Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Are Israeli Settlements The Problem?

Dennis Prager writes for the Jewish Journal: According to every liberal editorial page in America (and virtually every editorial page abroad), according to President Obama, the United Nations and every other liberal institution, and according to Jews on the left, … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter On Election

From DennisPrager.com: Ann Coulter on the Election Monday, November 08, 2010 | Posted by: Allen Estrin at 2:40 PM Dennis talks to Ann Coulter about Tuesday’s election. Here’s her latest column. Dennis and Angry Liberals: Are People Basically Good? Monday, … Continue reading

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Are People Basically Good?

Dennis Prager writes: If my mail is any indication, I suspect I aroused considerably more anger among Jews by arguing that man is not basically good (and that the belief in man’s innate goodness is neither rational nor Jewish) than … Continue reading

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Politics According To The Bible

Dennis Prager writes: There is an American tradition of voting not for the party, but “for the man.” Unlike Europeans, who are more ideologically driven, Americans have prided themselves in assessing individuals of both parties, and then voting for the … Continue reading

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The Dennis Prager Voting Guide

From DennisPrager.com: Many of you have asked how I’m voting. Since I live in California, here’s my list and my reasons for California candidates, propositions and judges. Non-Californians may wish to read this for my thinking on similar propositions on … Continue reading

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