Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

The Wussification Of America

Dennis Prager came back live to the radio Thursday. He took Tuesday and Wednesday off. He’s working furiously to finish his next book — the case for American values. Dennis: “How much of my childhoood was unprogrammed. I remember visiting … Continue reading

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The Tragic Pet Hour

When it comes to pets, men want a buddy and women want a child. On his show Dec. 27, 2010, Dennis Prager said: I get enough disagreement outside of my house. Inside my house, I really like harmony. The more … Continue reading

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What Do Women Want?

Dennis Prager writes: What a woman most wants is to be loved by a man she admires. …The truth is that almost nothing — including job success — elevates a woman in her own eyes as much as being loved … Continue reading

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The Force Field

He walked past Bnai David Thursday afternoon and saw a trash can with the sign, “Sponsored by Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky.” He stopped and stared. “What the hell?” he thought. “A trash can sponsored by a rabbi? Where’s the kavod of … Continue reading

Posted in Bnai David-Judea, Personal, R. Elazar Muskin, R. Yosef Kanefsky, YICC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Force Field

What Do Men Want?

Dennis Prager writes: He most wants to be admired by the woman he loves. One proof is that the most devastating thing a woman can do to her man is to hold him in contempt. That is so devastating to … Continue reading

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