#100 10-31-18 Did Silicon Valley Buy Conservatism Inc?

00:00 The collapse of National Review after John O’Sullivan (1998) and Commentary magazine after Norman Podhoretz
18:00 David French says Steve King must be defeated
25:00 GOP scheme to pay women to falsely accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct
38:00 Trump seems to be growing stronger in office, having a ball
40:00 Revisiting Roe v Wade ruling on abortion
55:00 Whitey Bulger’s murder and the problem of when the inmates run the asylum
1:00:00 We Were Made for Civil War
1:04:00 Vancouver: The City That Had Too Much Money
1:15:00 NYT: Lil Peep Died Before Becoming Pop Royalty. His New Music May Change That.
1:20:00 The Trip (2010) analysis

* Z-Man writes:

In a series of tweets yesterday, someone calling herself Emerald Robinson announced she had evidence that at least one “conservative” magazine was taking payola from a tech giant. The implication was that the magazine was taking money in exchange for countering the stories about the tech oligarchs censoring dissidents.The woman works for an outfit called One America News, which is a small operation that has made a name for itself during the Trump phenomenon…

The most likely candidate, before examining the hints in the tweet, is National Review, which lost its moral compass when Rich Lowry took over the operation. It’s also the one conservative publication with any influence, at least before it hurled itself onto the NeverTrump bonfire three years ago. If you are going to bribe a conservative publication, you may as well bribe the biggest one. It’s not like any of these operations are making so much money that they would say not to a bribe. It’s their reason to exist.

Of course, the clue about the subscriber base evaporating adds to the speculation that the culprit is National Review. When you look at the tax filings for the 501(c)(3) they use to launder contributions, it appears their donations shriveled up during the campaign. Their ugly smear campaign against Trump and his voters turns out to have been a costly blunder. That is if the tax filings tell the whole story. It is possible that the tech giant or some other wealthy patron is paying writers directly or using another vehicle.

I speculated during the campaign that Dan and Farris Wilks were buying support for Ted Cruz and funding the NeverTrump lunacy among so-called conservatives. The two are members in good standing of the donor class and the guys bankrolling people like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager and Glenn Beck. My suspicion was they were spreading cash around on the side to the various pens for hire at operations like National Review and the Federalist. It would explain some rather obvious patterns we saw in the campaign.

Now, in fairness to National Review, we don’t know if the person tweeting this stuff is legitimate or correct. Her name suggests she should be swinging from a pole, rather than covering the White House, but these days, the differences between the two professions are microscopic. In fact, it would be a relief to learn that the mass media is simply singing for their supper, delivering what a handful of billionaires demand. Otherwise, it suggests a systemic failure that can only be addressed by madame guillotine.

* Fetal homicide ruling mandates ‘Roe exception’ challenge, Alabama justice says

* Theater Thursday: The Trip (2010)

* Is America headed for civil war?

* NYT: “A new study shows that the structure of the human pelvis varies between populations [races], which could have implications for how babies are birthed.”

* “Strange thing, culture,” remarked senior nurse to junior—a rookie—as they cleaned up afterwards. “Whites curse and blacks holler. Hispanics I’ve known to actually sing. But the Chinese—not a whisper.” [Fire from the Sun, Ch. 71]

* A young man is far more interested in what he can put into a young lady’s pelvis than what he can take out of it.

* When something is going in, Asians tend to squeak in a higher pitch. Whites and blacks get louder and lower in tone.

* Not just women. A White or Black baby on a long flight – guaranteed screeching. Dozens of Asian babies on a 16-hour flight – nary a peep. I was absolutely amazed. Perhaps they were saving their screeching for the NYT pages some 20-odd years later.

* Could they please publish a comprehensive list of the biological racial differences it is racist to know about as well as a list of the biological racial differences it is racist NOT to know about? Let’s also get daily update emails when a thing moves from one list to the other.

It’s tough when you get called a racist who doesn’t care about the deaths of black babies for not knowing that black women have big butts… ahem… deep pelvises. Even the original Becky from Baby Got Back is more woke than you on the PQ.

Maybe some of you keep up with all this, but there are some unclear points. For example, I’m pretty sure it’s okay to know about bone density differences since this shows that black people are tougher than white people. We already covered pelvis shapes… so you may think you’re in the clear with the skeletal system but… is it okay to know about skull circumference differences also? How about if you know about skull circumference but make very sure not to know about IQ correlation?

But skull shape might be relevant to birth and that means healthcare outcome disparities… so you might also be a racist white person who murders black babies on purpose if you DON’T know it. Maybe you can know it if you’re currently delivering a baby but not at other times?

It’s bad to say blacks are biologically better at running when you’re talking about football or sprinting but good to say they are better at running when it’s DISTANCE running. I think. If you relate this to the pelvic differences that are racist not to know, does that then make it okay?

Also not sure about the status of innate black rhythmic ability. It’s been scientifically shown and it suggests a positive ability that could make blacks superior to whites, so that’s good, but it could also suggest that you believe in stereotypes about black people singing and dancing, which is bad, unless it’s a black comedian / writer for the root making fun of white people dancing, which is also good.

I’ve been getting screened for sickle cell to show how much I don’t believe in race but I find I’m getting dirty looks from people with deep pelvises.

It’s getting hard out here for an NPC.

* Tucker Carlson’s Ship of Fools

* NYT lionizes guy you’ve never heard of: NYT: Lil Peep Died Before Becoming Pop Royalty. His New Music May Change That.

* Who is Jacob Wohl & why is he saying mean things about Robert Mueller? What we know about the shady ‘intel agency’ behind an alleged GOP scheme to pay women to falsely accuse Mueller of sexual misconduct

* Whitey Bulger murdered in “maximum-security” prison.

* Vancouver: The City That Had Too Much Money

* Is your Halloween costume racist? More

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Big Jews Vs Little Jews

Joe* says: “As a white person, I’ve found your message on big jews vs little jews to be an open and honest rebuttal of leftwing jews. For the first time in a long time, it makes me believe our people can work together…”

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White Genocide Is Real

00:00 Any validity to the white genocide meme?
27:00 Liberal Jews are playing with fire with their anti-Gentile bigotry
34:00 Elite rabbis lining up against hate speech, seeking speech censorship
38:00 Russian Jews are rarely liberal
45:00 Hot Russian women and their downsides, Spectator article
48:00 Trump targets birthright citizenship
1:02:00 Lauren McCluskey Timeline: Melvin Rowland Extorted Student. Lauren McCluskey didn’t want to be a bad Becky, and she ended up dead.
1:18:00 At a Berlin security conference, hardline neocon Jamie Fly appeared to claim some credit for the recent coordinated purge of alternative media.
1:25:00 Roosh on HIAS: “Just because this Jewish charity has 10 people making over $140,000 a year to “rescue” third world souls into the United States doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do it for free. You simply don’t understand how much heart it takes to do charity work that improves the world!”
1:29:00 Rabbi Ruti Regan: “Hey, Jewish communities participating in #ShowUpForShabbat? Please keep in mind that Jews of color are Jews. Please don’t assume that unfamiliar people of color who come to synagogue this week aren’t Jewish. Jews seeking community in the wake of tragedy shouldn’t face racism too.”
1:32:00 Rabbi Ruti Regan is a feminist rabbi, liturgist, and a disabled disability advocate.
1:49:00 Jewish assimilation
1:55:00 Bernard Henry Levi’s feud with Michel Houellebecq
2:02:00 Lester Holt Dressed up as a Woman in ‘Whiteface,’ Fallon In Blackface, What Exactly is NBC’s Policy?
2:14:00 IS THIS WORSE THAN 1968? No says Pat Buchanan.
2:28:00 Are men in prison more likely to be gay? Kinsey was duped.
2:30:00 The rent boy suspected of a murderous vendetta – “Andrew Phillip Cunanan, the 27-year-old Californian now being hunted for Gianni Versace’s murder”
2:33:00 White nationalist writer says he’s a canvasser for Brian Kemp
2:35:00 The incredibly shoddy plot to smear Robert Mueller, explained: https://www.vox.com/2018/10/30/18044110/robert-mueller-jacob-wohl-jack-burkman-surefire

“During a recent protest at the United Methodist General Conference, LGBTQ activist Reverend Will Green sings the hymn “Blest Be The Ties That Bind” with his arms and feet bound behind his back.”

* Steve Sailer: NYT: “We Can Replace Them”

* Z-Man writes:

On more than a few occasions, I have made the point that the greatest threat to Jews in America is other Jews. While there no doubt exist plenty of anti-Semites, counter-Semites and bigots, they are powerless to act on their opinions. Sure, one can go bonkers and shoot up a synagogue, but that guy could just as easily have thought his dog told him to shoot the Pope. In a big open country, you will have a nut of every variety and on occasion, one will slip the leash and cause mayhem. There’s no remedy for it.

As far as a serious threat to Jews, there never has been one in America, because the culture of the country has never been hospital to confrontational tribalism among white people. Instead, it is a frontier culture, where tribes just avoid one another if they cannot get along. Talk to a European about moving around and they will marvel at the casual way in which Americans just pick up and leave if they think the next town is better. The result of this is our anti-Semites tend to be separatists, not confrontational.

That’s a good thing, but it is not an immutable thing. As the country becomes majority-minority, whites are slowly starting to think of their racial identity as their primary identity and their primary interest. In one of life’s ironies, the Progressive demands for tribalism are creating a white tribe, organized to defend white people from the predation of the Left. It may simply be an inevitable result of demographics, but white Americans are slowly coming to terms with the reality facing them. As a result, that frontier mentality is waning.

This will be a different world for Jews, who have enjoyed a casual indifference from the white majority, since Jews migrated here in bulk at the start of the last century.

* Not a word in here about how absorbing the world’s refuse is good for America.

* White nationalist writer says he’s a canvasser for Brian Kemp

* Op-Ed: Changing an Institution from Within; My Experience as a Gay Methodist Pastor

* Pat Buchanan: IS THIS WORSE THAN 1968?

* Lester Holt Dressed up as a Woman in ‘Whiteface,’ Fallon In Blackface, What Exactly is NBC’s Policy?

* Trump targeting birthright citizenship with executive order

* Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media “Just the Beginning,” Says Top Neocon Insider

* Lauren McCluskey Timeline: Melvin Rowland Extorted Student

Rodney Martin writes:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside” Section 1, Clause 1 of the 14th Amendment

This was a 1-time deal to grant citizenship to “Freed Slaves” in the Post Civil War Era, Keep in mind the 14th EXCLUDED Indians/Native Americans, they did not become U.S. Citizens until 1924. It was also in hopes of breaking up the Democratic monopoly in the South, i.e. Freed Slaves would vote Republican, which they did, until the disputed 1876 Presidential Election which resulted in the withdrawal of Federal Troops by President Hayes which then resulted in Jim Crow Laws.

The 2nd part of the 14th under the “Plain Language Legal Doctrine , i.e. “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside” clearly establishes that the person in question must pass a 2-Part Determination 1- Be subject to the Jurisdiction an Illegal can be subject to the Jurisdiction AND 2- be a RESIDENT of the State where they reside, i.e. they MUST be a LEGAL Resident. An Illegal cannot meet the 2nd part- Residency, which is why Blue States are trying like hell to EXPAND the definition of State Citizenship.

Keep in mind Congress passed a Statute that codified the broad interpretation of the 14th i.e. all anyone has to do is drop a kid & go back to China, Somalia, or India the next day.
Congress & the Left says the “birth” establishes “Jurisdiction”, but they fail to address “Residency” requirement.

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CNN: Pittsburgh synagogue shooting is believed to be the deadliest attack on Jews in American history

Was this slaughter prompted by disrespectful speech? Jews have about the most violent speech around and yet they have about the lowest rates of criminal violence. The Jewish Bible contains God’s commands to commit genocide. Is that hate speech? If not, why not?

From CNN:

In a statement condemning the Pittsburgh attack, the Rabbinical Assembly said the shooting was a reminder that anti-Semitism “is on the rise in America at a rate unprecedented in decades.”

“This vicious hate crime, perpetrated against innocent people at prayer is but the latest in an escalating scourge of hate-based violence in America,” it said.

Moishe Bane, president of the Orthodox Union, expressed heartbreak for “the senseless murder of our fellow Jews and all victims of vicious hate crimes.”

“We condemn the dangerous rhetoric that foments such senseless violence and we stand with the Tree of Life Congregation and the whole Pittsburgh community at this terrible time,” he said.

Rabbi Elazar Muskin, president of the Rabbinical Council of America said “fringe elements of society” had become “emboldened by speech which is often disrespectful and hateful.”

I wonder if R. Muskin ever read the Torah and the Talmud and did he ever find that speech disrespectful and hateful? If not, why not? There’s no definition of hate speech that would not include Torah and siddur (Jewish prayer book).

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Will a major news organization do a story on rabbis Avrohom Union of the RCC and R. Moshe Hafutah of 90035

I wonder how this will affect those people who rely on these rabbis’ Batei Din (Jewish law courts) for conversion and kosher certification?

According to Rabbis.org:

Mar 20, 2014 — Rabbi Avrohom Union is the Dayan and Menahel of the Beth Din of the Rabbinical Council of California. He grew up in North Miami Beach, Florida, and attended the Hebrew Academy in Miami Beach. Upon graduation, he went to the Mesivta of Greater Miami and then to Telshe Yeshiva of Chicago. This was followed by eight years in Bais Hatalmud in Jerusalem, four of them in Kollel.

He received his semicha from the Israeli Rabbinate and later received the dayanut qualification of Yadin Yadin from HaGaon Rav Dov Schwartzman. He did undergraduate studies at the University of South Africa and completed his Masters in Psychology at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles. Rabbi Union felt that a degree in psychology would provide him with additional expertise and insight in his pastoral and community work.

Rabbi Union was rabbi of the Constantia Hebrew Congregation in Cape Town, South Africa, where he also served as a Dayan for the Cape Beis Bin. In the United States, he was the Rabbi of Young Israel of Beverly Hills. He has given many adult education classes for various organizations over the years, and currently serves on the faculty of the Jewish Learning Exchange as well as Ohel Sara Seminary for Women.
Helping people and helping them live Jewishly is Rabbi Union’s favorite aspect of being a rabbi. He takes pride in raising a family of committed members of Klal Yisrael, promoting unity in the local orthodox Rabbinate, and building a Vaad as a platform for serving the community.

Prior to his first Yom Kippur in Cape Town, he met with the board to review the service and the local customs. He asked them why they blow the shofar after Maariv instead of after Neila, contrary to the established minhag. They told him that as soon as the shofar is blown everybody will run for the doors. “Let’s see” he replied. That Yom Kippur, he turned to his congregants as Neila ended and told them what the board said. “They think you are going to run. They think you will have had enough. But I think that after such an uplifting and meaningful Yom Kippur, you will want to do the right thing and remain for Maariv after the shofar. I believe in you”. With that he gave the signal to blow the shofar, the doors remained as they were, and his president chuckled that the Rabbi had won this round.

His advice to younger rabbis who are at the start of their rabbinic career is; treat your congregants with dignity and genuine ahavas yisrael and they will respect you even if you are demanding.

Rabbi Union served as the English editor of Mashiv B’halacha, a publication of the Mechon L’Horaah and has published numerous pieces in the Shaarei Tzedek journal of Choshen Mishpat case law. He is involved with Nefesh, the organization of Orthodox mental health professionals, and he also works with his wife Tova, in training kallah teachers. He currently sits on the Halachic Advisory Board of Magen Yeladim International Child Safety Institute.

Rabbi Union is married to Tova (nee Reis) who is the Girls’ Middle School Coordinator for Emek Hebrew Academy. They have 9 beautiful children and seventeen grandchildren.

If you get to have any kind of conversation with Rabbi Union, he’ll be sure to let you know he has a masters degree in Psychology. He’s the greatest rabbinic street fighter on the West Coast. His handshake is soft but his will is steel.

Here is some background on R. Moshe Hafuta. He has a sister married to Kabbalist Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto.

From the Jewish Journal Apr. 3, 2013:

After Doheny Kosher scandal, what does the future hold for L.A.’s meat market?

On Thursday, March 7, at 6:10 a.m., a van and an SUV sit in adjacent parking spaces, in the lot of a McDonald’s near the junction of the 101 and the 405 freeways, their rear lift-gates open.

Mike Engelman, the driver of the SUV, with the help of the driver of the van, loads something into the back of the SUV. Then Engelman, who owns Doheny Glatt Kosher Meat Market, one of Los Angeles’ largest distributors of kosher animal products, drives off, headed to Pico-Robertson to open his shop.

Almost exactly one hour later, in the parking lot behind Doheny Meats, the mashgiach (rabbinic overseer) from the Rabbinical Council of California (RCC), who had unlocked the doors to the store and the distribution center just 10 minutes earlier, is nowhere in sight. Engelman signals to an employee to unload the SUV. The employee takes out eight boxes, hundreds of pounds of unidentified meat or poultry, and wheels them into the store through its rear door.

This entire sequence was captured on video by a private investigator, and on Sunday afternoon, March 24, Rabbi Meyer H. May, president of the RCC, watched the video in horror. What he saw wasn’t just Engelman undermining the supervision of his agency; he also saw the rabbinic supervisor, who is never supposed to leave the premises, break with RCC protocol.

All this was revealed on March 24, the day before Passover. At sundown the following day, hundreds of local families at their own seder tables, as well as thousands of customers at resorts across the region, would be sitting down to eat their traditional Passover meals featuring meat and poultry that had passed through Doheny’s doors.

May and his rabbinic colleagues at the RCC revoked Doheny’s certification. They also declared at the same time that all meat sold by Doheny Meats up until 3 p.m. that day could still be considered kosher.

The aftermath of this scandal is still playing out, but it has already rocked Los Angeles’ kosher industry in a way that hasn’t happened since 1990, when the Rabbinical Council of California (RCC) removed its certification from Emes Kosher Meat Products after a rabbinic supervisor found an empty box in the store’s dumpster that had come from a non-kosher poultry supplier.

This time the scandal implicates both Doheny Meats, believed to be among the largest distributors of kosher animal products on the West Coast, and the RCC, a prominent and widely trusted kosher certifier. As a result, the scandal could have far-reaching consequences.

If Engelman intentionally circumvented his mashgiach, as the videos appear to indicate, Engelman’s business, which he has owned for 28 years, will likely never regain the RCC’s imprimatur, let alone the trust of kosher consumers, and could be forced to close. The case is also a black eye for the RCC, in part because its protocols appear to have been breached on multiple occasions, and also because the breach was not discovered by the rabbis themselves, but by a private investigator who says he was working independently.

Further complicating the matter, the RCC also had received tips about suspicious practices at Doheny years before this scandal broke — the agency says its own investigations turned up no evidence of wrongdoing — a fact that leaves many local observant Jews questioning whether the RCC is up to the task of supervising the approximately 100 kosher restaurants, markets and caterers that bear its hechsher (seal of approval) across the city.

From Haaretz, Jan. 25, 2017:

Rabbi Pinto Released After Serving Jail Time for Bribery

Kabbalist Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto served one year in prison after being convicted of bribery and other corruption offenses.

Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto was released from prison early Wednesday morning after serving a one-year sentence for bribery. The senior police commander Ephraim Bracha, who was involved in the corruption scandal, later committed suicide.

The disgraced kabbalist rabbi was convicted of bribing Bracha, who was head of the Israel Police National Fraud Investigation Unit, in May 2015. Pinto was also found guilty of attempted bribery involving a similar sum, and with obstruction of justice.

He was sentenced to one year in prison in a plea bargain and was also ordered to pay a fine of 1 million shekels ($260,000).

His appeal to reduce his sentence to six months’ community service, given his deteriorating medical condition, was denied by the Supreme Court last January.

Pinto is considered one of Israel’s wealthiest rabbis. The great-grandson of a famous Moroccan-born mystic known as the Baba Sali, he amassed his fortune while serving as spiritual guru to the rich and powerful in Israel, New York, and elsewhere.

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