Election Predictions

A friend adds: There are four points to make:

(1) Democrats have a three to one advantage in spending over Republicans

(2) Although Trump has drawn large crowds for his rallies, this can be deceptive as it was in 2012 when Romney drew huge enthusiastic crowds or predictive as it was in 2016. However, by putting himself out there at the rallies, Trump will make it easier for him to claim an endorsement of his policies if his candidate wins and easier for his opponents to claim a repudiation of Trump if his candidate loses. But most campaigns, for the House especially, but to a lesser degree the Senate, revolve around local issues and whether the candidate has the money to get his or her message out. So regardless of the outcome, it should be viewed through a series of lenses including but not limited to Trump, money and local issues, and the point I will raise next.

(3) I have been following real clear politics regarding the house of representative races. Over the past three months, the predictions of how many House seats would go to Democrats and how many would go to Republicans and how many toss ups there are, has ranged from a high of 205 or 206 Democrat seats guaranteed to a low of around 200. For Republicans the range has been in the 201 to 196 range with the balance being toss ups. What this shows is that regardless of which party wins the seat in that particular district, it can’t be seen as an overwhelming mandate or repudiation of that candidate or of Trump. It looks like many of these districts will be decided by less than a couple of thousand votes which for statistical purposes is a tie even if one party takes the seat. It will be interesting to see how the winners choose to govern and vote if they were voted in on a very slim margin.

(4) If the Democrats take the house, because of seniority, there will be many African American chairs of House Committees. Some of these will be smart politicians and not racial tribalists. Others are, frankly idiot idealogues or racial tribalists. If Pelosi can’t keep the crazies and stupid ones out of positions in power, it will reflect poorly on Democrats and if the Democrats are in fact perceived throughout American, and especially among persons of color who are not black, as “the black party,” this will greatly work to Republican’s advantage in 20120.

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The Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre

Was this slaughter prompted by disrespectful speech? Jews have about the most violent speech around and yet they have about the lowest rates of criminal violence. The Jewish Bible contains God’s commands to commit genocide. Is that hate speech? If not, why not?

Panel: Shlomo Gordon, Doooovid

From CNN:

In a statement condemning the Pittsburgh attack, the Rabbinical Assembly said the shooting was a reminder that anti-Semitism “is on the rise in America at a rate unprecedented in decades.”

“This vicious hate crime, perpetrated against innocent people at prayer is but the latest in an escalating scourge of hate-based violence in America,” it said.

Moishe Bane, president of the Orthodox Union, expressed heartbreak for “the senseless murder of our fellow Jews and all victims of vicious hate crimes.”

“We condemn the dangerous rhetoric that foments such senseless violence and we stand with the Tree of Life Congregation and the whole Pittsburgh community at this terrible time,” he said.

Rabbi Elazar Muskin, president of the Rabbinical Council of America said “fringe elements of society” had become “emboldened by speech which is often disrespectful and hateful.”

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Why Do Blacks Support Immigration?

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Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution by Tucker Carlson

00:00 KMG outlines his travels
60:00 Ship of Fools review

From Amazon.com: “The host of Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight offers a blistering critique of the new American ruling class, the elites of both parties, who have taken over the ship of state, leaving the rest of us, the citizen-passengers, to wonder: How do we put the country back on course?”

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Pattern Recognition

* Birthing story
* Nursing textbook story
* Fairy Island
* Three months with the Alt Right
* Is it safe to be a Jew in NYC?
* James Baldwin in 1967: Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White

* 14 Jews arrested at NY Rep Club
* Bill De Bozio
Election fraud
Culture time: The Woman Who Fought An Empire
And some tidbits

* Apple, Facebook and Google among 56 businesses telling Trump not to weaken transgender rights

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