Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

The Case For Capital Punishment

Dennis Prager writes for the Jewish Journal: I do not accept the argument that if even one innocent person is executed, we should keep every murderer alive. The argument is neither morally nor intellectually tenable. If one were to adopt … Continue reading

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Arab League Tells America To Drop Dead

Dennis Prager writes: Many readers will recall one of the most famous headlines in modern American newspaper history — the 1975 New York Daily News headline “Ford to City: Drop Dead.” Substitute “Arab League” for “Ford” and “America” for “City” … Continue reading

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Should We Execute Murderers?

Dennis Prager writes for the Jewish Journal: Last week, Rhode Island announced that it will release Michael Woodmansee from prison this August, 12 years early, because of “good conduct.” He will have served 28 years of his 40-year sentence. His … Continue reading

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Should America Intervene In Libya?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “I don’t want any troops in Libya or anything like that. If the French president and the Arab League wants something done and the United States which has the Statue of Liberty … Continue reading

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Fondling In The Kitchen

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “You are the wife. You are doing work in the kitchen, washing dishes or in the garden gardening. There are no kids around. Your husband stops by to say something and he … Continue reading

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