What Is Steve Sailer Reading?

Steve writes on his blog:

* I’m 98% finished with Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. It’s very good. It’s my favorite Stephenson book that I’ve read so far. I put it aside a week ago because I was staying up too late reading it. But now I have a chance to return to it and find out what happens, although I can kind of guess, but that’s not a criticism: creating a structure of inevitability is a good thing for an artist.

* Raymond Chandler wasn’t hugely masculine in personal affect, but you can’t exactly disparage his bona fides: e.g., he served as a sergeant in the Canadian Army in 1918 on the Western Front and was the only survivor of his platoon from a direct hit by a German artillery shell. And he didn’t talk about it much, although it’s kind of a subtext of his novels and his life, vaguely surfacing 35 years later in The Long Goodbye.

My view of Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe detective novels:

The Big Sleep — The first and most famous Chandler novel. This is the most reasonable choice to start with, although it’s not my favorite. Vastly influential, second only to The Maltese Falcon. E.g., The Big Lebowski is a comic version of The Big Sleep.

Farewell, My Lovely — The second and most lyrically beautiful. My favorite. Peak Chandler.

The High Window — Forgettable

The Lady in the Lake — Pretty good, but not as good as the first two.

The Little Sister — Pretty good, and the movie industry backdrop is more interesting than the Lady in the Lake, which is appealing if you are familiar with Southern California mountain resorts, but if you aren’t, 1940s Hollywood is a more interesting setting.

The Long Goodbye — A famous comeback novel. It’s excellent, but it’s more of an old man’s social novel, while the first two are those rare things, a young man’s lyrical novels by a disillusioned middle age man. Personally, I don’t find The Long Goodbye as much of a knockout as the first two novels, but it clearly had a lot of influence, such as on Larry Gelbart’s musical “City of Angels” and “Blade Runner.” The Mexican-American cop who despises but needs the Anglo detective hero is a brilliant innovation that’s the foundation of Edward James Olmos’s career.

I haven’t read the books past then when Chandler was old and drunk.

The other major Chandler work is the screenplay to the great film noir “Double Indemnity.” Chandler told Billy Wilder that James M. Cain’s novel was terrific, but his dialogue wouldn’t work in a movie so Chandler would have to totally rewrite it. Wilder was dubious and called up Cain, who didn’t much like Chandler, and told him what Chandler had said about his dialogue. To Wilder’s surprise, Cain agreed with Chandler, and told Wilder to have Chandler rewrite his dialogue.

This was a pretty awesome moment of 1940s professionalism. I suspect the Coen Brothers have kicked around this scene a few times between themselves.

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What’s Up With Ron Unz?

Ron Unz has been on a tear of late writing essays about 9/11 conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial and the evils of Judaism and the like.

A friend says:

One of the things that bothers me about the persons who are critical of Unz because of his series of articles attacking Jews in general and Israel in particular, is that with the exception of Shamir who tried to prove that the Communists who controlled the Soviet Union were not dominated by Jews, is the failure to factually attack him.

No one can effectively attack Toaff since he is really the first historian to go back to original sources since the whole idea of ritual sacrifice of Christian boys, or blood libel as we Jews refer to it. Instead once Toaff published in Italian, the entire Jewish community came down on him and he recanted.

Regarding the other things, it seems to me that they should either (1) be factually refuted or (2) shown that even if the particular facts he is citing are true, he has drawn conclusions from them that are not really supported by the facts.

I don’t know whether it was Cochran or one of his commentators who put the $25K casualty figure from the bombing Dresden, but David Irving’s figure is probably more accurate. It is probably wrong for Karlin (if that is who said it) to conclude that the bombing of Germany probably shortened the war and saved lives. It is very hard to consider the bombings of Dresden and Hamburg as anything other than terror bombings since they were for a largely civilian population to test incendiaries which created huge firestorms sucking all the oxygen out of underground shelters. The issue will never be decided. There is a continuous battle of historians and military strategists and tacticians about the effectiveness of bombing The U.S. dropped more tonnage on Vietnam than in all of WWII but that didn’t seem to make much difference Its questionable as to how much the bombing of Serbia did during that war. I have read some historians who dispute what Karlan said and that military production was never seriously impacted by the bombing and I do know that at least at first when Speer took over control, production went way up. The other issue, which no one wants to deal with, is that bombing of civilians played into Hitler’s hands that the Germans could expect no mercy from their conquerors so they best had fight to the end.

I think it would behoove one of these critics of what Unz has decided to publish on his website, a factual refutation. I assume that Unz would publish it, although who knows.

Gregory Cochran has never been a fan of Unz. Here are some comments from Cochran’s blog:

* You were right years ago, You could see Ron was clearly not playing with a full deck.

* He’s completely bonkers.

I once thought, in my more innocent days of speculating about Unz’s motives, that he was propelled by politics.

Well, obviously that can’t be right.

* Reading the comments to Unz’s essays, the enormous number of approximately literate responders who couldn’t get enuf of that stuff was disturbing to me personally. (I read Sailer first thing and then generally check out Unz.com to see if there is something interesting there). Unz’s face is over-the-top singular. Is there anything to be drawn from that fact/face that could be construed about the mind inside through reverse engineering?

* I’m worried Unz’s behavior will take out Sailer and some of the other interesting guys on the site. Razib’s decision to leave now seems very prudent.

* Anatoly Karlin: The individual bloggers/authors are firewalled from each other, there is no common editorial policy, and the likes of Wally aren’t going to appear on my comments threads. For example, how exactly is this supposed to impact negatively on Sailer (ostracized from handshakeworthy journalism anyway)? Will you stop commenting on my blog specifically because Ron published that article? …

Falsifiable prediction: Readership of the UR will continue growing steadily, and will be appreciably larger in a year’s time than now. (That’s bearing in mind that even current figures are at an all time high).

The hard right has a certain admiration for Israel as a “national” state they want to emulate, the anti-Muslim crowd likes it for obvious reasons, and the HBD/IQist wing has a ready and obvious answer for Jewish overrepresentation in all sorts of spheres. The main intellectual “cluster” from the right that propounds counter-Semitism comes via McDonald’s EGI theory. (Anglin et al. are funny but they are not intellectuals).

The Left are blank slatists, and many are anti-imperialists. So to be consistent, they need to be anti-Semitic almost by default.

Though if you say enough bad things about germans and consistently so you’ll come you could still be legitimately called a Germanophobe, and ergo with other nationalities. TBF I can reasonably be called a Lettophobe.

The main difference is ofc that anti-Semitism has been sacralized in the West as something uniquely bad and evil.

* It probably will grow but the question is why and what audience will it cater to. Their will still be some reputable writers there such as yourself but for the most part the articles are ridiculous diatribes at best and delusional rants at worst and the comment section goes down hill from there. The point I am making is average people aren’t just bad at understanding the complex reality around them, they have completely given up trying to have an open mind. All they do is look to confirm their crackpot ideas, and since Unz review is crackpot idea central it will continue to grow. Don’t confuse popularity with intellectual integrity. A brilliant lecture by a respected professor like John Hawks will get 1000 views on Youtube, Some drunkard who lights his balls on fire and jumps off a garage roof onto a card table is guaranteed ten million.

* Earlier, different words were used [than the Holocaust]. Here’s one from Chester Wilmot’s “The Struggle for Europe, 1952, concerning German fears of the Morgenthau Plan: “even those Germans who had not been corrupted by years of anti-Semitic propaganda knew they had no right to expect mercy from the rae that their own government had sought to destroy by persecution and pogrom in the most bestial campaign of genocide that Europe had ever known.” – 1952 Clearly a longer phrase than “holocaust”. Or Churchill, to his Foreign Secretary, 11th July 1944: ” There is no doubt that this [ persecution of Jews in Hungary and their expulsion from enemy territory] is probably the greatest and most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world, and it has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilised men in the name of a great State and on of the leading races of Europe.” Positively long-winded.

* I remember reading a long time ago an article on Ron Unz’s blog called ‘Kahanism or nothing’ (can’t find it now). Basically, he said that because of Israel’s tenous position it would either have to expel all the Arabs or cease to exist, but this was a shame because it was quite a nice country.

That was during the 1990s or maybe early 2000s (I think, really have to check). According to his recent articles, he had already been alerted during the First Lebanon War to the satanic, uniquely murderous nature of the Jewish religion by reading one book. I therefore don’t think there’s too much point trying to reconstruct the timeline of his thoughts on the issue. It’s always been pretty obvious that that the main criteria for getting a blog on his ‘journal’ was being anti-Israel and/or anti-Jew. Not that no-one else was allowed, just that if that wasn’t your thing you had to be actually, y’know, smart and say interesting things whereas if that wasn’t your thing you could be any old schizo doltard. For example, Ron Unz himself, after experimenting with ‘Jews drink Christian blood’, seems to have plumped for the ‘Jews were behind Communism’ version of anti-semitism, but still hosts Israel Shamir who says the Holodmor was made up and some other unreconstructed Communists. None of this is really supposed to make sense outside of some vendetta he has against his father and his obsession with proving that Hispanics and Ashkenazi Jews would be equally represented among Harvard summa cum laudes if they were just given a fair crack. I’m sure Steve Sailer can give you some more details about chronology if you can coax him to say anything on the subject /jk.

* Greg Cochran: The Western Allies did not massacre German civilians or POWs at the end of the war. It didn’t happen. Now when the Russians (and others) expelled he Germans from Prussia and eastern Europe, something like 12 million people, quite a few died. Estimates range from ~700,000 to 2.5 million. Dresden, about 25,000 killed. For the entire war, about 600,000 Germans were killed by bombing – but not after the war, during the war.

If war was too hard for the Germans, then maybe they shouldn’t have started it.

* Anatoly Karlin: The Allied bombings interrupted what had previously been a rapid secular rise in German armaments in mid-1943. After that time, German war production flatlined.

Moreover, an increasing share of German war production had to be devoted to AA, to safeguard their industry. It also increasingly de-motorized the German military, making it much less capable of the maneuver warfare it was so exceptionally capable at.

It is very likely that the Allied bombings significantly shortened the war and helped save 100,000’s lives of Soviet soldiers and civilians under Nazi occupation.

Truly the Allied bombing campaign was one of the most effectively altruistic actions of the 20th century, along with the atomic bombings of Japan.

* I have a question and would appreciate someone more knowledgeable than me answer it, or someone please point me to the literature. How did the Nazis dispose of the bodies? From what I understand there were no dead bodies found, at least not many. From 1942 to June 1945, say, 3 1/2 years, would be roughly 912 days. If over 5 milion people were murdered in that time, that is about 5,500 bodies every day 7 days a week for 3 1/2 years. Bodies don’t burn by themselves. How much fuel does it take to burn one body? Or what other means did they use? How can you kill that many people day after day and leave no trace? I mean the logistics, let alone the daily horror that the same men had to engage in day in day out. Is it physically and pyschologically possible to do this?

* Greg Cochran: You can burn a body using next to no fuel: see Spontaneous Human Combustion.

They also rot by themselves. Then there are pigs. Or we could talk bulldozers.

The logistics are trivial. The Mongols killed maybe 10% of the entire human race and I doubt if they often worked up a sweat.

Next stupid question?

Mammals can in fact burn. I knew this because of those cases of “spontaneous” human combustion ( which involve cigarettes), also cases of nomads out on the steppe that were known to cook an animal using its own fat as fuel, something they no longer teach young Nazis in school.

The new rule is that Nazis are welcome on the blog, but only if they have something interesting to say. Von Manstein or Pascual Jordan would pass, but none of the recent flock of idiots would.

* Didn’t our gentle host himself, Greg Cochran, use to say that nutty scientists have hundreds of bad ideas but still they may eventually come up with one brilliant discovery?
I say let Ron Unz research and write and rant all he wants because maybe one day he’ll stumble upon a great idea. Perhaps, ultimately his greatest achievement will be the completion of his humongous digital archive, a new library of Alexandria.

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White Nationalism Is Dead: Now What?

00:00 The state of the Alt Right, white nationalism
34:00 France’s Muslim problem
47:00 Los Angeles Dodger shortstop Manny Machado and the Dominican reluctance to take walks
1:01:00 40% of US births are out of wedlock
1:11:00 NYT: “Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (And Why Geneticists Are Alarmed)”
1:15:00 You can’t change your sex or race, all you can do is mutilate yourself
1:19:00 NYT: Proud Boys Founder: How He Went From Brooklyn Hipster to Far-Right Provocateur
1:21:00 Why no MSM coverage of Steve Sailer but lots of coverage of various marginal Alt Righters?
1:25:00 NYT: What Is NPC, the Pro-Trump Internet’s New Favorite Insult?
1:31:00 Z-Man: For most white people, individualism, civic nationalist, anti-racism and so forth are what define their life as a citizen.
1:39:00 Why the MSM obsession with the murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi?
1:42:00 Why media people are furious over Facebook’s bad video metrics
1:52:00 Former Facebook engineer who railed against liberal culture explains why he quit
1:54:00 KMG on MPCDot.com’s paywall
1:59:00 Legal cannabis vs. black market
2:08:00 Wages going up under Trump
2:12:00 All the news that’s fit to print from the New York Times: “Sugar baby” trades sex for money, gets stiffed, passes herself off as feminist victim of being “stigmatized”
2:14:00 Two of Kevin’s radio coworkers in San Diego were murdered by gay prostitutes selected from Craigslist
2:20:00 Robotic Security Forces On Patrol In NYC

Brett Stevens writes:

Politics forms a sub-heading under philosophy for a reason: where philosophy aims at the unchanging, politics looks at the dynamic of power which shifts frequently. As such, the problem with political terms is that often we target what was relevant yesterday. This proves hardest for groups creating change because they often overshoot their own goals by achieving them.

Take, for instance, the Alt-Right. It gained ground as the Obama years showed us that, with echoes of the 1990s and 1960s, a fundamental transformation by the Left was ruining what was left of Western Civilization. It grew into public view when Hillary Clinton mentioned it as the new Great Satan for all who believe in Holy Equality. Then, it tried to define itself.

At first, the goal for the Alt-Right was to gather together the disparate influences of the postwar Right — hierarchy, nationalism, traditionalism, and metapolitics or a sense that cultural change was needed to kickstart political change — under a banner as an alternative to the somewhat rancid mainstream politics which turned Rightists into RINOs.

Having achieved that, and seen candidates of a similar note be vaulted into office in the United States and Europe, the Alt-Right overshot its own goals. It succeeded, but was there more to it? Where did it go once it crafted its initial aim, which was to awaken cultural consciousness of the need for Western Civilization to save itself through its people and their culture?

Brett wrote a related essay:

Why White Nationalism Has Become Obsolete

With the rise of populism, the previous “white nationalist” movement became obsolete. What the media calls “white nationalism” now simply means white identity politics, or the recognition that different white groups have as much a reason to have their own culture, values, and ethnic self-determination, much as we grant the same to every non-white minority group.

This populist movement for the first time pairs with an economic and social doctrine. It espouses the libertarian idea of free markets and freedom of association, meaning that people want to escape the tax-and-spend social engineering regime of our liberal governments and also break away from the civil rights laws that force us to live with others who are not like us.

At this point, populist white nationalism has also become obsolete. We have stated what we want, and now stand arrayed against those who defend the Leftist benefits superstate and its civil rights agenda. We want a functional society for our people, and they want a mob of people without heritage upon whom they can imprint the Good News of Leftism.

We realize now that libertarianism is not enough, nor is the basic idea of white identity politics. The former creates anarchy which will inevitably shift toward the socialist consumerism of the status quo, and the latter seems defensive and does not address what we fully want, which is a Western Civilization with the greatness of the ancients.

Our people have awakened and they want something other than modernity, which they have finally revealed is a Hydra of many heads — diversity, equality, democracy, pluralism, consumerism, hipsterism — and realize that we need more than a resistance movement, but a design of a new civilization and a game plan for how to get there.

A friend says: “1. Yeah, we’re not all gonna make it. The degenerate and effete whites can go die and nobody cares; but I hope that it isn’t “random,” who gets invited — I hope somehow that the whites who care, who never stopped trying, etc., get word that it’s time to gather in Namibia (or whatever).

2. I was talking to my Texas later friend who is now 100% woke, and he was thinking about how ethnogenesis happens… how do the Etruscans become a people? And could such a thing happen now? Is the world finished generating new ethnicities? Presumably it would have to be a subset of whites—a shared language, religious culture, kinship, and maybe geography would seem to be the prerequisites. But the trick is, where do we apply for official new ethnicity status? And this opens up a scary black hole — maybe the UN or something? But conditions for recognition feel all wrong.

3. Sometimes I think about Doooovid saying that in his mind whites are sort of “blanks,” just empire dwellers with no identity. That’s a rough pill to swallow, but I do wonder. Can racial consciousness ever surmount just being reactionary? What would our positive vision be? I still haven’t solved that stuff.”

* Spectator: France is fracturing but Macron remains in denial

* The Atlantic: Jeff Sessions Is Quietly Transforming the Nation’s Immigration Courts

* MLB investigates suspected Astros cheating in ALCS Game 1

* Deion Sanders vs Carlton Fisk Related

* Machado called out as ‘dirty’ after eventful G4 Related

* ESPN: “Baseball — It’s a White Man’s Game by Design”

* “Brain Dead Caribbean Hitters Hacking at Slop Nightly”

* Almost Half of U.S. Births Happen Outside Marriage, Signaling Cultural Shift

* NYT: Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed)

* NYT: Proud Boys Founder: How He Went From Brooklyn Hipster to Far-Right Provocateur

* Z-Man: “Rooting for your own team is the moral thing to do”

* Former Facebook engineer who railed against liberal culture explains why he quit

* Why media people are furious over Facebook’s bad video metrics

* Largest Truck Company Predicts 20 Percent Wage Raise by End 2019

* Marijuana legalization = Urban pacification.

* All the news that’s fit to print from the New York Times: “Sugar baby” trades sex for money, gets stiffed, passes herself off as feminist victim of being “stigmatized”

* Robotic Security Forces On Patrol In NYC

* Don’t ask questions; just consume:

* Brannon: “Any 12 year old can access the most degenerate, psychologically & spiritually damaging pornography that’s ever been created but tech oligarchs use their enormous power instead to censor people who quote crime and immigration stats.”

Posted in Alt Right, Baseball, Nationalism | Comments Off on White Nationalism Is Dead: Now What?

Trump Versus The Courts

00:00 Liberal justices vs Trump administration
07:00 Ruth Bader Ginsberg does not seem like she’s long for this world
14:00 Cherokee Elizabeth Warren
19:00 Margaret Mead and the sexual revolution
36:00 Demographics over constitution
39:00 Trump calls Stormy Daniels “horseface”
46:00 MO Sen. McCaskill Hides Agenda
49:00 Jamal Khashoggi killing
55:00 Ron Jeremy discovers Dennis Hof dead
58:00 Heitkamp apologizes after ad mistakenly named women as sexual assault survivors
1:00:00 Brilliant student was gang raped and beaten to death with a rock after stopping to give a friend a lift home to stop thugs stealing his skateboard, South African murder trial hears
1:04:00 Left-wing white media males (over 100, many Jewish) brought down by the #MeToo movement
1:17:00 Yes, Virginia (Dare), McCarthy’s Wall Bill Is Very Good News
1:21:00 Trump threatens to cut aid to Honduras over Honduran migrant army heading to America
1:25:00 U.S. Is World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade
1:30:00 China’s economy looks vulnerable
1:33:00 Rembrandt masterpiece ‘The Night Watch’ to be restored live

* Daniel Horowitz: Unless we heed Clarence Thomas’ warning, SCOTUS ‘travel ban’ victory is hollow

* Fox News: Sessions vows ’emergency’ Supreme Court battles amid ‘outrageous’ discovery rulings by federal judges

* Trump calls Stormy Daniels ‘Horseface’

* “People just can’t know that.” MO Sen. McCaskill Hides Agenda Including “semi-automatic rifle ban” from Moderate Voters, Staffers Reveal in Undercover Video it “could hurt her ability to get elected.”

* WSJ: IMF Shows Risks in China’s Debt Markets as Global Popularity Booms: Sharp swings in trading volumes could present a risk to the country’s financial stability

* Politico: Heitkamp apologizes after ad mistakenly named women as sexual assault survivors

* Daily Mail: Vietnamese refugee who threw his four children off a bridge in 2008 after a fight with their mother is spared execution because his IQ is so low it would be unconstitutional to kill him

* Daily Mail: Brilliant student was gang raped and beaten to death with a rock after stopping to give a friend a lift home to stop thugs stealing his skateboard, South African murder trial hears

* NYT: After Weinstein: 71 Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct and Their Fall From Power

* VDARE: Smith, Rensin, Kriss, Hafford & Co.: Is #MeToo The End Of Leftist White Male Journalism?

* VDARE: Yes, Virginia (Dare), McCarthy’s Wall Bill Is Very Good News

* Charles Lane: We’re staying silent out of fear

* Brannon: “Any 12 year old can access the most degenerate, psychologically & spiritually damaging pornography that’s ever been created but tech oligarchs use their enormous power instead to censor people who quote crime and immigration stats.”

* Trump versus the Camp of the Saints: Trump threatens to cut U.S. aid to Honduras over immigrants

* Picture restoration is a con because we don’t know what the picture looked like: Rembrandt masterpiece ‘The Night Watch’ to be restored live

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Invasion Of The NPCs

* Non-Player Characters

* James Kuntsler writes: ” Speaking as a black woman… wait second! Can I do that? Well, why not. We’re now a nation consumed by make-believe, in which you can declare anything you want about yourself and insist that everyone else agree that it is so. If I identify this way, you must believe me! (Or else I will come after you with my cos-play mob and destroy you.)”

* Amanda Rosenberg: Portrait of a Survivor. KMG: “She fucked her way to the top, now Amanda Rosenberg is now proudly bipolar & demands the government attend to the scandalously ignored crisis of Asian-American mental illness. Insanity as a ploy to restore your reputation.”

Daily Mail in 2013: “Google executive, 27, accused of ‘sleeping her way to the top’ in irate online posts after affair with boss Sergey Brin, 40, was exposed”

Amanda Rosenberg on “mother material.”

* ANNE WOJCICKI: The Doyenne of DNA Says: Just Chillax With Your Ex

KMG: “When people marry in joke ceremonies, I expect the union to fail & swiftly.”

* NYT: G.O.P. Finds an Unexpectedly Potent Line of Attack: Immigration

* KMG: “Good news: Soylent Grin SJW fired from Marvel & Star Wars.”

* KMG writes: “Hollywood make-believe: Jill Soloway. Check out the before & after pictures of Mx Soloway. She was kinda attractive when she was a normal woman married to a man.”

* USA TODAY: Harvard admissions lawsuit is a threat to America’s diversity and strength

* Fauxcahantas vindicated? Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Purporting to Show 0.1 to 1.6% Native Ancestry

* The Bulwark: New neo-con publication Same Old Conservatism Inc.

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