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Top European rabbi urges Israel to end engagement with far-right parties

From the Times of Israel:

A leading European rabbi this week called on Israel to end its engagement with far-right parties in Europe, regardless of their position on the Jewish state.

Conference of European Rabbis president Pinchas Goldschmidt warned Israeli lawmakers at a meeting at the Knesset on Thursday that cozying up to nationalist groups in Europe was putting the local Jewish community at risk.

“If a party is intrinsically racist, bigoted against large parts of society and intolerant of minorities, if Jews are not the target now, they will be in the near future,” Goldschmidt said in a statement released Friday.

He told lawmakers at the Knesset’s Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs that Israeli politicians should consult with local Jewish communities before engaging with far-right officials.

“It is not worth a short-term endorsement or for Israel to receive political support, only to put the Jewish community at risk,” Goldschmidt said.

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Man Tries Running Over Orthodox Jews on Friday Night [VIDEO]

From the Yeshiva World:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is investigating a disturbing incident which occured on Friday night.

YWN spoke to one of the victims who says that at around 9:30PM on Friday night, he and another person were walking on Le Brea Blvd and Oakwood – in front of the Bais Yehuda Shul, when a vehicle drove past screaming anti-Semitic slurs at them.

The victim says the vehicle made an abrupt U-Turn and began hurling anti-semitic slurs before attempting to run over the group of identifiable Orthodox Jews. The vehicle sped off and was involved in a car accident at the intersection of Highland and Oakwood.

The victim tell YWN that there was a Koran on the windshield, and the driver was of Middle-Eastern descent.

Additionally, after the LAPD arrived at the scene of the crash, the man continued on his anti-Semitic rant.

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Brett Favre Endorses The GDL? (11-25-18)

MP3 of the show.

11:00 Analytical Chick joins
32:00 AC vs Brundlefly, Doooovid
34:16 Brundlefly joins, it is like old times!
42:00 Patrick Little, Handsome Truth, GDL
54:00 Kenneth Brown discussed
57:30 Doovid joins and the show takes off as we play highlight clips from the funniest Norvin Hobbs moments of the Brundlecast
1:30:00 The hilarious idea that Norvin took down Frame Game Radio
2:12:00 Norvin Hobbs joins, boom!

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Does The Bible Need Trigger Warnings? (11-23-18)

00:00 Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages
09:00 Life, Liberty & the Deadly Pursuit of Big-Ass $99 TVs
17:00 Girls can’t navigate?
33:00 ‘Murphy Brown’ Threatens ICE Agents: ‘I Will Spatchcock You,’ Tries Intimidation to Stop Raid
39:00 Trump’s new plan would force asylum seekers to remain in Mexico as cases are processed
45:00 Roger Stone Associate Jerome Corsi In Plea Negotiations With Mueller
49:00 Small group breaks from caravan to press within 500 feet of U.S. border in Tijuana
49:00 Are There Any Feminist Reality TV Shows?
58:00 Hate Hoaxer Michael Ron David Kadar Sentenced in Israel
1:02:00 BOOK CLUB: Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
1:42:00 End of civil rights movement
1:52:00 “Natalia Antonova, Laurie Penny, and Oliver Kamm are three examples of prominent commentators who delight in making vicious, denigrating remarks about people in the process of virtue-signalling”
1:56:00 Laurie Penny: http://www.desertsun.co.uk/blog/5470/
1:58:00 ESPN loses 2 million subscribers in 2018
2:02:00 Sheryl Sandberg admits she knew about Soros smear
2:04:00 WP: Trump’s judicial fantasy: What Chief Justice Roberts could have told him but didn’t
2:07:00 Global Cooling

* Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages:

A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism outlines numerous suggestions; It was produced after a conference organised by the European Jewish Congress; The conference discussed anti-Semitism online and in various religious texts; Leaders met earlier this week in Vienna to discuss the new policy suggestions

Jewish leaders are calling for new editions of the Bible and Koran to carry warning messages which highlight anti-Semitic passages in the holy texts.

The recommendations have been made in a new document called ‘An End to Antisemitism! A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism’.

It was produced following an international conference organised by the European Jewish Congress, at which academics gathered to discuss how prejudice and discrimination can be tackled.

Among the policies mentioned in the document was the idea of warning messages in holy texts, a topic discussed in a chapter entitled ‘recommendations regarding Religious Groups and Institutions’.

The document reads: ‘Translations of the New Testament, the Qur’an and other Christian or Muslim literatures need marginal glosses, and introductions that emphasize continuity with Jewish heritage of both Christianity and Islam and warn readers about antisemitic passages in them.

‘While some efforts have been made in this direction in the case of Christianity, these efforts need to be extended and made consistent in both religions.’

There are several themes in the New Testament that have come under fire for their use as justification for anti-Semitic attitudes.

These include the blame of Jews for the death of Jesus and the seemingly stubborn nature of the Jewish people and their disloyalty to God.

While there are some negative remarks about Jews in the Koran, and negative portrayals of the people.

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has previously spoken of how religious texts can be exploited or misinterpreted to promote discriminatory attitudes.

Writing in a collection of essays published in 2016, he said: ‘It is a shameful truth that, through its theological teachings, the church, which should have offered an antidote, compounded the spread of this virus.

‘The fact that anti-Semitism has infected the body of the Church is something of which we as Christians must be deeply repentant. We live with the consequences of our history of denial and complicity.’

The document, which was produced by academics including Dina Porat and Lawrence H. Schiffman, also calls on all antisemitic texts and passages in the heritage of Christianity and Islam ‘to be identified and rejected’.

Other recommendations include religious leaders and thinkers ‘publicly denouncing as unholy writ’ canonical or quasi-canonical writings of religious anti-Semites.

The justification for these changes, the documents states, is because divine messages are always communicated through human beings and therefore subject to error.

It reads: ‘God’s revelation is thus marred by human fallibility. Beginning with the New Testament, divine revelation expresses itself in Christian holy texts that also express a form of hatred.

‘The manifestations of this hatred resulted in a tradition of antisemitism that gave moral legitimacy to crimes against the Jewish people, the epitome of which is the Shoah.’

* She navigates like a girl: NYT: Officer of the deck during fatal Fitzgerald collision pleads guilty at court-martial

* Gender Politics And The Sinking Of The KNM Helge Ingstad

* Wikipedia: “Kara Spears Hultgreen (5 October 1965 – 25 October 1994) was a lieutenant and naval aviator in the United States Navy and the first female carrier-based fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy. She died just months after she was certified for combat, when she crashed her F-14 Tomcat into the sea on final approach to USS Abraham Lincoln.”

* Why are journalists so miserable?

* Hate Hoaxer Michael Ron David Kadar Sentenced in Israel

NYT: American-Israeli Teenager Is Sentenced to 10 Years for Bomb Hoaxes

* Z-Man on the end of the civil rights movement

* Are There Any Feminist Reality TV Shows?

* Trump’s judicial fantasy: What Chief Justice Roberts could have told him but didn’t


* Sheryl Sandberg admits lying about Soros

* Small group breaks from caravan to press within 500 feet of U.S. border in Tijuana

* Hollywood larps as revolutionaries. ‘Murphy Brown’ Threatens ICE Agents: ‘I Will Spatchcock You,’ Tries Intimidation to Stop Raid

* Trump’s new plan would force asylum seekers to remain in Mexico as cases are processed

* For the crime of speaking to Roger Stone:

SEASON’S BEATINGS: Black Friday shoppers throw punches in Walmart, wrestle TVs in merch scrum

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