winning lawsuits that drove several branches of the hooded fanatics into bankruptcy. From its base in Montgomery, Ala., its fundraising materials solemnly invoke a vision of “peace, respect, and understanding”. That is the voice of the admirable SPLC.

Heidi Beirich has been instrumental in building the contemptible side of the SPLC, the side, which, as we reported in 2010, is marked by “a poverty of ideas, a dependence on dishonesty, and a lack of fundamental decency.” She routinely engages in distortion, half-truths, cheap shots, smears, and character assassination. She is the SPLC’s princess of darkness. She is the reason why National Review has written that while the SPLC was “once valuable”, it has become “hateful and vile”.

Beirich directs the SPLC’s Intelligence Project, which oversees the Hatewatch blog, which monitors white supremacist and other extremist groups. She also directs the research for the SPLC’s annual list of “hate groups”. It is a well-publicized blacklist, a hall of shame, including some truly awful people like the Klan. But over the past decade Beirich has led an aggressive expansion of the list for the purpose of shaming mainstream socially conservative groups like the Family Research Council and the Center for Immigration Studies (whose staff also includes some moderate liberals like me who think the Democrats have lost their way by renouncing long-held concerns about illegal immigration). As Mark Potok, Beirich’s long-time partner at the SPLC said, “[O]ur aim in life is to destroy these groups, completely destroy them.”

Beirich applies the hate-group smear with all the precision and of a juvenile delinquent spray-painting obscenities on a schoolyard wall. She is equally reckless in her designation of extremists. As RealClearPolitics reported last year, “You can find yourself on the SPLC’s ‘hate map’ if you haven’t gotten fully aboard on gay marriage — or the Democratic Party’s immigration views. In other words, the [SPLC] classifies individuals and organizations as purveyors of ‘hate’ for holding the same view on marriage espoused by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton until mid-2012.”

Despite her record of reputational rampage, Beirich is highly regarded on the campuses of such elite institutions as Middlebury College. Last year, students at the Vermont school went on a tear after reading the SPLC’s designation of conservative intellectual Charles Murray, whose first wife was Asian-American, as a white nationalist. Chanting insults, setting off fire alarms and shouting Murray down, the students drove him off campus. They also put Middlebury in the center of a discussion on the rise of intolerance for conservative ideas and free speech at colleges across the country…

I used to think of Beirich as a culture-wars version of “Saturday Night Live’s” Church Lady, a comic caricature of piety who always had her nose in the air, sniffing for the presence of Satan. But Beirich’s influence with liberals makes that relatively benign assessment impossible. Her hate-group attacks have provoked normally well-intentioned people not only to despise those of us who want to limit immigration, but also to donate millions to support the SPLC’s campaign to drive ideological foes out of the forum of public debate. With her latest stunt, Beirich has reduced two members of Congress to the level of the students who brought shame to Middlebury College.

Now I have a much darker view of Beirich. Her dirty work has convinced me that her historic soulmates did their work for the notorious French revolutionary tribunals, the bloodthirsty zealots who sent infidels to the guillotine. Now she is limited to the dark but bloodless pleasure of issuing hate-group decrees and watching her stooges rise in furious protest at those who dare to suggest that immigration should not be unlimited.

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Book Club: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

According to Wikipedia:

War and Peace (pre-reform Russian: Война и миръ; post-reform Russian: Война и мир, translit. Voyná i mir [vɐjˈna i ˈmʲir]) is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy. It is regarded as a central work of world literature and one of Tolstoy’s finest literary achievements.[1][2][3]

The novel chronicles the history of the French invasion of Russia and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society through the stories of five Russian aristocratic families. Portions of an earlier version, titled The Year 1805,[4] were serialized in The Russian Messenger from 1865 to 1867. The novel was first published in its entirety in 1869.[5]

Tolstoy said War and Peace is “not a novel, even less is it a poem, and still less a historical chronicle”. Large sections, especially the later chapters, are a philosophical discussion rather than narrative.[6] Tolstoy also said that the best Russian literature does not conform to standards and hence hesitated to call War and Peace a novel. Instead, he regarded Anna Karenina as his first true novel. The Encyclopædia Britannica states: “It can be argued that no single English novel attains the universality of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace”.

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Are South Africa’s White Farmers Facing Genocide?


Google suggested these stories on South African white farmers:

* New York Times:

Trump Cites False Claims of Widespread Attacks on White Farmers in South Africa

Mr. Trump’s comment came after the Fox News host Tucker Carlson presented a late-night program on South Africa, including land seizures and homicides, and described President Cyril Ramaphosa as “a racist.”

The tweet gives prominence to a false narrative pushed by some right-wing groups in South Africa that there have been numerous seizures of white-owned land and widespread killings of white farmers. Some of those groups have brought their claims to the United States on lobbying trips…

The number of killings of farmers, including farm workers, is at a 20-year low, 47 in the fiscal year 2017-18, according to research published in July by AgriSA, a farmers’ organization in South Africa. That is down from 66 during the fiscal year before. The figures were consistent with a steady decline of violence since a peak in 1998, when 153 were killed.

South Africa recorded 19,016 murder cases from April 2016 to March 2017, according to the South Africa Police Service. The national murder rate last year was 34.1 per 100,000 people, but the number of people living on farms is not fully known, which makes comparisons difficult.

Most official statistics do not break down homicides by race.

“There is no official crime category called ‘farm attack’ or ‘farm murder,’ ” according to Africa Check, a local fact-checking organization.

* VOX: Trump’s tweet echoing white nationalist propaganda about South African farmers, explained
There’s no evidence of a genocidal campaign against white farmers.

* The Guardian: White farmers: how a far-right idea was planted in Donald Trump’s mind:

The conspiracy theory of “white genocide” has been a staple of the racist far right for decades. It has taken many forms, but all of them imagine that there is a plot to either replace, remove or simply liquidate white populations.

South Africa and Zimbabwe in particular have exerted a fascination on the racist far right because in the mind of white nationalists, they show what happens to a white minority after they lose control of countries they once ruled.

The Charleston shooter Dylann Roof was obsessed, like many other white supremacists, with “Rhodesia”, as Zimbabwe was known under white minority rule. As the Christian Science Monitor reported in the wake of his massacre, the fates of the two countries are “held up as proof of the racial inferiority of blacks; and the diminished stature of whites is presented as an ongoing genocide that must be fought”.

* Theater Thursday: Straw Dogs (1971) Wikipedia

* Is Jeff Sessions pushing back against Trump?

* Intelligence and health

* Steve Sailer: Is Transgenderism the New Anorexia?

* The Forward: Black Jews Are Being Chased Out Of the Jewish Community By Racism. Here Are Their Stories.

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