WEHT To Drudge?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Is it just me or has Drudge moved more to the Left the last 18 months or so. For example, he sure has been touting all those fake polls showing Dems up by wide margins. It is subtle but it’s there.

* DrudgeReport is now pretty much in line with MSM in general. I noticed the shift about a year ago or so as well. I mentioned this to family members who support Trump and they agreed and had stopped going there. I have also seen posts on FreeRepublic about Drudge’s new left slant and all the replies agreed. It had to have happened after the election because Trump was praising Drudge during his election rallies two-plus years ago.

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NYT Says One In Three Black Men In Kentucky Is A Felon

I’d say that level of criminal behavior is a big problem that blacks must confront (apparently one in six black women in Kentucky are also felons). To the New York Times, the problem is that these criminals can’t vote.

News footage is racist!

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Cabrillo High has hosted student race riots between blacks and Latino’s many times before, most of which Latino’s won handily. Southern California in general, and Compton in particular, has been the battleground for an extremely successful ethnic cleansing campaign by Latino’s.

Compton is now around 80-85 % Latino, and still growing, as the last of the black folks get run out of town.

Since then, Compton’s formerly bankrupt and shuttered Martin Luther King Jr. hospital has re-opened, with new state-of-the-art medical equipment servicing our Latino’s, and many, many Mexican citizens newly arrived. Crime in Compton has dive-bombed, the dramatic decrease considered unprecedented. Latino’s in general, and Mexicans in particular like to have a nice day, which prohibits the indulgent behavior of black folks in their neighborhoods. HUD vouchers allow for blacks to move out of town relatively quickly, should they feel a sudden, urgent need.

CONCLUSION: Mexicans kids at Cabrillo High just took a minor setback, and targeted black kids can expect hell to pay going forward. Mexicans never forget, and can summon a remarkable measure of maliciousness, when called for. Some black kids at Cabrillo should either leave town yesterday, or they are going experience some ugly outcomes.

* An ignored aspect of Southern California’s gentrification has been the demographic shift in its prison system. In the 1970′s, California prisons were dominated by blacks. Today, they are dominated by many, many Mexicans, with blacks and white supremacists competing for second place.

In the black community, where it is reasonable a son or nephew will do time, this is a real threat to their safety. Maybe housing prices are the 21st century version of ethnic cleansing. But prison provides a more authentic, 13th century version.

* Armenians are a very interesting ethnic group. Sort of like a Middle Eastern mercantile ethnicity, but without Islam.

Very gaudy, cunning, and tribal. Also, pretty successful economically, especially in small business.

The Armenians (and Persians) are to SoCal what Italians are to NYC.


* I think the Blue Wave might have happened with Dems winning every competitive Senate race and 50 House seats if the election were in early September.

The interrogation of a 53-year-old judge’s high school social and sex life by leading Dem senators, then the migrant caravan, made them look awful just as swing voters started to follow the midterm news.

I think people noticed the steady Maoist purge of people from their jobs that really picked up this year. And the purged were quite diverse: a beauty queen newslady, a young Google programmer nerd, the Jewish creator and star of the #1 scripted show on TV.

It’s only the left that violently attacks people engaged in political or intellectual debate in colleges.

You can find 100 instances of this. But there is not single one of conservatives trying to “shut it down” and “deplatform” leftists.

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#102 11-5-18 The Most Important Midterms In History

00:00 Kevin’s brutal six day stay in Edmonton
17:00 Edmonton Oilers look great this year!
28:00 Mid-term elections as a referendum on Trump
33:00 Nicole Wallace on white grievance
37:00 Neo-cons and the rise of anti-Semitism
1:07:00 Is Nate Silver done if he’s wrong about 2018 mid-term elections?
1:35:00 HIAS
1:47:00 Vichy France thrived
1:53:00 Book Club: Tucker Carlson’s Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution
1:55:00 The damage of Facebook, Silicon Valley moguls want to limit their kids’ use of social media
2:00:00 Jim Crow laws

* Nate Silver making excuses? Nate’s predictions. Polls

* James Kuntsler: “…it is imperative to keep the Democratic Party from the levers of power. If elected, they will convert a necessary and inescapable Fourth Turning into a game show replay of the French Revolution, with overtones of the Spanish Inquisition. We have not nearly seen the end of how insane a society can become under duress.”

* “Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action.” (Ian Fleming). The Progressives are this close to insurrection. The Guardian: The American civil war didn’t end. And Trump is a Confederate president Steve Sailer

* The Atlantic: Trump Is the Glue That Binds the Far Right

* Far-Right Internet Groups Listen for Trump’s Approval, and Often Hear It

* Stacy McCain: Why Do We Know Almost Nothing About Pittsburgh Gunman Robert Bowers?

* On Gab, domestic terrorist Robert Bowers engaged with several influential alt-right figures

* From the NYT story: “Stout learned to his horror that Spencer was planning a speech at the University of Florida. He spent weeks frantically trying to get up to speed, scouring far-right and anti-fascist websites and videos, each click driving him further into despair.” LOL

* “Hundreds of Jews” contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

* SNL mocks disabled veteran

* Gypsies versus Pakistanis in the North of England. Ain’t diversity grand? Steve Sailer

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What Is HIAS?

Stacy McCain writes:

…I have to say that Robert Bowers succeeded in calling my attention to something I’d never noticed, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society:

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, or HIAS, known for its resettlement work in the United States and internationally, is one of the oldest refugee protection agencies in the country. The organization became part of the national conversation Saturday after the man accused of shooting and killing 11 at a synagogue in Pittsburgh appeared to have referred to the group online.
In a post on the social network Gab, the accused shooter, Robert Bowers, 46, linked to a directory of synagogues participating in a HIAS event, National Refugee Shabbat, saying he “appreciated” the list. As part of the elaborate anti-Semitic conspiracy theory to which he subscribed — which prosecutors say motivated his crime — Bowers claimed that HIAS was working to bring people to the United States to do violence. . . .
Founded in 1881 as a storefront on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the organization began as a mission to help Eastern European Jews who were fleeing anti-Semitism and war. . . .
In 1980, HIAS became an official voluntary agency for the State Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement, joining eight other organizations, which include other religious-based groups like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services and the Church World Service.
The U.S. government refers immigration cases to HIAS, which works with 20 sites and affiliates across the country to help resettle refugees. Most of the people working on the ground to deploy resources are associated with Jewish family centers.
Nearly two decades ago, it began to help non-Jewish immigrants from countries like the Republic of Congo, Afghanistan and Syria — mainly resettling migrants from war-torn countries and providing them with housing and financial and job assistance.
“As our president likes to say, ‘We used to help refugees because they were Jewish but now we help refugees because we’re Jewish,’” [HIAS spokesman Bill] Swersey said.
HIAS is also involved in immigration causes around the world through its 10 international offices. The recent issues at the U.S.-Mexico border and a migrant caravan have also become part of their work.
“As far as the migrant caravan goes, we are actively advocating for asylum seekers,” Swersey said.

Whoa! I had no idea about this group. Did you?

Here we have an organization “actively advocating” for open borders — fanatics committed to preventing the United States from enforcing its immigration laws — and the only people who seem to have noticed were Jew-haters like this high-school dropout from Pittsburgh.

Of course, there are all kinds of tax-exempt non-profits, including liberal Catholic and Protestant groups, doing the same thing as HIAS, but the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists either ignore those other organizations or claim that they are somehow “controlled” by Jews. This is how ignorance, combined with the liberal bias (and/or laziness) of journalists, creates a void from which dangers emerge.

Liberal reporters don’t want Americans to know about the network of tax-exempt non-profit organizations that are working to subvert our national sovereignty, which is why you’re never going to see a critical examination of these groups on CNN. Jew-haters, however, are going to dig around obsessively and even a blind pig finds the occasional acorn, which yields the remarkable intersection of (a) a little-known fact that is actually important in the context of current public-policy debates, and (b) a dimwit kook whose response to this information is to take his guns to a synagogue and murder a bunch of innocent people.

Well, mass-murder is a bad idea and I’m against it, but the frustration that seems to have inspired Robert Bowers — why is everybody ignoring the role of HIAS in flooding the United States with Third World “refugees”? — is understandable. This organization that was founded to help relocate persecuted Jews (e.g., HIAS brought Google founder Sergey Brin’s family here from the Soviet Union in 1979) has been hijacked for other purposes, and is now “actively advocating” on behalf of this lawless caravan from Honduras. Nobody in the world of media or politics seems interested in discussing this unpleasant subject, which is why the only people talking about it were dimwit Jew-haters.

Shouldn’t intelligent critics of the open-borders lobby stop ignoring this? And shouldn’t conservative Jews be outraged that groups like HIAS are damaging the reputation of Jewish Americans, including patriotic citizens who don’t want to see their country overrun by a lawless horde of “refugees”? This is a shanda fur die goyim.

If I, as a righteous Gentile, am obligated to denounce anti-Semitic idiots like Robert Bowers, I should hope that Jews would feel a duty to reciprocate by denouncing those left-wing Jewish idiots (like the people running HIAS) who do things that inspire anti-Semitism.

By the way, my friend Jeff Dunetz wants you to know that hating George Soros doesn’t make you an anti-Semite, and this NRCC ad in Minnesota makes clear why every American should hate George Soros:

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ProPublica/Frontline – NEW Hit Piece on WN/AltRight

Rodney says: “ProPublica/Frontline will be airing yet another hit piece on the WN/AltRight Nov. 20, this time they will be interviewing a masked, w/ voice distorted “self described WN/AltRighter saying they targeted Nuclear Power Plants.
Remember I predicted WN/AltRight was being primed to be officially designated as Terrorists, this makes EVERY self described WN & AltRight eligible to come under jurisdiction of NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act AND be labeled Unlawful Enemy Combatants as John Walker Lindh, a White kid, was, despite being an American citizen, born in the U.S.”

“I just watched the Trailer at 53:29, they focus on Ex Military joining WN & AltRight & interview a disguised WN/AltRight who claims they “targeted Nuclear Power Plants” I call Bullshit, they are not that 1-brave 2- not organized 3- Disciplined 4- equipped 5- way too infiltrated 6- lack the leadership & skillset This is designed to get WN & AltRight designated as “Terrorists”.”

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