NYT: Is It Safe to Be Jewish in New York?

By Ginia Bellafante:

But, in fact, anti-Semitism was already quietly on the rise. For several years now, expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment have made up the preponderance of hate crime complaints in the city.

Contrary to what are surely the prevailing assumptions, anti-Semitic incidents have constituted half of all hate crimes in New York this year, according to the Police Department. To put that figure in context, there have been four times as many crimes motivated by bias against Jews — 142 in all — as there have against blacks. Hate crimes against Jews have outnumbered hate crimes targeted at transgender people by a factor of 20…

If anti-Semitism bypasses consideration as a serious problem in New York, it is to some extent because it refuses to conform to an easy narrative with a single ideological enemy. During the past 22 months, not one person caught or identified as the aggressor in an anti-Semitic hate crime has been associated with a far right-wing group, Mark Molinari, commanding officer of the police department’s Hate Crimes Task Force, told me…

A related issue is that bias stemming from longstanding ethnic tensions in the city presents complexities that many liberals have chosen simply to ignore. “When we were growing up in Harlem our demoralizing series of landlords were Jewish, and we hated them.” So begins an essay by James Baldwin that appeared in The New York Times in 1967 titled “Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White.”

When a Hasidic man or woman is attacked by anyone in New York City, mainstream progressive advocacy groups do not typically send out emails calling for concern and fellowship and candlelight vigils in Union Square, as they often do when individuals are harmed in New York because of their race or ethnicity or how they identify in terms of gender or sexual orientation.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Why would Trump supporters be violent (outside of lying press fantasies)? We have the White House. We have our good faith shot at accomplishing our goals without violence. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t, but we got our chance. On the other hand, leftist violence makes a kind of sense, because they feel desperate and excluded, and they don’t think in terms of being given a chance.

* Norman Podhoretz wrote a famous essay in the early sixties about how, as a kid in the thirties, he was most scared of the Negroes. Every Jew in New York knows that they need to be careful around blacks and don’t have to worry about whites. The non-Orthodox will of course never admit this aloud in a million years, but the Orthodox are fairly open about it.

* Jews are genuinely a delight to live around. Jewish neighborhoods are almost always the nicest in town. Jewish schools are usually where people want to send their kids. Jewish-run companies tend to pay the best and have the best working environments. Americans would all love to live in Bel Air, attend Princeton, and work at Google.

Most run-in-the-mill racism typically comes from noticing a little too much. But anyone with common sense, an ounce of rationality, and the ability to notice can clearly see that Jews make much better neighbors than any random American. That’s typically why you see the racist elements of the electorate, like white Southern Republicans, veer heavily towards philo-semitism.

The only way to really be anti-semitic in 2018 is if you have the ability to rationalize convoluted, counter-intuitive, grand conspiracy theories about centuries long plots and bad juju. (Ironically this is not altogether that different than traditional Talmudic reasoning, so many of the higher-profile modern day anti-semites, like our site’s publisher, are actually themselves Jewish.) Naturally not only does this attract a lot of schizophrenics, who are most comfortable indulging in paranoid fantasies. It also frequently pushes those on the edge of mental illness over the edge of sanity. Much the same as the SJW obsession with micro-aggression and intersectionality does for the hard left.

* What keeps anti-Semitism alive is two things:
1) A small minority of left-wing, politically active Jewish intellectuals have made a decades-long hobby of undermining the cultural fabric of the US, primarily through media and academia.
2) The vast majority of Jews, who do not fall into group 1, nonetheless refuse to call out their co-ethnics for their bad behavior, or outright deny it. For good or bad, this shapes the perception of the group as a whole.

As you note, by most socioeconomic metrics, the Jewish people are equal to or better to the random Gentile. But where they fail miserably is the ability to chastise their own, more so if the offender has had some financial success. Asking a typical US Jewish person to speak candidly about say, George Soros, is about as fruitful as asking Linda Sarsour to speak candidly about the burqa.

* https://advocate.nyc.gov/landlord-watchlist/worst-landlords

To be fair, you can’t tell if the Jewish landlords are overrepresented on this list. Most landlords in NYC are Jewish. But it does breed resentment.

One of the landlords, Mark Tress, is identified as having arranged an initiative in Lakewood, NJ, to assist Orthodox Medicaid fraudsters by giving them no interest, on your honor loans to pay back after they entered a ridiculous amnesty plan to repay benefits they stole.

Tress is quoted talking about how we need to take care of the community. He has insisted that the NYC worst landlords list is inaccurate and even sued to correct it. The strategy in Lakewood has been to buy houses, pack them with as many illegals as you can, let them go to shit and get condemned, get federal money to build new low income housing, and fill it with “poor” Jewish students and their families.

The Orthodox have been stealing benefits for years and the state finally charged a few of them, but then backtracked and offered amnesty if they repaid in full. They secretly decided to accept less, and mayhem as ensued as it has been revealed.

Here is an interesting look into how some of them were stealing benefits, including having dozens of bank accounts, using a check cashing / beeper store to launder money.

James Baldwin writes in 1967:

When we were growing up in Harlem our demoralizing series of landlords were Jewish, and we hated them. We hated them because they were terrible landlords, and did not take care of the building. A coat of paint, a broken window, a stopped sink, a stopped toilet, a sagging floor, a broken ceiling, a dangerous stairwell, the question of garbage disposal, the question of heat and cold, of roaches and rats–all questions of life and death for the poor, and especially for those with children–we had to cope with all of these as best we could. Our parents were lashed to futureless jobs, in order to pay the outrageous rent. We knew that the landlord treated us this way only because we were colored, and he knew that we could not move out.

The grocer was a Jew, and being in debt to him was very much like being in debt to the company store. The butcher was a Jew and, yes, we certainly paid more for bad cuts of meat than other New York citizens, and we very often carried insults home, along with the meat. We bought our clothes from a Jew and, sometimes, our secondhand shoes, and the pawnbroker was a Jew–perhaps we hated him most of all. The merchants along 125th Street were Jewish–at least many of them were; I don’t know if Grant’s or Woolworth’s are Jewish names–and I well remember that it was only after the Harlem riot of 1935 that Negroes were allowed to earn a little money in some of the stores where they spent so much.

Not all of these white people were cruel–on the contrary, I remember some who were certainly as thoughtful as the bleak circumstances allowed–but all of them were exploiting us, and that was why we hated them.

But we also hated the welfare workers, of whom some were white, some colored, some Jewish, and some not. We hated the policemen, not all of whom were Jewish, and some of whom were black. The poor, of whatever color, do not trust the law and certainly have no reason so, and God knows we didn’t. “If you must call a cop,” we said in those days, “for God’s sake, make sure it’s a white one.” We did not feel that the cops were protecting us, for we knew too much about the reasons for the kinds of crimes committed in the ghetto; but we feared black cops even more than white cops, because the black cop had to work so much harder–on your head–to prove to himself and his colleagues that he was not like all the other niggers.

We hated many of our teacher at school because they so clearly despised us and treated us like dirty, ignorant savages. Not all of these teachers were Jewish. Some of them, alas, were black. I used to carry my father’s union dues downtown for him sometimes. I hated everyone in that den of thieves, especially the man who took the envelope from me, the envelope which contained my father’s hard-earned money, that envelope which contained bread for his children. “Thieves,” I thought, “every one of you!” And I know I was right about that, and I have not changed my mind. But whether or not all these people were Jewish, I really do not know.

The Army may or may not be controlled by Jews; I don’t know and I don’t care. I know that when I worked for the Army I hated all my bosses because of the way they treated me. I don’t know if the post office is Jewish but I would certainly dread working for it again. I don’t know if Wanamaker’s was Jewish, but I didn’t like running their elevator and I didn’t like any of their customers. I don’t know if Nabisco is Jewish, but I didn’t like clearing their basement. I don’t know if Riker’s is Jewish, but I didn’t like scrubbing their floors. I don’t know if the big, white bruiser who thought it was fun to call me “Shine” was Jewish, but I know I tried to kill him–and he stopped calling me “Shine.” I don’t know if the last taxi driver who refused to stop for me was Jewish, but I know I hoped he’d break his neck before he got home. And I don’t think that General Electric or General Motors or R.C.A. or Con Edison or Mobil Oil or Coca Cola or Pepsi-Cola or Firestone or the Board of Education or the textbook industry or Hollywood or Broadway or television–or Wall Street, Sacramento, Dallas, Atlanta, Albany or Washington–are controlled by Jews. I think they are controlled by Americans, and the American Negro situation is a direct result of this control. And anti-Semitism among Negroes, inevitable as it may be, and understandable, alas, as it is, does not operate to menace this control, but only to confirm it. It is not the Jew who controls the American drama. It is the Christian.

The root of anti-Semitism among Negroes is, ironically, the relationship of colored peoples–all over the globe–to the Christian world. This is a fact which may be difficult to grasp, not only for the ghetto’s most blasted and embittered inhabitants, but also for many Jews, to say nothing of many Christians. But it is a fact, and it will not ameliorated–in fact, it can only be aggravated–by the adoption, on the part of colored people now, of the most devastating of the Christian vices.

Of course, it is true, and I am not so naÔve as not to know it, that many Jews despise Negroes, even as their Aryan brothers do. (There are also Jews who despise Jews, even as their Aryan brothers do.) It is true that many Jews use, shamelessly, the slaughter of the 6,000,000 by the Third Reich as proof that they cannot be bigots–or in the hope of not being held responsible for their bigotry. It is galling to be told by a Jew whom you know to be exploiting you that he cannot possibly be doing what you know he is doing because he is a Jew. It is bitter to watch the Jewish storekeeper locking up his store for the night, and going home. Going, with your money in his pocket, to a clean neighborhood, miles from you, which you will not be allowed to enter. Nor can it help the relationship between most Negroes and most Jews when part of this money is donated to civil rights. In the light of what is now known as the white backlash, this money can be looked on as conscience money merely, as money given to keep the Negro happy in his place, and out of white neighborhoods.

One does not wish, in short, to be told by an American Jew that his suffering is as great as the American Negro’s suffering. It isn’t, and one knows that it isn’t from the very tone in which he assures you that it is.

For one thing, the American Jew’s endeavor, whatever it is, has managed to purchase a relative safety for his children, and a relative future for them. This is more than your father’s endeavor was able to do for you, and more than your endeavor has been able to do for your children. There are days when it can be exceedingly trying to deal with certain white musical or theatrical celebrities who may or may not be Jewish–what, in show business, is a name?–but whose preposterous incomes cause one to think bitterly of the fates of such people as Beside Smith or King Oliver or Ethel Waters. Furthermore, the Jew can be proud of his suffering, or at least not ashamed of it. His history and his suffering do not begin in America, where black men have been taught to be ashamed of everything, especially their suffering.

The Jew’s suffering is recognized as part of the moral history of the world and the Jew is recognized as a contributor so the world’s history: this is not true for the blacks. Jewish history, whether or not one can say it is honored, is certainly known: the black history has been blasted, maligned and despised. The Jew is a white man, and when white men rise up against oppression, they are heroes: when black men rise, they have reverted to their native savagery. The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto was not described as a riot, nor were the participants maligned as hoodlums: the boys and girls in Watts and Harlem are thoroughly aware of this, and it certainly contributes to their attitude toward the Jews.

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Election Predictions

A friend says: First the disclaimer. It is very difficult to make predictions about races in states and districts outside my local ones. I have to rely on polls and trends from polls and articles written. The polls are only as accurate as the persons polled actually mimic the electorate that shows up to vote on election day. Many polls have built in biases based on the samples they take. Articles are very difficult to use to provide information. The authors all have their biases and you have to be very careful in selecting the drops of accuracy from the sea of opinion.

That being said, there are a few things to watch for early.

Trump has staked a lot on campaigning in Florida. It is his second home and Mar A Lago is the retreat from the White House he goes to most frequently. The polls there show the race as extremely tight both for Senate and Governor. The Republican candidate for Governor has embraced Trumpism but has consistently polled behind Gillum. Whether this is due to the changing demographics of Florida (it had a large influx of Puerto Ricans after the hurricane although it is not clear how many claim residency and have registered to vote) or hostility to Trump or dislike of DeSantis is not clear. Gillum, is facing corruption charges which would ordinarily be enough to sink him so to me it looks like a good portion of the Florida electorate wants to stick it to Trump. There is also the possible Bradley effect in which an African American candidate polls somewhat higher because the persons asked the questions don’t want to appear to be racist, yet when in the privacy of the voting booth will not vote for a black governor. This race will be extremely close, closer than the polls as of today show. I would not be surprised to see whichever candidate win defeat the loser by less than half a percentage point. I think that Gillum will defeat DeSantis Also on the Florida ballot is the Senate race in which the incumbent Governor, Rick Scott, who is relatively popular, trails the incumbent Senator Bill Nelson. This could go either way but, if I had to bet, my money is on Nelson. Florida also has a ballot proposition which looks like it will pass restoring voting rights to convicted felons once their sentence and probation is completed. The conventional wisdom is this effects something close a million and a half persons in Florida and that once the voting rights are restored they will vote mostly for Democrats. If this happens it changes the way the 2020 campaign will be run because Florida has so many electoral votes. Florida is tied with New York for the third richest electoral haul, 29, which will go up after the 2020 census.

Georgia is the other state to watch the governor’s race in. Stacy Abrams the black democrat slightly trails Kemp the republican. Both Oprah Winfrey and Obama either have campaigned for her or will campaign for her before election day. Although she may have had a shot, by stating she would ban the AR-15 and refusing to answer whether she would confiscate them, she has just done more to excite anti Abrams vote than any Republican has ever done. Regardless of whether most Americans support gun control, in almost every election where gun control becomes an issue on the ballot either by initiative or the position of someone running for office, the persons who oppose gun control usually win the day. The dream of democrats of a social justice oriented African American democrat as governor in Georgia will not be realized this year. Also if Abrams pulls it out, this will embolden congressional democrats to seek to pass gun control legislation. If she loses, don’t expect it to come up in the next two years.

In terms of surprises, I don’t think that Beto O’Rourke will knock off Ted Cruz, but even though the polling shows Cruz with a seven point lead I would expect his margin of victory to be substantially smaller, more in the 2 to 3 percentage point range.

I do expect Braun to upset Donnelly in Indiana (although the attempts by the Republicans to paint Donnelly as a racist because of the way he praised his minority staff members not only is stupid but appears to have backfired) but wouldn’t be surprised if Donnelly does get reelected. Same with Debbie Stabenow in Michigan who the Republicans like to claim is in trouble against John James. They are blowing smoke. Stabenow will win by more than 10 points. In Missouri look for Claire McCaskill to be defeated. The Republicans learned their lesson and have not selected a right wing nut to run against her, although he is plenty conservative. McCaskill may make it close but I think Josh Hawley will win and if I had to put money on it, win easily.

The Arizona Senate race is the most interesting. It is hard for me to shake the idea that Arizona is actually an ultra conservative state. It turns out that Phoenix is now the fifth largest city in the United States and in general urban populations are more liberal than rural ones. In 2016 Trump won the state by less than 100,000 votes although no doubt his margin was cut because Gary Johnson the libertarian candidate who had been governor of neighboring New Mexico garnered 106,000 votes. Sinema has a history before entering congress of radical leftist politics although as a congresswoman has been a liberal but not extremely liberal vote. McSally is a combat veteran, but is having problems because she ran in the primary against Kelly Ward and Joe Arpaio. The scars from the primary still linger and have led a not insubstantial number of Republicans to indicate in polls they support Sinema. Of interest is that Sinema was married, but is now the only openly bisexual member of congress. I think that when push comes to shove, the Republicans who do hold a numerical registration advantage over the Democrats will come back to McSally and she will win in a very close race.

Overall I think the Republicans will hold the Senate I don’t think they will pick up seats. I think they will end up with 51 seats, with a slight possibility of gaining up to two more, but I would bet against that. They may even end up with 50 seats and have to rely on Pence for his tie breaking votes when it comes to confirmation of appointed officials and judges.

I can’t even begin to give opinions about house races. I know the generic polls favor the democrats and historically the party out of power gets significant gains in the mid term elections. Those bode well for the Democrats. Of course, Trump does not hold the undivided loyalty of Republicans. He still faces never Trumpers, recalcitrant elected officials etc. One thing pointed out by Republicans is that the opposition to Trump, the resistance is very strong, in fact overwhelmingly strong, but only in districts that are already Democratic. What does it matter if a Democrat wins with 51% or 99% of the vote. What matters is how the numbers play in swing districts. Typically the Democratic advantage overall in polling on a generic basis has to be in the range of 6 to 10% in order to wrest majority control in the house. The Democrats appear to be on the cusp. My prediction is that the Democrats will gain a majority of seats in the house of representatives. I don’t think it will be a wipeout of Republicans, but I think it will be more than a one or two member advantage. When the dust settles, I would expect the Democrats to have something in the nature of a five to ten vote majority. As everyone knows, its not like a Democratic House will actually enact anything. It can only enact legislation if the Republican Senate joins in and President Trump doesn’t veto it.

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Three Months Inside Alt-Right New York

Jay Firestone writes:

Max and I introduced ourselves as working-class Trump supporters. After five minutes of macho man talk about fistfights, truck driving, and laying heavy pipes, they were sold. I mentioned my connection to the Book Club, and in order not to disrupt my cover story, identified myself as a neo-Nazi to every Proud Boy I met. That’s fine, they all told me. Gavin has a strict policy: no Nazi imagery or language is allowed in public, and especially when you talk to the press. There’s a pinned message in their private Facebook group stating this policy, they told me. Otherwise, you can believe and say whatever you want among other Proud Boys…

I mentioned I’m a fan of the Shoah, and Sal excitedly showed me his text messages with its host, TRS founder Mike “Enoch” Peinovich. “Mike and I text all the time” Sal beamed proudly, showing me dozens of messages as evidence. Sal claimed Peinovich and the rest of the TRS “pool party,” their euphemism for meetup groups, were on the way. They never showed.

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Free Lunch At The Saudi Embassy

I hear the Saudi embassy on Sawtelle Blvd is offering a free catered kosher lunch today to rehabilitate their image. I admit I’m tempted. Still, not sure it is wise even though I left journalism a long time ago.

From the Yelp reviews:

* The smell of blood and bleach all over the place, could hear a journalist screaming in the background. Wouldn’t recommend.

* I was asked to take a seat and wait for my papers. Within moments the door shut behind me and several men attempted to slice my arm off with a bone saw. They had the audacity to have headphones in their ears, probably listening to Brahms. Luckily I managed to stun one of them and flee, but not before one of the men stole my jacket. Beware.

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#100 10-31-18 Did Silicon Valley Buy Conservatism Inc?

00:00 The collapse of National Review after John O’Sullivan (1998) and Commentary magazine after Norman Podhoretz
18:00 David French says Steve King must be defeated
25:00 GOP scheme to pay women to falsely accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct
38:00 Trump seems to be growing stronger in office, having a ball
40:00 Revisiting Roe v Wade ruling on abortion
55:00 Whitey Bulger’s murder and the problem of when the inmates run the asylum
1:00:00 We Were Made for Civil War
1:04:00 Vancouver: The City That Had Too Much Money
1:15:00 NYT: Lil Peep Died Before Becoming Pop Royalty. His New Music May Change That.
1:20:00 The Trip (2010) analysis

* Z-Man writes:

In a series of tweets yesterday, someone calling herself Emerald Robinson announced she had evidence that at least one “conservative” magazine was taking payola from a tech giant. The implication was that the magazine was taking money in exchange for countering the stories about the tech oligarchs censoring dissidents.The woman works for an outfit called One America News, which is a small operation that has made a name for itself during the Trump phenomenon…

The most likely candidate, before examining the hints in the tweet, is National Review, which lost its moral compass when Rich Lowry took over the operation. It’s also the one conservative publication with any influence, at least before it hurled itself onto the NeverTrump bonfire three years ago. If you are going to bribe a conservative publication, you may as well bribe the biggest one. It’s not like any of these operations are making so much money that they would say not to a bribe. It’s their reason to exist.

Of course, the clue about the subscriber base evaporating adds to the speculation that the culprit is National Review. When you look at the tax filings for the 501(c)(3) they use to launder contributions, it appears their donations shriveled up during the campaign. Their ugly smear campaign against Trump and his voters turns out to have been a costly blunder. That is if the tax filings tell the whole story. It is possible that the tech giant or some other wealthy patron is paying writers directly or using another vehicle.

I speculated during the campaign that Dan and Farris Wilks were buying support for Ted Cruz and funding the NeverTrump lunacy among so-called conservatives. The two are members in good standing of the donor class and the guys bankrolling people like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager and Glenn Beck. My suspicion was they were spreading cash around on the side to the various pens for hire at operations like National Review and the Federalist. It would explain some rather obvious patterns we saw in the campaign.

Now, in fairness to National Review, we don’t know if the person tweeting this stuff is legitimate or correct. Her name suggests she should be swinging from a pole, rather than covering the White House, but these days, the differences between the two professions are microscopic. In fact, it would be a relief to learn that the mass media is simply singing for their supper, delivering what a handful of billionaires demand. Otherwise, it suggests a systemic failure that can only be addressed by madame guillotine.

* Fetal homicide ruling mandates ‘Roe exception’ challenge, Alabama justice says

* Theater Thursday: The Trip (2010)

* Is America headed for civil war?

* NYT: “A new study shows that the structure of the human pelvis varies between populations [races], which could have implications for how babies are birthed.”

* “Strange thing, culture,” remarked senior nurse to junior—a rookie—as they cleaned up afterwards. “Whites curse and blacks holler. Hispanics I’ve known to actually sing. But the Chinese—not a whisper.” [Fire from the Sun, Ch. 71]

* A young man is far more interested in what he can put into a young lady’s pelvis than what he can take out of it.

* When something is going in, Asians tend to squeak in a higher pitch. Whites and blacks get louder and lower in tone.

* Not just women. A White or Black baby on a long flight – guaranteed screeching. Dozens of Asian babies on a 16-hour flight – nary a peep. I was absolutely amazed. Perhaps they were saving their screeching for the NYT pages some 20-odd years later.

* Could they please publish a comprehensive list of the biological racial differences it is racist to know about as well as a list of the biological racial differences it is racist NOT to know about? Let’s also get daily update emails when a thing moves from one list to the other.

It’s tough when you get called a racist who doesn’t care about the deaths of black babies for not knowing that black women have big butts… ahem… deep pelvises. Even the original Becky from Baby Got Back is more woke than you on the PQ.

Maybe some of you keep up with all this, but there are some unclear points. For example, I’m pretty sure it’s okay to know about bone density differences since this shows that black people are tougher than white people. We already covered pelvis shapes… so you may think you’re in the clear with the skeletal system but… is it okay to know about skull circumference differences also? How about if you know about skull circumference but make very sure not to know about IQ correlation?

But skull shape might be relevant to birth and that means healthcare outcome disparities… so you might also be a racist white person who murders black babies on purpose if you DON’T know it. Maybe you can know it if you’re currently delivering a baby but not at other times?

It’s bad to say blacks are biologically better at running when you’re talking about football or sprinting but good to say they are better at running when it’s DISTANCE running. I think. If you relate this to the pelvic differences that are racist not to know, does that then make it okay?

Also not sure about the status of innate black rhythmic ability. It’s been scientifically shown and it suggests a positive ability that could make blacks superior to whites, so that’s good, but it could also suggest that you believe in stereotypes about black people singing and dancing, which is bad, unless it’s a black comedian / writer for the root making fun of white people dancing, which is also good.

I’ve been getting screened for sickle cell to show how much I don’t believe in race but I find I’m getting dirty looks from people with deep pelvises.

It’s getting hard out here for an NPC.

* Tucker Carlson’s Ship of Fools

* NYT lionizes guy you’ve never heard of: NYT: Lil Peep Died Before Becoming Pop Royalty. His New Music May Change That.

* Who is Jacob Wohl & why is he saying mean things about Robert Mueller? What we know about the shady ‘intel agency’ behind an alleged GOP scheme to pay women to falsely accuse Mueller of sexual misconduct

* Whitey Bulger murdered in “maximum-security” prison.

* Vancouver: The City That Had Too Much Money

* Is your Halloween costume racist? More

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