The White Diaspora

Jones comments: “White diaspora is what I call it. Two suggestions that will seem a bit far fetched. 1) retrench in a hyper-traditional version of our language. So basically start teaching our children to seriously recover King James English. This won’t come naturally… it’s swimming against the stream. But it has the advantage of creating immediate in-group membership and of being utterly legal. Additionally, it’s right there in every collected Shakespeare. It takes effort, but it would be worth it. People say that’s impossible should read about how Jews developed Yiddish. 2) in-group dress codes. This doesn’t have to be formal. It could be “wear some plaid every day.” Again, this creates in-group identity and awareness. It also might generate excellent reactions — POC crybabies calling plaid “actually Nazi,” etc. 3) I’ve also noticed a bunch of “Korean Baptist” churches around where I live. What about “European Baptist?” Could we pull that off?”

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Trump To Mexico: Don’t Test Me (11-15-18)

04:00 Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists
09:00 Justin Trudeau Gives $595 Million Tax Relief to ‘Eligible’ Media
13:00 An LA teacher called Harriet Glickman bullied #CharlesSchulz into including a black child in Peanuts.
18:00 NYC’s school diversity plan could lead to another ‘white flight’
23:00 Despite child abuse suspension, Adrian Peterson uses belt on son
26:00 This chest-mounted robot feeding arm could stuff your face when you’re too full to move
28:00 NYT: Why the Announcement of a Looming White Minority Makes Demographers Nervous
36:00 Will Viggo Mortensen’s Racial Slur Doom His Oscar Chances?
40:00 Theater Thursday: Midnight Run (1988)
1:10:00 Robert DeNiro separated from his wife of 20 years, Grace Hightower
1:28:00 Coen brothers, Hail Caesar (2016)

* Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists

* Justin Trudeau Gives $595 Million Tax Relief to ‘Eligible’ Media


* Theater Thursday: Midnight Run (1988)

* Despite child abuse suspension, Adrian Peterson uses belt on son

* This chest-mounted robot feeding arm could stuff your face when you’re too full to move

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The Alt Right Is Pornographic

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The Laws Of Lashon Hara (Evil Speech) (11-22-18)

The 31 Commandments Relating Lashon Hara

Is Gossip Good?

The Great Controversies Of The Chofetz Chaim

From Principles to Rules and from Musar to Halakhah: The Hafetz Hayim’s Rulings on Libel and Gossip by Benjamin Brown

Reb Doooovid says:

I studied intensely the laws of Lashon Harah, not just the Chafetz Chaim, so big subject.

Think everyone agrees that Lashon Harah is a sin from the Torah, the Hafetz Haim says it is 31 sins at a time, and hence one who fears Hashem should be very careful.

And obviously the Talmud places a huge emphasis on speech, with at least two tractates (Sheviem & Nedarim) and parts of many more completely related to what comes out of our mouth.

But the notes in your blog are noted, and obviously Hasidim were less strict, as you mentioned the Meiri, where it is also a sin to hate your fellow Jew in your heart, hence better to say Lashon Harah (a one time sin) than harbor hate, a recurring sin every moment we have hate on our heart.

And relevant to your audience and concept of a ‘STREAMERS CODE OF ETHICS’ the concept of Lashon Harah should be useful, as well as the concept of authorized Lashon Harah, and Rabbis trading information, an exact parallel to streamers exchanging information, so if we frame the discussion well, I think this will be our best stream yet, and the most relevant thing we discussed. And if it goes well you can bring any of the crew to talk at length.

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#114 11-21-18 Children: Liberalism’s Final Frontier

00:00 Modernity’s war on difference
25:00 Fare evasion decriminalized because disproportionate number of blacks were arrested
32:00 Black FedEx driver will NOT be charged after fatally punching white man who hurled the N-word and other racial insults at him
35:00 Election fraud scheme on L.A.’s skid row got homeless to sign fake names for cigarettes and cash
37:00 Trump hits back at Chief Justice Roberts, escalating an extraordinary exchange
40:00 Marwencol: the incredible WWII art project created by a cross-dresser who was beaten up by bigots
44:00 Is Thanksgiving ‘racist’?
48:00 Brundlefly joins.
1:02:00 Vivian Veritas
1:10:00 Men who fear their wives
1:16:00 Why do wives publicly mock their husbands?
1:24:00 Men get bored hearing other people talk about their kids
1:54:00 Roosh: “The Catholic Church and Goldman Sachs are virtue signalling in an identical way for the most degenerate class of people on the planet. Most Western institutions are controlled by the same spider.”
2:10:00 Jones Very joins the show to discuss modernism.
2:22:00 Korean Baptist churches
2:48:00 Gavin McIness disavows the Proud Boys
3:00:00 KMG says bye

* In 20 years we’ll look back on the rush to change our children’s sex as one of the darkest chapters in medicine, says psychotherapist BOB WITHERS

* Tumblr Blacklisted from Apple App Store for ‘Child Sexual Exploitation’

* Netflix Battles Film Director Over Underage Frontal Nudity

* Election fraud scheme on L.A.’s skid row got homeless to sign fake names for cigarettes and cash, D.A. says

* Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts calls out Trump for his attack on a judge

* Marwencol: the incredible WWII art project created by a cross-dresser who was beaten up by bigots

* Is Thanksgiving racist?

* Tijuana Police Arrest 34 Caravan Migrants for Drugs, Drunkenness

* Fewer than two in 10 Americans looking forward to talking politics at Thanksgiving: poll

* Free Vacations, $100,000 Discounts: Homebuilders Get Desperate

* Angela Merkel defends UN migration pact, rejects ‘nationalism in its purest form’

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