Can The Church Regain Its Moral Authority?

Claire Khaw suggests these topics:

1) Could the Catholic Church regain its moral authority within the lifetimes of anyone born today?

2) If the world’s most powerful Church has failed, does this mean Christianity has failed?

3) Is the West suffering from a double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system?

4) If Christianity and liberal democracy have failed, is the answer a one party theocracy?

5) How do we restore patriarchy in the West?

6) Should and must the patriarchy be restored for the continuation of Western civilisation in some form?

7) How many people know the West is now a matriarchy?

8) The perfect patriarchy – 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy – 100% unmarried parents

Would you agree and what is America?

9) If anything should happen to Trump, white men would once again be without a leader, only left with the option of violence to keep the liberals from returning to power and the real possibility of another American civil war.

10) If there is no obvious successor to Trump, shouldn’t there at least a reasonable plan be prepared capable of being understood and followed by future generations?

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Dow Crashes: Correction Or Something Worse?

The Dow Jones was up 287 points today.

00:00 James Kuntsler on peak oil
45:00 Stephen Miller’s 3rd grade teacher suspended
50:00 Donald Cardinal Wuerl resigns
54:00 Arnold Schwarzenegger Apologizes for Using the Phrase ‘Girlie Men’
1:00:00 DM: Lindsey Graham responds to Chelsea Handler’s ‘homophobic’ tweet
1:05:00 Death limo owner Shahed Hussain
1:12:00 Still no evidence for Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh
1:16:00 Book Club: The Templars

* Steve Sailer: Cato Institute Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year – Shahed Hussain! Carnage Limo Entrepreneur Shahed Hussain Is a Refugee/Asylee Pakistan is not sending their best

* BOOK CLUB in 2nd Hour: The Templars by Piers Paul Read

* Stephen Miller’s third-grade teacher suspended after saying he ate glue as child Nikki Fiske told the Hollywood Reporter that when the Trump aide was a student in her classroom, he was a loner with a messy desk who played with glue.

* Lindsey Graham responds to Chelsea Handler’s ‘homophobic’ tweet targeting the Republican Senator on National Coming Out Day

* News: Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Donald Cardinal Wuerl as archbishop of Washington, nearly three years after Wuerl submitted it upon turning 75.

* James Kunstler: The meet-up between Kanye West and President D.J. Trump was an even richer metaphor for the situation: two self-styled “geniuses” preening for the cameras in the Oval Office, like kids in a sandbox, without a single intelligible idea emerging from the play-date, and embarrassed grownups all standing ‘round pretending it was a Great Moment in History.

* Arnold Schwarzenegger Apologizes for Using the Phrase ‘Girlie Men’

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Kanye West, Jim Brown Visit Donald Trump At The White House

* Here’s what happened at Kanye West’s incredibly bizarre meeting with Donald Trump

* Theater Thursday in the 2nd hour: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp

00:00 What’s the significance of Kanye West meeting with Trump?
31:00 Tucker Carlson is our guy
41:00 Jamal Khashoggi apparently murdered by Saudis
48:00 The Atlantic deconstructs PC
58:00 Rose McGowan blasts #MeToo movement
1:01:00 Michelle Obama’s new book
1:08:00 Human Capital = HBD (Human Bio-Diversity)
1:12:00 Theater Thursday: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)

* Video: Chaos & Cries Of ‘Nazi’ In Borough Park As Police Break Up Religious Procession

* LAT: In the age of Trump, Tucker Carlson’s ship has come in at Fox News

* WP: U.S. ranks 25th for men and 32nd for women when it comes to helping residents reach their potential

* Michelle Obama insists she WON’T run for office as she opens up about Sasha’s senior year, separate marital bathrooms and that ‘old’ cough drop President Bush handed her at Senator McCain’s funeral

* Rose McGowan steps out after branding the MeToo movement ‘a bull**** lie to make lily-livered Hollywood types feel better’

* Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture/


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Scott Adams Analyzes Trump-Kanye Summit

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Trump Must Bust The Trusts (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple)

00:00 Problems with Amazon
40:00 Coddling kids
45:00 Blacks and whites as kids are often friends, but then that changes after puberty, why?
1:15:00 Google/Apple censorship
1:24:00 Z-Man on Tom Nichols
1:35:00 Bolsonaro in Brazil
1:38:00 Stock market crash
1:41:00 Better Call Saul season four finale
1:55:00 Historians accuse AfD of Germany of imitating Hitler
2:01:00 Lena Dunham blames her flare-up of fibro on Kavanaugh
2:05:00 KMG says to invest in uranium
2:08:00 An emotional support squirrel stops flight

* NYP: Break up Amazon before it does any more damage to America

* Steve Sailer: Amazon Discovers Robot-White Male Axis of Evil

* LAT: Kavanaugh backs Trump administration on jailing and deporting immigrants for crimes committed years earlier

* ‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’

* German historians accuse far right chief of echoing Hitler

* Woman removed from flight bound for Cleveland due to ’emotional support’ squirrel

* ZMan: The Death of the Cuck

* Lena Dunham Suggests Kavanaugh-Ford Hearings ‘Activated’ Fibromyalgia Pain Flare

* The judges will decide, the likes of us abide—unless you’re Jimmy McGill and it’s the Better Call Saul season finale

* Steve Sailer: What if College Applicants Couldn’t Mention Their Race?

* Steve Sailer: The Coddling of the American Mind

* Steve Sailer: “Trump’s enemies say this obviously represents paranoid authoritarianism, but it’s really post-Sixties, post-Watergate openness.”

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